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° Killa Kell's Korner


Blocktronics on Social Media

In 2015 we are expanding our social media presence to deliver special ANSi artwork content to our followers on multiple platforms.

Now you can follow and like us on:


Luciano --

Welcome to the Year of Block!

We start 2015 with a brand new artpack full of ANSi masterpieces and a special tribute to our friend Fredrik Olsson aka. Big Yellow Man (BYM), that has unfortunately passed away in the end of last year.

BYM was one of those persons you were always happy to meet and during his ANSi scene career he captivated everyone of us, not only with his unmatching artistic style but with his kindness and charisma. Those are the memories we want to keep and this is how we will always remember him.

I've particulary learned a lot from him, mainly due to his ability to find inspiration in simple things or every day moments in life and turn it into amazing pieces of digital artwork. A walk in the park, an urban landscape or a holiday with family and friends, everything became ANSi poetry through his hands. Every artwork was a window to his own life he shared with us viewers. I'm very thankful I had the chance to say this to him and to express all my long time admiration for his artwork.

We're lucky he left us an updated online gallery with all his artworks on methodicaly where you can easily spend hours browsing and exploring all phases of his ANSi style, from his very first ANSis in Poffelipoff, his native swedish scene group, including memorable joints with ANSi superstar dieznyk and recent artworks released in Blocktronics, featuring what he called a "Neo Pop" ANSi style.

There's also a very special video, actually a screen capture video of him drawing one of his ANSis featuring a soundtrack also created by himself. Really worth seeing a real genius at work!

That's his legacy and we are here to celebrate Fredrik's Art & Life, as colorful, passionate and vivid as one of his ANSis.

Thank you, BYM! You will always be remembered!

Rest in peace, my friend.

- Luciano Ayres aka enzO

Ivan --

Hello all! it's officially year of the block!, back with the first new release of the year!, You know i must admit that i'm slightly annoyed that so far 2015 isn't how i expected it to be.

The idea of flying cars, PERFECT weather predictions, SELF dog walkers, hoverboards and self lacing nike shoes was so appealing, it gave hope for many to keep on grinding to make it to 2015.. and now that we are here we are left with the real version of 2015.. a year where everyone looks down at their phone, complains about neck pain, poor wifi signals and everyone generally is pissed off at everyone for no apparent reason!..

But, had you tell me in 2015 that there was still a bunch of guys collectively worldwide drawing textmode art?, TOURETTES EMAGS???, i'd have punched you right in the face!..

Now onto something serious, Fredrik olsson, the man.. This pack has been dedicated to you, your legacy, you inspired many of us here and you will be surely missed.

Rest in blocks brother!

- Ivan aka avg

Group News --

Detox Demo ft. mattmatthew

Detox, an amazing demo designed with ANSi artwork by mattmatthew in partnership with the Brainstorm demo crew, was released on January 6, 2015. You can download it here!

Watch the demo in HD below or click through the link to YouTube: Android App

Now you can browse and view all artpacks and artworks archived on on your Android. The app is free on Google Play.

You can download it here:

The Arrival of Dylan

Blocktronics artist The Textmode Exorcist is the new dad on the block! Dylan has arrived on January 25 to complete the B7 family! The TXT clan ANSi legacy is in good hands!

PayBack 2015 ANSi Competition

Our team of artists had an amazing performance at the PayBack demoparty held in Helsinki, Finland on Jan 30, 2015.

The group's 67-BYM.ANS collaborative artwork won first place, followed by 03 other pieces also by Blocktronics artists.

Here is the full result:

1st - 67-bym by blocktronics artists ant, argon, avg, luciano ayres, mattmatthew, RaD Man, reset survivor, TCF, Zeus II, ironghost and mypalGOO

2nd - lucifera by zeusii / blocktronics

3rd - they live by andy herbert / blocktronics

4th - sancho by dman / blocktronics / placebo

NVScene and DemoSplash 2015

One of the biggest demoparties in America is already scheduled to host an ANSi competition. NVScene will take place in San Jose, California, on March 17-20. Blocktronics artist will surely participate to defend our previous win in 2014 edition of the event, where B7 artist ungennant took both 1st and 2nd place with mindblowing artworks.

DemoSplash, also a major demoparty event in the US, held annually in Pittsburgh, has not confirmed the date yet, but traditionally happens the first weekend of October. Blocktronics artist from all around the world are planning to attend the event in order to continue a tradition initiated in 2013 with american based artists of the group. The Tourettes video from Textmode Exorcist featuring many antics from Demosplash 2014 can be viewed on YouTube Click Here.

