[ Start ] EP - PROLIFIC -- Presented by EP ASCII Studios. _ _| |__.___ __.____ .______.__| |_ BOOTLEG! BOOTLEG! ,s::\ \_\_ ___/_ _ | |_______ | | _/ UNOFFICAL BOOTLEG .:::::::(___ / | ___|_ ____ | __ _____ | ;::;:::::' `. == |= | _/ =| |= | _/ | \_ | =|= ,:::::;' ..- \_ |_____ _ __| _ ______|______|______| ,:::B:::' .`'__, )___ ::::::::' ` ( ,,,' `_) Extended Play Ascii Studios ,::::'--. `' / Fucking the Competition[EP] .::U:: ' \ //'/) ::::; /'' `\ `-' (_ ;:::::,' ) \ > Extended Play is cumming `::::G:::, .' with the tightest asscii `::::::::: `.__,--' U.S., and Worldwide. EP, `:::::::`. ( for that bangin' ascii.<< `::::::::::,_. \ ::::S::::::, \ \ ::::::::::::, \ `\ ::::::::Y:::: ) `-.. `::::::::::::'' `\ `:::'::'' ,`\ `\ /' ' /' ( () /' /' `\ `-/' / / `\_ / /' /' `\_ _-'\ /' /';\ `\__-' ) /' /'`:;:\ | /' /' ;;;::) | /' /' `:'_/ | ( /' / (_ \ `\ /' | `\ `\/' /' `\ /' .' / ; `\:' .' / : ; ./' /,. _________._ :' / ,::: `.___,;;' ``(\ `\ ( ( ::;" \_ -)) \ `\ `:' ________(./' : `\. `. `. _.'' `\ `\ _) : `---' `\ `\ | ; ( `\ /' | )' ' | / /' ,/ | ' /' \, `\ /' / /' /' `. .' \ / `\ /' `. .' `\ E X T E N D E D P L A Y / _\_[ ]]_____[ ]]_/_ { {{_+ + _ +/_ ___ |/ //+ |\ // \! _______/+ _______ + | `\_ ; _| ; _/^ +|_ Bugsy(ep) ^\\+ | +\\+ !/^ \__ ' +\_____ / \+____,-+--' |/ \|S T U D I O S' Welcome to Prolific, From the Notorious EP 3G. . e x t e n d e d p l a y . : . .. .. s S $$S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/\$::: : . . $$S"'~~ `S$$" ~ ~~`"$$ ,$$ sSs $$ ,$S, $$, ` $$$ $$$ $$ $$$$, $$$'' ' ' $$ $$$ :: $$$$S' $$' $$ $$$ $$ $$$$' $$, bugsy .. ... $$ `S' $$ $$$' $$$ : : .. ... . .sS$$ ' ,S$$' .. .. :.. ... .: $$ :. . ,S$$$$$$$$$$ ,S$$$$$$$$$"' .. ... ..: : : ,$$ : $$` ~ ~'$$ . ... $$$ .. . .. :. . :.. . . : :.. . .. .. $$$ $$ :. .: : $$$ : extendedPlaySTUDIOS ° :..: :. . `$$ $$$ + -- + :. ... ... .:. ... ... ... .. .. $$$ :.$$$ .. ..:$$ $$$ presents : EP - Prolific. `$$ $$$ $$ $$$ ² °°° ° °° °° ,$$ °° °° $$$ °° °° °°° ° $$$ ° °° °° ° °° ° °° ° ± $$$ $$$ $$ $$$ . ± `$$S, `$" $$ $$$ /\ $$$SSs. ,S$$S, $$$ _______ ___ ___/ `\ ° `"S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S' < << >_E__>___>_P_>__>> > \/ ;:::: Extended Play -- An Official EP ASCII Releasing Outfit release. ::::; ________________ _______________________________ ______________ _______ ^\~ _ \ ~ | \~ */~ _ //~' __/____\ __/~ _ /____\~ __/ \_ ____\ ; \__ _\ ___/__ | \~ \_ ___/_ | ###| | ~\ | / { {{_ | __/ | \_ | _| ; _}} ; |_ __| ; / ^\ _/^ ; \_ | _) | \_ | _| | _/ \~ | // | \ _| | | ; |__ | |_ ; \~ ; |__ \\ ; / ; \\ \~ ; |_ | ~/ | ~/' | \\ | ~/^ \ ' _/_____| \_____\\ ' __/___| //_______/ ' ___\ ` ___/ ## #\_____|## ~#~|__,,___\ ### \______| ### |_ / # ### ~\______| ##\____| ## # eppublishing(asciiap) \/ Bugsy(!ep) _______ . ................................ ___,,___________ ____________| _/ : [ !ep ] -- Informational : \_ _ \~ |____\____ \~ | /_ : Filename -- EP-PRO .TXT : _| ___/_ | __/ __\____ |_ : Release Date -- 08/11/98 : ^\_ | _| ; \_ | \~ ; __)) : Artist -- [!EP]/DonBugsy : ; | {{_ | |_ | \__ | ; : 80x25 ami[ ] afs[ ] EDIT : _| ; _| ; __/ | _/ ; |_ : T: EP - P r o l i f i c. : \ | \~ | \~ | (_ | ~>> :..............................: . \\ ; \\ ' _\\ __|_ ` // ## ## ## ## ### ##### ### # # ##### # #\___|# ##\______|#\_____|###\_____/ ## EP Presents : EP - Prolific. _____ _______________________ ____ ____________ __________________ _ _ |___(____) ___/_\___/_ | . | | | | | | _ | _____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____ _ bugsy| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ++ ++ +++ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + + | | | ____ ____ | | | | | | | | ++ ++ + | | | |____ | | | ____| | | | | + | | | | _ __________ | | _ ______________ _ + | ' ____| | | | ++ ++ | ______ ________ | | | | | | | | | | | | Featuring the EP Studios Krew. | | _ _____| |______ _ . : | | | Prolific. A word meaning to produce an abundance of work or results. | | EP; A conglomerate producing an abundance of work, and in turn, prod | | ucing results. The results produced are what you see here, an abund- | | ance of ascii of exceedingly high quality. With Prolific, EP moves | | to another level, a level where it cannot be broken. Thank you for | | obtaining EP - Prolific, EP Compilation Release Number Two. -- Bugsy | | | : . _______ __ _ _ __ _______________________| __/______________ ______/\______ __ _ | //____]___ /_ | \_ /__ /_ | / _____/__ ___| /__ /_ | | | | _/ | _|__| \___ _/ <_ _/ | | [_ \_/ _| | | | \_ _\ | | | | | | | | | \_ | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ \_ | /_ \_ | |_ | \_ | | | | | _\ | /_ | | | | | _/ | |_ | | | _] | | _/ _| | |_ | | | | _/ | | | | | \_ | | ^\~ | __/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---, \\ _____\_____/'______/'__|____`\______`\_|____`\______`\ /' \/ BY Presents - The D i a m o n d Collection. /___ / ` New Art by Bugs Diamonds of Extended Play Studios \/ +- - - ----------------------- - - - -- --- - ------------------ ' --------+ | B O O T L E G | | B O O T L E G | | | | Recommended Viewer: EDIT.COM, Text Foreground: BrWhite, Background: Black | | Enjoy the Compilation, Stay Strong -- BugsCeoEP | +- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -+ ============================================================================= SOLO SHIT -- BRING IT! Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Blade 1 Crew .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: : : _________|\ __________________ /|_ ____ ____ --- ---- --- ---\_ \_/ _/ ____)_\ | | _/ --- ---- -- - ____ ____ | _|\\__| _|____|___ __|____ __|____________ (_ |__|__ ||___| _ |___| _| ___|| |_ |_ \_ ___)_ ~~ ~| _] | _/' [___ | ____|__ | | | | | ____|~~ ~ | | | | | | | | | | __] | | | | | | _ (_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : ::| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |++ + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [== ============|===============|=======|===========|=======|============= =] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |:: : | | | | | | _| | | | | | | | | |_ | | [ [________________|___|___________|_______|___|_______|___|____________ [_ | || | || _____| | || @by :::::::::::::::::| | `| | |' | | | ||:::::::::::::::: -- ---- ---- - -| ' | |_____ | | `|-- ---- --- - -- |_________ |_____| __________| ____|_____ \| |/ ============================================================================= All Out War draw that shit. Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Chat(PDw/Sig) .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: - - ---- - ------------ --- -------- --- ----- -- ----- -- ------- --- ------ [ chat ] : Chat me, pLEASE!!! --- - --------- --------- ------ ------- -- -- ------ ----- -- ------- - - -- : . ` - , ......... ...:..... .. . ..:...... .. . :: :. : .: :: :...... .....: :. : : : :: : :.... .....: : :: .......: :.. ..: `: : : :: (_) :...:: : : : <_) : : : : bugsgotti : :: : ..... : : : ...... ' ::. ...: : ::.. : :...: :: :. ..:: :. ...:: :.:..: : ' : ` - , . ============================================================================= Nobody does it better than me. Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Chemical .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: ________ _______ _______ ______________|~ ______________| ~~/_______________________\ ~~| \~ //+ | _ ____/_ | ____]]+ _ __\ |_____ _/ |__/_ | \_ ______/ ` `\ `\ | /' \ ; ~/ \\ | ~+\\ +| | \\ \_/' \ \\ |___/_ | \\ | / ==\ | \ | |_ ` \ | // \ | \ | \_ ' `|== bgs\ ' _____|_____/_____________|_____\______________//___|_____ | ====\___,,_|========================================================\_,,____|== c (T) h (R) m (I) i (B) c (A) a (L) l (S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= Biiioooogennnnnnn... . Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> ComSense .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: Free John Gotti ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: __ ________|\_ Kresile's ________ __ ___/\____ __ _ ___\~ /_____\~ | ___/\___) _ _\______\_ ____/________/\___ \_ |_ _/_ \_ \_/' /~ ___/__ ___\_ ____ _/ _ _>> _/ | /~ | ; | ^\____ \ | | _ | \ _____/| ^\~ ; \ ; |_ | ` | ; | ; | _; ; ; | /__## \\ | _\ | __/' | ; | :;: | |_ | ^\~ | ; _] \ ' ' ; \ | | | |_ | / | `\__ ' |__ | /_ ### #\ _______ __ | \ __|__ ___ | //_ _ __/ | // ____ ~/' ' //^ epbugs\| ## # _ _____ __ \|# ##_ _______/ ## _ _ ___|___/ ## ## _ __ ______/# # ------------------------- ` --------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= Gimme a paper and pen, so I can write about my life of sin.. . Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Event Horizon .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: ...... .... ...... .... .... ..: :.. : :..: : . ............. : .... : .................... :.. ..: .................. . :..: :..: _____ _ :....: _ _ _____________| _ __ _ ____ __ ___ ________ _ __ ____/_ | \_ ____/_ /'' (_ ______/' | _| ______/'' | |___ ____ == === = = = | ==: == = \ | | == | | = ==== == = = := = \__ _/== = `\_ | : == |BugsDiamonds[EP] ``\_ _/'' = == |_ _ = =: | | */'' _ _____ ____|____ ______ ________/__(_)________|_ _ ___ _ ___/_________ _ _ \_ | (_ ``[_________]______ : | | | _/' ______ | _/ _/'' _/'' : ``\_ = ==: = `\_ _)'' : | \ | == | == = | _) = =:=== = =|= == _| | = =| == | == _/' =:= |_____ /_ _) [_ | |= == : |__ __ ___ _ __|____| |_ _ ____|____ ____|__ _______ | : |____| .......... . .......... ........ ......... |_____ . ........... : :. .: :. :. : . . ............... . :........: . :........: .......: ........: You can't fuck with EP -- Purg Logos? Crazyass Nerds. ============================================================================= Run a TRAIN on Squish! Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ......... ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: Knumberansi.. . : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Geebler .: : .: : :: : : : : Oysters >> : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: . : __,,----,,_,---,,----,,_ | /|_____ __,,-----,,_,,----,, ^\_ _____/ ___/_ ___/_ |__\~~ /__\ _____/ _ /^^ /~ \_ / ____/' ____/ __ /' / */ ____/ | `\ `\* / \ |/ `\ \| \ |/ ^\\ \ \ |/ `\ |____/^^ ===\__ \ __\_ \_ __\__ ` _\__ \ _|==================== ``----''----'' `-----''----' `----'' `-----'--'' Don Bugsy(EP)mHztyle Geebler ____,,--,,\ |____,,--,,__,,-----,,_,,---,,_,,----,,__,,---,,_ -> Oysters! \__ / | \ ___\___ ____/ ____/_ / ______/ (s) Compuman! / | /_____ /_____ / \\/ ____/^ | /_____ ~\ ^\\ | ^\\ \| ^\ |/ // `\ |/ \\ |___\ \| //' ================\_ \ /__ \ __/\__ \___| \_ /== `-----''-----'' `----''---'' `-----'' `----'' ============================================================================= CRIMINAL -- HUSSEIN! Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ......... ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Gradius .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: . . . . : : . [ . : : : : : = . _ _ __ _ : : = =/| ___,, __ _/| __,,_|\_ _______|\ /|_________\\ |_ /_\ _/|= = <<_ ____}}_ _\__ ___ _>>==\ _/^___] | ____,_/_ =; `\_ \_ | ((_ _}}____\\ ; //_ ; `\__,,__ _>> _ | _/^ ; _; | `\_ _]] ((_ ; _/^ | |= = ((_ | [[_ ; ^\\~ ; ; ; ^\ _/' | | ;_ _; ; ; | \__ | _ | _; ; ; ; _/' ^\_ ; __ _ ; ~/^ ; {_}} ; ; \_ | ; ; ; = =; | //~ ; ;_ | ; | `\__ ; ; _| | {_}} ~~\~ ' _ _/' |___ // ` _) ; //^ |_ ' ^\~ '' |_ _ _\ __\~ | ==\/ __,,_ ` /_____ //___ \\ ___ //^ \\ __ __/ \\ _,,_| \ __, ,,/ = ==\__,,_ / =|/ == =\___ |\ | |:___ /== \| ==\| = = \|== = = == |/ :BUGSY[EP!]\| \|= == |/ : : : : : : ]] Gradius,:(s) Konami of Odelay,, ` : . . : . . . . ============================================================================= *Cough Cough* -- Hey, get some new shit. Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Hail Mary .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: ______ ______ ____________ _______ _______ |+ | | _\______ _ [_____] _ +|______ | = ==| | _____ +| | | _ ; |_ |_ | [_ | | | | | _/__/ +| ; =| | ; == = | ______ ==| | | |== | | [_ _] ; | | |+ | Bugsy The Don |== = +| |+ | | ____ ==|== = = ==== === === | | =|== = _| |_ | | | Holy,, Outlaw | | | )____)+ | | +| |_____|___ _______ ______ ____________ __________|__ _____ ______ \_ | +| _\______ +| [_ /__ _\ | | | _____ | | _] _|______ | | \_ | | | | | \_ | | | = =| | = ==| | = ==| | = =|== == === === = === | | | ____ +| | +| |== = | |== = | |= == | | | |== | |+ _____ | __| |__|+ | | | | | \ \_/ | | |__________ | \______|___ ___________ _ ___________| |___________| ============================================================================= That bitch can't fuck with me. Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Hellbound .