-[ VOTING FORM FOR WOEZINE ISSUE #7 ]- Ü ÞßßÝ sd!maiden Ý ÞßßßßßßÜÛÛßß°°° Ý ÜÜÜÜÜÞÜ ÜÝ Þ °²² ßÜÜÛÛÜÜÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛ²²°° ÛÞÛÛÜ ÜÜÜÜÛÝÜÛÞÝ ÞÜÜÜ°°° ÞÝ°±²ÛÝÛÜß ßÛÛ²²ÛÛÛÛ²² °° ÛÛÛÞÛÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÛÝÛÛÞßÜ °°° °²² ² ÜßÛÛÛÞÛÛÞÝ °² ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßÞßßßßÜÛÛÛßÞÛÛÛß °²°²ÛÝÛßÞÛÛ ßÜ ° °°°±±²ÜÜÜ ÞÛÛÜÜÜÛÝ Ý ßÝ ß°ßßß ÜÛÛÛÛ Þ ÜÛÛÛÛÛ°²Ûß Ü ÜÜ ÛÛÝÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÞÝ ßÜßÜ ßÛÛÛÛÝ Ý Ý °² ÞßßßÛÛ²²²ÛÛÝ ÞÜÛÛ°²ÛÛÛÛß ÞßßÛÛÛÞßÛ²²ÝÛÛ Üß ÞÝÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛ ßßßÝ Þ ÞÛÜÛÛßßß ßÛÜÞÜßÛÛÛÛÛß Þ ßßßßßßÝÛÛÛÞÝ ÜßÛß ÜÛÛÛÛÛ °²°°ÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛÝÞÝ ßÛß ÞÜÜ²Ý Û ÛßÛÛÛÛßÜ ÜÜÜÜÜßßßÞÜÜ°²ÛÛÛ²²Ý ÛÛÛÛßßÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛÛßÜÛÜßÝ Þ²²²ßÛÛÛ Ûßßßßßßß Þ Ý Þ²²ÛÛÛÛÝ °° ÛÛÜÜÛÛÛ²²²° ÜßßßßÜÜÛÛß Ý ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ Þ Ý ²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²±°°° °²°°Û² ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛ°²ß Ý ÞÛÛÛÛÛ±±²² Þ Ý ²²²±ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²± ÜÜÜßßßÛÛ°²Ûß ßÛß Ý ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²Ý Þ Ý ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ °ÞÜÛÜ ßÛÛßÜß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÝ ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛ²²Ûß ßßßÞßßßßßßßß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÝ Ûß ßÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ²°Ý ÞÛÞ ÜÛ Û²²²Ý ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ °² Þ ÞÝÞßÛÛÛÛÜßßßß Ý°° ÞßÞÛÛ Þßß Üß Þ±±±ÜÜÜÛÛÛß Ü±ßßßßßßßßß Þ ÜßÛÞ ÛÜß ÛÜ Þܱ± Þ ²²²²Û ² ßÜÛÛÜÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜܲÝÞÝ Ý °° Þ ÞÝ ÝÜÜ²Ý ÛÛ ÛÛßÞ ÛßÜ Ý ß ÞwÝOE ! ÞzÝINe - issue #7 ÜßÜÜÝßÛßÛ Ü °² ßßßßßÛÛßÜÜÜÜÜ°°²²²°² °² ² ÞÝÛÛ Þß ÛÛ Ý °² ßÜÛÛÞÛÛÛÛÜÜÝ This voting form is used on the basis of making this emag better and more precis. And we cant do this all by our selves so we have to have your help as well. Please follow these rules when voting: * You can not vote for any persons which is involved in the making of Woezine. That means the chief editors and coders. * You can not vote for yourself, but you can however vote for persons in your group which you think are talented. * You can not vote for the group you currently are in. * Vote in any cathegories you want. If you enter anything in a cathegory, enter minimum 4. * This is PC scene. Vote PC scene members only! * Wild chart means: VOTE ANYTHING YOU WANT * If you just want to deliver ads, messages, or scenenews, please use this voteform. You do not have to enter anything. * Remember to send the voting form to: woezine@wasted.nu after its filled out. Or upload it through the homepage of: wasted.nu l/p: modarchive ÞÝÞßÛÛÛÛÜßßßß Ý°° ÞßÞÛÛ Þßß Üß Þ±±±ÜÜÜÛÛÛß Ü±ßßßßßßßßß Þ ÜßÛÞ ÛÜß ÛÜ Þܱ± Þ ²²²²Û ² ßÜÛÛÜÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜܲÝÞÝ Ý °° Þ ÞÝ ÝÜÜ²Ý ÛÛ ÛÛßÞ ÛßÜ Ý ß ÞRÝegistration ÜßÜÜÝßÛßÛ Ü °² ßßßßßÛÛßÜÜÜÜÜ°°²²²°² °² ² ÞÝÛÛ Þß ÛÛ Ý °² ßÜÛÛÞÛÛÛÛÜÜÝ Name/handle : Irc Nick : Group (if any): Country : Date of voting: ÞÝÞßÛÛÛÛÜßßßß Ý°° ÞßÞÛÛ Þßß Üß Þ±±±ÜÜÜÛÛÛß Ü±ßßßßßßßßß Þ ÜßÛÞ ÛÜß ÛÜ Þܱ± Þ ²²²²Û ² ßÜÛÛÜÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜܲÝÞÝ Ý °° Þ ÞÝ ÝÜÜ²Ý ÛÛ ÛÛßÞ ÛßÜ Ý ß ÞTÝhe ÞVÝoteform ÜßÜÜÝßÛßÛ Ü °² ßßßßßÛÛßÜÜÜÜÜ°°²²²°² °² ² ÞÝÛÛ Þß ÛÛ Ý °² ßÜÛÛÞÛÛÛÛÜÜÝ - [ Most popular modding-groups ] - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - [ Most popular mods ] - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - [ Most popular modders ] - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - [ Wild chart ] - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - [ Most popular