Message to : All From : Akasha Subject : The Meet. Part I. Date/Time : Tue 02 Jul 1996 11:27a this is the beginning of the 24-hour meet that began at the gastown theatre at 4 pm. 4 pm. myself, agnostic, and candide sit around waiting for the telepoetics people to get their act together and start everything going. 4:45 or so. merlyn, cthulu, and the laughing fool show up, and there is some collective amusement until the show begins. 5 pm. there is some poetry reading and some poetry listening between ourselves and the hardened inner-city youth of chicago. 6:30 ?. hookup with L.A. some disturbed psychotic-sexual poetry on my part is read and some sun-baked i'm happy poetry on their part is read. tlf manages to offend a great many scientologists in their audience. i have to stand on a chair to be able to read a collaborative poem with cthulu. none of them seem to understand anything we're talking about, but we understand what they're talking about all too easily. oh well. they were trying, at least. somewhere in the midst of poetry reading, james joyce shows up, and i have no knowledge of his actual identity, beyond man-with-bone-in-nose. 8 pm. milling about in search of dinner or something else. arguments about greek food, cauliflower and crackers, and finally we trek off in search of falafels at a moroccan cafe. we squeeze around a table at the aforementioned cafe and settle down to some food. the number at this point consists of myself, james joyce, merlyn, tlf, cthulu, candide, candide's brother, and candide's sister-in-law. after dinner, we leave in search of merlyn's car. 8:45 ?. find merlyn's car and debate the possibilities of fitting all six of us inside. the arrangement consists of merlyn driving, cthulu riding shotgun, and me lying across the laps of james joyce, tlf, and candide. tabnet orgy?? a lot of driving around ensues where i get thrown about rather disturbingly. we end up near tower beach, on ubc grounds. in the name of art, we move an unattached lamp-post to what seems to be an aesthetically better location. the ubc campus security shows up. we run. whoops. 9:30 ?. security catches up with us, demanding to know what we were doing. when we all assemble again, we realise that tlf is in fact missing. in a moment of melodrama, he emerges from the bushes on the other side of a fence, bleeding from his hand and demanding help. an ambulance is called, and the rest of us mill ineffectually. tlf is extracted, and taken away in an ambulance. we return to cthulu's house. 10:45. cheese, crackers, peas, cauliflower. lying on cthulu's floor, anticipating parental return. 12:30. word comes that we do not have to wait for tlf, and we go for a lot of walks. walk to playground, along trails, european handball with a hackysack in a basketball court, cartwheels, swings, forming of five-pointed stars, and some vague sleepy protestations. 1:30. dine on blue (sugar, sand, colouring) and slurpees and wander back to cthulu's. 2 am. settle in cthulu's basement. some sleep. some harmonious and unique snoring on everyone's part (save candide). some shifting of positions. 7:30. people rise unwillingly. candide, myself, james joyce, and meryln head to bennys and eat bagels for breakfast. the world is conspiring to be altogether too cheery. 8 am. the four of us head to spanish banks to wade on sand bars, bury our feet in the sand, and have some mud fights. much splashing ensues. we dry off in the sun. 9:30. james joyce is dropped off, leaving me in possession of a shirt lent the previous night due to my lack of sleeves. he denys that he wants it back. 10 am. the three remaining return to my house all the way in north van, to shower, and be mildly rested. 11 am. we leave in search of breakfast, ending up at the white spot on georgia. candide and i are dropped off at waterfront to meet the masking tapers on the other side of the seabus route. thus ends part one. part two to follow when i'm more conscious. -!