/* CC Checksum Verification Program
by Belgarion of the Coed Naked Hackers Guild
Permission is given for free distribution.
Choose the lesser of two evils. Vote for Satan in 96*/
include stdio.h
char cc20
int check, len, prod, j
printfnAmex/MC/Visa Checksum Verification Program
printfnby Crazed Luddite Murdering Thugn
printfnEnter Card Number w/o spaces or dashes. Q to
if cc0Qcc0q break /* exit infinite loop, if
Q */
/* Verify Card Type */
if cc0!3cc0!4cc0!5
printfnCard number must begin with a 3, 4, or 5.
else if cc05striencc!16
printfnMastercard must be 16 digits.
else if cc04striencc!13striencc!16
printfnVisa numbers must be 13 or 16 digits.
else if cc03striencc!15
printfnAmerican Express numbers must be 15 digits.
/* Perform Checksum - Weighing list 2121212121212121.... */
check 0 /* reset check to 0 */
len striencc
for j1jlenj++ /* go through entire cc num string
prod ccj-1-0 /* convert char to int */
if len-j2 prodprod*2 /* if odd digit from end,
prodprod*2 */
/* otherwise prodprod*1 */
if prod10 prodprod-9 /* subtract 9 if prod is 10 */
checkcheck+prod /* add to check */
if check100 /* card good if check divisible by
10 */
printfnCard passed checksum test.
printfnCard did not pass checksum test.