Playscii Open Source Project

Playscii, an open source ASCII art program, from the same creator of EDSCII, has been announced. It will support Windows, OS X and Linux. Check their site for more detailed informations:

Guest Artist Pixelgoth

We are glad to have pixelgoth, the highly skilled pixel artist behind, releasing with us in this pack. The invite was sent via twitter after pixelgoth posted her first ANSi in 20 years. Thanks to @sixteencolors for the tip!

Pixelgoth's artworks are listed with the pxg prefix in this pack.

Bit Sunrise BBS by Shooter Jennings

Blocktronics artist Misfit met with american singer and songwriter Shooter Jennings, who is also a BBS enthusiast.

He's the sysop of Los Angeles based Bit Sunrise BBS and would love to feature fresh new ANSis. So, remember this the next time you fire up PabloDraw.

You can check the board via web browser:

In this pack you will also find an incredible ANSi portrait of Mr. Jennings created by Misfit.

Thanks for supporting us and enjoy the pack!


Blocktronics is a collection of artists from all over the world. Instead of releasing art pieces individually via sites like Deviant Art we release periodic collaborative art packs. We are a close knit group that works to motivate and inspire each other. We are called Blocktronics because we specialize in a blocky old low resolution computer art form known as ANSI art. Blocktronics is sometimes called B7 for short. For more information follow the link to our Facebook page.


We have a few methods of viewing our artwork or contacting Blocktronics in addition to the social media sites listed at the top.

1. Facebook -
2. Web -
3. Facebook ANSI -
4. ZOIA -



Abbreviation - Nickname - Real Name (Optional) - Location (Optional) - Website


2m - Mattmatthew - Matthew Yee - Hawaii, USA - Matt Yee on Behance

42 - agent_42 - Thomas Aylott - USA - Facebook

ant - ANT - Anthony Schiller - Michigan, USA - Facebook

arg - Argon - Unknown - USA - Facebook

asx - Asphyx - Unknown - France -

avg - Avenging Angel - Ivan Segaric - Australia - Facebook

aw - Abdully Wahaa - Unknown - Iran - Guest Artist

axd - Access Denied - Nick Boel - Wisconsin, USA - Pharcyde BBS

biz - Bizarro - Michael Aspling - Sweden - NA

bw - Binary Walker - Florian Ochmann - Germany - BW on Deviant Art

bym - Big Yellow Man - Fredrik Olsson - Sweden - BYM on Deviant Art

cap - Captain Hood - Hawk Hubbard - Florida, USA - Piranha BBS

cat - Catbones - Cat Spencer - Missouri, USA -

cl! - Cleaner - Frederic Cambus - France -

cr - Cryogenic - Karl Grenet - Australia - NA

cx - Cyonx - Pat Swanson - North Carolina, USA - Cyonx on Deviant Art

del - Delicious - Jamie Martin - California, USA -

dman - DMan - Dmitry Kalinin - Russia - Facebook

eto - ETO - Curtis Wensley - Vancouver, CA -

fil - Filth - Joshua Hillyard - Pittsburgh, PA, USA - Distortion BBS

goo - mypalGOO - Unknown - Switzerland - Facebook

h7 - h7 - Antii Kiuru - Finland - Haciend BBS

ig - IronGhost - Matthew Kemp - Illinois, USA - Facebook

iks - Irokos - Flavien Deneu - France - Facebook

jp - Jack Phlash - Jay Phillips - Tennessee, USA - Distortion BBS

k1 - Knocturnal - Unknown - Georgia, USA - Facebook

ls - Lord Scarlet - Doug Moore - Washington, D.C., USA - Sixteen Colors

Lu - Luciano Ayres - Luciano Ayres - Brazil - Enzo on Deviant Art

may - Maytag Man - Lukos Weigandt - Ontario, Canada - Facebook

med - Medium - Unknown - Sweden - NA

mr - Mr. Wrong - Unknown - Canada - NA

mt - Misfit - James Bodie - West Virginia, USA - Misfit on Deviant Art

ndh - Andy Herbert - Andy Herbert - United Kingdom - github

no - Noches - Unknown - Unknown - NA

ob - Ober - Jordan Ella - Canada - Facebook

of - Offspring - Kris Wallace - Canada - on Facebook

om - Otium - Filip De Haes - Belgium -

pg - pixelgoth - Guest Artist - Unknown -

r5 - Reset Survivor - Balls Wilson - Arizona, USA -

rad - RaD Man - Christian Wirth - California, USA - ACiD Productions

sk!n - art of sk!n - Michael Hischer - Germany - DeZign ASCii

sm - Smoke - Yahwe Chao - California, USA - Facebook

sz - Skuz - Leslie Given - West Virginia, USA - Fluph BBS

tcf - Fever - Aaron Frick - Georgia, USA - Aaron Frick Art

txt - The Textmode Exorcist - Keith Nadolny - New York, USA - Facebook

ung - Ungenannt - Unknown - Georgia, USA - Ungenannt on Deviant Art

wz - Whazzit - Chris Brujnes - Canada - on Facebook

zii - Zeus II - Joel Borjel - Sweden - NA

For memberlist corrections, additions, reductions, please contact TCF.