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: People say im HellBound, but hell cant be worse than this cuz im in hell now. . . : : | __ ___ ____ ____ ___ __ ___ | | |____| |__| |_| |_ ____| | |____ _| | | | _ | | | | | | | | | | h E L L b O U N D +-| | __| | | | | | | | | | |-- - - - -- ---- --- -- - ---+ |:| | | | |:::: : :::: : ::: : :::: :: :| |:| )__ | ) ( | | ) ___) | \ ):: dARK sHADOW's hELLbOUND! :| |:| | |____| |__| |_| |_ ___(_ | |____ _\ |: rUNNING mODDED rENEGADE! | |:| | _ | | _) | _) (_) | | (_ |:: tHE lATEST iN tOLL-fREE! :| |:| | __| | | | | | | | | | |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| +-| | | | | | | | | |=============================+ | |_| |_ | |_ | | __| | |_____ _ | _| ( | _| ) (__ | |_|___) ) ) : : ` `Screen:Bugsy(EP) ============================================================================= AOL, Compuserve, that other one -- fuck him. Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Liquid Sky .: : .: : :: : : : : Designs >> : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: _______ Liquid S k y ______ `\~~ | d e s i g n s ______ __ `\ |________________ \_ |____________________| /____ ___\ | ____| (_ ___)_ | | *)____)) /_ | _(____) | |_ | | |___ | +-- ---- --- -- | | _ `\_ | | | `\ __| | | | | | | | | _____________| | | | | | | _\ `\ | ; | | | | | | ___| _) _ | ; | _|_ _| | | | | \_ | | | | | | | | | | ___|_| | [_] `\ | | | _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `\ ` `\ ` \~ ; | |_ | | | | | | | | | | |_| | |_____\____\ ; \_____\_____| | /'| | | | | | | | | : |\~ ' /'___________| /__|~~ \ | // | | | | | | | | | | | \_____ / /~ _____/_ | // | */\ ___/ | | | | | | | | | | | | |/__\____ _] | / | _/ \| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |`\~~ | | | /\____ | | ' | | | ' | | | | | | | |__\ | |_ /_/ | |______|_______|__|__|_____/ | | | | | | | \_ ; */ | `\ | | | | | | | | | __| | / | \\ | |__ -- --- --- --- ---- --+ | | | | | | | `\~ ' // |______\ ` ~/' | | | | | | | \____ /| \ ____/ FUCK "Esc" if he uses | ` | ' | ` | |/ `b u g syEP.\| this on his wack bbs, \______|______|______/' cuz it isn't for him. ============================================================================= Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Muck .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: /\ m u c k ! . ^ . ^ : : _____\^ //__,,_| /__\ /_______| ~/'' ' ^\_~ ~ _/ | /'~~ ~ | /\' ~ ~~| // / | | `\ ; // |____/__\_ | /_ fuck#ansi +------- / ; | `\= = | ^\ ;~~ ~ ___> ' \ -------+ | == ==/' | = ; \\ | = =\== | ==;_ `\== = | | ^\ _,,_|___| = ==/___ ' \___ ' / | = ==\ = | \( ~ ~~| _____/' \ ___,,___/ (_____,,__/| |___,,____\ [BUGS GOTTI` OF EP |/ \| [ m u c k ] | |~~ ~ ] : ^ : | ^ a dumb #ansi bbs. : | | . op: a dumb #ansi idiot. . | +---------------------------- ^ -------------------------------------------+ /\ ============================================================================= Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Noname .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: N O N A M E _ ______,,____ __,,__________ _ ____ ____ \_\_ (_ \__ _ __\_____ | | | _] ___ /'' ' `/ _>> > _/ \_\_ | `\ /' <_ ___/ / | _|_ | | `\/' | `\_ ( (_ :;; [___] ; -+- | _]] | __| | _| | _| | __| ^\ | { {{_ | \_ ; ^\ \_ < <<_ | (_) | |_ _ \_ | | | | | _/_/ | | |_ _| | ; |_ | |_ /^ `\ _|_ | /^ /' /_____,,___/ \ /\_____[_]] ] |_______/\ / \/ \/ A S C I I ============================================================================= Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Noname Mems. .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: Noname(pencilstyle)Ascii MemLister by Bugsy of EP thisisthe n -, ,----' | _ \ \\_ , | _| \_ /_ \____ _/ _/ _____ | | ; \_ | _| <_ | |_ _____ ---- | ; | | |_ \_ | | \_/ _/ | | | _| | _] |_ | _]] | | | -------------------- ' | \ | | _/ ` | ; ' nONAME bRAND aSCII | | | Polymorph. The Prodigy. Bizzarro. Sargon. Desperado. Kresile Iesone. Kayozz. Deadsoul. Essence. Psylock. Anarchist. Genick. Fizban. Boss: Karachi Raw ============================================================================= Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Ode to Odelay .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: My Ode to Odelay. . : .... . . |\___ _______ \ ____ . .. .... :: bgs ____________| _|___{{_ |____________\ | _/^ :: : ] ]] _] _ [_ _ [_ _ /_ | _\______ |______ |_ : . ..:. .. | (_) _]<_> __| ___|_ ' {_} _, __\ | _] .. .:.. . : [________|_____|[_ |/ __]______|____ \~ `|.