SOCiety BLender #36 eNTRy!#&($##$! by society#@&
SOCiety BLender #36 eNTRy!#&($##$! by society#@&
baltazarsociety --
s o c i e t y
A B A T M A N +
+ A D V E N T U R E
it was a cold, and stormy night, batman, the caped crusader, roamed
the city searching for trouble. As he was walking along the rooftops of
Las Vegas he heard a gunshot from a nearby casino ...
note: Batman had to leave Gotham City because all the crime suddenly for
some unknown reason moven from Gotham City to Las Vegas, so he followed
the bad-guys to Las Vegas...
As Batman walked into the casino he saw a guy at a table, with tons
of chips stacked at the side of his table .. Batman looked everywhere but
no one had heard the gun shot, could it have been his imagination? ... he
then saw a few guys playing some cool funk music. This was cool, but
Batman hated it, he jumped to where the guys were and suddenly he spotted
a gun with one of the guys. The guy pulled out the guy, but alas, Batman
was ready for it, Batman took out his ninjitsu stars and threw one at the
guy with the gun, THWACK the gun fell to the floor. The man looked
at his gun, and suddenly felt a blow to the head, and collapsed to the
ground. One of the other guys cranked up the music, and that annoyed the
caped crusader or as we know it Batman so much that he threw a ninjitsu
star at the stereo, EEEEEUUUUUUuu uuu .. the stereo went and died off
Come on baby!
Daddy needs a
new set of ofporn
Just then the cops arrived and Batman told the authorities about the
men and then Batman realized if there was a gunshot there shouldve been
a dead man, or a corpse.... Batman, then looked around, and saw a small
trail of blood, that went around the corner. Batman followed the trail
saw a body lying in the corner, ans he told the cops about it, and they
called the ambulance to pick up the dead guy...
Batman, then left to return home after this long tiring day, and to
be the millionare Bruce Wayne rather than Batman for the night...
do tha FUNK, do tha FUNK, do tha FUNK, n FUCK off!@ he heard
some people from the mistigris casino near by, he was pissed and threw a
bomb into the mistigris casino,.. BLAMMMMMMMNNNNNN the casino was now
a bunch of ruined rocks...
Bruce Wayne was now resting peacefully at home when ...
shouted the narrator .......
no, the end damnit, !@
b l e n d e r 3 6
story/ archangel
art by/ baltazar,
judge dredd
and enzo
society bzrsoc