[80x50][7do] Taikyoku Shodan 0 0 0 /|\ /|\ ,\__ | | | \|_\ \|_ / \ / | / | 1. / \ 2. /_ |_ 3. /_ |_ __ ) Viewed from Front |_ 0 0 _/|\ /|\ _|/ /_|/ | \ | \ 5. _| _\ 4. _| _\ | | Viewed from the Right Side \ / ' 0 /|\ \|_\ / | 6. /_ |_ 0 ,\__ \|_ / | 7. /_ |_ 0 /|\_ \|_ / | 8. /_ |_ 0 ,\__ \|_ / | __ 9. /_ |_ (_______________________ Viewed from Front | \ / ` ______________________________ (__ \ 0 0 _| _,|\ /|\ _|/ /_|/ 0 0 | \ | \ ,|\ /|,_ 11. _| _\ 10. _| _\ \|_\ \|_ / | / | 12. /_ |_ 13. /_ |_ ___________| | | | 0 | ,\__ | \|_ | / | | __ 17. /_ |_ | (_______________ 0 0 | \ /|\ ,\__ | 0 _| \|_\ \|_ | /|\_ / | / | | \|_ 18. /_ |_ 19. /_ |_ __ | / | ) Viewed | 16. /_ |_ |_ from | 0 0 Front | _/|\ /|\ | 0 _|/ /_|/ | ,\__ | \ | \ | \|_ 21. _| _\ 12. _| _\ | / | _| | 15. /_ |_ ( | _| | 0 | 0 /|\ | /|\ | | | | \|_\ / \ | / | 22. / \ | 14. /_ |_ | | . | / \ Viewed from Right Side |____________| Text Description 1. Begin in Natural Stance: 2. Step with left foot into left front stance and left down block 3. Step with right foot into right front stance and right middle punch 4. Adjust right foot behind, turning clockwise, into right front stance and right down block 5. Step with left foot into left front stance and left middle punch 6. Adjust left foot, turning counter-clockwise, into left front stance and left down block 7. Step with right foot into right front stance and right middle punch 8. Step with left foot into left front stance and left middle punch 9. Step with right foot into right front stance and right middle punch 10. Adjust left foot behind, turning counter-clockwise into left front stance and left down block 11. Step with right foot into right front stance and right middle punch 12. Adjust right foot behind, turning clockwise, into right front stance and right down block 13. Step with left foot into left front stance and left middle punch 14. Adjust left foot, turning counterclockwise, into left front stance and left down block 15. Step with right foot into right front stance and right middle punch 16. Step with left foot into left front stance and left middle punch 17. Step with right foot into right front stance and right middle punch 18. Adjust left foot behind, turning counter-clockwise into left front stance and left down block 19. Step with right foot into right front stance and right middle punch 20. Adjust right foot behind, turning clockwise, into right front stance and right down block 21. Step with left foot into left front stance and left middle punch 22. Adjust left foot, turning counter-clockwise and return to Natural Stance