r e a l i t y c h e c k n e t w o r k ! Introduction Hacker's Corner Editorials Dear Road Rebel, Cover Story Astrology Interviews "Warez-IQ" Warez Quiz! Articles Reader Survey Reviews Secret Articles Top 10 Couriers Mario Brothers Warez Lists Classifieds/Group NFOs Voting Booth/Results RCN Information Signed, Twiztah (Killed (Mikeysoft (Flooding))) Signed, Cool Guy "So what if TRC is a bit rude... " Signed, Karzy You have been kicked off... Signed, Ermac "As a former member of FBI... " Signed, Anonymous Hitex and Rebel at Safeway? Signed, God-Ion I don't hate Tklp. Signed, Storm Hacker Concerning Acidplain... Multiple Email Miscellaneous Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #24! Introduction : AMN vs. RISC Abo-bo's Summary Ryu Loses His Site Devast's Justification Interview with Cyberjack! RISC Cositeop Speaks... Interview with Devast! Devast's Rebuttal Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #24! Aslan, ex-Malice Vice Presid A Retired Legend Holy Beast, Prestige Senior Prestige Cracking Pussy, the Site Deleter Fucking the Scene Rancid Apathy, Coredump Seni Coredump's Success? Turok, Lightning Senior AOD+LGT=More LGT Airwalk, CCA President CCA Overview FBI Boy, Coredump Senior Razor DUPES on Quake!? Dee, NGT President Core Steals the Credit? Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #24! Beyond Akira Busted! The Scene's Last Great BBS? RCN Source Code? Who Released the RCN Source Code? The Death of Razor 1911? TRC's Prediction of Razor's Demise An Overview of Core The Innerworkings of Core "I wasn't arrested." My Experience with Abe Ingersoll Microsoft Busts Airman!? Microsoft Searches for NT Supplier 5 Years from Present "Those days are gone." Multiple Articles Miscellaneous Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #24! Group Reviews : Games # 1 Group Reviews : Utils # 1 Group Reviews : Games # 2 Group Reviews : Utils # 2 Group Reviews : Games # 3 Group Reviews : Utils # 3 Group Reviews : Games # 4 Group Reviews : Utils # 4 Group Totals : Games Group Totals : Utils The Game Review #33 Go Back to Main Menu The Game Review #34 Top Ten Couriers : BBS # 1 Top Ten Couriers : FTP # 1 Top Ten Couriers : BBS # 2 Top Ten Couriers : FTP # 2 Top Ten Couriers : BBS # 3 Top Ten Couriers : FTP # 3 Top Ten Couriers : BBS # 4 Top Ten Couriers : FTP # 4 Go Back to Main Menu The Seven Listing #1 [06/06/96] --> [06/19/96] The Seven Listing #2 [06/20/96] --> [07/03/96] The Seven Listing #3 [07/04/96] --> [07/17/96] The Seven Listing #4 [07/18/96] --> [07/31/96] Global Warez Search Search All Warez Lists!! Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #24! Voting Results : Release Reader Votes for the TOP GROUPS! Voting Results : Courier Reader Votes for the TOP GROUPS! Voting Booth Send in Your Votes Today! Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #24! Explosives : Muric Acid Bomb "Squirt, squirt, and squirt!" 4240-419-001-340 (Invalid) Obtaining a Credit Card Number Fake Account Generators Beware of Steve Case's COW-OH.EXE! Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #24! Women on the Internet "Uh oh... " I Turned Chicken?! Digitex's Experience With Tara Prestige's Total Meltdown "Excuse me Mr. Presbudget... " Reflux's Time Commando Another Megahit from Reflux Undinism's Top 10 List Things I Learned from Video Games Genocide's Top 10 List You Might Be a Lamer If Mad-RCN Passwords! Passwords to Issues #14 to #23 Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #24! The RCN Classifieds! Put Your Ad Here! Courier Groups WE Make the Courier Scene! Release Groups WE Make the Release Scene! Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #24! Amnesia Motiv8 Central Crime Association New Vision Couriers Core Next Generation Traders Empire Power Trading Arsenal Fast Action Trade Exchange Request to Send The Guild Rise in Superior Couriering High Rise Couriers Sinful Traders Lightning Syndicate Malice Return to Main Menu Coredump Prestige Demolition Providence Drink or Die Razor 1911 Epic Rebels Hybrid Reflux Legion Sodom Mortality United Cracking Force Pinnacle X-Force Pirates with Attitudes Return to Main Menu Group Information RCN Member Listing The Official RCN T-Shirt "I want some more of it!" Application "Here are my submissions!" RCN Bulletin Boards "I made me a RCN conference." RCN Web Sites "Road Why Wab?" - Rebel's Mom Credits Issue #24 Staff Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #24! r c n i n t r o ! Author : The RCN Editor Staff Subject : Introduction : RCN Goes Biweekly Welcome to Reality Check Network, your #1 Warez E-mag! And so we'd like to stay! To meet further reader demand, the staff has decided that RCN will now be released on a biweekly schedule. There won't be any less material found in each issue, the material will just be of even higher quality! RCN will be released every other Sunday. We believe that by giving ourselves more time between the release of each issue, we will be able to release a better RCN, and at the same time, the extra time will help create a more positive and less hectic work environment for the RCN Staff. Again, you can always find Reality Check Network available on the WWW at HTTP://WWW.RCN.ORG/INDEX.HTML, as well as find some of our previous competition (though, unfortunately, none exists at the moment) and perhaps compare and contrast. And as a final note, a little word about etiquette, purposefully placed at the END of the introduction. I don't mind if you don't want to read an entire article or interview, and decide you've had enough in the middle, but if you're going to contact us with a complaint, make sure you HAVE read the entire text before doing so. It doesn't look too impressive when you complain about something and our response to your complaint was in the body of the text all the while, but you were too lazy to find it. As always, thanks for reading RCN, and don't hesitate to contact us! You can either join channel #RCN on the EFNet IRC network, or email us at an385786@anon.penet.fi. r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, It happened on the 17th of July when I was in a bad mood and took over channel #CD because I was auto-opped there. So I massdeoped and kick those lamerz out. I ignored all CTCP and then MSG's also. In about 30 minutes I get killed by MikeySoft. *** You were killed by MikeySoft (irc2.uiuc.edu!*.texas.net [ircd.texas.net] !*.kern.com [jnl@] !phx-ip2-131.getnet.com! MikeySoft (TakeOver/Flooding Retard)) With that kill, they get the channel back. By the way, what rights has an IRCop to kill you for takeovers?! I mean, there isn't such thing as OWNING CHANNELS! They shouldn't have opped me in the first place. I come back all pissed (I was on mo.net all the time) and messaged Incarnate bitching at him telling him that he is a lamer and that he needs a kill to take my ass down. Then he said he used what he could so I told him that next time I will flood Mikeysoft off before taking over. This cost me another fucking kill!!! *** ERROR Closing Link: Twiztah[N/A@wn-brn18.sat.net] irc2.uiuc.edu (Killed (MikeySoft (Flooding Fool))) This was fucking lame. I never flooded him. I knew that Incarnate was pasting this shit in channel #NTA-Nokturnal. Then, I messaged Mikeysoft 3 times asking if he feels a man killing someone. This cost me another fucking kill by already known to you IRCop, Prae. *** You were killed by prae (irc2.uiuc.edu!*.texas.net [ircd.texas.net] !*.kern.com [jnl@] !topaz.kern.com! prae (it gave me a woody, personally)) Now this just shows how IRCops are fucking abusing their kill command. And I am fucking asking you people, how are you going to face that when it happens to you? What can we do except hitting them with 80 bots? That's what we do, and if I get killed I don't really care but it should be REASONABLE, not some fucking excitement for you (IRCops). If I were an IRCop, I'd kill only if I see a fucking flooder or something, but as I didn't flood you nor others, what the fuck do you want from me?!!?!? By the way, here's a big FUCK YOU to Incarnate the gay shitface. Signed, Twiztah r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, I am writing to you in response to issue 22's interview with TSR (The Speed Racer), head of Razor 1911. In this interview, the interviewer, Rebel Chicken, claimed that he strictly stayed away from supplying warez because he felt he might become biased when he interviewed people. However, in the same article, the interview continuously shows bias against an ex-head of Razor, namely, TRC (The Renegade Chemist). I, being from the same area code from TRC, do know that some times he can be a bit "rude" towards people he doesn't like or that do not share his exact opinion on the scene. I have experienced this "rudeness" first hand. However, I do not feel that is any excuse to be biased. I have seen you "twisting" TRC's words in such a way that would make him look bad. One example is when you made an interview with him, and he, as a joke said "I am a GOD!" You then immediately took his words, which had nothing to do with the interview, and put them as the title of the interview to make TRC "look bad." I like RCN very much, and I think it's great that you people inform the warez scene, but what you write many times is only a half truth. I have seen other examples of this kind of biasness and have chosen this one because I know TRC, and thought that you guys went too far. I hope you stop being being biased and make up with TRC because he is one of the best game suppliers and is a very respected man in the warez community. I appreciate that you people took your time to read my letter and hope something is done about this problem. Signed, Cool Guy Dear Cool Guy, First off, I said that I did not wish to supply not because I did not want to be biased toward certain groups, but because I was biased against making myself supply/crack/package a game. You should read more carefully before you start talking shit. On the note of TRC's saying "I am a GOD!" His exact words were, "But I am a GOD!" Those words were used not in a joking manner, but in a serious manner as can be seen when you read the full log which was published in RCN. In other words, he wasn't joking, and he claimed that he was a GOD in the scene in defense of his own status. Also, when you claim that I twisted his words to make him look bad? That I did not do, however, you are trying to twist his words and take his words out of context to make him look better than he actually is. I agree with you on the note that TRC is one of the best game suppliers, but do I really give a fuck? He could be Bill Fucking Clinton for all I care, and if he does something stupid, by golly, I'll be the first to cover it, and that is in no way being biased. r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, Hi, I'm Karzy. I'm not really new to the warez scene but until now, all I pretty much did was sit in channel #Oldwarez and leech under various nicknames. But now I have necided to speak my mind. Ops are too damn touchy on certain channels, not primarily in channel #Oldwarez but on many other channels too. And it's annoying. I mean, it seems like you can't even joke around with someone anymore without them getting all defensive and throwing it back in your face like you were sitting there kicking them in the head. I don't know how many times I will have cracked a joke and the next thing I see is : You have been kicked off channel #(insert here) by (insert here) (Banned: Shut the fuck up lamer) And frankly, I am getting sick of it. I mean, you would think people would have a sense of humor knowing they are getting thousands of dollars in software for free, but NOOOO! They have to get all up on their high horse because they are ops and they are so quick to whip out the /bk at the first time that their ego may be in jeopardy. It's even gotten to the point now that you can be kick/banned off a channel for offering the wrong stuff. If you don't offer 0-day stuff in some of the #WarezX channels they will /bk you. Bankicks are easy to get around but they never make anyone feel welcome. I think that we all need to take this a lot more lightly. I am guilty too, I recognize that sometimes people get pissed off and start screaming over little shit. I think that the solution to this is having fewer ops. Like last night on channel #Oldwarez, some guy came into the channel, got ops, then mass deoped and got kicked by himself for mass-deoping. That was fun, you could joke around without worrying about a perma-ban. But some people took the opportunity to be stupid and cntrl^g'd a million times and flooded just to be lame because they wouldn't get kicked. The moral of the story is, ops, try to take things a little more lightly. Signed, Karzy r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, As a former member of FBI, I would like to respond not only to the text file sent out by JDa, but also your dislike of Reflux and FBI. For a short period during '95, I was an in-house courier for FBI. I would distribute stuff, mostly though site couriering, when one day I noticed them releasing Bermuda Syndrome. I had heard it was a really good game, even though it was big, so I tried it, and I definitely don't remember it being in Russian as Reflux claims. FBI was a group dedicated to putting out good releases, not untranslated or non-working ones. That was a great program, and I got much joy from letting others try it out, to see if they want to buy it, since I still feel that's the only right thing to do. Remember, if everyone got the stuff for free, there wouldn't be any more of it! Even though I had long since left the group, I was appauled to find out that Reflux duped the release, but to make it worse, they were releasing it over half a year later! Talk about sloppy. In rebuttal to Reflux's claim that it was more than 50 disks so it shouldn't count as a real release, your release is too! Bermuda Syndrome isn't much fun to play without all the addons, and if you add those onto the 50 disk total of Bermuda Syndrome, it's way over 60 disks. Reflux claims that it's a new version. If so, WHY NOT RELEASE A FUCKIN PATCH?? Because they're sloppy and led by that pussy Tklp (which stands for Tiny-Kocked-Little-Prick). I used to have respect for Tklp and his group, despite their major screw up with Quake, but after their duping and then DENYING the previous release's credibility, I have lost all faith in them. I now agree with all of Rebel Chicken's criticism of ROR and Reflux, it is all viable. This last mistake should prove it. As for most people's treatment of FBI, I may no longer be a member, but I still have respect for them. They weren't a tiny little group that barely got to the US, they were great. I have now moved on to bigger and better things, as I am now a happy member of PTA, and active as ever. But I have not forgotten my roots as so many people have. Signed, Ermac r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, First off I would like to congradulate you on your fine Diskmag. I get the latest issue off Illegal Injections BBS here in 613 practically the minute it is out. I am not sure how the sysop does it, whether it is upload by an RCN official or he gets it off IRC? Anyway what I am here to say regards women being Piraters. It is a well known that if a girl has a girlish NICK then she will be flamed for trying to do a man's job, that is shit. It doesn't take much effort or so called "man power," to upload and download. I have been doing this since I first got my HAYES 2400 smartmodem. Now I have an ISDN line and a 33.6 USR Courier modem for using BBSs with. What I want to tell you and everyone reading this is that it is not a male only dominated scene. If you look around you will see that there are many females running it as well. For instance there is Acoustic Blast who is the SysOp of Damned Inferno, a good warez board. There are many more that you will find out about if they ever feel that they can come out of hiding under the big M instead of being proud under the bigger F! Most female piraters have to pretend to be male just to get into the scene. Just like when I started, I didn't know this and I got stuck on every lamer list there is, and all just because I was a girl. Now I use a male sounding alias and I do the pretending, so far no one has known and I am doing better then ever. Anyway, that is about all I have to say other than that the guys that think they run the scene, they should think twice!! Signed, Anonymous Dear Anonymous, You're going to be shocked when you read this reply. Don't take it personally, it is not directed at you. It's just a small bit about women that complain about their position in society and female rights. Rebel Chicken and I thought of this when we were at Safeway one day. I've been wanting to publish it for a while now, and it has absolutely nothing to do with warez, but it's something I've got to say and get e-mail back about, so people, don't hold back, I want to start a riot here, write me and tell me what you think of my little schpiel here. Once upon a time Rebel Chicken and I walked into a Safeway (it's a supermarket in the USA) to get something to eat while on an RCN break. We walked past the magazines, they were on the way to the cashier, when Rebel Chicken stopped and exclaimed "HUBBA HUBBA!!!" I turned around and saw him checking out this babe on the front of some magazine. "Ehhhhhhh ---- heeeeeeeeeellllo!!" I shouted back. So we were checking out the women on the front of magazines and then Rebel Chicken noticed something (just when you thought he was actually looking at the women). He asked me "Did you notice how every magazine cover with a woman pictured on it has something about sex?" Surely enough, he was right. We looked through about 25 magazines, and found only two that didn't. One issue of "Seventeen" and the other I don't remember. Sorry guys, we didn't look at computer magazines. So this is the conclusion I draw from all this. Women have no right in hell to complain about being treated like sex toys. I'll tell you right now, I definitely would NOT have minded treating those women as sex toys heheheh but there's no way they can try to tell me that they're just showing off beauty with no sexual connotation implied. Before women can complain about being treated like objects and having a lower place in society, they need to think twice about their actions. I don't mind the fact that beautiful women pose for magazines, but when every magazine with them says something like "20 tips to make your sex life better," "A quiz to see if you really know your way around your bed," "5 women reveal the SEXXXIEST summer lingerie," "The moves the men really like," or "Sex tips for the new year, happy 1996!" it degrades the women's level in society. Right about now all the women's rights groups are telling me "I see nothing wrong with women doing this. It shows that they feel more comfortable with issues about sex." But so what? Maybe the men don't. I don't know, I've never sexually molested a woman, and don't particularly plan on it, but others have, and I don't doubt that magazine covers such as the ones I'm speaking of had some part in it. So food for thought, and note that I'm not justifying Mike Tyson here, he's got the smallest knowledge : size of brain ratio I've ever seen. Would he really have patted that babe on her butt if she weren't wearing something so revealing? When you invite people to a party, you can't expect to kick them out when they show up at your door, and when you invite trouble, you can't expect to kick its hand off your ass. AAAAAND right about now the whole scene thinks I'm insane. Oh well. Signed, Hitex r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, OK, let's get over with : great magazine, doing a fine job, made all other magazines disappear, nice graphics, just lost that ugly intro you did in RCN-21 and 22!!!! Now for the thing itself... Why the hell do you HATE Reflux so much? Tklp? I hate him too, I think he is a 15 year old that thinks that telling everybody that he is fucking will make him look stronger, but I don't give a damn! As long as he releases stuff (and he does release stuff) then go ahead! I'm always for the second chance. Believe me that if he will do the same thing he did with ROR, the Quake Final release, nobody will give him a third chance. I don't care if the leader is 3 years old, if he is gay, if he has pimples on his face, or if he is on drugs. As long as he is supplying ME and the rest of the scene games, I'm happy, and I'll thank him for that. Also, why all the 'fucking' in the response to JdA??? He comes to you with a reasonable letter, at least reply him nicely. Signed, God-Ion Dear God-Ion, I don't hate tKLP. Re-read what I wrote. Re-read the whole jig about Reflux. When reflux came about, I wished them the best of luck, hoping that they would not repeat their past flaws and congratulating them on the second chance they have received. I even applauded Manic for his letter of apology published just after Reflux released a dupe (By the way I'm glad they did, the game is a great one and I like it, I could have never found the FBI version from November 1995, so this dupe helped me and I'm sure many others). The ONLY person I was mad at was JdA. Why? Because he has no balls to admit a mistake. He is the type of person that should be in a group like COPS. Release shareware and say it was warez. I mean they duped, but who the hell cares?! Oh, and he didn't approach me with a letter. If he would have done that, he would have gotten it 10 times worse. He approached the scene with that letter. I get a lot of stupid mail in my mailbox, from a lot of stupid people. Some of it even gets published! I have the ability to delete it and laugh or publish it. However JdA released that letter to the scene. I had no power over what would happen to it. I couldn't "not publish" it. And do you know WHY he published it to the scene independently and didn't submit it to RCN? Because he has no balls and didn't want to see the answer. Too bad he saw it anyway. Signed, Hitex r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, Wassup Everyone! This is just a little something I'd like to say about the interview done on AOD (Angel of Death) about LGN (Legion) and how they kicked out AcidPlain. Everything that AOD had said was true. I was in the group for about two days. If many of you don't remember, I was the one who constructed the group's first diz. I was approached by a senior (I think he was at the time) of the group, Samuraion. He said that if I did a .DIZ for the group, I'd become a member and have access to all their sites. I wasn't all that excited, but it would have been a good chance to get my art skills up to par. So I went to another window, loaded up my ansi editor, and began to work on the diz. Five minutes had passed and I had finished the diz. I sent it over to Samuraion and he told me he liked it. He gave me access to their channel, and told me that I would be added to the INFO as a member, and that I would soon have access to their site(s). I was a little excited, thinking that this group would have a lot of success, and that I was a part of it (after all, without a diz, they wouldn't get far). So I was given access, and soon became friends with a few people in the channel. All was going good. I was couriering their releases as soon as they were being released. I was doing the job that their couriers should have been doing. I was grabbing their releases off a member's shell account, and sending them all around my a/c, and to other sites which I wish to keep anonymous. I went into the channel a couple of days after the last release, and soon noticed after 5 minutes that I still had not been opped. So I waited figuring I was lagged. I waited, and waited, but still no +o. So I msged Acidplain, and he said he would go check the nfo file to see if I was in the group. Turns out I wasn't in the latest nfo file, so he had no proof. I told him that I was the one who did the DIZ for them, but still no ops. I waited for Samuraion to come into the channel. He came in about an hour after I first joined. I told him that my ops had been taken away and that I was not in the NFO file. He told me he added me, and said that he would do it again. He sent me a copy of the latest one which had my name in it, and I kept it on my HD. I joined the channel the next day, and to my surprise (yeah right), I was not given the ops. I was added to the bot, and then got my ops back. I was disconnected due to my computer freezing, and then connected back to IRC 30 minsutes after. I joined the channel again, and once again, no ops. I was mad at this time, and so I sent a public message out stating that someone was removing my name out of the BOTS' list and that that was the reason for me not having my ops. Samuraion joined the channel again, and he told me that he would once again add me to the bot. I waited, and then had ops again. I was then -o'ed and was wondering why. I messaged Acidplain, and he said he didn't need me any longer because they had received a new diz and didn't want mine anymore. I was fucking pissed (excuse the language). So I left the channel, and msged X-Factor, and told him that Acidplain was asshole, and explained why I had called him that. I got no reply, but when I joined channel #Legion, I was kicked out of the channel by none other than Acidplain. I figured that whatever information I was giving to other members of the group, was being leaked out to Acidplain, so I said "Fuck This" and left the channel, never to return again. So to all wondering if that interview contained some false information, none did whatsoever, whatever was said about Acidplain is true. And I regret ever doing any work for that guy. All respects go out to Samuraion for giving me a chance, and to X-Factor for being there when I needed help! Signed, Storm Hacker r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, I was on my favorite warez channel, #Warez66, and I had been asking around for some time now and no one seemed to be responding. Then after time of waiting, to my joy, a guy named NetFrack goes "I do." I quickly messaged him back, and he DCC's me this huge "Mywarez.nfo." I shell to DOS to see what this nfo file is all about and, find out its a nicely arranged list of all this guy has! Overjoyed, I try to strike a deal with him, and ask him questions which indulges us in a conversation. The thing that really surprizes me, is when I learned that he started warez only 8 months ago! The biggest shock comes to me when he tells me he got his first computer in November of 1995! His first experience with a computer he says was when he was 8 years old (a Comodore 64, at a Kids Centre) playing games and crap. From then on, he dreamed of getting one. Finally, after another 7 years his fascination with computers was at its peak, he bought one. Though not knowing much about them, he decided to make the leap and finally managed to get Ma and Pa to get him one. Low on money he had to choose the most economical, a Pentium 75, with 8 megs of ram. After that, like any newbie, he went and signed up with AOL, Compuserve, etc. He tried them all out. However, he was still not into the wonderfull world of warez until a friend of his gives him a copy of Doom 2, with group nfos and all. He sees them and realizes that something very interesting out there exists, which he must find out about. In December of 1995, he gets a real Internet account, and manages to figure out IRC in about 2 weeks. From that time until now, he has managed to gather 2.2 gigs of warez (don't ask me how, he doensn't know either) and has even managed to join some groups, as an artist and a courier. This guy went from being a computer illiterate, to a warez god in such a short time. What I'm trying to say is, if NetFrack can do it, all you newbies, pirates or not, can too! All it requires, is dedication, and the willingness to go out and learn about the scene first! Then the warez will come to you... Signed, Acid Dear RCN, I won't bore you with the usual kudos. You guys are incredible. I'm frankly amazed at the amount of data and expertise you dudz put in each mag. I just don't know how you do it. Needless to say, since issue #19, I'm a latecomer, but very hooked on your publication. Two comments. One, is it me or does your website links go nowhere? What's up with that? Second, I've read a lot about dupes, etc., and have experienced downloading mega releases, only to find viruses in key files. Gotta suggestion maybe you dudz might be able to pass along to the release groups. 