The Punisher
Razor 1911
How do you think the US government's actions concerning piracy will change over the next year?
Well, seeing that piracy has become a very prominent and much more blatant crime in the 90's, I don't see how anyone can be surprised at the response the government has had. The software entertainment industry is reaping in 8+ billion dollars a year now. According to an estimate by the SPA, flagrant piracy is costing some prominent software publishers around 1.6 billion dollars a year. Yep, you heard me... billion. Now if that's not a lot of copies of Quake 2, I don't know what is. The government has become very active in trying to enforce this, cyberstrike is nothing new. Back in 1994 a large series of busts occurred in which BBB's like The Assassins Guild, Agents of Fortune, The Network, Elm Street, Suburbia (big shock to us locals), and many others were shut down. I can only foresee that things will be getting worse. The "scene" is becoming flooding with people that have no real interests here, and just want to either mooch off of others, or stir up some trouble. I personally can't possibly see anything getting better.
Who will be the first to be convicted under the new laws and how will this group of people react?
Well, the traditional approach has been to bust the BBS' or FTP SITE owners. However, the new law targets anyone with 10 or more copies of illegal software in their possession, which means just about anyone in the "scene." Couriers, suppliers, crackers, leechers everyone... personally I think they will remain as dull as usual and go after BBS owners/FTP sites.
What effect will these convictions have on the rest of the scene?
It's a snowball effect, people get popped and they don't want to make friends with an ape in prison shoving in large objects from behind. So, they decide to give up some of their cyberfriends. (Think hard about it, how many people in the scene do you actually know?) I would suspect very few, I am fortunate or unfortunate enough (depending on how you look at it), to have met several of the people I talk to or deal with on a daily basis. Not many people can say the same...
How is the warez scene going to be different a year from now because of the NET act?
Nice little saying that goes well with this... "The more things change, the more they stay the same..." The only thing I see happening is games getting bigger, quality getting poorer, and competition getting more and more ruthless. It's turning into big business instead of a hobby... bad bad sign.
Will there be any positive effects on the scene?
Doubtful, if anything it will just bring those that make it through closer together and teach people who they can really trust.
How will the NET act effect you personally?
I don't know, no-one does... that's the fun part. You get to keep spinning the roulette wheel until your lucky number hits. I don't personally foresee myself actively involved in the scene in the future, so I can't really begin to think about how it would effect me exactly.
What advice would you give to people in the warez scene about the NET act?
Learn it, start stirring up some positive thought, and trying to exchange ideas with one another. The more minds that are involved the more thorough the conclusion will be. Of course, who am I to tell anyone what to do... these are just ramblings at 7am. :) God speed, good luck!