Contact us via or Facebook


Visit Blocktronics on Facebook and "like" the page. Follow the group and select the option to receive notifications to remain up to date with new artwork, releases, or relevant information.


Here are some resources and important links to help you draw text mode art for free.

1. Pablodraw - Pablodraw - The primary utility used by current artists.
2. ANSiEdit - ANSiEdit - A new web based drawing utility from Andy Herbert.
3. - - ANSi/ASCii Artpacks Archive.
4. - - ANSi/ASCii Art Scene Archive.
4. BBS Ninja - BBS Ninja - ANSi Art Scene Archive
5. ANSiLove - ANSiLove - A .ans to .png converter.


Here are some telnet bbs's to help you relive your 1980's and 90's experience.

1. After Hours - After Hours - Sysop: Greg Youngblood
2. Bit Sunrise - Bit Sunrise - Sysop: Dark Rebellion
3. Distortion - Distortion - Sysop: Jack Phlash (Blocktronics Artist)
4. Fluph - Fluph - Sysop: Leslie Givens
5. Haciend - Haciend El Bananas - Sysop: h7 (Blocktronics Artist)
6. Pharcyde - Pharcyde - Sysop: Access Denied (Blocktronics Artist)
7. Under the Black Flag - Under the Black Flag - Sysop: Captain Hood (WHQ)


Here are our previous group art releases.

1. 2008 AUG 19 - Blocktronics "Res[v]olution"

2. 2009 NOV 02 - Blocktronics "Codename Chris Wirth"

3. 2013 APR 14 - Blocktronics "AWAKEN"

4. 2013 JUN 26 - Blocktronics "Sixteen Colors"

5. 2013 AUG 28 - Blocktronics "Space Invaders"

6. 2013 NOV 12 - Blocktronics "ACiD Trip"

7. 2014 FEB 28 - Blocktronics "Blockalypse"

8. 2014 MAY 15 - Blocktronics "1980"

9. 2014 AUG 11 - Blocktronics "WTF4"

10. 2014 OCT 10 - Blocktronics "1010"

11. 2015 FEB 04 - Blocktronics "Year of the Block"



Number of artworks released. (All-time) - Abbreviation - Nickname
In order of eliteness.

These statistics have not been updated, they will be for our next release Enzo promises.

73 - z0 - Enzo
68 - avg - Avenging Angel
57 - tcf - Fever
55 - k1 - Knocturnal
39 - bw - Binary Walker
37 - fil - Filth
33 - 2m - Mattmatthew
25 - ung - Ungenannt
24 - h7 - h7
24 - rad - RaDMaN
23 - zv - ZeroVision
23 - r5 - Reset Survivor
23 - txt - Textmode Exorcist
21 - mt - Misfit
14 - ndh - Andy H
14 - goo - mypalGOO
13 - ret - Retribution
12 - sp - Spear
11 - ns - AnsiChrist
11 - bym - Big Yellow Man
11 - cl! - Cleaner
10 - del - Delicious
10 - no - Noches
10 - zii - ZeusII
9 - ant - Ant
9 - biz - Bizarro
8 - cx - Cyonx
8 - mi - Mongi
8 - om - Otium
8 - 70 - Tombin
7 - dma - DMan
6 - smk - Smoke
6 - sm - Smooth
5 - 43 - Aesthetic
5 - iks - Irokos
5 - jp - Jack Phlash
4 - axd - Access Denied
4 - os - Offspring
4 - tna - The Night Angel
3 - cat - Catbones
3 - cry - Cryogenic
3 - ig - IronGhost
3 - med - Medium
3 - mos - Mos Effed
3 - mr - Mr. Wrong
3 - n4 - Sodium
2 - ao - Aox
2 - ar - Argon
2 - may - Maytag Man
2 - rev - Rev
2 - wz - Whazzit
1 - act - Unknown
1 - crs - Crisis
1 - cbn - Cubon
1 - dvn - Devin
1 - fx - Ferrex
1 - fs - F0st
1 - hx - Haliphax
1 - ls - Lord Scarlet
1 - mz - Maze
1 - ob - Ober
1 - pm - Polymorph
1 - pn - Piano Man
1 - rod - Rodamn
1 - sph - Sephiroth


Drawing sketches created by Blocktronics artists and posted on Facebook.