1.) Generate a PGP public key for your group 2.) On all of your releases, verify the .zip or .arj or .rar or whateverthefuck you use with that key. This verifies that the files are GENUINE releases from the group in question, and that they stand behind the fact that they're virus free. That way, some phuckin lamer who wants to put Stoned Monkey or some other lamer shit in the file, will have to phuck with the file, thus it won't pass the key. Just a thought, fellas. Keep it up... Signed, DxMachina Dear RCN, I was reading RCN #23 when I came to an editorial done by a member of RCN (HBKid). It was regarding how release groups release programs which nobody would use, and how it's not their fault. Here's a piece of his work : "I guess it is not the release group's fault if the programmers these days are not making quality programs... have some pride and don't release 'How To Type Faster Part 5' when they know people don't use it." When I read this, I thought to myself "But it is the release group's fault." The fault is not at the programmer. People do use these programs . They are used in school, in training programs, etc. There are many programs out there which may seem dumb, but in the professional world, and not in this fantasy world we live in, the programs are very important, and are used by thousands of people through out the world. This is just a word of advice to the release groups. Even though it is a VERY hard job these days to find and release a good game or util, you must also stop and think that not everyone in the scene will give you the credit for it (as HBKid said in his article). There are many people in the scene who will take advantage of the release, and use it for their personal use, but the majority will only look at the release, and go onto the next. *PS* "Quality Over Quantity!" Signed, Storm Hacker Dear RCN, First I'd like to say that your mag is the best. Being a coder myself, I find that Xenon's code is really good (NO, I won't request code as I don't need it). Well anyway, I write in response to Bass Extream in Issue #21. He said that in his area there are only 5 boards left. He doesn't know how LUCKY he is. In my area (514, real sucky since the RCMP busted most boards a year ago) there are new boards popping up every day. Normally, this would be a good thing, since more boards means more places to call besides the Internet, but it is not. Unfortunately, most of these boards are run by little 14 year-old kiddies who don't know shit about modems or even computers. They run their little board on Renegade, call everyone who doesn't run on Renegade lame (yeah, right, "PCB rules but you can't config it" they say. HA!) and such. They are litterally killing the board scene here. You don't want to know how many groups have started and died in the last month. Here, since most of the stuff is in french, the kiddies go around saying "Vachier mon criss, tu vaux pas de la marde pis m'a te tuer" (means go to hell, you aren't worth shit and I'm gonna kill ya...) You see what I mean? Now I don't say everyone is like that (you have an affiliate in my area, Area 51, I know the board and I talked to the Sysop a couple times) and some are cool. But another problem around here is message networks. There are at LEAST 20 of them, most real shitty with kiddoes on them who are learning to type. So what's to do? Most people don't even want to turn to the Internet here because they say it costs too much (my shell connection is 30$/month with 100 hours, not TOO bad but still I'd prefer if I didn't have my 4 megs quota). This gets overcrowded boards, kiddoes (don't want to call them lamers since not all of them really are) who run them and who are saying "I want warez! I want messages! I want the perfect board but I can't configure it! Mommmmy!" I ran a board 2 years ago, now I turned to PCB and am still modding it, making my own PPEs and such, while little kiddoes are shouting to me that I'm a lamer. Come on... Signed, Time Killer Dear RCN, This is a letter in reply to 'Da Phreak's' letter in RCN #22. I really feel he should look harder into what he is talking about. He asks : "I mean, who is the thief here? Us or them? They charge $50 for a piece of plastic and some magnetic tape, and I AM THE CRIMINAL for getting it for free?" Yes, my friend, you ARE the criminal. Obviously he doesn't know how hard coding can be. I'm sure he's unaware that it took iD YEARS to make quake the game it is and they should be rewarded. This is why Mr. Law Making Guys have tried to protect these programmers from people like us. Later on, Da Phreak states: "I mean, there is a chance <1 in 1 000 000 000> that I could randomly write binary that would replicate this last scene from a well known 3D game." Once again, his ignorance shines through! Let's look at some very elementary probability: (Let's assume 'this last scene from a well known 3D game' is 200k): 200x1024=204800 bytes 204800x8=1638400 bits 2^1638400= REALLY BIG. So you see, it's a bit bigger than 1 : 1 000 000 000. Now before someone calls me a hypocrite for saying all this, I'd just like to say that I accept how much work programmers put into their games. I accept I'm a ciminal. I just don't care. :-) Signed, Mr. Phallus Dear RCN, Just wanted to say that I love your magazine. I look forward to reading it every week. Keep up the good work! Signed, Iceman Dear RCN, As always, love the e-mag. However, I like the WWW page more. The whole stone motif is really cool! Take is easy peeps, and keep it coming! :) Signed, Frosty Dear RCN, Xenon, I am a coder, and I want to ask you if you actually coded all the stuff yourself, or you used other people's code. Let's say Tyrian the game, was it coded all by you?!? I can't believe that someone is able to code a game like that in a week unless you have no life at all and you work on it 10 hours a day. If you would like to share some info where I might find interesting PASCAL and ASM sources for games (except ftp.cdrom.com) I'd be happy to know. Thanks. Keep up the good job. Signed, Twiztah Dear Twiztah, He coded the whole thing by himself! But he didn't spend more than 10 hours total on that Tyrian game. And as for where to find routines, check wuarchive.cdrom.com, but don't look at me if it's the same site ;-). Signed, Hitex/Rebel Chicken Dear RCN, Just wanted to say that I love yer mag. I also love the games to get to the secret articles, heh! Signed, Nth Dear RCN, I would just like to say that RCN is by far the best emag there is. I like listening to the music the most, but the articles are just as good. The new artwork is also great. I was wondering if you could realase a pack of all the songs that are in the mag. One more thing, who in RCN lives in Centerline, MI? Cuz I live by Centerline and I was just curious. Signed, Kult Dear RCN, It is unbelievable how far your magazine has come in just 22 issues. The graphics are top notch, the sound is some of the best I have heard, I play it in the background when I am doing things, nothing else like it on the market. I think that what you are doing is great, something kids and others can enjoy reading, no crap like they shovel out in The New Yorker or anything like that. Keep up the good work. Signed, Jest Dear Jest, Oh God bless you my good man! This is going straight from my mail box to my upcoming AP English teacher's desk. She has this thing about making the students read an article out of The New Yorker every day, and let's just say most don't think of it as an enjoyable task. Hopefully this will do something about that . Signed, Hitex/Rebel Chicken Dear RCN, This letter is partly in response to Ermac's letter in RCN #21 about the benefits and popularity of IRC Couriering, and partly my opinions and other feelings about IRC Couriering. IRC couriering, in my opinion at least, may show which files are the more popular ones, but with BBS trading (I don't do FTP trading), I know that you can find more online about the file you are going to download, as well as have a more reliable and faster connection to get the file from. Often, when leeching off a DCC bot on IRC, you have to wait for a slot to become available, and when that does, how are you to know the bot won't drop connection while sending you the file. I know that when I BBS trade I can upload or download simulateously while knowing that I can get a connection on most multinode boards whenever I want, and know that the board is stable and won't disconnect in the middle of my transfer. With IRC couriering also, you may be getting decent rates thru a t1 or t3 on your provider from the bot, but then, after it reaches your hd, you have to sit and wait while downloading it off your providers drive. Now, this can be hasslesome, and I do know that many will go through this trouble just to get an 0 day release, but it's not THAT beneficial timewise. Now, I don't want to sound like guys who setup DCC bots on IRC are lame, or stupid, I think that those who have bots steady going 24/7 offering the latest files in any offer channel are very taleneted and should be commended. I personally think though, that IRC Courering leaves the trading scene too simple. I enjoy trading locally, and on occasional 800/888s, and I only use DCCs to get mags and small files (under 200k). I enjoy the competition that trading gets on boards trying to beat other guys who have the same files. IRC trading gievs people the "no ratio" advantage of taking files off IRC returning nothing, and then becoming well known. I hope to start telnet trading soon, but right now I'm rebuilding my board from a hard drive crash, and don't have much time on my hands between that and work, so BBS trading is all I can do. Finally, I'd like to address Ermac's saying that groups like Everlast and RiSC should get dcc channels and offer bots. I personally would like to commend Everlast and RiSC and all other groups that only trade where the REAL competition is, on boards and sites. Anyone can sit on IRC for a few hours a day offering some new files they DCCed from someone else, but it takes someone who is fairly talented to trade the fast files on the fastest boards and sites in the world. Again, I don't think all DCC guys are bad, fATE did a good thing creating #fATEfiles, but it got way to popular and blown out of proprtion. I have a lot of friends in fATE or who used to be in fATE, and have respect for the group itself. In my area, I'm glad to see trading picking up because of IRC, but many people ask me why I don't just move my board to real fast, and leech off IRC all day. The reason is, it's too easy. Again, no competition and no ratios. That's why sites and boards gain the importance they do. Most TRUE traders get the files off the whq's or group affiliated sites, and spread from there. IRC trading has been given too much importance in the scene. IRC should be left as group channels to have group information publicly available, and in some cases, just a meeting place between fellow members to talk. Signed, King Cobra Dear RCN, How hard is it to find a god release these days? That is a good question when you really think about it. When BBSing and trading files how many files that you download do you actually use? When looking at files these days they seem really pathetic. For instance, why would someone want a personal heatlth manger or something that is very boring. 3D Creative caladers and other lame releases I have seen passed around and when checking my BBS stats it seems that these files are never downloaded while Duke Nukem 3D on my board was downloaded 75 times!!! I think that release groups should take more time and release quality things that a majority of people would like instead of wasting time cracking and passing around total junk. For instance, I must have traded and seen over 5-7 gigs of files and how many of those files did I actually use? Hardly any to be perfectly honest, in my time in the scene I might have used about 500 megs of all the things releases and a lot of the things that I used were the older files which I had to request because most of the newer things out there aren`t even that great to begin with. I guess it is not the release group's fault if the prgrammers these days are not making quality programs to crack but I do think they should have some pride and don't release "How to Type Faster Part 5" when they know people won't use it. The problem these days is people are just couriering for fun... for something to do and they will trade almost everything and not even use it so release groups can get away with releasing junk because they know people will trade it no matter what it is. So release groups that read this letter and think about the quality of your releases lately and ohh yea try to make sure they work to. Couriers read this and remember next time you courier "How to Cook" maybe if you refused to trade some lame releases like that maybe the groups will stop releasing them! Signed, HBKid r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Introduction : AMN vs. RISC Since before I can remember when, courier groups have been battling over which courier group was #1 in this and that, blah blah. Courier Group A would steal a good courier from Group B, and then Group B would get mad and then Group B would steal a good courier from Group A, and so on. Courier groups would steal a member here, and a member there for the sake of improving a group's couriering ability. However, with the advent of the Internet, and the structuring of the few but well organized FTP sites, many courier groups are now switching their attention into battling over FTP sites instead. A good FTP courier could be found anywhere, but a good FTP site is hard to come by, and is heavily sought after by group leaders. Group leaders risk (no pun intended) a few back stabbings here, and lie a bit there, and do something lame somewhere else, just for the chance that they might be able to acquire a few of these important FTP sites. The following is a story of how RISC steals (I could use a more passive word, but what the hell for?) a FTP site from Amnesia. Amnesia is caught with its pants down, and the owner of the FTP site, Ryu, who happens to be an Amnesia member, is stuck in a Catch 22 scenario. A long, long, time ago (last week), in a galaxy far away (Oregon), an Amnesia siteop is ganged up on by his friendly (back stabbing) RISC cositeops, and thus, loses control... here goes... Do you know about Ryu and Oasis and the situation between Amnesia and RISC? Do you know the situation there? No, I do not, but just tell me the information and I will see to it that the higher ups at RCN will get this information. Well, here is the situation, Ryu and Vile started a site named The Doughnut Hole with Ryu and Vile as siteops. We'll refer to that site as the The Doughnut Hole for sake of anonymity. Later on, Vile dropped out of the site for a few weeks, and Ryu asked Devast to help out as a cositeop. Please continue... Then, the site became the Prestige USHQ and the Amnesia Courier HQ. At this point, Devast lied to Ryu to try to get him to drop Amnesia and go with RISC. Ryu told Devast and RISC that he did not want to drop Amnesia for RISC (refer to the interview with Ryu in RCN #23). At that time, Devast kept on trying to get The Doughnut Hole to go with RISC by getting Ryu to drop Amnesia. I see, is there anything else? Ryu repeatedly slammed Devast's ideas to go with RISC. Ryu's logic was that Devast wanted RISC only for his own personal gain by schmoozing the higher ups of RISC. And Ryu did not want that kind of shit to happen on his site. The fact of the matter was this, Devast thought that he owned the site now. No matter how much work he thinks that he put into the site, Ryu was still the one housing the hardware. If the feds had knocked down the door, Ryu would go to jail, not Devast. This was and is Ryu's site. So the actual site is like in Ryu's room? After this, the hardware needed to be moved to another location for reasons that I am not willing to reveal. An unnamed person volunteered to house the hardware under the stipulation that it whould still be Ryu's site. The only difference would be that the hardware was in a new local. The day after the unnamed siteop gave that promise to Ryu, he took that back after Ryu had decided to boot Devast from the site. Ryu wanted Devast out because Devast was using the site for personal gain and for selfish motivations. Yuck... At this point in time, the siteops and cositeops decided that they wanted to drop Amnesia again, and bring in RISC. It's funny since 4 of the 7 siteops and cositeops are RISC members. Whoa, I guess RISC secured that site. Ryu would not let this happen. He stated before that his site would not go to RISC, and now, by Devast's undermining, the site was again trying to do so! Ryu stated the fact that he would leave the site as a siteop if they booted Amnesia, which they did. So Ryu is no longer a siteop on The Doughnut Hole. I have a log that I took with Devast, Revolver, and myself. I want this published so that the scene knows what a whining, sniveling, and backstabbing little bitch that Devast really is. Can I dcc you the log file? Go right ahead, I would really appreciate it. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Ryu Loses His Site The following is a log file which details how Devast justifies ousting Ryu from The Doughnut Hole. Devast claims that he was the one who started the site and that he is the sole reason why the site was a success. However, the truth is anything but what Devast claims it to be. For those of you who are currently leaders in a courier group, or would someday like to be running a group, it would be good to either learn how to be sly like Devast, or to learn how to outsly someone like Devast. Either way, Devast has a lot to teach us. You can either learn to be like Devast, and catch other people with their pants down, or you can learn how to prevent from being fucked over by people like Devast, and thus, prevent getting yourself caught with your pants down. Read on and decide for yourself. Session Start : Thu Aug 01 02:05:53 1996 Ryu has been removed from The Doughnut Hole staff. What the fuck for!?! The Doughnut Hole is now the Razor WHQ. What the fuck for!?! I didn't want to remove him from the staff. I want to know all the decisions that have been made since the phone call with Ryu. I want to know every detail, and this will be logged. Ryu said, "If the site drops Amnesia, I am gone." Why has the site dropped Amnesia? We had a vote on whether or not to drop Amnesia and Ryu's vote was accounted for as a "no." The deal to boot Amnesia off the site was made by 5 people who were on the weektop. They only had 2 that wanted to keep the site Amnesia. You are sooo damn stuck on getting rid of Amnesia! Why is that so?? Amnesia does nothing for the site. Amnesia only leeches. I don't understand why you literally hate Amnesia. I don't hate them. Amnesia has 4 damn traders in the top uploaders. I just don't think that The Doughnut Hole should be an Amnesia site. There was a staff vote and people voted 5 to 1 in favor of dropping Amnesia. Who is on staff besides Coolio, Ryu, and yourself? Arch-Vile, Cyberjack, and Darkside are all part of the staff. These guys are obviously biased against Amnesia because they are all in RISC! Which fucking group do you think they will vote for? It's all rigged man and you know it. So what? The vote was to drop Amnesia and Ryu was part of the vote, but lost. Who started the fucking site?? I did. YOU? I could have sworn it was Ryu. I got the traders on there trading. I made it what it was and Ryu knows that. Devast, you my friend, are a bitch. You voted to oust Ryu when he started the site?!?!? Fuck you all. If you all want a site without Ryu, then you need to pick a new name. The Doughnut Hole was, and always will be, Ryu's site and you are a bitch for not backing him up. How am I supposed to back up Ryu after he tried to remove me from the staff even though I was the one who did everything for the site? I just think that you wanted RISC from the start because you have some personal fantasy in being one of the scene high rollers and the only ride you have to being anything like that is with The Doughnut Hole. Ryu wanted to remove you from the site because you wanted to ditch Amnesia and go with RISC, why? Because you are afraid of facing a challenge. You, my friend, might know some shit about UNIX, but you could use a lesson or 2 in the loyalty department. RISC will use you and the site until you are not worth a shit. Then RISC will drop you like a sack of garbage. You fell for their games, sucker. And why do you think personally you would belong in RISC? You're not a trader. What would you personally have to offer them as a group?? I simply want the site to be the best it can and that is done only with RISC. And what does RISC have that Amnesia doesn't?? RISC is respected and it has traders. Man, you are truly lame. And you say that the site will be better with RISC as an affiliation? Listen here newbie, all of the RISC traders that are worth a shit will trade on The Doughnut Hole, not because it is a RISC site, but because it a good site. You voted to kick out Amnesia because you wanted to kiss ass to RISC, and you know it. I finally see how truly weak you are, it is a pity. From day one, Coolio said that Ryu would have FULL CONTROL of the damn site. He said that the only new stipulation was that it was on his damn box. No, that was not the case, ask Coolio. You're a pussy and you have pushed for RISC before and Ryu told you to go to hell. And now you got your way, how many loads of cum did you have to swollow to get it?!?! Session Close : Thu Aug 01 02:35:57 1996 r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Revolver Interviewee : Cyberjack Subject : AMN vs. RISC Affiliation : RISC Cositeop : So what is your position on this situation with the site and having Ryu kicked out? : I think that the whole thing is childish, Ryu agreed that for major decisions, we take a vote and the majority rules. We voted to leave Amnesia 5 to 1. He was 1, so we left Amnesia. He said that if we left Amnesia, then he'd quit, so we kicked him out. : Of course you did, you are in RISC. If you didn't say vote for RISC and I was in RISC, I would get you kicked out of RISC. : It's simple. I am trying to keep an objective point of view on this. : Ryu left, he was not kicked. : But I just think he should have followed his own rules about the site. He could have stayed in Amnesia, but he said if the site leaves then he would leave the site. He could have been in Amnesia and a siteop on The Doughnut Hole. I'm in RISC, but I didn't quit RISC to become a cositeop on The Doughnut Hole. It's the same thing. I'm in Prestige and The Doughnut Hole is affiliated with Razor, I am not quitting Prestige to join Razor. Devast was in no group, yet he is still a siteop on an Amnesia site. : You have a duty as a loyal RISC member to make sure that shit goes good in RISC's direction. : I have a loyalty as a RISC member to do what's best for RISC. So yes, you are correct. : Is this true? Does this alter your decision at all? That's all I want to know since almost all the members of the The Doughnut Hole staff are in RISC. : All the cositeops are RISC members. I voted to leave Amnesia because Amnesia wasn't supporting The Doughnut Hole enough and yet Amnesia had 15 leech accounts. : Don't you think that alters the decision just a little itty bit though? : No. I told you I am being objective on this, I am not letting my being in RISC effect it. : I just don't want this to seem like Amnesia can't do the job and more like that The Doughnut Hole is a good site and all the RISC members think it should be in RISC. : I also have a duty as a cositeop to do what's best for The Doughnut Hole. Apparently, Amnesia can't do the job. : What have you heard about Amnesia traders being nuked off of The Doughnut Hole? : I don't know everything. I just know what I'm told. : A person with cositeop access was nuking Amnesia accounts on The Doughnut Hole. : It wasn't me. I just nuked Amnesia once, and maybe a few other people that I didn't know of and who weren't on BBX. I was told to nuke them though. : Who instructed you to nuke accounts? : Ryu is out and we're going independent or with RISC. : Who instructed you to nuke accounts? Who do you think is the leader of The Doughnut Hole? Who does ALL the work and is responsible for its stature? : It's a group thing. We all do the same there is no "leader." : I have logs from Devast that state otherwise. : The Doughnut Hole is a group thing, not a one man effort. No one man can make it what it is today. : Devast claims that he brought in all the affiliations for the site. : Believe what you want... : Devast claims that he started the whole site and is the leader of it all. He claims sole responsibility for making the site what it is today. : I'll talk to you tomorrow. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Revolver Interviewee : Devast Subject : AMN vs. RISC Affiliation : n/a : I just don't understand your tie to the site, and what gives you such power in the decision making of it? : I run it. It's as simple as that. I made it what it is now and I will make it #1. I do all the work that I consider running it. I got people to trade on it. : Seriously, Ryu brought in the affiliations. He did the work and now you're taking credit for it and I think that what you're trying to do is bullshit. : I brought in the affiliations, not Ryu. I was the one to get the site into Prestige and PWA, and Razor. : You say that YOU, Devast, solely took all the initiative and got PWA and RAZOR to come to The Doughnut Hole ALL by YOURSELF?!? : 95% yes. : I have a hard time believing that. : I was going to do it on some other machine, but Ryu offered me to do it on his. : So you put the box on your desk with the t1 one and the hardware and all?!?! : The connection is not a problem any more. : You have quite a big ego if I do say. : I could start 50 sites right now. : Then do it, I would like to see you do it. You seem like quite a bit of talk. : I did do it with Coolio. I found him in 1.5 hours. :) : Welp, I will leave it at this. There is no point in arguing and after this is reviewed by Ryu and you will have to hear from him tommorrow. : I am sure I will hear from him. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Aslan Subject : A Retired Legend Affiliation : ex-Malice VP : While in the scene, what groups have you been a part of? And what were your positions in those groups? : Well let me see, when I was calling a UK board called the flying teapot (using a different handle at that time) I guess I was not in any groups. This is because I guess one could class me as inept in the warez of the scene, but I contributed whatever I could to the board. In 1992, I joined a small Internet group called FC. Although one could not class it as a serious group in terms of trading, warez, or speed, I still feel that FC held the foundations of what the scene, the true scene is all about. : What foundations did this group hold which makes up the true scene? : The true scene is not just phreaking, carding, but the fact that you share friendships which in my opinion is a thing that should happen now. As well, one can see the bullshit in groups is growing nowadays, group fights, etc. : What happened after you joined FC, when did you take leave for other courier groups? : After FC, where I met the likes of Stingray 6 and Cruger of RISC (Rise in Superior Couriering), I joined RTS (Request to Send), under the leadership of Dorian Hawkmoon and Ordnance. : What were your duties in RTS, and what did you accomplish while in RTS? : Reflecting back on RTS, my main job was to coordinate their Internet side, and I thought I was doing good job, however problems with the leadership made me leave RTS along with Dorian Hawkmoon and a few others to form the group Malice. With Vile and Dorian's assistance, we rebuilt Malice with Jake the Snake. At first, I was a member of Council, but as more pressing duties arose, I was given the position of Vice President. Given the charge of Malice was an honour to be bestowed on me, and I knew I wanted to run Malice a little differently from most groups out their. : How did you want to run Malice differetly? What did you have in mind that would have made Malice stand out above the rest? : I tried to inspire good teamwork and a friendship enterprise within the group which I say must have worked because Malice back in its haydays was damn friendly and the members were easy going. By having a good karma within the group, I felt this would give Malice the edge over the rest. : How was Malice dominant while you were leading it at its peak? : Well, Malice did have problems with other couriering groups out there, but times have now changed. While leading Malice along with Jake the Snake, Dorian, Lester, and company, everything went like clockwork. Malice conquered Europe and certainly the UK, where there was no other competition. So while Malice was expanding, I sought to make the group afilliated with more utils groups and gain strategic alliances with games groups. Thus, I joined smaller utils groups like Darius and Pinnacle, and games groups such as Razor 1911 to ensure that Malice could and did spread the warez. By having a small voice in this and that group and by establishing good team work between the releasing groups and Malice, I envisaged that the Malice future should have been bright. : Should... but something unfortunate did happen to Malice. What turned your friendly Malice members into bitter Malice members? : However, since the problems with Malice in the last two months, which may I add has been rectified by the current leaders, I have left all posts because I was getting tired of it and I wanted to finish my degree and do a Ph.D. What happened to Malice with Amnesia and Rapier is public knowledge so I do not wish to follow that on. Currently, since I am retired from all this, the only thing I occasionally do is act as the independent siteop on Enigma. : Do you have plans to ever come back to Malice once you have finished your Ph.D.? : Well, that would be in 3 years time haha, I really can't say. I do give some advice where needed, but I am tired of it all, and warez just doesn't interest me anymore. Sure, the boards still retain some interest in the UK, where I like talking to the sysops, but otherwise, I find the act of downloading warez via molyturbo to be boring and basically unintresting. : Which field is your doctoral degree in? : My Ph.D. thesis will cover the development and the application of the Information Superhighway for the benefit of the people with special needs. : I have a special need for warez. You can interview me for your doctoral thesis. And I can go grab Darkhosis, he'll be your net monkey, and you can give him tests, and you can give me warez. Anyhow, what does Aslan stand for? What does that word mean? : Haha, Aslan... well, if you're Turkish, Aslan would mean "lion." However, if you read C.S. Lewis' books, Aslan is the good lion who defends Narnia from the White Witch. : What do you think of the current state of the couriering scene? Do you think much has changed since you were an active leader of Malice? : The current state, well, that's a good question, if you split the couriering scene between boards and the Internet, it is obvious the attention is shitfing away from boards and toward the Internet for the sake that it it is easier to courier to and it's faster. The only group that I can think of that is like moffo dedicated to the boards is Everlast, possibly RISC on their HQs and once upon a time Malice on all their boards throughout the world. But the emphasis appears to be on the Internet, so there seems to be a whole load of new Internet groups that appear week by week but I am probably mistaken. This would also imply that the Internet scene appears to be reaching a saturation point as you can only have so many Internet groups out there. As for when I ran Malice, I ensure that (tried to anyway) that my region, the UK, got its boards covered well and that our sites in Europe got covered. Also, before RISC took over Enigma and before Malice had its difficulties, Malice did support Enigma damn well. : So, if the scene is saturated, does that mean that it is GOOD or BAD for the scene? : Well, maybe a new blood will bring new attitudes, proving to people that they don't have any ego problems and that they have an idea what teamwork is all about. I think the scene could do with more of those types of people be it boards or the Internet. Some people take the scene far too seriously and think you have to be elite and shit, and if you aren't elite, you have to be lame. All I can say is, the scene embraces those who believe in the right ideology. That's why when one of your writers, Trite, criticized Malice, I wrote a letter based on facts and sound arguments, not hysterical rantings and ravings that some people can give. So yeah, new people with decent ideas might not be a bad idea. : Mind you Trite is no longer a part of RCN, and is no longer allowed to submit articles to RCN. :) : Well Trite I think has improved certainly, but as I say, never judge a person by his or her cover until you know them. As some people say, there is an alpha and there is an omega. : And a Win 95 Beta... is there anything you would like to say to the scene before we adjourn? : Let us all try and make what we have left in the scene a better place be it on the Internet or on a board. Because if we don't, then we will be the final destructors of a hobby in which we all participate and enjoy. Remember, it's only a hobby guys and girls. Oh yeah, hi Steve, Duncan, Robert, Gary, Andreas, Philip, Marten, Tom, Justin, and everyone who knows me. :) r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Holy Beast Subject : Prestige Senior Cracker Affiliation : Prestige Cracking : How long have you been in the scene? Once you became a part of the scene, how long was it before you started contributing to various groups, and how did you contribute to each of these groups? : I've been in the scene for about 7 years now. I started with coding demos for demo groups, and some of those were Apocalypse, Neurotica, and Rebels. This was back in 1991, after that, I left the demo scene and started coding viruses and some antiviruses, but I soon got bored and started cracking for the IBM/PC, I cracked/coded for Scotch which merged with PWA and then I left PWA to join Hybrid in 1993. After that, I joined FairLight where I was cracking/organizing together with JBM. : Wasn't FairLight a group that specialized in releasing floppy games? What happened after the floppy games scene died out? : Well, when the floppy games scene died out, I carried on to groups like TDT, Mortality and finally Prestige and Siege which I am in now. Oh, I was also in Dynamix, but what the hell... : Because you have been in the scene for such a long period of time, and because you've been active in various groups while being in the scene, you can be considered a good witness as to the scene happenings throughout your time. In your expert opinion, what is happening to the scene now, how has the scene changed in the past, and how do you feel it will change in the future? : I've noticed that the competition is less now in the IBM/PC scene and loyality is becoming a thing of the past. More and more people are more interested in their own success and they don't care about the groups they are a part of. I think that the IBM/PC game scene is going to die out in the future because the games are getting bigger and bigger, and there aren't many good crackers around that can do the job. It won't be worth ripping the games in the future. : Even if games get bigger in size, isn't it also logical to assume that transfer speeds between end downloaders will also increase at the same rate? According to Krypto's indepth study on download times, which can be found in RCN #23, Krypto concluded that it took the average downloader 2 hours and 19 minutes to download the average 2 meg game in 1988 at 2400 b/s, and that it also takes the average downloader 2 hours and 19 minutes to download the average 28 meg game in 1996 at 33.6 kb/s. If that is true, then the size of the game is not going to effect the scene because transfer speeds will be going up as well. How long do you think the IBM/PC scene will survive? : The scene will never die out totally, but it will be totally different and as we already can see the quality isn't going to be the most important goal. I think the scene will survive 6-7 more years and then die out. : When you speak that, "quality isn't going to be the most important goal," are you referring to games groups that are indifferent to quality? If so, do you believe that there are games groups out there which do stand for quality? : Honestly? I believe that there are no groups at the moment which are releasing 100% quality. They are all so anxious to get the games out. It's not like in the C64 time when the group that released the best cracks and trainers would win the release. And I can understand how the groups feel since what you are releasing can never be 100% quality since you are ripping out a lot of stuff. The games scene right now is doing a very good job advertising for game companies. We release a ripped "demo" for the game so that everyone can test the game and if they really like it, they have to buy it to get everything. It wasn't like that back in the floppy days, since you would get the *WHOLE* game. : Even in the floppy days, you could use the same reasoning and say that you never downloaded a *WHOLE* game because you never got to download the manual. Then, in order to get the *WHOLE* game, you had to go out to buy the complete game at some software store. Anyhow, why is the IBM/PC scene so different from the long ago C64 days? : One of the reasons might be that people who bought a C64/AMIGA, bought it to *PLAY* on it. It was all about games. On the IBM/PC, 30 to 40% of the games have protection, if you can call it that. Back in the C64 scene, the crackers were often the leaders of groups and they were doing most of the job. They had the whole game. Most IBM/PC crackers today don't receive the whole game, and when you know you're cutting on the quality when ripping the game, you don't really feel like making trainers, docs and nice intros for it. And most importantly, the scene is split into 2 scenes, a demo scene and a cracking scene. Before, those two were the same and the cracking groups released quality demos too. : How did these two scenes which were originally one, split off into two? : Since the values changed, a good release isn't a release with a nice intro. Intros, demos, and maybe nice trainers became less important to the cracking scene. So leaders soon stopped asking for intros because that was no longer an important issue for the leaders who wanted game releases. The demo people understood the situation and left the cracking scene and started their own scene. And there is such a big difference between the demo scene and the cracking scene because you don't work a lot on one game/release. But a good demo might take over a year of work! r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Celestian Interviewee : Pussy Subject : Fucking the Scene Affiliation : n/a : Hello, I've heard some things that I was wondering if you could confirm for me? I've heard that you've been framing other people and taking down warez sites. Is this true? : Yes, quite exciting stuff! : Why are you doing this? : It's fun, VERY FUN! : It's Fun? You're sitting in channels #Freewarezdcc and #Warez666, snagging what you can I'm sure, so why are you hurting the scene? Why don't you try helping the scene? : Because that's not fun. It's fun to see them squirm as I delete all their files after downloading them for my personal use. : Are you a cop? : No. Cops usually leave the evidence for the FBI in the big situations. Cops don't delete sites. : Uh huh... how is it that you can bypass security which would keep you from deleting files? : :) : Ok, well, I'll be publishing this in this weeks issue of RCN #24, is there anything you would like to say to the scene in general? : Yes, there actually is. : Please do... : I just want everyone to know that the warez community will not be a success until the warez community stops. Software publishers spend quite a while on the programming and creation of their software, and I fully back them. If I like a title, I buy it. : Ok, we all encourage people to buy the software if they like it. Let me ask you this, how many sites have you taken out? And do you know the names of the groups in which you've hurt? : I think it's upwards close to a thousand sites. It's kinda hard to keep track of. I especially like to delete quite a few of them NVC (New Vision Couriers) sites. They are VERY LAME! : What about big name courier groups? Have any luck with those? : Actually, I did get a couple FATE (Fast Action Trade Exchange) sites. I think I ended up getting kicked off after I got about half of the files on them. : I see. You said up above that the warez community needs to stop, and that if you like a certain title you go buy it. However, you just made a contradiction in terms. You are in the warez scene to review software to see if you like it before you buy it. Why don't you just get out of the warez scene and buy the software that sparks your interest? : Well, demo versions usually really suck, so warez is nice to do a quick play with, then delete. But most people have huge warez collections and never buy the full versions. : I see, but in a sense, you do the same thing as everyone else, so you too are supporting the scene. Without it, you wouldn't know what to buy and what not to buy either. : I enjoy watching the idiots search for programs, it's funny as hell. I don't care about them, I don't care if it lasts. Well, it looks like we have yet another asshole on our hands. This one seems to be even more destructive than our old pal Chris Carter. This guy is IP spoofing our very own IPs with a program which he wrote himself. I tried to get it from him, but he wouldn't release it. After he looks like you by spoofing you, he jumps into the channel that you were in and then somehow gets the addresses to the groups sites. He gets on the sites, takes what he wants, then somehow breaks security and deletes everything on the site. He can be found on the Undernet under the handle PuSsy, however, from what I understand, he likes to impersonate others a lot, so watch out! This was the address that I got on him at the time of speaking to him. PuSsy is jgearon@pmx1z01.kcnet.com * Josh Gearon PuSsy is now on #nowarez4u #freewarez #freewarezdcc PuSsy using Chicago-1.IL.US.Undernet.org [] American Informations Systems-Chicago One day, as I was checking my site lists, I came across a deleted site and then another and another. It's not an uncommon thing for one but three in a row! I noticed that they were all being deleted by the same person, the dreaded "Pussy." People have speculated about whether warez is legal, and the answer is plain and simple NO. But that's what makes warez all more fun. Why would someone go and delete what is a passtime for millions of traders and "jobs" for crackers and coders? Is it fun for them to torment us? No one will know unless they know the few deleters out there. I frequent a few warez channels and the occasional #WarezX channels, and all you hear is "That damn Pussy got site #2," or "That fucking Pussy, I hate his ass, he deleted the site I was on." Or even the occasional playing of the Rip 96 file_id.diz. I know I have said those things too, but is it really that bad? Are these "lamers" really hurting us? Is it causing the scene to fall apart? The answer is NO to all three questions. Yes, I said NO. Many don't realize it but they are helping us. They are forcing more of us to find private sites and forcing curriers to find delete-restricted sites. These things are not bad and infact they help the scene. Private sites force non-eleetists to groups, which help the scene of course, and delete restricted sites force hackers to find better sites or work on their hacking skills so they can get root, and while doing that improving their skills. Private sites are better and faster and delete-restricted sites help better group hackers. All-in-all, they are nothing more than a pro for the scene rather than a con. Although it is annoying when they delete while your on a site, but most people carry more than one list with them. I would like to say I do not encourage deleting, but bashing them will make it worse. Just let them be and they will quit. If not, work around them and join a group. Signed, Hades r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Rancid Apathy Subject : Coredump Senior Affiliation : Coredump's Success? : Coredump is relatively new to the scene, yet it has proven in the last few weeks that it can dish out games as well as the other more established games groups. What has been the driving force behind Coredump's success? : Well, we are trying to bring some quality back into the scene, and stay professional about it too. We have to remember that the scene is for fun, and we're all in it together. : How has Coredump been able to bring back quality to the scene? What makes Coredump stronger than other games groups, if that is the case? : As a new group, we are trying to stay as organized as possible. We strive to release working, non duped and properly cracked games, by testing them and making sure they are ready. : Has it always been Coredump's policy to make sure that all Coredump releases are properly cracked? Also, on the note of non duped games, could you mention a few Coredump releases that would be categorized as non duped and quality? : We are a new group, as you noted, and have had small problems in the past, but our policy is to make sure that the games are ready to play after installation, 100 percent. I would categorize Quake as a quality release from Coredump. : Coredump has made some mistakes in the past, and I would not consider them as small, but nonetheless, it's a thing of the past, and Coredump has most definitely improved upon itself. : A new group is bound to make mistakes, and we can use those mistakes as something that we will not let happen again. : On the note of Quake, wasn't that already released by 2 other games groups before Coredump released its version? Could Coredump's version of Quake be a dupe? : ROR supposedly released Quake Final, but it wasn't even the final. ROR's release of Quake can't be put in the same category as Coredump's release. We're not talking about a FINAL Beta release of a game here. Razor 1911 also released Quake, but it was released after Coredump had already released its version. Our version was out before theirs. Razor had a quality release, and a good job to them. : A good job to Razor? That's a good attitude to have, however, I don't think Razor is repaying your nice compliment with a nice compliment to you guys. On the contrary, according to Perfect Form, Razor has been putting down Coredump for releasing Quake. Is Razor justified in its actions? : Personally, I have a lot of respect for Razor because I have seen them stay in the scene forever. They have been putting out some of the best games, and have lasted through many generations of groups. So I can see where Razor is coming from when a new group such as Coredump beats them to a big release such as Quake. I do not put down Razor for this, because duping has been happening more often in the last year or so, and it is a major problem in the scene. Razor has been a part of the scene for a long time, and could get the benefit of the doubt for that reason, which is unfortunate. : So, you are saying that Razor duped Coredump, but most people will still believe that Coredump duped Razor because Razor is the older group? Do you have any proof that Razor's release of Quake was a dupe? After all, Razor's release of Quake was uploaded to all the major boards. : Yes, that's what I am saying. Although Razor may not admit it, most releases are taken care of on the Internet these days, and our release was on all the major sites first. So it really comes down to the question, do boards or sites decide if a release is a dupe or not? In the past, boards have been the key to judging whether a release is a dupe or not, but as the scene changes, so should the deciding factors. : You also mentioned that dupes is becoming a much bigger problem in the scene lately, how does Coredump prevent itself from duping? And if/when Coredump does dupe, what is its immediate policy concerning the matter? : Well, we would obviously dupe check extensively. We would usually also take our time and make sure that no other groups are going to release the same thing. If we do dupe, we will admit it. If we win on a release, we are not going to cower into a corner just because a much more established group releases the same thing. We stand by our releases. : You described Razor as good group earlier because Razor has been in the scene for many "generations." What do you mean by "generations" when you use that word to describe Razor? : I meant that Razor has lasted through many other overpowering groups such as INC, THG, Genesis, TDU-JAM!, etc. Razor has managed to remain prominent and competitive through all the other legacies of game release groups. : What are your future hopes and plans for Coredump? How many generations do you believe Coredump will last before it either merges into another group or dies off? : Coredump hopes to establish itself as a quality releasing power in the scene, and to continue releasing good games. I can't tell right now how long we will last, but we won't be short lived. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Turok Subject : AOD+LGT=More LGT Affiliation : Lightning Senior : I recently found that the courier group Lightning has nearly doubled in size in a short week, what was the cause of this? : Yes, about 3 days ago, AOD (Angles of Death) merged with Lightning to cause an increase in members. : Why did AOD decide to merge into Lightning? Why did this merge happen, how long has this merged been planned before it was taken into effect? : Well, from what I know, AOD decided to merge due to the fact that they weren't getting noticed by the scene and weren't couriering enough to keep them as a group. The merge happened because they had no place to go or couldn't move forward because they weren't competing with any other of the courier groups in the scene. I think it was planned a few days in advance. : You are now a senior member of Lightning, were you a senior before the merge? Were you a leader in AOD when AOD merged into Lightning, or have you always been a member of Lightning? : Well, when I started in Lightning, I started as an IRC Coordinator, which was a senior postion, and yes, I was a senior when the merge occured. I wasn't really a part in helping make the merge take place. Darksoul had a major role with getting the merge to happen. : How has Lightning's role in the scene changed since the merge? Has the merge made Lightning a more respectable courier group? : The merge has made Lightning a more powerful couriering force in the scene. Before the merge, we lacked couriers, and this merge has brought us more couriers which means we'll be doing a better job on sites and offering. : How did the merge take place, were all AOD couriers accepted into Lightning, or did very few AOD couriers make it into Lightning? : Most of the couriers made it into Lightning, the people who didn't want to merge were given a chance to join, but there were very few people who didn't want to merge, so we gained a lot of new couriers out of the merge. The merge was decided in channel #AOD where all the decisions were made. : Were there any ex-AOD seniors or leaders that are now leaders in Lightning? Or was this strictly a group takeover, where Lightning absorbed AOD? In other words, do ex-AOD seniors or leaders have a say in what goes on in Lightning? : No, the highest postion that any of the AOD members got were coordinators, and senior FTP/IRC traders, but most of them became couriers and a few artist also. : You freely claim that Lightning is now a new powerful force in the scene, but what can Lightning do to back up the scene's expectations? What makes Lightning different from the various courier groups out there, what makes Lightning stand out? : Well, now that we have more man power, we're more able to acomplish more goals and standards. Lightning has been reoraganized since the merge and is ready to show what it can do. We're different because of the fact that we have experienced leaders and couriers. Most of our seniors and highers are from various different groups in the IBM/PC scene which makes them very experienced and some have also run their own gorups at one time. I think the name and the names of the people running the group makes the group stand out even more. : What are the future plans for Lightning? Is Lightning planning to head up its own offer channel modeling itself after groups such as FATE (Fast Action Trade Exchange) and Motiv8, or is Lightning planning to stick to board/site couriering, thus modeling itself after groups such as Amnesia and RISC (Rise in Superior Couriering)? : For now, I don't think Lightning is going to open a leech channel due to the fact that most members don't want one and also because there's no to have one. Those channels only help to try and get the group more respect, by having an offer channel, which I think is a waste of time and energy since there are so many now. We're planning to get into more serious FTP sites and get up on the FTP charts. : The FTP charts, to what are you referring to? : Well, everyone knows that RCN displays the best couriers on the Internet, and so Lightning would like to get up there on the RCN charts. The AOD - Lightning Merge ------------------------- There have been some questions about the Angels of Death (AOD) and Lightning merge. I hope to answer some of these questions in the following paragraphs. Because of school and other commitments, Nightsky, President of AOD, felt he could not give the group the stable leadership that it deserves. However, he did not want to see the group, that he and others worked so hard to establish, just die and be forgotten. Fearing that the group might die after losing the strong leadership of Nightsky and Morbid, who left because of personal reasons, the option of merging into Lightning was presented to the members. After a lengthy discussion, a vote was taken and 75% of the AOD membership voted to merge into Lightning. There was a general consensus that Lightning has strong, stable leadership and an excellent Internet team, while AOD has excellent FTP and BBS divisions. Combining the two groups will make Lightning an unstopable force in the scene. When asked about the merge and what it will do for Lightning, Darksoul, the Lightning President said, "It is the best move that both groups could have made. It gives us (Lightning) what we have been lacking for the last few weeks and makes us even stronger than ever before. We now have stronger leadership (if that's possible), an improved IRC/FTP division, and an absolutely oustanding BBS division. I look for us to be one of the top courier groups very very soon!" Nightsky had the following to say about the merge, "I hope, thanks to the input of the AOD couriers and members, that Lightning will be a ruling force in the scene in a short time." Signed, Mystic One r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Airwalk Subject : CCA Overview Affiliation : CCA President : How did CCA (Central Crime Association) come about? When did you decide to start your courier group CCA? : Well, I decided to start CCA after THC (The Hardened Criminals) decided to go on as a release group. CCA was brought up powerful, and still is powerful. CCA started on the 28th of June. CCA started small and is growing bigger and more influential as a couriering force everyday. : What experience do you have as a leader and member of groups? Have you ever held leadership positions in other courier groups? How experienced are you as a leader? And what can you do as a leader that no one else can? : Well, I was senior in THC, and I have a big past of affiliations. I have seen a lot of people manage, and I try to mimic their ways. I do it my way as well, but I use a little bit of every leader I have been around. There is really not much I can do that no one else can do except for leading very well. I consider myself a good leader and I think my group does too because I keep things organized 100% and so on. : How is CCA managed, are you the sole leader of CCA? And how do you keep things in CCA 100% organized? : CCA is managed by me and the CCA Council. Seniors take a little part in it as well. CCA is organized in teams. We have teams taking 2 sites or more, those teams just focus on those sites. For example, Team A takes on the WHQ and the US-HQ, team B takes on the EHQ and the Norway HQ, team C takes on two other distro sites, and so on. There are 4 teams in CCA, they each are dedicated, and willing. I am just around to keep everyone inline, and working. If they don't work and I have no use for them, they get kicked out. I have a lot of good and dedicated people like Toosmooth, the CCA Vice President, and Fabfive a very good council member, and Dupe, who all play very big rolls in CCA. : Your team seems to be presented very well, how did you come about with such a strong team? : It sort of came about as Midhack's idea. Midhack is a very good courier, and he has alot of good ideas, and his idea really helped out CCA with me modifying his idea. Midhack is also CCA's Head Courier. : In making CCA a good courier group, it must be doing something that makes it special or extraordinary, what might that be? What makes CCA different from the myriad of other courier groups out there? What separates it from being second class? : CCA isn't like any other courier group because we are mainly made up of friends and leaders. What I would think of CCA that makes it special is its name Central Crime Association. CCA is sort of a gang, not a courier group. It's just a group of people hanging out supporting the warez community, we try as much as possible to get our warez to the public, we don't just trade among ourselves, we also trade with public people. And that's the truth. : I never said you lied. Anyway, are there any plans for CCA to start up its own offer channel following the footsteps of groups such as FATE (Fast Action Trade Exchange) and Motiv8? : We already have an offer channel shared with other courier groups. We ran #THCfiles until THC died. What a bummer, and now, CCA started and other groups started a thing called CrimeXnet, our offer channel is in channel #Xnet, a very good offer channel indeed. CCA's offer team frequents there very well. However, our IRC Head Courier, manages all the things that pass through #Xnet, he is CCA's representative for #Xnet, and the other groups have their representatives as well. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Ravan Interviewee : FBI Boy Subject : Razor DUPES on Quake!? Affiliation : Coredump Senior : What is your view on the Razor/Coredump release of Quake last week? : Razor duped. It was close, but Coredump beat Razor to the boards and to the Internet. Rumors went around that the Coredump release of Quake did not work, but that is not true. People only say that because while we were spreading Quake, one of the copies had 3 disks screwed up and they where distributed incorrectly to several popular sites. Those disks have since been deleted and replaced by working ones. : You claim that Coredump beat Razor to the boards AND the Internet? I've been hearing that Coredump beat Razor to the Internet, but NOT on boards, can you explain this? : Razor got it to their boards before we did, but we got it to A board first. We also got it to the FTP sites LA and BBX before Razor had it on ANY board. I personally have nothing against Razor and I think that they are a GREAT group, but they lost on this one. : Ok, but do you acknowledge that Razor won on the Internet, even though a release is usually judged by who gets it on the boards first? : No, Razor definitely lost on the Internet. You may see it on a few sites because the siteops don't have the balls to delete a Razor release. Plain and simple. : How many disks of the Coredump release made it to the Internet by the time Razor put one disk up? : All of them. : REALLY??? : Yes. : I have tested the Coredump version of Quake. It's very good and I have found no bugs, at least not yet, but it took me forever to find. However, I could find the Razor version everywhere, why would this be if Coredump's version was uploaded first and Razor's version is a dupe? Wouldn't the siteops nuke Razor's version since it was a dupe? : The reason for that is because most siteops don't know about Coredump and they do know Razor. So they go with Razor because they don't know any better. Most siteops don't have the balls to nuke a Razor release. They just think that Razor is perfect quality and that they never dupe. Also, Coredump's reputation has had a checkered past so siteops that do know about Coredump are apprehensive to leave ours on and nuke Razor's. : Are you referring to the uncracked NHL Power Play released by Coredump as the checkered past? : Yup... : If you did dupe Razor, and I'm not saying you did, then why did you do it? : We did NOT dupe Razor! If you think so, you are WRONG! We had it first and I believe Razor has come to terms with it somewhat though they are still upset they were beat. : Also, this may seem strange, but there seems to be a Napalm file.diz in the Coredump release of Quake, can you tell me why? /\ . ____ / >______. . _____.________:. .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y/'96:. :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . CLOSE COMBAT FOR WINDOWS 95' (c) MICROSOFT [01/11] : Yes, the file_id.diz was messed up in the Coredump release, but that is it. That was our one problem with the release. We tried to go too fast and accidently included that. : Hmmm... r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Fairchild Interviewee : Dee Subject : Core Steals the Credit? Affiliation : NGT President : In RCN #24, Stank-e makes the claim that the offering channel #Phatfiles was started and controlled mainly by Core. It became obvious that soon after, NGT (Next Generation Traders) became angry about what he said, why is that? : Because of the fact that he claims Core started it, when they did not. This has happened several times, I don't put all of this hard work in for nothing. I offered everyday when it opened, and asked all my friends to also. I made it what it is today, and Core jumped on the bandwagon after channel #Phatfiles was already well established. NGT members have gotten none of the credit for all our hard work. : Core and NGT still have gotten along great, from what I have seen, does this threaten Core/NGT relations in any way? If so, what do you plan on doing about it? : I have nothing against Core, but shit like this gets me pissed off. Core members have been setting topics in channel #Phatfiles that make it seem like they own it, "[Core] Phatfiles [Core]." I like to keep the channel a non-group based channel, like neutral grounds. : In a previous issue, you say that RCN may have played a small part in leading people to believe that channel #Phatfiles was run by Core, can you explain how that is exactly? : Well, previously in RCN in the Warez-IQ Quiz, you guys made a screw up in the question that asked who runs channel #Phatfiles. You then listed Core, FATE (Fast Action Trade Exchange), and Motiv8 as the answers, and Core being the right one. The channel isn't run by Core, like channel #Exceed is run by FATE and channel #M8Leech is run by Motiv8, channel #Phatfiles is made up of several groups. : Stank-e claims that Palm, who used to run channel #M8Leech, decided to start the channel #Phatfiles. He also claims that because Palm was in Core at the time, Core runs the channel, what do you have to say about that? : Core, NGT, and the other groups run it now, but NGT started it. Primarily, me and Palm started it. I brought the DCC offering people and Palm ran the bots, that's how it should be known. However, Stank-e is making this very hard, by spreading misinformation. : Well, thank you for your time, and for giving your side of the story Dee. : No, thank you. I hope this interview will clear up all the misinformation out there spread by Stank-e. :) r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Digitex Subject : Beyond Akira Busted! Everybody in the 416 and 905 area codes should be keeping a look out for a while. I've heard from two reliable sources that the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) is hitting Toronto hard. Beyond Akira, a bulletin board run by Pharaoh of Razor 1911, was busted on the morning of the 30th of July. Here are a few anonymous comments I held with some people about it. Can I get some information on Beyond Akira being busted? I hear it was the RCMP and I see that the Beyond Akira nodes and telnet are down. Yes, the RCMP busted it this morning. Are there any official letters out that could clear up the situation as of yet? There aren't any official letters out on the situation yet, but I think they are being worked on. I am just finding the information as it comes, but it was verified about 2 to 3 minutes ago. Where is your information coming from? This information is from a reliable source in the 416/905 area codes. Well, if you want some more information, the RCMP formed a group a few months ago to stop the piracy in Canada. 6 months ago in Montreal, 12 boards went down, some time after that, they formed the coalition, and now as it looks, they are hitting Toronto. There are always busts of this nature around here. Where can I find some information about this RCMP coalition? Well, I don't know about that much about the coalition, but the RCMP formed something a few months ago to try to end the piracy. All the elites of 416/905 should keep an eye out though. When the RCMP raided Beyond Akira, do you know how much warez was found? Well, there were approximately 140 gigs worth of warez found. I am not sure as to the exact meggage, but the information about the 140 gigs was leaked out by a X-Force Senior, so I do not know first hand. Well, that's it for the comments. Here are some of my own speculations on this. If it's true that the RCMP is coming down on Toronto as hard as it seems, then the 416 and 905 area codes had REALLY better watch out. I realize that it's sometimes much more difficult to bust smaller boards, but at the same time, they are all run by people, and the RCMP or FBI or whatever can get to them just as easily. So, if you're running a board in the 416 or 905 area codes, I highly suggest you lay low for a while. Well it finally happened at 7:45 am today Tuesday 30 July 1996 the R.C.M.P. and the Toronto Metro Task force Stormed the Fortress's of the Great Pharoah's they attacked the Pyramid's and tore down the Great walls ....and what did they find???? you ask, well they found the great Pharoah getting ready for work and they also found the Awesome board AKIRA up and running and recieving files at the rate of 2 Gigs a week.....WOW what a snag for the moronic police force...damn amazing that they caught the guy after only 4 years and what is more amazing is that he only lives 300 yards away from a police station. Makes you wonder how much easier could Pharoah have made it for them??? But none the less they finally caught on ...:) well people as of today we have lost the best board in the 416/905 area code and the best board in the world.A great loss to the pirate community. All I have to say is that they better dig up a good expert that knows how to run an Amiga so they can find what was on his HD's cause if they stick them in a PC they are screwed (which they probably will try and do). After many conversations about the baord and his personal feelings about piracy with Pharoah I can say that yeah he has ALOT of BALL's and they probably did drag him out of his place kicking and screaming before he placed a few well meant calls to some unnamed people to warn the Toronto Pirate scene that it's coming down HIDE YOUR BOARDS be CAREFULL of who you allow in the door without checking first. A fund will be setup so you can send your donations to the SAVE AKIRA FROM THE FEDS or we'll just use the money to buy a camel for him to make his escape back to Egypt (ride boy ride)...:) Well if any of you have any remarks or comments KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF the man went down BIG and PROUD to the last he was not one of these snivling little RATS that most pirateers are, soon as they are faced with a prospect of going to jail they rat everyone and everthing they know to the PIGS, and i have proof of that statment The INTERNET has brought in a NEW BREED of pirates "LAME ONES" and as far as I am concerned the GOOD OLD DAYS are gone forever now all you get is LAME ASS NET MONKEY'S trading anything they find on the net (bet you the cops have a hard time charging Pharoah cause of all the shareware they find on his HD's) and to make matters worse they think they are SPECIAL what a bunch of WAZZOO's anyone now with an Internet account is a pirate...that makes it a SELECT FEW doesn't it there was a certain RESPECT from the older PIRATE'S that is not there today there was a unwritten code among them, there was a good old rivalry and friendship that just goes not exist today, and it is rapidly disappering with the older pirates like Pharoah. Today's Scene is spreading 2 and 3 year old files and calling them NEW FRESH WAREZ, yeah right there is 2 gigs of zipped programs written every week from programmers??? give me a god damn break! Well till We hear anything from Paroah himself we are assuming that Akira is gone for good farewell to The Greatest Board around and lots of LUCK to Pharoah with the pigs (hope you get off easy bud) and a final word of warning to the rest of you BE CAREFULL as to who you talk to on the net or anywhere there are alot of people are dead set against piracy and will do anything to take it down keep quiet about the boards and the Inet Site's make it hard for the pigs to find them, to quote an old saying "LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS" keep your mouths shut Signed, Anonymous r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : RCN Source Code? *** Grimm (xxx@xxxxx.xxx) has joined channel #RCN Hey guys, have you seen the RCN source code flying around? What do you guys think of that? Grimm, it's gay, and there's a virus in it. But aside from that, no biggie. I used it, there's no virus. It works fine. I scanned it and there is no virus. Actually, I am the one who released it. *** Grimm is now known as Trite The