[_ : :.. .. . .. . |_____| Thuggin' [____\\ ` |_ . .. ..: \__ _// / Odelay, one of the most consistenly successful ascii groups ever. Started by a Loser, built up a Prodigy. Odelay, a true Legend. - Don Bugsy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But it seems the last Odelay pack is polluted by one of the least talented, dumbest motherfuckers ever to grace the ascii scene, a bitch that goes by the name of "Arlequin." It's only fair to look over what he wrote about me.. . First he says: How to development a VERY SIMPLE ascii, aka Bugsy(MHZ) asciis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Development? What is this guy talking about? See if he could actually DRAW, it might be forgiveable that he can't speak ANY language. Next he says: Do a VERY Basical Font. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's a basical font? Does he mean a basic font? Doesn't every font in every medium start out basic? Score one more for Arlequin the idiot. Then he says: Do Courves to it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know what this means.. .Curves? Yeah I like curvacious things. Finally he says: Now, when you finish your ascii, if you pretend to look elite, have to join any group like remorse, and start to write shit comments of other artists like in the EP Zine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The truth comes out -- Little Arlequin is bitter that he earned low ratings in, Skills (NOT "EP Zine") due to very sub-standard art. He's probably still angry that I beat his ass into the ground in that old Vintage compo years back as ,,, well. And that Remorse comment? It's not my fault you could never get in, ,,, sonny. Sorry Arlequin, if my ascii is so simple, yet so good -- why are you ,,, so fucking bad? If anything good comes out of Odelay's death, it's that you ,, can't be in it anymore, boy -- Go fuck yourself, Don Bugs. Once again, real art, REAL. My Ode to Odelay. . : .... . . |\___ _______ \ ____ . .. .... :: bgs ____________| _|___{{_ |____________\ | _/^ :: : ] ]] _] _ [_ _ [_ _ /_ | _\______ |______ |_ : . ..:. .. | (_) _]<_> __| ___|_ ' {_} _, __\ | _] .. .:.. . : [________|_____|[_ |/ __]______|____ \~ `|.[_ : :.. .. . .. . |_____| Thuggin' [____\\ ` |_ . .. ..: \__ _// / ============================================================================= Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Thug Life .: : .: : :: : : : : Cereal >> : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: Teeeeeee Areeee.. . + + ++ + ___ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _______ ++ + ___| | | |_____(_ |_____ _ ___/_ ++ ++ _ ________| | | | | ____| | _]_____| ___|____ _ _ | | |_ | | [______] | _ [_ + __ ___ | | | | | ' | | ____|bxgs. + | | | | | | | | |_ ____ ___ | | | | | _|__ |[___|__| __ _____ _ __ |_ _____| |___ _ ___ + [__]__| + ++ + ++ + + ++ ++ + Thug Life Cereal. ++ ++ I heard he was Canadian, stocky, with a bitchass accent, cheap clothes, no car, he's not known for flashin, listen while I take you back, about a punk, a real live bitch by the name of DiscoFunk. All you old artists tryna advance, it's all over now, take it like a man. Bitches looking like Larry Holmes, flabby and sick, trying to player hate on my shit, eat a fat dick. ============================================================================= Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> Two(2) .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: : : : ::: : : ___[[ )____ __ _ T w o : <->> ( s ) K a y o z z ` ``\__ ~_/ __ __ __ /\\ _ ____ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ >> /___,,____ _ \\ \__ _____>> /^^ ^ _/ [ a ] utomsg ^\* __,,_____/'_ _ _| [ b ] bslist ,_ _ __ __ ___ `\\ `| (___ _ __ _ _ __ __ _>> \_ |, ~/ [ c ] hatsys ::: | // [ d ] ``''/'''``''':;:''``'''``\_ ''`''[ e ] ;`'``' ^\ `| _/'' ' [ t ] \ |, // [ m ] | \\ ^ / \ // \\ ______,,_/ bugsyEP << _ _ _ _____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ \ /'' : \\/ \/ _ _| ^ : ::: : : : ============================================================================= Extended Play Release Number Two! Bugsy's Section: The Diamond Collection >> ........ ...,,.. . :* ~ ~: . .......: . ... .....,,.....,,. .... : : :. : .........: .....:. ; : : : `:: :... :...... *:: : :.....: : : : : : : === ======== ===== = == : `: : ,: : .: : : : : :. : ..:.. : : : : : : : :. : :...: : : : ,: : : : : ;: :;: `. : : -- ->> "Woof 123" .: : .: : :: : : : : : : ..:.. : : : : `: ; : :...: : :: : : : : : :. : `: : : : : :: ' : ` : '' .: ' : == = ===== ======== === :. .*:.. ...,,.::.. .,,....*:.. :: . .. ...,,.. . . . . . ....*: # ; :.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:....:.:....:.:...:.:.:....:.:...:.:...:.: . + : |\______ : _______;____| ~ ~*>>__\ _____\ ______\ _|\ __ _ { {{++ | +| /\ ~ ~\+ + ( ((*+ ______/_ \ | ; // / | `\ , \\ _________/^ . .... \ ; | / / `|, \\ | \_ ( ... ....+ . : >> | | / / | ) `+ ) \ : . ..:. . /+ ` + ' < (( `|, / | / `\ . .:.. . : ^\\ | `\ \ | / | / \ : : \ ; \ \\ ` //`\ ` (( \\ : +. ... \__,,__| // \ ____,,___\ \____________\__ \... .: ` | ____/ \| w o o f 1 -2 -3 //___,,_____)) bGSEP |/ : + . . Thanks for obtaining Extended Play Public Release Number Two. : _________,,___ ___,,______________ _| |________ ) ))__) _ /_ _ /_ \_ /_ _ /_ | | `\_ _____/_ '' \_ ____| ___| | | _ ____| | | |____ | | | | | | | | | ` | | _/ +- ---- - -- | | ` | , | | | , | ` | | -- ----- -+ | ' | | ` | | ' | _|_ | ; | ' | | | ; | | | | | [_] | | | | bugsy, ; | | ` | ` | | | | ' _/ | ; ; ; | _|_ ; | | ; | ` | | | | ; | | | [_] | __| | | | | | | ' | +----------- | | | ' ^\~ | | | \ ; ` | | ----------+ ` | | | \\ | ` | \ | | ' | ___|___/ \___| |_______\__|_____/___ | `\_,,_| | ' |,,_/' BOOTLEG VERSION! ___/| _____)\ ( ((* | _____)\______| ~ ~/ \ |__) | \\~ | _/' __\ | `\ | \_ | (_ B uG Sl uV ====] `\~ | /' | _/' | ~/' \______/\ ____(__ / [============================================ \( \/ Luv:goes out to all people furthering their respective artform, be that ascii, ansi, or literature, or the NERDS that draw VGA -- you can't work anything, go buy yourself some paint and try some real street art you VGA DORKS. Group greetings go to Legion, the only group to put out real ansi packs in the last year, and all the ascii groups that put out high quality packs. Fuk:Arlequin, rM, anyone else who can't draw, and the people that started in the ascii game by ripping Bugsy, and now turned; Fuck all of you. Fuck #ansi. Fuck everybody who had just, took my shit, and gave me no fuckin tribute! ! ! ========================] Extended Play `Studios, 1998 [================== _,,____,,________,,_______,,____,_ _____| _| _(___) |___ ___|~ __)__ bugsy|_ | _| | `|_ /__ | `|~ _|_____ _|' EP Conglomerate. # ## #|' ` |_ | | _| | _|' `|_ | |_## ## _ ___,,--'---,__|___|__|___|_,,--`---,,____ _ :: .. . .. . .........,:.::::.:,........... :: : ]] ] `` ` ' There comes a time when the power of one artist alone is not enough, and art must be handled by an assembled conglomerate of two or more, to form one of ascii's favorite pasttimes, to create a superior piece of art, known commonly among art- ists as -- THE ASCII JOINT. With these EP joints, multiple artists respective talents and styles are coupled, melded to -gether in this, the Official Ep Joints Section. . - Don Bugsy [EPG] : : [ [[ : ......,,, . ........... ... .. .. . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : ::::::: : :::::: Kayozz and Bugsy(aka AceGotti) -> : _/' ^\_______,,___ | ___[ ]]_ ___ _____,,_____ | ~// ___,,____ J O I N T S | \_ ~~/_ [_] \_ ~~/_ || ' __\ ~~/ |_ | | | || __}} |' \_ _/ ; ; _| ;' \_ _;_ ))__,,____ | |, |_ \_ | |_ [[ [_] /_ \__ | || _}} | _|_ _/^ | ^\\ _}} ## || ;## ;' | || [_] || ; \_ | _|' |, | ; `; ##| `;# ## #,| ; ; [_ || | |## | ) | || ## # #|, # |# ## | |' | | | ; (_)) `|_ || ; _| |_ [_ ; | | | _/ ;' | ^\\ ~/ | | | _| | `| _| ` \ /\_____/ |_ |_ ` ^\~ |_ ` ^\~ /^ \/ /^ _/ \ _/ \ /\_____/ ` ` \/ ------------------------------------ : Extended Play,, Artist2Artist Joints. - ::::::::: In Bloom ::: :::: : >> I N B L O O M +O N A H A L ...::::...... ... . .... .. ______ ______ .___. : ::: . .... . .... .. : _ __ \_ ~~| \_ | | | ___:;: ___ : ____ : : : ___\|____ | |_ | _|__|_ |__| /_:____| /____:_ / ~/ : :: ::: ((~~ \ \| //.| \_ / ; |/ ~~|/ `\ \/ /zzEP+NON : : |______/_\ `\ :|______/ |______ ________/___\/___\byEP: ; :.. . ... . .......