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t h e e r
the blender yet again
warpus just under 5 and a half hours to go!!
melfarr i could use more time
warpus more than 5 hours?
melfarr yes
i went a little too ambitious this year
i mean well see. the background might go quick
warpus yeah we just want stuff to judge. if you dont submit we cant
judge yours, so you should submit even if unfinished
melfarr oh i am submitting no matter what
come on im MFS and this is blender
gasoline mfs likes to mention he is a 3 time Blender winner but thereby
ignores the fact that he also is a 19 time loser. today he is
aiming for his 20th loss.
n e w s
Too weird to live, too rare to die, the Blender funpo improvised art
competition took place Sat Apr 13th, 2019. Taking place only once per year,
its been trying to adapt its ruleset from a simpler age to cater to the needs
of todays artscene weirdos, but its ability to change quickly necessarily
cannot be described as agile. Our modified rules are being prototyped, but
not rapidly. That said, this years worked out OK: to address a pair of
mutually irreconcilable concerns, we forked the compo and ran two competitions,
a short form program, intended to last two ahd a half hours, and a long form
one, to be completed in a leisurely 24 hours.
warpus if theres nothing submitted, might as well extend it
CthMist with no contestants, extending the deadline harms no one.
You know this precedent means that someday we will start
a Blender that will never end until a submission comes
in, and it will go on for weeks and months.
But thats a risk that Im willing to take!
Naturally, no one was ready with submissions at the end of the short form
deadline, so we wound up with two long form contests, and they both got enough
entries for a full podium of entries... and they also gave competitors plenty
of opportunities to rack up bonus points engaging the subjects of both compos,
sometimes for additional bonus within the same entry! This resulted in one
group skyrocketing some six places up the overall rankings over the course of
a single day!
CthMist if we extend the deadline, you can submit on one set of
subjects, on the other, do two entries one for each
theme for bonus points, or do one entry that works
in all six topics for bonus bonus points!
Is upping the ante fair? I dont know, but we dont have
much stick and we only have so much carrot.
theknight youre blending the rules
warpus just as hennifer intended
kniffy if i didnt have to go to the store earlier i coulda won this!
CthMist kniffy -- if youd sent in a haiku you coulda won this!
and in fact if you write a double haiku working in all six words
you still have a good chance of taking home the double grand prize
if no one gets anything else in
kniffy i would do a haiku but i did that for 2016 i think didnt i
CthMist all right, try a sonnet this time
all these years later and cthulu has still not give up evangelizing
CthMist all right, game on, see alls yall in ... 21.75 hours?
warpus Ill be here
but for now.. I might as well watch the end of this hockey game
warpus left the chat room. Quit: ill be back
melfarr well thats a canadian reason to quit if i ever heard one
o l d f r i e n d s
Picking up from that previous item, we havent seen a great deal of Blender
activity from members of currently-active artscene groups -- Mistigris, despite
Potemkin artpacking like its going out of style, has only just now seen its
first contributions since the turn of the century. Blocktronics only likes to
Blend when its called the Sweet Sixteen Colours, apparently. Impure and Galza
have been conspicuously absent from the rankings... but for some reason, it
seems to have struck a nerve with Fuel, who first seemingly pulled Blender hero
Mel Farr Suppastar into their sphere while competing back in, yow, 2017! Now
theyre in full effect with Mel Farr having activated his surface tension to
somehow draw longtime Blender host and mascot Warpus into the Fuel zone and
then Quip, who hasnt turned up Blending yet, but wait until 2020...
Anyway, despite our very different ways of getting things done, its very nice
to have a crowded IRC channel of Fuel members jockeying around to see which of
them will be landing first and second and third place in a given compo. As
long as we prompt the creation of excellent art I couldnt give a fig about
which crew theyre representing, and the tighter things get at the top the
greater the chance we might see some vengeful competitive spirit emerge from
the ages.
Warpus isnt just part of a Fuel HR initiative, he also lended the proceedings
this time around a generous dose of authentic period charm by co-presenting the
compo with Cthulu. He was initially skeptical about how useful he could be
to the point where we scripted portions of the opening business but he proved
to be very useful indeed when Cthulu was stuck in traffic during the compos
conclusion. Not just a pretty face!
And because Cthu forgot to turn on logging, these infofiles are markedly
lacking in authentic blender logfile quotes to prove it... but we had a lot of
fun on the IRC. Take my word for it!
w e p i c k e d w o r d s
BLNDR2019a empress / defending / restaurant
BLNDR2019b supermodels / doing martial arts / in haunted ruins
a n d t h e s c o r e s ?