only reason why people read RCN is because of Xenon's coding. Xenon is the only thing holding RCN together. Maybe now RCN will get a clue that you guys shouldn't make fun of people in your pathetic Mad-RCN. Trite, so, you copied the RCN compiler and you think you're like leet or something. Again, so what, so now a bunch of lamers can get RCN going. Oh boo, its nice to know that the RCN compiler you released is the old version that was used only until issue 13. It's not the RCN source code. I don't see why you fail to understand that it's the RCN compiler, not the source code. RCN is the lamest muck-raking pile of collective bullshit I've ever seen. Then stop reading it. Trite, how hard can it be? If you don't like it, don't read it. Nobody is asking you to. Get a fucking life. The point being, I never did anything to provoke such an attack to RCN, nor did my friends. So I did something about it and I released the old source code. If RCN continues, I will get the new source code and release that too. This is your warning. Anyhow, I doubt you'll see the RCN compiler again. After this, we'll make it secret as hell. No one but Xenon himself will ever see it. I will keep releasing your RCN source code if RCN doesn't stop its Mad-RCN where it pokes fun of other people. Heh... this is funny, you don't even realize how I got it. *** Trite has left channel #RCN How Did Trite Get the RCN Compiler? ----------------------------------- Only Xenon, Hitex, and I were supposed to have been given access to copies of the RCN compiler. However, near the demise of the first RCN at issue 13, Road Rebel was made an editor of RCN and was thus given a copy of the RCN compiler to continue RCN's legacy. Road Rebel then asked Entropy to help run RCN with him because they were good friends at the time. Since Entropy would also be considered an editor, he too received a copy of the RCN compiler from Road Rebel. However, a few weeks later, Entropy uh.. "broke up" with Road Rebel, and their relationship has failed since. After their break up, Entropy has never stopped harrassing Road Rebel. As far as I am aware, Entropy continues to harrass Road Rebel daily by doing immature IRC acts to Road Rebel here and there. In these last couple weeks, to stand up for Road Rebel against Entropy's immature acts, I too it upon myself to make fun of Entropy by having Mad-RCN utter the words in my chipmunked voice (through Sound Blaster), "Entropy is a fag." I called Entropy a fag because in many ways, he is a fag. However, at present, he doesn't seem to be able to leave me alone either, and he constantly messages me on IRC, "Hi Rebel Chicken, you're my hero!" I shutter to think of what Entropy messages to Road Rebel. Road Rebel is too ashamed to mention them to me. Anyhow, it also happens to be that Trite and Entropy live in the same area code, and they are good friends in real life. So Entropy dug up the RCN compiler from months ago, and gave it to his friend Trite, who also happens to be a half decent coder. Now, from this point on, I can only speculate that Entropy asked Trite to use the RCN compiler to make a fake RCN issue. After all, Trite and Entropy here have access to a very secretive RCN compiler which they could use to make a very realistic looking RCN issue. However, since Trite could not figure out how to use the RCN compiler, and it was of no use to either of them anymore, Trite simply trojaned/virused the RCN compiler and released it to the masses in an attempt to hurt RCN. Needless to say, neither Trite nor Entropy will ever see the likes of the updated RCN compilers. As a precaution, I then asked Hitex to give Entropy a phone call, and Hitex has taken care of everything since then. And as a further precaution, I'll be snail mailing Entropy a little letter. The content of the letter is of no relevance to anyone but Trite and Entropy. However, if I do think my letter is funny, it'll find a spot in future publications the secret Mad-RCN. In some ways, Trite and Entropy has taught RCN how to keep certain securities in a dimmer light, and thanks be to them. However, Hitex and I have been comtemplating on releasing a public version of an older RCN compiler, and if we decide to do so, it'll of course, be a RCN compiler that is non trojaned/virused and should also contain interactive features that are an improvement on the one that is currently available. The current RCN compiler used is 1.2 megabytes zipped, and the trojaned/virused version released by Trite is approximately 128 kbs zipped. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : The Death of Razor 1911? The following is a log file of channel #Prestige between TRC (The Renegade Chemist), a leader of Prestige, and Druidkin, a leader of Razor 1911. TRC claims that Razor's death is eminent and coming shortly. Is this just a petty argument between two rival groups or has TRC been smoking too much weed? I think it's the later, but don't just trust my judgement, check out TRC's fucked up logic for yourself. The fact remains that Razor is about to lose to Prestige for the 3rd month in a row by a huge margin, and I think it's pretty damn funny. What about that shit Bicycle card game release? That was a shit release by Budget Masters. Razor has had some good releases this month. It's doing better than the previous 2 months for sure, but still, Razor loses again to Prestige. Shit, I hope I'm not missing an argument here. That "shit Bicycle card game" is a lot better than Operation Carnage or some of the other CRAP Razor has been putting out. Prestige will be glad to keep putting out quality releases and we'll continue to beat Razor asses into the floor. Ah... When you have something to brag about, you can come back and attempt to attack our position. At this point in time, you got NOTHING. Eric, I really missed your sarcasm. And don't call me by my first name you little punk. YOU don't know ME. Little punk? Yes, little punk! Which is exactly what you are, a do-nothing, TSR (The Speed Racer) ass-kissing little punk. You used to just hang out in channel #Razor, but I guess now that everyone else is hanging out in channel #Prestige, you had to venture into the dark unknown. I'll stand on my merits old man. I came to talk but I can see that you are too lame as usual. Merits? What merits? I wasn't aware that you had any. I didn't think you were capable of intelligent conversation. Sure thing buddy, the flavor of the month is Prestige, and last time I checked, we are steam rolling Razor's ass. People care about quality, not quantity. Sure thing buddy, that wasn't your mantra last month, so I'm fairly certain that the only reason you haven't put out a little more variety this month is a result of your inability to beat us to even the small titles. The only games you guys win on are the ones you get early and that's pretty sad. We've slammed the door on Razor EVERYWHERE else. Sorry TRC, but Razor has standards. Razor will release anything it can get its sorry hands on. Unfortunately, it can't get its hands on much. Stick with your budget releases. People want quality, and for that, they come to Razor. Sure, we'll stick with our budget, and if people want quality they can grab the Prestige release of Links LS. You've got more ego, I'll agree with that. Believe whatever you like, Prestige has got more experience dumbass. Razor's a rookie group. You have more experience being a dumbass? TRC, do you think Razor is dead? Druidkin, I feel the need to point out to you that I don't give a rat's ass what ANYONE thinks about me in the scene. I am only in the scene to win, and I will do so. Razor's not dead yet, but it will be by the end of the year. TRC claims the Links LS golf game as one of Prestige's quality releases. For information on that release, refer to RCN #23 and you will notice that Links LS was anything but quality. It was badly ripped and if TRC has to fall back on a badly ripped Prestige release, then it must mean that Prestige does not have much to fall on these days. On the note of Razor, TRC claims that Razor is a rookie group, I don't know what kind of crack he's smoking, but last time I checked, Razor is a hell of a lot more established than Prestige. Razor has been around long before Prestige got its first P, and that's a fact he cannot argue. Where does he come up with this stuff? He must have been seriously baked. On the note of quality, I must agree with Druidkin, people care about quality, not quantity. I can name numerous 40+ disk Prestige releases that have turned out to be a waste of time because they were either freeware crap, or they were releases that were not properly packaged and thus, was not in a working condition. Razor is far perfect, and I can numerous fuckups by Razor as well, but when comparing cdrips by Razor and cdrips by Prestige, it goes hands down that Razor is much more experienced and careful with their releases. TRC needs to review his own group before he starts passing judgements on how his group is so much this and that better than this and that. However, TRC does not stop there, he goes even farther by claiming that Razor will disband by the end of the year. Let's see, at present, it's August of 1996 and Razor has been around since uh... October of 1984. Let's see now, who here thinks Razor will last a few more months hey? Don't raise your hand, that was a rhetorical question. Anyhow, who knows, maybe TRC meant to say that Prestige will disband by the end of the year. After all, if you look at TRC's track record, nearly every games group he's been a part of in the last 2 years did very well for a few months and then went on a fuck up rampage shortly after he joined (i.e. Eclipse, Dynamix, Hybrid, etc.). r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Da Phreak Subject : An Overview of Core Since there seems to be a large interest in the newly merged group Core, I would like to tell you some things about Core, opinions in Core, and future plans from 3 members of Core. There will also be a fourth member, me, since I am also in Core, I will add my opinions where I feel necesarry. The Beginning ------------- Core started off as a merger between the two courier groups Total Kaos and Violation. Core still has two presidents, Edge and Stank-e. Edge will explain the merger for us : What excactly caused the merger between Total Kaos and Violation? Well, we had similar members and we did the same shit, so I thought it'd be best if the two groups worked together. A rather straight foward explanation, but it is the reason. Core has been around for about 2 or 3 months now, and Core is making some waves in the hypothetical trading pool of the scene. The IRC Team concept, thought up by Edge and Stank-e has been a massive help to channel #Phatfiles which is an offering channel for tons of other small courier groups. Core also has very high expectations of their new members. We keep up the tight screening process for new memebers so we can't just let everyone into the group. Applicants must first prove themselves capable of being a part of Core. This method has helped keep out all the 10 year old kids who just want to leech. Core has moved up to the ranks of the other top courier groups. Core's top FTP courier SaltyDogg, has been consistently moving more and more megs each week. He is averaging 500 megs per week, and is moving more and more each week. This isn't behind the standards set by some of the other groups, and will get Core at the top of the heap in a short time. What, in your opinion, should be done in Core in order to make it one of the top courier groups? I think Core needs to focus on moving warez and getting its name out in the scene more. What are your opinions of the scene that Core has to reach? I think that the scene has too many ego problems. Everyone thinks that they are the best courier or that they are in the best group. I believe that people like that should concentrate more on moving warez and releasing quality warez. I myself think that people in the scene do have ego problems. Nobody likes to see these petty arguments such as, "We are better, your group is nothing but full of lamers!" But I mean, RCN points out when a group outright messes up at something, and that's acceptable, but I don't think that the people writing letters to RCN should use their letters as an instigator for some of these fights. RCN is here to congratulate the people who are working hard and to point out the things that people do wrong. I feel that this article should be informative to those who have not yet heard of Core, and it should also be informative to those who are set out on starting their own courier group. This above was not just 3 short interviews, but rather, it was a collection of quotes from interviews which I employed. The rest of the article is going to be written using the information I gained from the intervews. Core is one of the few young courier groups out there that is showing potential in its ability to stay alive. Core won't just disappear from the scene in a few weeks, it's here, and it's here to stay. Core's IRC Team concept will revolutionize the way the average downloader will receive his or her warez. The planned 24/7 bots, 5 to 10 bots on each team, focusing on separate categories (i.e. 0 day, games/utils) offering in channel #Phatfiles will definitely help Core change the way the end users get warez. Core is made up of a team of dedicated couriers, not a group made up of inactive members or leechers that don't play a "team game." Core has an intricate working team, yes a team. Everyone has a job, and they do that job. If someone doesn't perform up to par, a new person will get a chance to do that job. Core has a lot of IRC couriers, I know that because I am one of them. But, IRC is where you are at. This is what you guys want, and Core stands behind it. Core stands behind the whole concept of mass couriering. Distribution. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Anonymous Subject : My Experience with Abe Ingersoll First off, I won't incriminate myself in this article (I take the 5th!), but I will explain my little experience with almost being busted. In November of last year, I, along with a couple friends were implicated by a 15 year old fuck by the name of Abe Ingersoll in Peoria, Illinois. He goes by a few handles on IRC, namely ^abe^, possibly ^pest^ (his alias is pestilence, and no, not anyone in the scene that we all know of). His host almost always includes "*!*ingers*." If you know him, ban/kick/kill him (literally) or something. Anyway, he was caught basically red-handed with numerous credit card receipts, carded merchandise, and t-philez about carding and shit. Well, in order to save his own little ass, we were implicated. With us being local and all, and the cops freaking out about all the shit they found (mainly all the t-philez), me and a friend suddenly found ourselves called to the cop shop for "our version" of the story. Luckily, we knew what was happening and talked beforehand in great detail about everything (minus the 15 year old fuck). I was straight with the cop when I told him that I'd been through the whole "gestapo interrogation" before, and to skip it. I really wasn't in the mood for a pig to be yelling in my face that day. In turn, he told me that I would not be placed under arrest today (bah, yeah right, like I haven't been told that before or nothing), and gave me a smoke. :) Ok, I thought, he's going to go the "I'm your friend" route with me. Mr. Pig talked in detail about how he had already talked with the FBI, but the Secret Service were the ones who liked to handle computer crimes, and they were debating whether to pick up the investigation. The cops had information that could've only been gained through Abe or a phone tap. Anyway, to make a long story short, I talked with the cop, and my friend got the "gestapo" route (sucked to be him). Another interesting note is that my friend talked to the cops first. The cop actually told him that *I* had already told him (the cop) all about how he (my friend) was the guilty party BEFORE I even talked to the cops! My friend knew better through our constant communication, kept his cool, and stuck to our story. The cop was right though, I wasn't arrested, in fact, no one but the 15 year old was. Nothing about warez ever entered the picture. However, I do suspect that my phone along with my friend's phone was tapped at one point in time, and my friend actually did have a white van with green-G plates tail him for a few days. From what I understand, the 15 year old has already been through the court thing, and got probation or something, because I just saw him on IRC the other day. Now, all the time this kid was carding, he kept saying, "Oh, I'm only 15, the worst they can do to me is put me in juvie until I'm 18." I explained to him several times that I was already on Intense Probation for felony convictions, and that if I was arrested, I'd go to the joint for several years, and he would be dead once I got out. Unfortunately, that didn't stop him from rolling over on me for one second. So, to put it all in perspective : 1.) If you're of legal age, NEVER trust a minor. NEVER NEVER NEVER! 2.) If you're already on probation, stick to warez, much safer. 3.) NEVER talk on the phone about anything illegal if there's even a remote reason to suspect your line is tapped, better safe than sorry! 4.) I might be mistaken, but I believe that FedEx is still considered a private company. Meaning that if you use them to ship your carded stuff, you can't be busted for mail fraud as well if/when you do get busted. 5.) If you are called in for questioning, keep your wits about you, and remember that cops will *LIE* to manipulate you into thinking exactly what they want you to think. Stick to your story, or call a lawyer. 6.) One more thing, if the FBI/Secret Service is called in, you are basically FUCKED. They have the power to really do anything they want, legal or otherwise. They have the resources and tools to place bugs, laser listeners, and shit you've never heard of. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Airwalk Subject : Microsoft Busts Airman!? ######### Windows NT Workstation 4.0 final Build 1381 ###### #CCA Release Installable from previous winnt version Rate: 10/10+ and from dos. ######### Windows NT Workstation 4.0 final Build 1381 ###### Supplied by Packed by Comments: Thanks for MS shipping WINNT wks final to . Thanks for contributing his winnt 4.0 final. This is and you could find me in #cca in Efnet. /away I am always away and will never be back. Packed at #CCA , HQ, 4XXXX Sponsored by Student Judicial Affair at University University Technology Service at University #CCA in Efent Note: MS release day:07/31/1996 at release day: 08/02/1996 #cca release day: 08/02/1996 Disclaimer: This release of Winnt 4.0 final is for academic use only, If you need winnt workstation 4.0 final build 1381 for commercial use, contact Microsoft corporation. The above was the nfo provided in the CCA release of Win NT v4.0 Workstation. The supplier, Airman, decided to release Win NT because all the releases out to date where pathetic too say the least (i.e. no drivers or you can't install from previous NT). So he decided to grab a copy of NT from the University. He (by himself) ripped it off the CD and packaged it around 2:00 am last night. The 47 disk release was quickly spread and he went to bed thinking it was quite a success. At this time, I too went to sleep as well not thinking much of it, but I was shocked when I came onto IRC the next day. It seems that Microsoft (within a few hours of the relesae) got ahold of a copy of this release. Living up to Microsoft's reputation, Microsoft emailed someone at the University requesting more information on the supplier. This email had the file_id.diz attatched to it to show proof of the grounds of their claims. I haven't seen this email, but I was assured that it was LEGIT. The folks at the University now had to uncover what exactly happened (not knowing who or what Airman is). I was told that they are working on finding out who he is, and that they are also complying with Microsoft's requests for more information on him to their best efforts. No one has seen Airman since last night, and the outcome of this towards him has yet to be finalized. Airman is most likely a free man now, and hopefully, he will stay that way throughout this Microsoft investigation. Microsoft seems to want to bust this guy who never released anything before, instead of going after higher end "law-breakers." This is quite a shame (Hi Microsoft, I know you're reading this!) for this was not a very offensive crime. To my knowledge, NO one knows exactly who he is besides seeing him on IRC. This includes personel at the University in question. And no further word, again, to my knowledge, has been sent from Microsoft. All I can say is that people should beware... Microsoft is fast and furious about this. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Round Man Subject : 5 Years from Present This article is strictly the opinion of one person based upon my experiences both as a BBS sysop and a long-time resident of the Internet. Before you lock-and-load your industrial strength flame thrower, keep in mind that I'm wearing my asbestos boxer shorts. Not that many years ago, 95% of us had two ways of trading our favorite warez goodies. Most of our ill-gotten booty came from a small cadre of friends and aquaintances during coffee-break trading sessions or at the weekly AD&D game. We could also get the occasional ware from our local, semi-legitimate BBSes. If we were really lucky, we had a friend-of-a-friend that knew somebody that got us an account on a pirate board where we could leech to our heart's content until we had either maxxed out our 270 meg hard drive or sucked up everything they had to offer. I didn't know anyone with access to the really BIG boards, but I was aware of their existance. The Internet back in those days was the playground of academia, the government and a fortunate few who's companies used the Internet for transferring files between distant sites. At that time, gopher was about as sophisticated as it got. FTP was quite popular, but if there was a warez scene back then, it was well-hidden and not well organized. Since few PC owners had access, most of the interest was in UNIX programs and utilities. Those were the glory days of the BBS scene. The big boards were the lifeblood of distribution then, and anything worth leeching was in that channel. Files were relatively small and you could download even the best stuff in a single evening at 2400 bps. Those days are gone. We stand now at the threshold, the nexus between two realities. The big boards are still popular and important to the scene, but the emphasis is slowly shifting away from them and toward the free-wheeling world of the Internet. The days of the iron fisted control, exclusive access and long distance calling are over. We have tasted the wild west flavor of the Internet, we've enjoyed its anonymity, and we will not go back. Many of you will object to this line of reasoning, some vehemently, but consider this, with each day that goes by, more people gain access the Internet and few ever log on to their local BBSes. This trend shows no sign of weakening and for good reason. With an Internet account, Joe Public can access everything on the Internet, no exceptions. Exposure to illicit software is almost guaranteed for anyone who spends any serious time online. Even the bastions of the BBS piracy scene have begrudgingly accepted the Internet as a necessary evil, allowing people to log on through telnet and using fast FTP sites as vehicles for mass storage and transfer. As more and more users use telnet to access their favorite BBSes, modem banks will slowly come down while ISDN lines go up. But more importantly, fewer users will choose to live within the constraints of the formal BBS, even by telnet. More will choose to get their daily fix from anonymous FTP sites and DCC offer-bots because anyone can access them. That said, here are my prognostications, for what they're worth. Five years from today, this will be the state of the scene : 1.) BBSes will have faded from significance. The number of 10+ node BBSes will be less than half of what we have now. First release status will no longer be determined on BBSes. 2.) The line between releasers and couriers will become much less distinct as powerful software will allow releasers to instantly distribute their warez to multiple sites concurrently. Couriers will be relegated to the role of distributing to smaller, temporary, anonymous sites and DCC offerbots (or something more sophisticated). That doesn't mean that they will be any less important to the scene, just further down the food chain. 