- DoDEL ! Origin: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! (31:3373/7) Message to : All From : Zinnia Anonymous Subject : I hate lonsdale quay Date/Time : Tue 02 Jul 1996 8:55p me getteth on ye bus at 9:55 me arriveth at waterfront at 10:15 me rideth ye seabus me arriveth at lonsdale quaye at 10:45 me sitteth me walketh me buyeth fig. me ne'er hath etten fig; fig wast not good. yuck. me spitteth out ye fig. me glareth at canada day festivities. me readeth Xtra West personal ads ("I want a woman who packs"). me sitteth againe. me se液h ye Fool; me ne sayeth nor speaketh; me hath a mighty fear of ye Fool. me looketh up; behold, ye gods! tis agnostic, smiling broadly. empowered by ye presence of agnostic, me seeketh out ye Fool. we visiteth ye canada day festivities in all hir pornographic (mcdonalds' flags) glories. we recieveth free tree planting kits. candide and akasha arriveth, red-eyed and sorely fatigued. small child approacheth; tis sirrah flibbles. gentleman whose handle goes yet unknown to me (kevin?) arrives. we waiteth; we writeth notes for cthulu and merlyn "you have two hours to complete this examination". we searcheth quay. we seeth rats. we screameth: "rats!" we waiteth anon. after many hours, we leaveth quay. on bus, we speaketh in loud voices of much apocrypha and miscellanie, enteraining other travellers. in lynn canyon, we dicketh around for a long time. agnostic fisheth for fish in ice-cold waters of lynn creek, jeans rolled up to his knees. josh describeth him: "you look like a bear fishing!" agnostic is mightily displeased. we throweth rocks. ye menfolk throweth bigger and bigger rocks until rocks can be thrown no more. we sitteth on rocks. agnostic begins taping scenery down; I begin balancing rocks. candide discovers his primal instincts and bangs rocks together to make little rocks smaller. candide crowned smith of tribe. eventually, myself, flibbles, fool, akasha, and agnostic are taped together. we form a radially symmetrical entity with ten legs and five arms and five heads. new entity taunted by candide and other fellow. learning the tricks of our new legs and arms, we somehow manage to leave canyon. all the while, we protesteth our superiority unto two "monolithic obsolete lifeforms". entity disbanded. bus taken. flibbles disappears. we taketh the seabus yet againe back to downtown for the sole purpose of buying falafel. falafel is bought. candide and fool disappear. akasha, agnostic, and I return to the seabus and find ourselves once again in lynn valley. -!- FuzzMail v4.444 ! Origin: fuzz: midgetfest '96, watch out baby! (31:3373/8) From : Akasha Subject : The Meet, Part II. Date/Time : Tue 02 Jul 1996 9:33p and now the conclusion of the 24-hour meet. 1 pm. candide and i return to lonsdale quay to find tlf, agnostic, and zinnia waiting for us. a few seconds after our arrival, mr. flibbles manages to locate us all. 2 pm. as we await cthulu and merlyn's promised arrival, we encounter a virtual delusions caller (maurader, raider x) who seems to decide to come with us on our trek. 2:30. give up on cthulu and merlyn, and head out to lynn canyon for fun with adhesives, etc. find our way to the bottom of the canyon and begin tossing rocks into a pool of water with much splashing. tape candide and mr. flibbles together, much to the dismay of the hair on candide's arms. agnostic proceeds to tape various portions of nature together, including my arm, a shoe, several trees, rocks, and mr. flibbles. more roaming. the formation of a five-portioned entity, consisting of agnostic, zinnia, myself, tlf, and flibbles. argue with the obsolete singular creature known as candide about the merits of being a multi-partitioned being. we make it all the way to the bus stop without too much damage (save the sacrificial separation of mr. flibbles). kevin decides that he's had enough of tabbers and goes home. 5:45. mr flibbles splits off, and the five remaining hop on the seabus to seek out falafels downtown. candide and i hallucinate. falafels are found at the moroccan cafe place. tlf insists that candide and i return home to avoid subsequent injury. 6:45. the meet is officially deemed to be over, as candide takes the skytrain, and agnostic, zinnia, and i take the seabus, splitting up. 7:20. i make it home and proceed to collapse. -!- DoDEL ! Origin: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! (31:3373/7)