\___/.. |___| : \/ : : : ; :.............: ::: ::...:::..: : ::: : : ' : : :..::.:..:::: .:....::::....: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : ::::::: : :::::: Rippa and Bugsy -> : _/' ^\_______,,___ | ___[ ]]_ ___ _____,,_____ | ~// ___,,____ J O I N T S | \_ ~~/_ [_] \_ ~~/_ || ' __\ ~~/ |_ | | | || __}} |' \_ _/ ; ; _| ;' \_ _;_ ))__,,____ | |, |_ \_ | |_ [[ [_] /_ \__ | || _}} | _|_ _/^ | ^\\ _}} ## || ;## ;' | || [_] || ; \_ | _|' |, | ; `; ##| `;# ## #,| ; ; [_ || | |## | ) | || ## # #|, # |# ## | |' | | | ; (_)) `|_ || ; _| |_ [_ ; | | | _/ ;' | ^\\ ~/ | | | _| | `| _| ` \ /\_____/ |_ |_ ` ^\~ |_ ` ^\~ /^ \/ /^ _/ \ _/ \ /\_____/ ` ` \/ ------------------------------------ : Extended Play,, Artist2Artist Joints. - ::::::::: Dropzone ::: :::: : Rippa/Bugsy[EPdoubleEP] - `.___________ ______ _ __ ___________ __ _ ______\ /_ /____.__ __ _______\ /______________\ /_____ ^\_ | _ \__ _ /_ __ _______ _ ~/' _ i ___ /_ | | {_ | _/ | | g \_ ______/__ | | | | ; | | u ; | __/ | _// | ; f | # ##| t | | | | | \_ ! | | | | ;# ## | D ; R | O ! P | Z | O | N ; E | | | | | | | | ; | | | | | | ; ! h ; | ; | ' ' | l ; | ; | | | | _| | | | | ; | | ; e | | ; ` \_ |___/'' | / ______\ ` | | | ;_ | +- -`\ ³ |_____ _ _ ___/ _|_ _ _________\\ __|____| ~/- + \______ _ \_______ _ _ |____/ dropzone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : ::::::: : :::::: AceGotti and Kayozz -> : _/' ^\_______,,___ | ___[ ]]_ ___ _____,,_____ | ~// ___,,____ J O I N T S | \_ ~~/_ [_] \_ ~~/_ || ' __\ ~~/ |_ | | | || __}} |' \_ _/ ; ; _| ;' \_ _;_ ))__,,____ | |, |_ \_ | |_ [[ [_] /_ \__ | || _}} | _|_ _/^ | ^\\ _}} ## || ;## ;' | || [_] || ; \_ | _|' |, | ; `; ##| `;# ## #,| ; ; [_ || | |## | ) | || ## # #|, # |# ## | |' | | | ; (_)) `|_ || ; _| |_ [_ ; | | | _/ ;' | ^\\ ~/ | | | _| | `| _| ` \ /\_____/ |_ |_ ` ^\~ |_ ` ^\~ /^ \/ /^ _/ \ _/ \ /\_____/ ` ` \/ ------------------------------------ : Extended Play,, Artist2Artist Joints. - ::::::::: Steez ::: :::: : Steez,, __ __ .__ .__ __ ____(/___ ___\/___ _|_/_________ _|_/_________ ____\)____ _ _ _______\_ \ ; \_ _/ | _\ ~/^ [ _\ )) _ / _/______ _ _ _______ |_ | | ;_ <_ ; ; | _______ __ ; _/__| ;____/^ |___|== = |___| =| == =|= _____ _____ _____ _____ ;== == | ==| | | =|= == | _|_ = ==| |= = _|_ ` | =| = =| ; ; |_| ` | [_] [ ] | ; | | = ==| =| ; ' | , ; | | | | ` | | | | | '' ` /\ ' | | ' |______// \\____________ / \\__________,,____// \\_______ _ _ \/ Kayozz/AceGotti[EP/EP] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : ::::::: : :::::: Bugsy featuring Merlin -> : _/' ^\_______,,___ | ___[ ]]_ ___ _____,,_____ | ~// ___,,____ J O I N T S | \_ ~~/_ [_] \_ ~~/_ || ' __\ ~~/ |_ | | | || __}} |' \_ _/ ; ; _| ;' \_ _;_ ))__,,____ | |, |_ \_ | |_ [[ [_] /_ \__ | || _}} | _|_ _/^ | ^\\ _}} ## || ;## ;' | || [_] || ; \_ | _|' |, | ; `; ##| `;# ## #,| ; ; [_ || | |## | ) | || ## # #|, # |# ## | |' | | | ; (_)) `|_ || ; _| |_ [_ ; | | | _/ ;' | ^\\ ~/ | | | _| | `| _| ` \ /\_____/ |_ |_ ` ^\~ |_ ` ^\~ /^ \/ /^ _/ \ _/ \ /\_____/ ` ` \/ ------------------------------------ : Extended Play,, Artist2Artist Joints. - ::::::::: Vos ::: :::: : ,,.,,.. .,,,,,,,,,,,. ,;::::;;;:;;::::)) ) (::;;;::;;;:::;, ::::: ::::: :: :: ___ _ ________ __,,___ :: :: :: :' _ __ ________\ ~~\ ___\ _ ~~/ ____/__ mer/bgs`: :: :::( < <<__ / ,/ / __\___ _}} } )::: :;: : _ /___ /_____\ _______(____ /_____\ _ , ::: ::: : <_> \/ \/'v - o - s \/ <_> : ::: :::::,,,. . ` ' . .,,,::::: `:::::::;;;::,, . < <<:::;;:::;;:;' ````''''''''[.Virtue.oF.Sacrifice.] - (s) [xFx] `'' Extended Play --] Westside HQ/DEUCE _ ___,,--,,______|\___|\ _ _______ _ -- - \___ ___/___ /' /____\ ___/_ Extended Play [ EP ] TabAds,, ## # # # # ## /___ \____- `\____-___ /----_ /' - -- \| `---'' |/ |/ <--- - Anyone can rock that, kid. ` ' ' . . TabAD #1,, BlackJack(ZZ/BY) - ---> _ .___. .___. (( (_) )) | | | _> __ __ _. _ . | _|___| |_____\|___|/________\i//________ ===:=== == === =| \_ /^ [_] _ | __| ~// : : _ |______/| |__,,__________,,___| |___ / zzEP+byEP : : (_) _| | __ __ __ _ \___/ : _\______\| |___\|____|/___,,___\|//______/_ : : \~ | _, | /^ //=== === ==== ===:==== \ ___________________ /\_______/ _ . \|~~ ~ ~ ~~``---'--'' ~ ~~ <_>> _ ___,,--,,______|\___|\ _ _______ _ -- - \___ ___/___ /' /____\ ___/_ Extended Play [ EP ] TabAds,, ## # # # # ## /___ \____- `\____-___ /----_ /' - -- \| `---'' |/ |/ <--- - Anyone can rock that, kid. ` ' ' . . TabAD #1,, Aeon Music(Bugsy) - ---> Bugsy - EP Ascavations . _ ______ :__ /\__,,_____ __\___ [_ __|_ \_ ~ ~[_ \_ __ =: ____- | |= | =|= = =| `\| |\ | /^ | (_) | |_ (= _\_____/__ =|___| ~/^ ` | mu s ic\\____- -___/ _ ___,,--,,______|\___|\ _ _______ _ -- - \___ ___/___ /' /____\ ___/_ Extended Play [ EP ] TabAds,, ## # # # # ## /___ \____- `\____-___ /----_ /' - -- \| `---'' |/ |/ <--- - Anyone can rock that, kid. ` ' ' . . TabAD #2,, Dsos(Bugsy) - ---> == = == == = ============= ===== === = ============= === == == ============= = /|______,- -,_______|\ _\ \ __/_ /' ____/ dSOS tABaD(TM) _| | /____ /_ | /____ /_ by Bugsy of Ep ` ``\ | / |/ / | // \| /'' ' ~\ __ _/`-,___/`-,____/__ _ /~ = ============= == == \| ============= = === == |/ ============= = == == = == _ ___,,--,,______|\___|\ _ _______ _ -- - \___ ___/___ /' /____\ ___/_ Extended Play [ EP ] TabAds,, ## # # # # ## /___ \____- `\____-___ /----_ /' - -- \| `---'' |/ |/ <--- - ` ' ' . . TabAD #3,, Hitman Sig(Bugsy) - ---> _ ______ ______ __ _ . [~ |_______________________|~ */_______ _______|\ __ _ ==|; | *[____]] +\_ | _\____ _|_ */_ _| _; |___ ___|; \_/ {_ __ [_] | _} [ H I T M A N ] ^\_ | ^\_ /^ |_| ; _] `\| + ; | @bigdog.clemson.edu `-,__|_,,_|_,,_/`\__,_|\__,,_|__\__,,_______,__|_,,-'' ' _ ___,,--,,______|\___|\ _ _______ _ -- - \___ ___/___ /' /____\ ___/_ Extended Play [ EP ] TabAds,, ## # # # # ## /___ \____- `\____-___ /----_ /' - -- \| `---'' |/ |/ <--- - ` ' ' . . TabAD #4,, Milk Ad(Kayozz) - ---> ## M I L K ## _____ _ .___. +o kr4cker _ _____ / / __ | | __ __ zzNON+EP --- - - \ \/ /__|/__| |_\|/ /___________----\/-- - - -- - - - --- - --- /__\ /__\ | |__| // --- - ---- -\/ --/______|___| |_____________|-- -- ------- - -- - --- - -- - _ ___,,--,,______|\___|\ _ _______ _ -- - \___ ___/___ /' /____\ ___/_ Extended Play [ EP ] TabAds,, ## # # # # ## /___ \____- `\____-___ /----_ /' - -- \| `---'' |/ |/ <--- - ` ' ' . . TabAD #5,, Deuce Jewels (Bugsy)- --> ___ _____ /\ _/| __ __ ____ ___| _) __ _| // ___ /\ /+ \ __( |__(_ | (___| __) (_ | |__(_ | | /__(_ |__/|__ / +\ \ //' +(_ )) _) |(_ (_ __| _| | | __| | | ( __| | (_ __)_ +\\ /' \/ _| | // __| ` ( |__)| |+\+ ` | __| | +\ __|_| +|___ _)bgs \/ + === ==\__ ( |(_____)| |___| (_____| |\ |____)| _/___| / |== === + |___)___) |____) (____\__| + |___| (_____| | | > Deuce Jewels, Inc. > | Creating any configuration of Rolex and Tissot. | | as well as fine diamonds of all cuts and sizes. | Trillion, Princess, Round, Baguette, Pear, Etc. | Los-Angeles Based. | + === ======================== = = = ============================= === + :::. b u g s y .::: ______ _____ _______ _______\\ |______________\\ /_ _________| // \\ _ \ | _\ /_ _ /_ |___\__ \_ | _/ __ _ _|_ ____\ | |__ __/ ___| | \_ __>__ _|_ _ __ (( (__) (_)(_) | // \ _|_ | \_ | __> | \_ | (_)(_) (__) )) \\ | / | `\ [_] | _| | \ | _| | |_ \____/____| \\___| | \ _____/' ` (___ ^ // |_____\ `\__| \| \_______| \____/ Collection Production by Bugsy of Extended Play Assembled at DapperDon Studios, Los Angeles, CA Security : C-Dogg. Jewelry : Ricky the Jeweler FULL EP Releases. Title Filename ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP Presents The Don Bugsy EP-BUGSY.ASC Get in Where You Fit In + Skills Ascii Press 5 EP-001 .TXT EP - Prolific EP-PRO .TXT >> > ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ° rpEP ÜÜÜ ÛÛÛßßßßßßßßßÛÛÜ ÜÛÛßÛÛÛßßßßßßß ÛÛÛßßßßßßßßÛÛÛßß²ßßÛÛÛ ß ß ßßÛÛß ßßßÛÛÛßß ÛÛÛ ÜÛ²ßßßÛÛÜ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛßß °²ÛÛÛÛÛ ± ÛÛÛÛÛÛßßßßßÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ²±° ÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ° ÛÛÛÛÛ²° ÛÛÛ - -- -Ä-¿ ÝÛÛ ÛÛßÞÛÛ° ÚÄ ÛÛÛÛÞ²° ¿ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ> > ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ Ú- ÛÛÛ extended ³ ÛÛÛßß þÜÛÜÛÛÛÛ ³ ÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ À¿ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ Ú ÛÛÛÛÛÛ -Ä¿ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ | ÛÛÛ ep· play | ²²² Ú-- ²²²²²² -Ù ²²²²²² ß | ²²²²²² ³ ²²²²²² À ²²²²²² -Ù ²²² Ó-±±± Ù ±±±±±± ±±±±±± À ±±±±±± Ä-Ù ±±±±±± ±±±±±± ±±± °°° °°°°°° °°°°°° °°°°°° °°°°°° °°°°°° °°° Ü ÛÛÛ ÛÛÜÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßÛÛÛßßßßßßßßÛÛÛßßßßßßßßÛÛÛ ßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛÛß [ Finish ] EP - PROLIFIC -- Presented by EP ASCII Studios.