3.) The 'rules' as we know them today will be just a fond memory. The number of short-lived groups will grow exponentially, as will their lack of respect for rules concerning dupes. Although uncracked or poorly cracked warez will be far more common, there will always be a number of competing distributions, some of which are bound to work. 4.) High-speed connections, rewritable CD-ROMs and more advanced high-capacity storage mechanisms will keep up with ever-increasing game and application sizes. The escalation of the copy-protection wars will have continued, making crackers any group's most-valuable resource. The basis of my predictions is my core philosophy - the purpose of the scene is to make usable software available to the end user. Anything that inhibits or runs counter to this reality is doomed to fail. Any rule which does not honor this reality will be scoffed at and ignored. Any group that does not observe this as their core purpose will be relegated to insignificant. Just one man's opinion. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Frost Subject : Napalm Disbands The following is a letter by Prophet, leader of Napalm : Hey! I've really bad news for everyone! I've decided to kill NAPALM. As of now, it has been announced already. Sorry guys, but I FUCKING LOVED NAPALM AND LOVED working with EVERYONE!! I'm so sorry for this to happen. Signed, Prophet It always saddens me to see a great group go down. In Napalm's case especially since I was a part of it. There will alway be those people that will try and tarnish the Napalm name saying that Napalm released non-working games and other bullshit. The fact remains that Napalm was one of the best games release groups of its day. And I'll be damned if I see another channel #Exceed lamer shoot off his mouth about something so much eliter than he could ever be. I have a great deal of respect for Prophet and what he has set out to build. Napalm was a good games group, and there is no debate to that. In closing, I'd like to say that the scene suffers when a great group like Napalm goes down, and when Napalm went down, it took a little of the scene with it. To Napalm! Damn, I just heard that Napalm disbanded. That sucks. Yeah, I really liked Napalm too. Really? Yeah, downloading Napalm releases was like playing Russian Roulette. Oh well... to Napalm! r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Coupbird Subject : Guild Merge As a founder of RTG (Rampant Trading Guild) and a head in the courier group Guild, I am writing this to let the scene know what we are all about. The major goal of Guild is to help reform the warez scene, through excellence. Our philosophy is very simple, we want to see the warez scene as a whole become better. So how does Guild plan to do this? The Guild has been formed with only the most dedicated couriers, skilled staff, and the best leadership around. With that, we plan to create the highest level of warez trade ever! As we raise the playing field for couriering, the groups trying to catch up to Guilds' standards will also improve. Resulting from this, the most efficient warez trade since the first pirated software title was released will be ushured. If you are interested in joining the Guild team, join IRC Channel #Guild and pick up an app and nfo. Only the best need apply. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Storm Hacker Subject : Dam! Where's TDU-JAM!? There are just so many new groups popping up these days. Many of them being those "One Hit Wonders" type groups, and the other odd ones being the groups who make an impact on the scene. I obtained an old release by the ever-famous game releasing group "TDU-JAM!" This release was Destruction Derby. As I read the group's nfo file, I just kept thinking to myself, why did this great group have to leave the scene? Their nfo was always good and to the point. Never any of that childish bullshit that would start a war between groups, and yet, their releases ALWAYS worked. I don't think I ever got a copy of a TDU-JAM! release that didn't work. Nowadays, we have groups which pop into the scene who come out with like 50 disk releases which turn out to be DEMOS or just some plain bullshit which nobody wants or needs. And half the time, these releases do not work due to inproper ripping, cracking, or even just without supplying enough information on how to get the release to work. There are some groups (very little) which do release quality releases, and do get the respect they deserve. But there will always be the occasional 'bad' release, or dupe, which will cause a big scene in the scene (no pun intended). The only thing we need is for those who know how to do the job to do it, and for those who want to do it, to learn how to do it properly. Otherwise, don't even try. I'm not trying to sound like a bastard or anything, but it's not worth our time and effort to download something that will not work (especially when it's 50+ disks big). And it does hurt the scene. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Tical Subject : As a Member, You Should... I just have to let something off my chest. I know this will probably fuck up my whole reputation in the warez scene, but I don't really care. All that shit ain't that important to me. So far, I've been in a few groups throughout my warez stage (Hostile, Quantus, Legion, Logistix, Empire, whatever) and I just wanted to tell you that so far, I have only met one great leader that I think deserved respect while he was around, and that is Rapid Motion. Then, there are some of you guys that were just plain dickheads (Marbz, Acidplain). For some reason, you fucking dickheads thought that you deserved a certain respect for yourself from other people in your groups. Well, in my opinion you can go fuck yourself, I've seen plenty of you bastards talk shit to people and expect them to sit there and take it, some of them do. But I never took anything from anyone at anytime. I was too proud of myself to let you leaders sit there and try and put me down. So eventually, I told you off and made you "Shut the fuck up!" In Acidplain's case (while he was a leader in Legion) I told him off and then decided to drop the group because I didn't want to stick around and put up with his ass. Eventually, Acidplain got kicked out of Legion (thanks to RCN) because he "sucked!" Here's where the strange powertrip shit comes in; in Marbz's case, I knew him when I was in Hostile and he was a cool guy. He started Empire and asked me to join. I said no thanks to his offer because I had a lot of shit to do at home and at school then. As time went by, Empire became a really good group, then Marbz starts changing and talking loud shit, telling people to shut the fuck up and such, like everyone there is supposed to bow down to him like he's king or something. So from that point on I saw him as a dick and he still is a fucking dick. Here's an example of people giving bitchmade leaders the respect that they think they so deserve. A while back, Marbz left for Germany or something and left Blackened in charge of Empire. Blackened let me in Empire because I deserved it (BBS Courier 300 megs plus+); Blackened was a cool guy. Then 2 weeks later, Marbz comes back and tells Blackened, "What? You think that just because I left for a while you can fucking take over Empire?" Blackened replies, "No, I'm sorry, I was just doing my job. I wouldn't in any way try to take over Empire." The kiss ass went blah blah blah it went on and on. I even told Blackened not to kiss his ass like that. He told me him and Marbz were good friends. But would a good friend really say that to you? Another example of a little bitch is Twiztah (whatta little fag). When I got in Empire, he was a really cool person. Then, that same day Marbz came back and bitched at Blackened, Marbz also told Twiztah to "Shut the fuck up." Twiztah didn't say anything after that and took it like he had no pride for himself. Then Twiztah started this group QUA (Quarz or Quartz something). We were still cool and he let me in the group as a BBS courier. Then I told him not to turn into a dicknosed leader and let the power get to his head like a lot of other leaders did. Later on, Twiztah and I started talking about Marbz and for some reason, he asked me not to talk talk shit about Marbz like that. I told him that it was just my opinion. Blackened heard this WHOLE conversation because he was on the #Quarz bot. So he tells me not to say shit behind a person's back. If Marbz was in the channel, I would have said the same shit regardless. So now they are backing up Marbz even after Marbz gets hella smart with both of them. I told them I could say what I wanted to, after all, it was my opinion and I am entitled to it. Twiztah kicked me out of QUA and banned me too because I guess what I was saying was hurting their feelings (little girls). So I asked Twiztah if he thought Marbz deserved a certain respect just because he was leader of Empire. He said, "Yes." So we talked a little more and he ended up being a little 2 faced bitch. Anyway, what I want to say is : 1.) Just because the person is a leader of the group you're in doesn't give him the right to talk loud shit to you. If you had any pride, you'd tell that nigga off! 2.) If you don't want to talk back to the leader of your group, then that shows that warez are more important to you than your pride. And if that's true, you're a little sell out with no life. It also shows the leader that he can do that shit again and again, and he won't hesitate to do it either. 3.) Only treat people with the respect that they treat you with. Remember, they aren't your parents! 4.) Stay true to your real friends and don't ever fuck them over. Thanks for paying attention and try to remember this. Even if it's not that clear, try to understand where I'm coming from. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Conway Subject : The Oracle In ancient times, there was a thing called the Oracle, which was supposed to do wonderous things like healing the sick, blessing people with luck and predicting the future. Today, a computer company named "Oracle" decided to predict the future itself. Oracle is now developing a thing called a Web Box, which is a $500 TV-top add-on which connects to the Internet through cable or some other high-speed link. The price is so low, because this unit will use the TV for a monitor, and have no hard disk at all. Oracle sees this "appliance," as they like to call it, as the future of computers, and the one thing that will bring computers and couch-potatoes together. Many skeptics foresee various futures for this enterprise. A few say that the computer evolution will never allow itself to go back to the mainframe - a dumb terminal combination that was replaced once in the past. Others predict that this is the end of PCs as we know it, and still more hope that both types of machines will peacefully coexist with the Boxes in the living room for entertainment, and the PCs in the den for real work. I, personally, would like to belive the later version because the switch to Boxes could prove fatal to the scene. How would software companies sell their products to their "Boxed" customers? Obviously on the server-client basis - meaning that the actual program will reside on the company's web server, and the client would purchase the right to use it from a particular box, or with a particular login name/password. The development of such an arrangement is most profitable for the software companies because they WILL get paid for EVERY "copy" of their program used, and of course save lots of money on packaging and distribution. But to the scene this would mean a certain, and quick death. Since there's no way to use the program on a box unless you sign up with the company, there will be no possible way to use anything without paying for it! What is that I hear you screaming? Carding? You forget that every box has a serial number, and as cable now, they would know the exact location of any cable jack you're currently using which will make carding an extremely unsafe game to play. But that's the dark side. It would be hard indeed for "The Box" to actually replace computers, but rather I believe, in the best case it will create a new market separate from the PC just like the Atari and Nintendo once did. So have no fear, the scene days aren't numbered, yet... r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Killer Subject : The Name Game It is sort of funny the names we put on people. More specifically, the lack of names. In the trading scene, we label people either "elite" or "lame." Both of these titles are over used and ambiguous. Every trader has at one time or another used these words to label someone. The fast traders use them, and ironically, the slow traders (who the fast traders call lame) also use both of these words. But what do these words mean, if they mean anything anymore, and should they be used at all? What does the word "elite" mean anyway. It can't describe someone who gets fast files. When I was starting out, I called people that could get 1 month stuff "elite." Now people that I know call people that get 0 day files "elite." However, on IRC, anyone can join a "warez" channel and pick up fast files. Does that makes you "elite?" The word "elite" might describe a person who has in depth knowledge of the trading scene. But you can become knowledgeable about the scene with out ever trading a file (just read RCN). "Elite" is a word that conveys respect. It, however, is used too often. Everyone is respected in the scene by someone else, all for different reasons. One word is not adequate to describe the meanings of which people associate with the word "elite." It is an outdated word. A word that should have been left behind with the 2400 and 14400 modems. A simple word for simple times. The same holds true for the word "lame." What makes someone "lame?" Are you "lame" if you can get fast files, or only if you can't get fast files but try to trade with people higher up in the scene than you. Is speed the only factor in determining if a person is "lame" or not? If this is so, then people that label people who get slower files "lame" are assholes. We all (most of us), worked our way up the scene ladder, so we all were "lame" at one point in time. We should then help out the people in the position that we were once in. BUT "lame" is NOT just used to describe a person lower in the scene hierarchy. It has been used to describe arrogant group leaders, whole groups even, people who look down on others, and so on. So when in hell's name should someone be labeled "lame?" In my opinion NEVER. The word "lame" is again too broad, it means too much, and is used too often. It is a word that has no place in the scene of today. New labels must be created, labels that are more specific and meaningful. We need labels that will make a person proud when called it by others or words that put an asshole in his place. "Lame" and "elite" don't mean anything anymore. It is time for a new set of lingo to grow and take its place. In the real world, word change evolve with the culture that uses them over long periods of time. "Cyberspace" changes much faster than any culture, but its lingo does not. Only an effort on the part of us (trader/and others), will correct the annoying problem of outdated lingo. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Digitex Subject : Software Piracy Hi guys! I'm back, so I decided to start off with an article on software piracy and the pirate scene, and how the two of those combined effect everything else that goes on around us on the Internet. Since the FBI has outlawed the previewing of software, it has become more and more difficult to find ways to get a warez BBS to stay up without arousing suspiscion (especially from the feds). This article will discuss how to (almost) fed-proof your site, BBS, whatever as well. We all know that the entrapment law forces any law enforcement or federal agency members to declare that they are indeed members of whatever agency they are affiliated with. This means that if a site or BBS that a federal agent or law enforcer of any sort is applying for asks him/her if they are one of those, they MUST say yes or do whatever it requires them to do. This is of course within reason, the BBS/Site can't really make the person jump up and down, light his/her hair on fire and run through the street yelling, "I'm a gerbil! Don't eat my pickles!!!" Such maybe reasonable would be to ask a Fed to hang up, or whatever. There are other things in the disclaimer you should put, such as that you take no responsibility for what the users do with the files they download from your BBS/site, and many other things. Use your creative imaginations! Another especially good way to protect your site or BBS from unwanted guests is to force them to upload something before allowing them access. If the new user knows what kind of BBS/site this is, he will obviously send something pirated. If the federal agent or law enforcer sends something pirated, he cannot bust you, since he is in violation of his own laws, and then he's pretty much fucked anyway. If the person uploads something that is maybe public domain or shareware, just kick them off. They probably wouldn't be any use to you anyway. Even in the event that somebody uploads something pirated to your BBS/site and you don't normally allow pirated software to be uploaded to your BBS/site, the law grants you 24 hours to check and delete it, since a sysop cannot be up at all hours of the day making sure that pirated software isn't being uploaded. Now, onto the part about piracy's effects to the world. Piracy effects the world, or more aptly termed Internet, but some people consider it another world so I guess either is fine, in many ways, both good and bad. It effects the REAL world in that it hurts software companies' profits and that it can get you busted if you're in the wrong part of the world such as the US, Canada, etc. Its good effects are that since most software companies are either too lazy to release shareware/demos of their products or their shareware/demos are so crippled you cannot effectively evaluate the software, pirating provides a way for users to evaluate the software before they purchase it. Of course, as I said before, this was outlawed. Apparently, software companies are too greedy to care if their users will be able to use their software and that the software will suit their needs. It's getting to the point that there are so many different programs out there, and so few reviews on those programs that only the huge megacorporations can effectively release shareware or demos. This is also the same for reviews. Only the large companies can get reviews from reputable magazines or whatnot. So a smaller company that produces a product that is actually better than Microsoft's newest office management program may never get any sort of review or shareware copy released, and they will lose money from that. In general, software costs too much for people to be going out and buying it left and right in case the program they bought first does not suit their needs. Since most major stores don't allow trades of software, even of the same type, the person who bought the software is out of luck. He's lost about $50 to $70 to some worthless software because he could not properly evaluate the software by looking at the colorful box prior to purchasing it. If the FBI is going to outlaw software piracy in the United States, why don't all countries do it? That is a problem I cannot understand. The companies don't want people pirating their software, yet the people over in say, Amsterdam, can freely distribute it, since there's no FBI there, to my knowledge. In closing, I'd just like to say that software DOES cost too much to be thrown around like it's such an unimportant, miniscule thing, and that the companies who are writing the software should find a better way to allow potential users to preview their software before wasting their money on something they possibly can't use. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Pele Subject : USR Fucksters 33.6 v.34 I recently purchased a USR Sporster 33.6 v.34 expecting to get it home and plug it in and start surfing. I was severely mistaken. I brought my modem home and opened the package. I then set the com ports as instructed, etc. Things seemed fine at first, then I started to notice that during my connections it would pause, or stop responding completely. I assumed that this was caused by some fault of mine, possible init strings problems or something to that extent. I fiddled with the init strings and com port settings for several hours and then decided that it would be better to try it the next day after I had some rest. While I was at work the next day, I decided I would call the USR Tech Support to see if they had any ideas. After listening to 7 minutes of recorded messages, I decided it wasn't worth running up the phone companies' bills. I came home that evening and checked out the conference comp.dcom.modems and to my surprise, found more than 100 messages detailing the same exact problem that I had. I called the USR Tech Support and after 10 minutes on hold, I finally got "Jose" who seemed to have no technical knowlege other than the cue card that he was obviously holding in front of him. He went through the obvious. He asked me what kind of computer I was running. I told him that I have a DX2/66 with 8 megabytes of RAM. He told me to make sure that I had com 1 disabled in my BIOS. I so kindly informed him that there was no COM settings in a 486 board. Then he asked me to go into MSD and check the com ports. When he found out that my com1 was displaying a 2400 baud rate he said that my problem would be cured if I moved my modem to com3 and irq 5. He also said again to disable my com port in my BIOS and when I again told him that my BIOS had no com settings, he insulted me by asking who built my computer. I replied that I built the computer and he shut the fuck up. So I hung up and switched my modem to com 3 irq 5 having to switch my Sound Blaster card to irq 7 and temporarily disabling my LPT port. This however did not resolve the problem. Very upset, I called USR Tech Support yet again. This time after waiting for only 15 minutes on a long distance connection, I was connected with "Magadababba mohababba abdul makharrah bushi" and he asked me the obvious. When I told him that I had read over 100 messages detailing the same exact problem as I he asked my FirmWare (EPROM) date and I told him. He then said I would have to send my modem in to have the EPROM upgraded. I have read several messages from people on USENET who say that this has resolved their problems. So, if you have a USR Sportster 33.6 v.34 with an EPROM date between 10/95 and 3/96 (you can find this out by typing ati7 at your terminal window) and you are having the "pausing" problem then I would recommend that you contact USR Tech Support at (847) 982-5151 and tell them that you need to have your EPROM upgraded. This will be a free upgrade. Please, if they hassle you, don't put up with it, ask to speak with their supervisor. This is obviously a known problem and they have made no effort to correct this. I hope that this has been a help, and if you are upset that I included the entire conversation and summary of events that took place, then please excuse me. r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Games Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the 5 best games release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The game didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The game was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the game will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Games Reviewed : 06/06/96 -> 06/19/96 Filename : HBD-KO01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-07-96 Filedate : -- Kick Off 96 (C) Anco [01/10] Previous Total : 0 _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ Release Score : 3 \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ Running Total : 3 | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\::::::::: Filename : PSGDIN01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-06-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 0 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 4 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 4 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Dinotopis (c) Turner Interactive 01/13 Filename : SAVAGE01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-07-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 4 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 2 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 6 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Savage (c) Discovery Channel 01/30 Filename : PSGBHB01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-08-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 6 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 5 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 11 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ FRANK THOMAS' BIG HURT BASEBALL [01/36] Filename : PSGB2B01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-09-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 11 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 4 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 15 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Back to Baghdad (c) Military Sim. 01/23 Filename : PSGCAT01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-14-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 15 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 4 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 19 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ CATFIGHT (c) Atlantean Interactive 01/20 Filename : HSOLPSG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-15-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 19 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 2 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 21 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Hoyle Solitaire (c) Sierra Online [1/7] +------------------------------------------+ Filename : PSG-AC1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-17-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 21 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 4 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 25 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ American CivilWar (c)Interactive Magic 1/26 Filename : TBFFPSG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-18-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 25 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 2 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 27 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Terry Bradshaw Fantasy Football [1/2] +------------------------------------------+ Filename : PANZER01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-13-96 Filedate : -- Panzer General (c) SSi [01/21] Previous Total : 0 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 5 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 5 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : SU27RZR1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-14-96 Filedate : -- SU-27 FLANKER FOR DOS (c) SSI [01/04] Previous Total : 5 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 4 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 9 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ ======\___/===1911CDDIVISION======\___/ Score Chart : Games HBD 3 Points PSG 27 Points RZR 9 Points Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Razor 1911 - [4.5] Prestige - [3.4] Hybrid - [3.0] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Games Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the 3 best games release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The game didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The game was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the game will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Games Reviewed : 06/20/96 -> 07/03/96 Filename : HBD-COS1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-21-96 Filedate : -- Complete Onside Soccer (C) Telstar [1/12] Previous Total : 0 _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ Release Score : 4 \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ Running Total : 4 | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\::::::::: Filename : HBDCCEVE.