ARSiN Art Productions Pack Number Four - April 1998 Last Minute Addendum by Dead Piranha Hey there, I already did the Table of Contents and I don't really feel like doing it again, so I figured a smooooth excuse for this plain text file is that it's a "LAST MINUTE ADDENDUM." Pretty sneaky, eh? Anyway, couple things I gotta say. First, PyroGenesis is going down. Not because of the sorry state of BBSing, or because my girlfriend dumped me and I'm depressed or some stupid shit like that; PyroGenesis is going down because I'm moving back home to southern California, the 9o9 area code to be exact. So here's the deal: King Sting is in charge starting with ARSiN!05. He has coordinated some groups in the past, so I don't think he'll fuck everything up. Blood Runs Cold will be the interim World Headquarters, until I can manage to put PyroGenesis back up and take over where I left off. I doubt another ARSiN pack will come out before I go, so I just want to say thanks to everyone in the 209 who has kept BBSing and online art alive, to all the sysops who are adapting to a new crop of young users, and to those of you who motivated me to make something out of ARSiN, which used to be just me. Anybody wanna e-mail me, I'll figure a way to pick it up somehow... Your Best Good Friend, Dead Piranha Nevermind the end.