VERSION 1.01 - Note: 16mb internal memory is needed to display some of the articles. - The textfile attached to "Advanced Inline Assembler", ADVINL.TXT, did not export. Problem fixed. (reported by Darius) - The ZIPfile attached to "2D Rotations and Matrices", 2DROT.ZIP, did not export. Problem fixed. (reported by Darius) - Page-up would page up a different amount of lines than Page-down did page down. Problem fixed. (reported by Scid) - Some long articles (Buckshag's article on classes, TLighT's article on 2Drotation and matrices) sometimes (very rare) crash the dos-box when running w95. The reason for this bug is still unknown, and it never occurs when I am testing for it, so it is quite hard to fix. It is not just a case of not of enough memory, for in that case the article just doesn't show up but the "back" and "save" button get activated, so the article can be saved and the user has the possibility to return to the menu. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ VERSION 1.00 - First released version