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-26-96 Filedate : -- Command Companion: Eve of Domination Previous Total : 4 (c) Actura Software Release Score : 3 *** REQ'S COMMAND & CONQUER *** Running Total : 7 _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\::::::::: Filename : PSG-FD01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-27-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 0 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 1 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 1 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Final Doom (c) Id Soft. Dos/Win95 01/29 -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- Filename : PSG-UD01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-27-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 1 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 4 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 5 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Ultimate Doom (c) Id Soft. Dos/Win95 01/21 Filename : PSGTRC01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-27-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 5 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : -3 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 2 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Tracer for Win95 (c) 7th Level 01/21 -/- FIX ME -/- FIX ME -/- FIX ME -/- Filename : INDY2W01.ZIP Fix name : INDY2FIX.ZIP Filedate : 6-28-96 Filedate : 7-03-96 ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 2 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : -3 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : -1 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ INDY CAR RACING 2 for Win '95 [01/14] -/- FIX ME -/- FIX ME -/- FIX ME -/- Filename : PSG-DW01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-28-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : -1 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 4 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 3 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Doom 2 (c) Id Software for Windows95 01/22 Filename : AC95PSG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-29-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 3 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 3 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 6 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Williams Arcade Classics Win95 (c) GT [1/7] +------------------------------------------+ Filename : PSGFPB01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-29-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 6 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 4 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 10 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ FPS BASEBALL 96 (WORKING/WITHIN LIMIT) 01/31 Filename : FDOOM01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-27-96 Filedate : -- Final Doom (c) GT Interactive [01/30] Previous Total : 0 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 4 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 4 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : RZR-BP01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-27-96 Filedate : -- Front Page Sports BaseBall '96 [01/56] Previous Total : 4 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 4 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 8 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : GNDWAR01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-02-96 Filedate : -- GENDER WARS (c) GT INTERACTIVE [01/14] Previous Total : 8 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 4 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 12 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : DEADLN01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-03-96 Filedate : -- DEADLINE (c) MILLENNIUM/PSYGNOSIS [01/31] Previous Total : 12 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 5 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 17 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Score Chart : Games HBD 7 Points PSG 10 Points RZR 17 Points Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Razor 1911 - [4.3] Hybrid - [3.5] Prestige - [1.4] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Games Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the 3 best games release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The game didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The game was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the game will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Games Reviewed : 07/04/96 -> 07/17/96 Filename : HBD-AW01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-15-96 Filedate : -- Agile Warrior (C) INTERPLAY [01/14] Previous Total : 0 ___ Release Score : 4 ______ / /_______________________ Running Total : 4 /___ // / \___ \____ \______ \ \_/ _ \__ / _ __// _ __/ \/ / /\ / / / / / / \ / / \/ / / / / /__/ /____/_____//__/ /__/_____/ / \_/__/\____\\____\\_/__/\__\_____\/ -----\__\/-------------\__\/(-hoson-)----- Filename : PSG-TFIX.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-06-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 0 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 0 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 0 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ TRACER - WORKING DISK 6 (c) 7th LEVEL [1/1] -/- LATE FIX -/- LATE FIX -/- LATE FIX -/- Filename : DEC-PSG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-07-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 0 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 4 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 4 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Bruce Jenner's DECATHLON (c) I-Magic [1/9] Filename : NUKEPSG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-09-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 4 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 3 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 7 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ NUKE IT! (Duke Nukem Addon) [01/04] Filename : BJAKPSG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-14-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 7 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 2 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 9 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Hoyle Blackjack (c) Sierra Online [1/4] +------------------------------------------+ Filename : PSGB4S01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-14-96 Filedate : -- BATTLEGROUND 4: SHILOH (C) TALONSOFT [01/18] Previous Total : 9 ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Release Score : 5 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Running Total : 14 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Filename : PINOPSG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-17-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 14 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 2 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 16 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ BICYCLE PINOCHLE (c) Swfte [01/09] +------------------------------------------+ Filename : SC2NET01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-06-96 Filedate : -- SIMCITY 2000 NETWORK ED. (c) MAXIS [01/11] Previous Total : 0 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 5 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 5 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===.1911.CD.DIVISION.======\___/ Filename : GRANP201.ZIP Fix name : GP2CRACK.ZIP Filedate : 7-17-96 Filedate : 7-18-96 F1 GRAND PRIX 2 RACING (c) SPECTRUM [01/24] Previous Total : 5 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 5 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 10 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Score Chart : Games HBD 4 Points PSG 16 Points RZR 10 Points Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Razor 1911 - [5.0] Hybrid - [4.0] Prestige - [2.7] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Games Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the 3 best games release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The game didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The game was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the game will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Games Reviewed : 07/18/96 -> 07/31/96 Filename : HBD-SR01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-18-96 Filedate : -- Speed Rage (C) Telstar [01/20] Previous Total : 0 _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ Release Score : 4 \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ Running Total : 4 | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\::::::::: Filename : HBD-TSM2.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-19-96 Filedate : -- Tracksuit Manager 2 (C) Alternative [1/1] Previous Total : 4 _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ Release Score : 2 \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ Running Total : 6 | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\::::::::: Filename : HBD-BAK1.ZIP Fix name : BAKU-DLL.ZIP Filedate : 7-26-96 Filedate : 7-28-96 Baku Baku Animal (C) Sega Pc [01/03] Previous Total : 6 _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ Release Score : 5 \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ Running Total : 11 | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\::::::::: Filename : HBD-CS01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-31-96 Filedate : -- Mission Force: CyberStorm (c) SSI [1/24] Previous Total : 11 _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ Release Score : 4 \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ Running Total : 15 | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\:::::::::: Filename : PSGHTSP1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-19-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 0 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 2 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 2 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ BICYCLE HEARTS AND SPADES (c) Swfte [01/07] Filename : LLSPSG01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-20-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 2 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : -3 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : -1 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ LINKS: LS 1997 (c) Access Software [01/45] -/- FIX ME -/- FIX ME -/- FIX ME -/- Filename : PSG-GB01.ZIP Fix name : PSG-GBXX.ZIP Filedate : 7-20-96 Filedate : 7-21-96 MW2: GHOST BEAR'S LEGACY for Win 95 [01/38] Previous Total : -1 ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Release Score : 4 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Running Total : 3 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Filename : PANTPSG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-22-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 3 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 3 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 6 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ STEEL PANTHERS CAMPAIGN DISK (c) SSI [01/03] Filename : PSGSFT01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-24-96 Filedate : -- Sci-Fi Channel Trivia Game - Win95 [01/18] Previous Total : 6 ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Release Score : 2 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Running Total : 8 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Filename : PSGMLT01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-31-96 Filedate : -- ________________________/ |__/| ___________ Previous Total : 8 \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ Release Score : 1 | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / Running Total : 9 |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ TOTAL MELTDOWN (c) Sierra [01/48] -/- FREEWARE -/- FREEWARE -/- FREEWARE -/- Filename : CM5K-01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-20-96 Filedate : -- Chessmaster 5000 for Win95 [01/16] Previous Total : 0 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 3 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 3 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : QUAKE-01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-23-96 Filedate : -- QUAKE *REGISTERED* (c) iD Software [01/17] Previous Total : 3 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 5 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 8 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : CIVILW1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-27-96 Filedate : -- The Civil War (c) Empire Interactive [1/7] Previous Total : 8 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 4 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 12 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : TPLAY-01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-27-96 Filedate : -- Triple Play Baseball '97 (c) E.A. [01/45] Previous Total : 12 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 5 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 17 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : DLOCK-01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-28-96 Filedate : -- Deadlock (c) Accolade [01/29] Previous Total : 17 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 5 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 22 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : Z01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-31-96 Filedate : -- Z (c) Virgin Interactive [01/09] Previous Total : 22 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 5 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 27 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Score Chart : Games HBD 15 Points PSG 9 Points RZR 27 Points Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Razor 1911 - [4.5] Hybrid - [3.8] Prestige - [1.5] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Games The following is a chart combining the total points of the top 3 games groups within the past 8 weeks : 8 Week Summary JUN JUN JUL JUL Total HBD 3/1 7/2 4/1 15/4 29/8 4.0 3.8 -0.2 PSG 27/8 10/7 16/6 9/6 62/27 2.7 1.5 -1.2 RZR 9/2 17/4 10/2 27/6 63/14 5.0 4.5 -0.5 # of Releases Last Issue's Yield # of Points This Issue's Yield Change in Yield Yield = # of Points / # of Releases Change in Yield = Current Yield - Previous Yield .x#$$#x. `:$$$$:' The Game Review! .x%#$$$$$$#%x. .x#$$$$#x. .x#$$$#x. `""""$$$$""""' .S$$$$$$$$S.$$$$$$$$$Ss $$$$.sS$Ss.$$$$ $$$$$`$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$',$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ """"`$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ sS$Ss."$$$ $$$$$$ pn `-------------- $$$$$$$$$$$ ------------' $$$$$$$$'` ~VOTED #1 WAREZ MAG/REVIEW BY INTERNET USERS~ ~TGR IS PROUD TO BE THE LONGEST RUNNING WEEKLY WAREZ MAG/REVIEW, EVER!~ .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $$ ISSUE #33 $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ssss$$ $ o o$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ssss. $$ 07/28/96 $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$. $ ,$$ `$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$&@%o%@&hd' ============ News Updates ============ - Please make sure to direct any and all comments concerning what was said in the WIN 95 Section to the Win 95 game reviewer, Pathos, who can be reached at pathos@ns2.clever.net. - Speak RUSSIAN? Then you have no fucking idea what I'm saying! But if you can manage to get some of these words, then check out the TGR RUSSIAN webpage. The address is : http://win.icomm.ru/home/emmstak. (WHERE and WHEN can I GET The Game Review? The Game Review (C) Ionizer) (will be released every SUNDAY, and can be obtained by) (/m ionizer XDCC send #1) #1 My home page (Thanks to Agile & Ent for their help) http://ns2.clever.net/~ionizer (Note : Contains all issues and is always up to date.) #2 E-Mail Auto Responder (Thanks to Malk and Mael) Just write mail to tgr@inforelay.com . (Note : Only for the NEWEST TGR out.) #3 Other magazines are free to use TGR in their mags. Simply notify me about it first. Currently RCN contaings TGR! NOTE: THERE IS NO MAILING LIST OF ANY KIND! =========================================== - * - * - * - * - * * - * - * - * - * - GAME REVIEWS, RATINGS, UN-BIASED OPINIONS, HELP/TIPS FOR INSTALLING GAMES! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Rating scale : (0-19)/100 = In a nutshell, it sucked! (20-39)/100 = Still crap but slightly better. (40-49)/100 = Possibly worth downloading. (50-69)/100 = Pretty decent game. Might want to check it out. (70-79)/100 = Worth the download if you like that type. (80-89)/100 = Very good, 9 outta 10 its worth the download. (90-99)/100 = Excellent game, a MUST download. 100/100 = HOLY SHIT I'VE NEVER SEEN A BETTER GAME! RATINGS are based on the game idea, graphics, sound, playability, ingenuity, versatility, and a lot of other words ending in 'ity.' These games are based on what happens on MY COMPUTER ONLY, unless stated otherwise. I always first follow NFO directions, and if those don't work or are not available, I then try other ways. So just b/c it doesn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't work for you. -<*><*> THE GAME REVIEW <*><*>- iMMORAL CUMBAT (c) 3D XXX REALiTY [01/04] tZ! IMMORAL CUMBAT iS A FANTASY ADULT ADVENTURE GAME. ENJOY THE QUALiTY! If you haven't played the older versions of this classically bad game, then you should check it out for a laugh. It's a first person 3D perspective (Doom like) in black and white, except your a dick and you shoot cum. You hit the fire button the hand starts wacking off and then it shoots cum. The game gets boring quick, and the graphics are pretty dull. You shoot at other dicks, old fart 3 inchers, and tits and ovaries. Your life stamina is shown by the length of your dick and armor in this game is a condom. I didn't notice any differences from this version and older versions, but supposively they are there. If you want a good laugh, go ahead, if not dont bother. RATING : 28/100 Demented Dimensions BBS Brings You Shattered Steel Interactive Preview CD [01/08] Yes, I do occasionally review demos, and this is one of those times. This is a playable preview of this upcoming Mechwarrior like game. In fact, it's pretty much exactly like Mechwarrior. Nice graphics, and layout for a demo, with pretty much all the options. If you want to see what it's like so when the full version comes out you can see if it'll be worth the download, I reccomend getting it. If you liked Mechwarrior you should also get this. You will need at least a Pentium 90 to play this one. You basically, like in MW, just go around and shoot at other robot like fighting machines, you have missions to follow, etc. RATING : 52/100 Quest For Glory Anthology 07/22/96 [01/28] $$$$$$^$$$Ss. .sS$$$^$$$Ss. $$$$$$^$$$Ss. $....$ $....$ $....$ $....$ $....$ $....$ $::::$ $::::$ $::::$s$::::$ $::::$ $::::$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $ $$$Zfs$$$ ^` ` $$$$ `^ $$$ $$$$$s$$$ ^` D e a T H a N D D e S T R u C T i o N Savegame Addon 7/22/96 [01/15] $$$$$$^$$$Ss. .sS$$$^$$$Ss. $$$$$$^$$$Ss. $....$ $....$ $....$ $....$ $....$ $....$ $::::$ $::::$ $::::$s$::::$ $::::$ $::::$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $ $$$Zfs$$$ ^` ` $$$$ `^ $$$ $$$$$s$$$ ^` D e a T H a N D D e S T R u C T i o N Eh, so it's old as hell, maybe we should get Beavis and Butthead to do a little review on it. Uhhh, what the hell is this crap? It's um, like stuff with death and destruction. Uhhh, no. You dumbass, that's the name of the group. Oh yeah, heheheh, I knew that. So like what's it about? It's old, huhuh. Yeah, old things suck! They should like take all the old stuff and burn it. Yeah, fire, fire, fire! I heard this was like an R-P-G game or something. It like stands for Really Poor Game. No way, Stuart said it's an adventure game from like 1940. Huhuhuh, you dumbass, they only had that game Pong in 1940. Ohhhh right, yeah yeah. So like what is this? Uhh, I dunno, I think your some guy and stuff, and you like are on some Quest for Glory and like you click on stuff and stuff happens. It's stupid. Oh I see. How come you're so smart Butthead? Uhhh, I read this magazine TGR, it like tells me everything. Ahh so that's what you do when you're in the bathroom. *PLOOP* Yeah, it makes me in-tel-uh-gent and stuff. It told me this game sucks and has shitty music and old vga graphics. It also said it has naked pictures of you masterbating in it. NO WAY! That would be an improvement to the game. Umm, whatever. I know Beavis and Butthead is old (so is the game) and that this sucks, but I felt like it. RATING : 34/100 ========================= Albion demo version 1.37 ========================= ALBION *ENGLISH* (c) BLUEBYTE [01/42] r e f l u x ! -- - - Note : Demo was released and then a day later the full was out. RPG, with lots of interaction and boring non-humorous talking between characters. The movement (with the mouse) is kind of a pain to manipulate and to do actions, but you manage. Music is gay, no noticeable sfx. It's the usual plot of your space ship landing on some strange land inhabited by other cretures/people. Game gets boring quick. You have an eagle's eye view over the land and people. Not much to say, not so hot, don't know why Reflux thought it was the best game this year, because it's not. If you like RPGs with lots of talking and roaming around not so hot graphic areas, then you might like this, but even then, you might not. RATING : 40/100 (demo) RATING : 42/100 (full) [cd] QUAKE FULL REGISTERED [01/16] [cd] (C) ID SOFTWARE [cd] brought to you by coredump. QUAKE *REGISTERED* (c) iD Software [01/17] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Note : Both versions the same, CD beat to net, RZR to boards. Finally, the real version of Quake is out. I've said enough about this game to last you people a lifetime. You know what it is, you'll probably download it no matter what I say. I did notice a speed -<*><*> WIN '95 REVIEWS <*><*>- :+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+: The Win95 Game Review! by pAth0s :+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+: - To err is human. To fuck up is pAth0s! - Welcome to Win95 Game Review #4! - Just a few format changes.. EMAIL : pathos@ns2.clever.net (some people missed it last week.) Feel free to drop me a line about W95GR and let me know what you think. - Reviewer's System Info: Hardware: p-90, 16M ram, 512k cache, Diamond 64 2m DRAM, Awe32, 17" ADI, EIDE Software: 95 OEM Service Pack 2 beta3 (includes DirectX2, etc., All the latest drivers for the above hardware. Ratings: 100-90 = LEECH THIS NOW! 89-70 = Check it 69-50 = Ehh maybe 49-30 = Prolly not 29-00 = Forget it!! 00 = Don't Work . . . . ____:- - -O- -T- -F- -W- - -:____ : \ /|_ ____ ____ _ |\ / . .:. \/ `\/' `\/' `\_/' |_| \/ .:. -|- / | \_ | \_ |____/ | | \ -|- .:|:| | /__| / __| \ | |:|:. =[X]=\______/=|_____/____|===\___|___/=[X] .:|:. -proudly presents:- .:|:. -|- -|- :|: HAVOC :|: -|- [1/5] -|- .:|:. .