Beartronics by ungennant

Scaretronics by reset survivor

Dracula by reset survivor

Broketronics by reset survivor

American Horror Story by Misfit

Robot by Misfit

Alarm Clock by Misfit

Beartronics by Misfit

Koala by Filth

Orc by Cyonx



Some of you may know, some of you may not but Killa Kell is a real life personality from tha motha fucking hood. West side Grand Rapids motha fucking Michigan aka projekz aka 616 aka you don't want to fucking go there or you will get your fucking wig split aka head split open. Blocktronics has hired an expert professional interpreter to help us decipher Killa Kells recent social media updates so that you may go deep inside the solitary mind of a madman who screams in the dark, evil lurks, enemies, see me flee, activate my hate, let it break - ok I started quoting 2PAC Hail Mary lyrics but 2PAC gets it.

Expert professional interpreter - "In reality, well, I usually do not. This was a surprise visit and the visit made me more elated than several swine playing in their own feces. On this visit I was originally only supposed to see my mother but my father was also there. I feel like we're close enough for me to call you brother even though we are not closely related. I can sympathise with the extreme anguish you are experiencing symbolically in your heart, brother (again). Let me be perfectly clear and reiterate, I understand the torment that you are experiencing. This form of agony is so emotionally painful that it compels one to perish."

Expert professional interpreter - "I am very surprised as you can see by my use of all capital lettering throughout this entire statement. I recieved mail containing a form from the Government today that inquired as to whether or not I would prefer to do 40 hours of community service work instead of paying a $4,000 fine for unpaid child support, loitering tickets. Laugh out loud, hell yes I will do it."

Expert professional interpreter - "I walked four city blocks to the local police department today after waking up at 4PM and told them of suspicious activity at my next door neighbors residents the night prior. I commit minor law violations every day but I do not like my neighbors so I am trying to inconvenience them and make myself look like an upstanding citizen to the police. I left the local police department at 4:07PM and bought 2 pieces of chicken from Popeye's Chicken right next door with my government issued welfare card. I am free to do whatever I please for the remainder of the day."

Expert professional interpreter - "My mother has asked me to leave her house again and in my opinion she is of unsound mind because she incorrectly believes that I will leave my mattress on the floor and my two television sets. I will not be leaving any of these three possessions. Shit."

Expert professional interpreter - "Well, since it's a new year I just removed 32, count them, 32 people from my Facebook friends list. Let me get to the point. If you consider yourself to be one of my friends that owes me small amounts of money or anything at all and will not return my Facebook messages (most of you are family members), fuck you. I'm deleting you and I'm sure that no one will care which surprises me because you are family. Alas, I do have feelings. Let me get to the point. I will be completely removing you from my life even though most of you would not care. To everyone else that this message does not pertain to, I hope you have a wonderful and sober New Years. If it is not a sober New Years I hope that you had a great time."

Expert professional interpreter - "There is a local enemy of mine who is small in stature and he has the false notion that I have been creating fabricated tales. It would be wise of this person to believe that I am in possession of this particular weapon that you see in this photograph and other, larger, weapons that I am unwilling to display on social media that hold large bullet clips and are hidden in a secluded area."

Expert professional interpreter - "I am in a lot of pain. As I sit here updating my Facebook status I am waiting on an ambulance to take me to the emergency room. Based on what I told the receptionist over the phone she believes I have three frost bitten toes and also my pinky finger. This hurts worse than when I cut my finger a little bit with child proof scissors in 2nd grade."

Expert professional interpreter - "Indeterminate."

the end

You came this far again.. well, I guess you can see doodle boy sexpics again.

Above: Blocktronics artist Anthony Schiller aka Ant was arrested in the midst of changing his appearance after punching a pizza delivery girl in the face to save $13 plus a tip.

Above: Blocktronics artist Luciano Ayres an adorable youth in this 1950's photograph.

Above: I told you Filth is collecting money for space camp. If you're going to shit at his place it will cost you.

Above: This man known as Bruce is on the loose in Australia if you have seen him alert the authorities. Arborists everywhere are in an outrage.

Above: This is how Blocktronics artist Delicious aka Jamie Martin gets down. This may or may not have been on Halloween but there was a furrie office sex party.

Above: AVG's been working out!

Above: RadMan lives pretty close to Oakland California so he's Thug Life for life.

Above: Blocktronics artist Ungenannt enjoys his craft beers from a fine glass.