CthMist just synchronizing all the submissions
theknight synchronizing them... sounds fancy
kniffy complex calculations taking place..
algorithms running..
CthMist reticulating splines...
CthMist OK, we had two compos.
for the FIRST, short form compo about
in third place...
oh wait, theres a surprise...
its a teletext screen by Jellica Jake of Mistigris!
in second place...
a PETSCII screen by Polyducks of Mistigris...
and in FIRST place...
of The Knight and Pinguino!
kniffy gasp!
CthMist Im not sure how thats going to swing in the final vote
tabulation, but it will be good for Fuel
OK, now we also have a SECOND, long form compo, about
in third place... its another TIE!
Jellica Jake did ANOTHER teletext screen, and will get a bonus
point for participating in BOTH compos!
and sharing 3rd with him...
Pinguino of Fuel gets a bonus point for participating in both...
AND another bonus point for combining both compos topics into the
in SECOND place...
BURPS of FUEL! Its just... tight!
And in first place! The opposite of tight, its sprawling and
Thats right, I can only be describing Blender lifer Mel Farr
t h a t s a w r a p
CthMist THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR TAKING PART! This Blender was very unusual
in that it was two compos, but they were BOTH successes! So maybe
well do it again this way next time.
See you back in Blender April 18, 2020!
Youre going to want to see the entries... we should have an
artpack done up featuring all of the entries and updated infofiles
by next weekend!
Well, by the middle of the night Tuesday morning after a long weekend?
And thats a wrap! Thanks to warpus for helping me keep a handle
on this crazy business while lots of other things were going on
over on my end.
Now I have to prepare for my concert in two hours
Thanks to all the participants!
warpus I did all I could
ok time for dinner
warpus left the chat room.
melfarr joined the chat room.
CthMist left the chat room.
melfarr i take it nothing has been announced?
b y e
if there ever is another blender, it will most likely be held:
tag team blender!
7:30pm est saturday, april 18th - 7:30pm est sunday, april 19th, 2020
blender on EFnet
please join us. - cthulu
t h e e r
the blender yet again
warpus just under 5 and a half hours to go!!
melfarr i could use more time
warpus more than 5 hours?
melfarr yes
i went a little too ambitious this year
i mean well see. the background might go quick
warpus yeah we just want stuff to judge. if you dont submit we cant
judge yours, so you should submit even if unfinished
melfarr oh i am submitting no matter what
come on im MFS and this is blender
gasoline mfs likes to mention he is a 3 time Blender winner but thereby
ignores the fact that he also is a 19 time loser. today he is
aiming for his 20th loss.
n e w s
Too weird to live, too rare to die, the Blender funpo improvised art
competition took place Sat Apr 13th, 2019. Taking place only once per year,
its been trying to adapt its ruleset from a simpler age to cater to the needs
of todays artscene weirdos, but its ability to change quickly necessarily
cannot be described as agile. Our modified rules are being prototyped, but
not rapidly. That said, this years worked out OK: to address a pair of
mutually irreconcilable concerns, we forked the compo and ran two competitions,
a short form program, intended to last two ahd a half hours, and a long form
one, to be completed in a leisurely 24 hours.
warpus if theres nothing submitted, might as well extend it
CthMist with no contestants, extending the deadline harms no one.
You know this precedent means that someday we will start
a Blender that will never end until a submission comes
in, and it will go on for weeks and months.
But thats a risk that Im willing to take!
Naturally, no one was ready with submissions at the end of the short form
deadline, so we wound up with two long form contests, and they both got enough
entries for a full podium of entries... and they also gave competitors plenty
of opportunities to rack up bonus points engaging the subjects of both compos,
sometimes for additional bonus within the same entry! This resulted in one
group skyrocketing some six places up the overall rankings over the course of
a single day!
CthMist if we extend the deadline, you can submit on one set of
subjects, on the other, do two entries one for each
theme for bonus points, or do one entry that works
in all six topics for bonus bonus points!
Is upping the ante fair? I dont know, but we dont have
much stick and we only have so much carrot.
theknight youre blending the rules
warpus just as hennifer intended
kniffy if i didnt have to go to the store earlier i coulda won this!