coders ] - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - [ Most popular script/coding language ] - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - [ Most popular bbs system ] - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - [ Most popular computer-party ] - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ÞÝÞßÛÛÛÛÜßßßß Ý°° ÞßÞÛÛ Þßß Üß Þ±±±ÜÜÜÛÛÛß Ü±ßßßßßßßßß Þ ÜßÛÞ ÛÜß ÛÜ Þܱ± Þ ²²²²Û ² ßÜÛÛÜÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜܲÝÞÝ Ý °° Þ ÞÝ ÝÜÜ²Ý ÛÛ ÛÛßÞ ÛßÜ Ý ß ÞGÝeneral ÞQÝuestions ÜßÜÜÝßÛßÛ Ü °² ßßßßßÛÛßÜÜÜÜÜ°°²²²°² °² ² ÞÝÛÛ Þß ÛÛ Ý °² ßÜÛÛÞÛÛÛÛÜÜÝ This is some general questions we would like to ask you: -[ How long does it usually take to make a mod? ]- ==> -[ What programming language do you mainly use? ]- ==> -[ Who would you rate the coolest scene-man around? ]- ==> -[ Who would you rate the coolest BBSscene-man around? ]- ==> ÞÝÞßÛÛÛÛÜßßßß Ý°° ÞßÞÛÛ Þßß Üß Þ±±±ÜÜÜÛÛÛß Ü±ßßßßßßßßß Þ ÜßÛÞ ÛÜß ÛÜ Þܱ± Þ ²²²²Û ² ßÜÛÛÜÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜܲÝÞÝ Ý °° Þ ÞÝ ÝÜÜ²Ý ÛÛ ÛÛßÞ ÛßÜ Ý ß ÞQÝuotes & ÞSÝtuff ÜßÜÜÝßÛßÛ Ü °² ßßßßßÛÛßÜÜÜÜÜ°°²²²°² °² ² ÞÝÛÛ Þß ÛÛ Ý °² ßÜÛÛÞÛÛÛÛÜÜÝ wOE!zINE has also got its own Quote-section. This is dedicated to all the sceners. If you catch a good joke or a nasty, nice, cool, krad messy from a scener on the IRC, then you juss send that quote to the woezine crew, and we'll add it in the section of Quotes. Enter Quote below: ==> -[ News ]- We collect news for the scene-news article. If anything is up in your group, or you know about something going on in other groups on the BBS scene, please type it below here. Enter News below: ==> -[ Comments ]- You have now reached the end of the Woezine votingform. However, there is one final section for you to fill out. Its kinda important, and we think you should consider entering some text. It's dedicated your opinions about the last issue of woezine. You do not HAVE to enter anything, but we would really like to know what you think about it. Put it below the following line: ==> -[ Anything Else? ]- If you feel like writing something else, like articles, or interview a person or review some mods/groups or whatever, please use the space below: ==> -[ Sign up on the mail list ]- Here you can sign up on the mail-list, that means you will be one of the first persons to get the new issue of wZ! every month/second month. When a issue of wZ! is done, we'll email it away to the people on the mail-list. Do you wanna be one of the first persons who get woezine? Just enter your email below: Email:==> ÞÝÞßÛÛÛÛÜßßßß Ý°° ÞßÞÛÛ Þßß Üß Þ±±±ÜÜÜÛÛÛß Ü±ßßßßßßßßß Þ ÜßÛÞ ÛÜß ÛÜ Þܱ± Þ ²²²²Û ² ßÜÛÛÜÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜܲÝÞÝ Ý °° Þ ÞÝ ÝÜÜ²Ý ÛÛ ÛÛßÞ ÛßÜ Ý ß ÞTÝhe ÞEÝnd ÜßÜÜÝßÛßÛ Ü °² ßßßßßÛÛßÜÜÜÜÜ°°²²²°² °² ² ÞÝÛÛ Þß ÛÛ Ý °² ßÜÛÛÞÛÛÛÛÜÜÝ Well, we had to come to an end in this issue as well;> If you got tips,hints or anything which can make the wZ! get better, please write to us using the following email: * woezine@wasted.nu If you wanna contact a certain person in the wZ!Crew, please send your mail to the address above and we'll forward the email to the right person. If YOU wanna become a member of the wZ!Crew and help out with articles, reviews, interviews, news, quotes or anything else, please fill out the online appgen on our homepage: * http://www.wasted.nu/woezine ...our official home;> See you in the next issue of wOE!zINE, and keep the spirit up. ßÜÛÛÞÛÛÛÛÜÜÝ ßßßßßÛÛßÜÜÜÜÜ°°²²²°² °² ² email: woezine@wasted.nu ÞÝÛÛ Þß ÛÛ Ý °² ÛÛßÞ ÛßÜ Ý ß http : www.wasted.nu ÜßÜÜÝßÛßÛ Ü °² ÜܲÝÞÝ Ý °° Þ irc : #woe ÞÝ ÝÜÜ²Ý ÛÛ ÜßÛÞ ÛÜß ÛÜ Þܱ± Þ ²²²²Û ² ßÜÛÛÜÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÞÝÞßÛÛÛÛÜßßßß Ý°° ÞßÞÛÛ Þßß Üß Þ±±±ÜÜÜÛÛÛß Ü±ßßßßßßßßß Þ