25 paks and still goin...wow...it seems like yesterday when the 1st FLiP Pak was uploaded to the BBS some two and a half years ago..for those of you who dont know me, this is San Miguel, sysop of TFM. My board has been up for about three years now and has grown through the years from a 486-66 with 450 meg HD to its present state..although we arent the WHQ anymore, I am still proud to be associated with a quality group such as FLiP Productions. So to all you who may have doubted FLiP its clear that it has become somewhat of a world wide known group and is known around the 'elite' of the art groups. So all that I can say is keep up the good work and we'll see ya after the next 25 paks ;) San Miguel [TFM 313] SAUCE00FLiP Member Profile San Miguel FLiP PRoDuCTioNS 19961021P