CthMist kniffy -- if youd sent in a haiku you coulda won this!
and in fact if you write a double haiku working in all six words
you still have a good chance of taking home the double grand prize
if no one gets anything else in
kniffy i would do a haiku but i did that for 2016 i think didnt i
CthMist all right, try a sonnet this time
all these years later and cthulu has still not give up evangelizing
CthMist all right, game on, see alls yall in ... 21.75 hours?
warpus Ill be here
but for now.. I might as well watch the end of this hockey game
warpus left the chat room. Quit: ill be back
melfarr well thats a canadian reason to quit if i ever heard one
o l d f r i e n d s
Picking up from that previous item, we havent seen a great deal of Blender
activity from members of currently-active artscene groups -- Mistigris, despite
Potemkin artpacking like its going out of style, has only just now seen its
first contributions since the turn of the century. Blocktronics only likes to
Blend when its called the Sweet Sixteen Colours, apparently. Impure and Galza
have been conspicuously absent from the rankings... but for some reason, it
seems to have struck a nerve with Fuel, who first seemingly pulled Blender hero
Mel Farr Suppastar into their sphere while competing back in, yow, 2017! Now
theyre in full effect with Mel Farr having activated his surface tension to
somehow draw longtime Blender host and mascot Warpus into the Fuel zone and
then Quip, who hasnt turned up Blending yet, but wait until 2020...
Anyway, despite our very different ways of getting things done, its very nice
to have a crowded IRC channel of Fuel members jockeying around to see which of
them will be landing first and second and third place in a given compo. As
long as we prompt the creation of excellent art I couldnt give a fig about
which crew theyre representing, and the tighter things get at the top the
greater the chance we might see some vengeful competitive spirit emerge from
the ages.
Warpus isnt just part of a Fuel HR initiative, he also lended the proceedings
this time around a generous dose of authentic period charm by co-presenting the
compo with Cthulu. He was initially skeptical about how useful he could be
to the point where we scripted portions of the opening business but he proved
to be very useful indeed when Cthulu was stuck in traffic during the compos
conclusion. Not just a pretty face!
And because Cthu forgot to turn on logging, these infofiles are markedly
lacking in authentic blender logfile quotes to prove it... but we had a lot of
fun on the IRC. Take my word for it!
w e p i c k e d w o r d s
BLNDR2019a empress / defending / restaurant
BLNDR2019b supermodels / doing martial arts / in haunted ruins
a n d t h e s c o r e s ?
CthMist just synchronizing all the submissions
theknight synchronizing them... sounds fancy
kniffy complex calculations taking place..
algorithms running..
CthMist reticulating splines...
CthMist OK, we had two compos.
for the FIRST, short form compo about
in third place...
oh wait, theres a surprise...
its a teletext screen by Jellica Jake of Mistigris!
in second place...
a PETSCII screen by Polyducks of Mistigris...
and in FIRST place...
of The Knight and Pinguino!
kniffy gasp!
CthMist Im not sure how thats going to swing in the final vote
tabulation, but it will be good for Fuel
OK, now we also have a SECOND, long form compo, about
in third place... its another TIE!
Jellica Jake did ANOTHER teletext screen, and will get a bonus
point for participating in BOTH compos!
and sharing 3rd with him...
Pinguino of Fuel gets a bonus point for participating in both...
AND another bonus point for combining both compos topics into the
in SECOND place...
BURPS of FUEL! Its just... tight!
And in first place! The opposite of tight, its sprawling and
Thats right, I can only be describing Blender lifer Mel Farr
t h a t s a w r a p
CthMist THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR TAKING PART! This Blender was very unusual
in that it was two compos, but they were BOTH successes! So maybe
well do it again this way next time.
See you back in Blender April 18, 2020!
Youre going to want to see the entries... we should have an
artpack done up featuring all of the entries and updated infofiles
by next weekend!
Well, by the middle of the night Tuesday morning after a long weekend?
And thats a wrap! Thanks to warpus for helping me keep a handle
on this crazy business while lots of other things were going on
over on my end.
Now I have to prepare for my concert in two hours
Thanks to all the participants!
warpus I did all I could
ok time for dinner
warpus left the chat room.
melfarr joined the chat room.
CthMist left the chat room.
melfarr i take it nothing has been announced?
b y e
if there ever is another blender, it will most likely be held:
tag team blender!
7:30pm est saturday, april 18th - 7:30pm est sunday, april 19th, 2020
blender on EFnet
please join us. - cthulu
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