North Star Asskey logo by Dreamcrusher
North Star Asskey logo by Dreamcrusher
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Call damn it!
in case you couldnt read that k-rad logo :
- i.9o8.264.5o42 -
da sysgod: Grey Hawk bkn ss
TDWP United States Headquarters BROkEN Eastern Headquarters
VOR Distribution Site KiMP Distribution Site
USU Distribution Site FlameNet CastleNet ScreamNet uSuNet Hub
the most AMAZING Renegade setup in 9o8 and prollie all of New Jersey
3io Megabytes Online Ninety-Six Hundred to Fourteen Four Only
Maximum Overdose: Sooo.. whatcha think?
Twelfth Knight: See.. I dont only write lit.. :
Thor: hmm.. whens the Sludge release gonna be?
Grey Hawk: There ya go.. hope all the stats are right..
Everyone in BROkEN: Wuzzupppppp...
Everyone in da scene: Wuzzupp...
- askii by Dreamcrusher of BROkEN Productions 94 -
Just a sucker with no self-esteem...