facts about atb by nightstalker
facts about atb by nightstalker
facts about addicted to beer
1 no comment
turbo-d email: turbo-dick@homo.vibro.com
user is on channel :
homo, gay, littlegirlsex, irchelp, vlaanderen,
gaysex, drunkatwired, buttfuckwithfatty,
microsoft, doctork-ossexconf, belgacom,
lesbian, animalsex, bible, baptist,
christian, walonnie, mexico
2 are you guys really addicted to beer ?
3 do you guys think you rock ?
4 is it true that atb rocks even more when they go to scene-parties ?
5 where can i contact the atb members
nightstalker : charlatan, oude markt 18, 3000 leuven, belgium
apollygon : mmm, youll hear him laugh :
thorax : lying under table at wired mons, belgium
cyclops : woudlucht, heverlee, belgium
turbo-d : extase near leuven station
apollygons dad : belgacom no comment !
the ripper : any 03 scene board
6 how can i join atb ?
not !!! this group is so 3l33t that it is invite only ! you can try
to get in, put dont put your hopes up !
7 how can you maintain this high quality ?
years of practice usually does the trick. ofcourse, you can only
dream of getting as good as atb !