-. . . . .-. .:|:. =[X]==/===\==|==[epidemic!]==|==/===\==[X]= |`-' `-:- - -|- - -:-' `-'| : : This is a DEMO. However, no one said shit to me about it being one. Nothing in the nfo about it either. This is a playable demo though, and I guess I can talk about it briefly, before I give it the phat O. Basically, you've got 3 choices of vehicles, and after that it's Terminal Velocity in a car. Well, not as good as TV, but you get the idea. :HAVOC:> <--- SlAp M3 s0m3 0f dAt pLuS OH! Monster Truck Madness Beta 2 [01/21] ____ _________ ________ || #|____|| #|| #\ || | || | || | | |: |: | |: | |Cr ..|_______ |\______ |______ /.... ::::::: ___/::::: ___/:::: ___/::::: Not bad. It's definitely a beta, still swaps and pauses right in the middle of gameplay, along with a couple audio glitches thrown in for good measure, and it installed its own directX2 drivers without asking (quite unlike MS). I'll like it a lot better once the final comes out. I do have to say that the synth muzak flippin rocks though and the grafix are a lot better than average. This will probably be one of those "unbelievable directX games" I talked about a couple weeks ago. As far as the juice of the game, you can pick one out of about 10 of the most popular monster trucks to race with. There are 4 different types of races too. Drag (side by side car crush), Rally (offroad enduro type), Circuit, and Tournament. You can set up suspension, gearbox, and tires on your truck for the different types of tracks/races. Don't have more than 4 other trucks racing against you when you first start out though, the traffic kinda sucks. There are many different resolutions, textures, and toggles to optimize video/processor speed, as well as audio, and joy/keybd setup. As a little side note, from what I gather about the help files included, MS is planning on devoting a whole webpage to this game, with possible tournament type netgames once the game goes final. This one will definitely be worth checking out! POINTS : 74 - I took some points off because it's a beta and has a couple problems. U UU UU UU hRoZeN UU ReW UU '96 U [pRESENTS] 3 HardWood Solitaire 1.4 3 3 Registration Patch by Giraffe/PC 3 A[wIN95/gAME] [jUL 96]U This is what the pc.nfo reads : Crack for Hardwood Solitaire 1.4 (I don't know if it works on other version) -copy hwsolk.com in windows directory -execute it Have fun! Giraffe This is what the pAth0s.nfo reads : This hwsolk.com file is a generic virus produced by the PS-MPC virus creation kit that anything will detect. Oh! If you run this in your windows directory, it'll do really neat things! Blah.. this wasn't just an infected file, the whole .com file is a virus, meaning it was intentionally spread. You'd think they woulda put a nice polymorphic in there or something. A couple zit faced 13 year old FUCKS probably made this shit. Didn't get me though bitch, I scan everything before I run it, like any other sane mofo would. Heh, I'm starting to build quite a nice little collection of virii. I could try running the game itself but I wouldn't touch this thing with a 286. Sci-Fi Channel Trivia Game - Win95 [01/18] ________________________/_|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Well, not a whole hell of a lot to say about this, all you do is answer questions basically. And thanks to about 5000 .wav files, there's voice in it. I swear it took me about 7 minutes to delete all those .wavs. Oh well, this one's pretty boring, nothing major, and you probably won't wanna grab this. POINTS : 48 - Pretty boring, plain and simple. -<*><*> THE GAME OF THE WEEK <*><*>- Well, I didn't want to have to do this, but GOTW goes to, you guessed it, CD/RZR for both of their same releases of QUAKE. I'm glad this shit is finally out so I can stop listening to all you whining over it, because now you all can see how much it sucks compared to Duke Nukem 3D. Anyway, congrats to both groups (if one of you feels you can not fulfill the duties, then the crown will be given to the runner up and... oh shit that's a beauty pageant). <*>OTHER RELEASES<*> ID4 - Someone, despite my begging of, decided to release all 11 disks of this crap. However, everyone knew how much it sucked, and it was nuked before it was even finished being uploaded. Steel Panthers Campaign - PSG addon. Command and Conquer - PSY compacted. Links Video Addon - IR, it's the other 3 golfers animations. <*>UPCOMING RELEASE DATES<*> All projected dates are as of July 26th 1996, 8:15 AM (EST) and based on store release dates. The information in this section is updated when available. Key to system types: DCD = DOS CD WCD = Windows CD MCD = Mac. CD W95CD = Win 95 CD M3 = Mac. Disk W3 = Windows Disk W953 = Win 95 Disk D3 = DOS Disk HCD = Mac./Windows CD Date | Name of Game / OS | Company ----------------------------------------------------------- 96/07/24 OFFENSIVE DCD GTE INTERACTIVE MEDIA 96/07/25 TRS PK:GNB 3&4 DCD MINDSCAPE 96/07/26 TOTAL MELTDOWN DCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/07/29 CIV WAR MED DCD ENTERACTIVE INTERNATIONAL 96/07/29 CAS CHMP2PKR DCD INTRACORP,INC. 96/07/29 RETURN FIRE DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/07/30 NORMALITY DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/01 Z DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/08/01 WARHAWK DCD SONY ELECTRONIC PUBLISH/ 96/08/01 TWISTD METAL DCD SONY ELECTRONIC PUBLISH/ 96/08/01 METAL LORDS DCD NEW WORLD COMPUTING INC. 96/08/01 LOST ADMRL II DCD AMERICAN LASER GAMES 96/08/01 TMEK DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/08/01 PANDORA DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/08/02 COMMANCHE2.0 DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/08/02 PELICAN HILL DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/08/02 PINEHURST DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/08/05 LST ADV LEGND DCD RANDOMSOFT 96/08/05 DEADLOCK DEMO DCD WEA VIDEO 96/08/05 BULL FROG PK DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/08/06 MANIC KARTS DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/08/13 ASSASS DEMO DCD WEA VIDEO 96/08/15 DEADLOCK DCD WEA VIDEO 96/08/15 BTLCRSR 3000 DCD TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE 96/08/16 HIND DCD INTERACTIVE MAGIC 96/08/19 MEGA RACE 2 DCD MINDSCAPE 96/08/20 QUAKE SHWR DCD ID SOFTWARE 96/08/20 DUNGON KEEPR DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/08/20 BEDLAM DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 VR BASEBALL DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/09/01 GOLF NICK P DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 AD&DCORERULESDCD TSR 96/09/01 HIST WORLD DCD AVALON HILL 96/09/01 POWERSLAVE DCD PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE ENT 96/09/05 ALIEN TRIL DCD DIGITAL PICTURES 96/09/15 MAST/ORION 2 DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/09/15 MAGIC GATHER DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/09/15 OVER REICH DCD AVALON HILL 96/09/28 JETFIGHTR III DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/09/30 BLOOD/MAGIC DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 97/01/01 DEADLY SKIES DCD JVC COMPANY OF AMERICA 96/08/16 SIMCITY DLX HCD MAXIS 96/08/20 CHESSMATES TCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/27 DEVO:SMART HCD WEA VIDEO 96/03/11 HOYLES CLASS MCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/08/01 MARATHN INFN MCD BUNGIE 96/08/01 EMPIRE II MCD NEW WORLD COMPUTING INC. 96/08/01 HERO MHT MGC MCD NEW WORLD COMPUTING INC. 96/08/02 PELICAN HILL MCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/08/02 PINEHURST MCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/08/08 KINGDOM/MAGC MCD GT SOFTWARE 96/08/19 MUPPETS TRSR MCD ACTIVISION 96/08/23 9 MCD GT SOFTWARE 96/08/23 DRAG LAIR 2 MCD READY SOFT 96/08/27 MUMMY MCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/09/01 MORT KMBT 3 MCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 LOST EDEN MCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/09/30 BLOOD/MAGIC MCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/03/05 DRUMBEAT M3 DEADLY GAMES 96/10/01 SIDWNDR GAMEPAD MICROSOFT 96/07/22 VOYEUR II WCD PHILIPS INTERACTIVE MEDIA 96/07/22 MCKENZ/FRNDS WCD AMERICAN LASER GAMES 96/07/30 LIGHTHOUSE TCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/07/30 SHADOAN WCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/07/31 CIVIL WAR:LEE WCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/08/05 TOPSY TURVY WCD DISNEY SOFTWARE 96/08/05 TRIV PURSUIT WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/08/12 WOOD SHIP MEN WCD AVALON HILL 96/08/19 MUPPETS TRSR WCD ACTIVISION 96/08/20 DAGGERFALL DCD BETHESDA 96/08/23 9 WCD GT SOFTWARE 96/08/25 PSD DXIII WCD BRODERBUND 96/08/27 MUMMY WCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/30 TRPMKR 97 WCD RAND McNALLY 96/08/30 STREETFND 97 WCD RAND McNALLY 96/09/15 ENCARTA97 DX WCD MICROSOFT 96/09/15 NOIR WCD CYBERDREAMS 96/09/16 SCRABBLE WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/10/01 OTHELLO WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/10/14 ULT YAHTZEE WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/10/14 CLUE WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/07/23 TOTL PINBALL W5C 21ST CENTURY 96/07/25 CHSS MSTR 5000 W5C MINDSCAPE 96/07/29 SU27 BNDL DCD MINDSCAPE 96/07/29 OLYMPIC SOCC W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/07/31 TRIP PLAY 97 W5C ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/08/01 HEXEN W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/08/01 PUBLISHER 97 W5C MICROSOFT 96/08/01 REAL TROUBLE W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/08/05 MARATHON 2 W5C BUNGIE SOFTWARE 96/08/15 MORT KOMBT 3 W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/08/15 STAR CONTR 3 W5C WEA VIDEO 96/08/25 PSD ENSIII W5C BRODERBUND 96/08/26 FREE ENTERPRSE W5C BRODERBUND 96/09/01 MORTIFICATOR W5C PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE ENT 96/09/01 NEVERHOOD W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/01 DEATHTRP DNG W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/09/01 TERRACIDE W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/09/15 CINEMANIA 97 W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/15 GREET WKSHP W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/15 DIABLO W5C DAVIDSON 96/09/15 MS PICTURE IT W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/15 DEADLY TIDE W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/15 REVERENCE W5C CYBERDREAMS 96/09/20 ENCARTA 97 STD W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/27 WRLD ATLS 2.0W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/27 AUTOMP ST +5 W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/27 AUTOMP ST+DX W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/27 AUTOMP TRP5.0 W5C MICROSOFT 96/10/01 STR TRK GEN W5C SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/10/01 DOMINION W5C 7TH LEVEL 96/11/18 BATTLESHIP W5C HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/11/18 RISK W5C HASBRO INTERACTIVE 97/01/01 MINDWARP W5C MAXIS <*>CORRECTIONS<*> - Godamnit, I said Slipstream 2000 in the review of Battle Race when I of course meant Slipstream 5000. <*>LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO<*> THIS MAGAZINE IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER, CONDONES THE PIRATING, STEALING, OR ANY OTHER ILLEGAL MEANS OF OBTAINING SOFTWARE. I AM IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS AS A RESULT OF READING THIS MAGAZINE, NOR HAVE I DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL TO OBTAIN THE REVIEWED GAMES. IF YOU LIKE HOW THE REVIEW OF A GAME SOUNDS THEN BY ALL MEANS PURCHASE IT AND SUPPORT THE SOFTWARE COMPANY. ANY AND ALL MAGAZINE GROUPS HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS IN THEIR MAG AS LONG AS IT HAS NOT BEEN EDITED IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, AND YOU HAVE OBTAINED MY WRITTEN E-MAIL PERMISSION. <*>CLOSINGS<*> - Not too much this week, went by quick too. - That's it for this week, hope it was of help. -Ionizer (The Game Reviewer) Comments/Complaints send to ionizer@ns2.clever.net (NO GAME REQUESTS) .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ o $$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$ $$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$ $$' o '$$$ $ $$' s `$$ `$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ $o $$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ ~' o$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ sssss$$ %. ^$$$$$ $$ $ $$$s s$$ $ $$ $$ $$$$$ $$. $ ,$$$$@. .@$$$. $ ,$$ $$ $$$$$ `$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hd' Copyright 1996 Ionizer Inc. #167A939 .x#$$#x. `:$$$$:' The Game Review! .x%#$$$$$$#%x. .x#$$$$#x. .x#$$$#x. `""""$$$$""""' .S$$$$$$$$S.$$$$$$$$$Ss $$$$.sS$Ss.$$$$ $$$$$`$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$',$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ """"`$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ sS$Ss."$$$ $$$$$$ pn `-------------- $$$$$$$$$$$ ------------' $$$$$$$$'` ~VOTED #1 WAREZ MAG/REVIEW BY INTERNET USERS~ ~TGR IS PROUD TO BE THE LONGEST RUNNING WEEKLY WAREZ MAG/REVIEW, EVER!~ .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $$ ISSUE #34 $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ssss$$ $ o o$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ssss. $$ 08/03/96 $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$. $ ,$$ `$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$&@%o%@&hd' ============ News Updates ============ - Yes this was put out early Saturday, because I'm visiting colleges over the weekend, so this of course will not have stuff from Saturday or Sunday. (WHERE and WHEN can I GET The Game Review? The Game Review (C) Ionizer) (will be released every SUNDAY, and can be obtained by) (/m ionizer XDCC send #1) #1 My home page (Thanks to Agile & Ent for their help) http://ns2.clever.net/~ionizer (Note : Contains all issues and is always up to date.) #2 E-Mail Auto Responder (Thanks to Malk and Mael) Just write mail to tgr@inforelay.com . (Note : Only for the NEWEST TGR out.) #3 Other magazines are free to use TGR in their mags. Simply notify me about it first. Currently RCN contaings TGR! NOTE: THERE IS NO MAILING LIST OF ANY KIND! =========================================== - * - * - * - * - * * - * - * - * - * - GAME REVIEWS, RATINGS, UN-BIASED OPINIONS, HELP/TIPS FOR INSTALLING GAMES! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Rating scale : (0-19)/100 = In a nutshell, it sucked! (20-39)/100 = Still crap but slightly better. (40-49)/100 = Possibly worth downloading. (50-69)/100 = Pretty decent game. Might want to check it out. (70-79)/100 = Worth the download if you like that type. (80-89)/100 = Very good, 9 outta 10 its worth the download. (90-99)/100 = Excellent game, a MUST download. 100/100 = HOLY SHIT I'VE NEVER SEEN A BETTER GAME! RATINGS are based on the game idea, graphics, sound, playability, ingenuity, versatility, and a lot of other words ending in 'ity.' These games are based on what happens on MY COMPUTER ONLY, unless stated otherwise. I always first follow NFO directions, and if those don't work or are not available, I then try other ways. So just b/c it doesn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't work for you. -<*><*> THE GAME REVIEW <*><*>- Triple Play Baseball '97 (c) E.A. [01/45] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ "Holy Cow" -Phil Rizuto. Yes, Holy Cow, holy pigs, and HOLY SHIT. Man, this game is sweet as sugar. It's by far the best baseball game out, and for those who like arcade type baseball games, rather than the sim, this one is the best ever. This game has it all as do many baseball games. The game play is quick, to the point, and has great sound effects and announcer (yes it really has an announcer in the 45 disks, no addons). The announcer also doesn't just say lame ass like "Now batting 1st baseman." No sir, he says the name of the player, sometimes comments if he has scored a run and stuff like that. Anyone with at least a 486 can run this game, because it has a nice low resolution mode, that at first may seem crappy, but you'll soon see it ain't that bad. Those of you with Pentium 75+ will be able to experience the beautiful high resolution graphics that make this game even more exciting to play. It even has modem play and serial play. Home run derby of course, season of course, and all of the types of play you could think of. Real players, real teams, and real stats. This is as close as we've gotten to a really good baseball game that was actually a GAME and not so statistical. It's not impossible to hit the ball, and the game follows no "boring nintendo like" patterns where you can always steal or stuff like that (I've actually even been able to pick off the computer from first base, when it had a big lead). This game is without a doubt, a must for anyone looking for sports or baseball games, and a definite worth checking out for others, unless you despise sports. Easy to install, no subst, it's what we here in `Reviewland' wish everything was like. So go grab your mit, your bat, and oh, bring your balls . RATING : 91/100 The Civil War (c) Empire Interactive [1/7] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ This is one of the lesser quality war games. It's a simple map of the flags and they move towards each other and you get to have the fun of controlling the supplies and people, etc. This one ain't too hot, lot's of different settings inside the game, but it's pretty plain and basic looking. Sound like went off after the opening for some reason. Looks pretty boring, if you find yourself playing this for more than 5 minutes on a friday or saturday night, call 1-800-DR-KEVORKIAN and ask about the special "Fast Serve" plan. RATING : 37/100 ________________________/ |__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ TOTAL MELTDOWN (c) Sierra [01/48] Bad BAD BAD Prestige! Naughty naughty! Yuck, this is not only freeware, but it is crap too (oh wait those are the same thing). This is a collection of addon shit for Duke Nukem 3D. It's got shitload of .maps, most of which were already released in Nuke It and other misc. packagings. It include's an install which doesn't work and stuff, and a shitty program to view levels, which sucks balls anyway. This is just a plain out waste of time. It includes also some animations, but it tells you nothing about how to run it, and there is just so much crap in this, that it takes up like 170 megs, (even though when I deleted it, I had 333 more megs) and it's a total waste of space and time to download. Even if you're a die hard Duke Nukem 3D fan, don't waste your precious life. RATING : 26/100 Z (c) Virgin Interactive [01/09] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ This review brought to you by the letter C, K, and a close friend of Z, Mr. Y. This game closely compares to C&C, but it just lacks the faster paced action that C&C has. The game, although could easily made better by some faster movement of the characters (and it has nothing to do with the CPU, they are just designed to move only a certain amount of space per time) and maybe a little more close up action. The game has two people, you and the computer, and your job is to take over sections of the land and build up an army, get weapons and vehicles etc. Once you've done so (or you could just go straight for it) you try to knock down the enemies fort. Also, the movement of the map is pretty damn slow too, and the controlling of it is a pain in the ass when you have people all over the map and you are trying to move them a little further down past where the screen shows (you can use the zoomed out map, but it's still a pain in the ass). Plus, every time you click on one of your guys it centers the screen, pain. The robots (they are the ones who fight) talk to you on videophone and say stuff like "What the hell is wrong with you, I said we are under attack." Sometimes they will give you an attitude, if for example, you tried to send one soldier after a huge tank, it will say "Are you crazy?" or "No way!" but it will still of course do it. The game could be a lot better if they just made it more fast paced. But if you don't mind waiting 1-2 mins for your guy to go from your side to the other, then by all means, try this one out. It certainly isn't on the C&C level, but it tries to be. RATING : 60/100 TIME COMMANDO (C) ADELINE/EA/ACTIVISION [01/45] r e f l u x ! -- - - Wow, I was impressed by the looks of this game. Although it's more fighting than it was using your brain, it's still a good game. How can you describe this one, well, picture it this way, you know how in Alone in the Dark you could fight, well that's what this game is like, except it's on a better game engine, better fighting, and better graphics. This game amazed me because it runs smoothly on anything (486+) in the top notch gfx mode. It's really fun to play, but there are only a few levels because of the large size. Also don't use the Reflux installer, I think it's set for *.r* and so it goes in a loop, do it manually. This game is one worth checking out if you like those 3D looking games and wish they had more action to it. Although the game gets boring, it's still a nice step in technology and looks cool to show off to people. There was also an animation pack, which will get it's review in next issue. Great game, but lacks the umph (more levels) that the CD would have. Also, once I got to the level "European Middle Age - Level 1" I would keep on beating it and it would just take me back to that, seems like the ending is not there or there is none. Here are two passwords, apparently the only ones you can get from playing this rip: VSINSYEA and TWXPPGGA or RDDXBPGA. RATING : 77/100 -<*><*> WIN '95 REVIEWS <*><*>- :+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+: The Win95 Game Review! by pAth0s :+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+: - To err is human. To fuck up is pAth0s! - Welcome to Win95 Game Review #5! - Just a few format changes.. EMAIL : pathos@ns2.clever.net (some people missed it last week.) Feel free to drop me a line about W95GR and let me know what you think. - Reviewer's System Info: Hardware: p-90, 16M ram, 512k cache, Diamond 64 2m DRAM, Awe32, 17" ADI, EIDE Software: 95 OEM Service Pack 2 beta3 (includes DirectX2, etc., All the latest drivers for the above hardware. Ratings: 100-90 = LEECH THIS NOW! 89-70 = Check it 69-50 = Ehh maybe 49-30 = Prolly not 29-00 = Forget it!! 00 = Don't Work Baku Baku Animal (C) Sega Pc [01/03] _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\::::::::: If you got into Tetris you might like this. It wasted about 15 minutes of my time though, which is about 10 more than I thought it would. The game is almost exactly like tetris, as far as the shit dropping out the top goes, but it drops animals and food instead of shapes. Only certain animals eat certain food and the more food they eat the more points you get. Kinda hard to explain, so either screw it, or leech it to find out. The grafix were a little better than average for a game like this, and the midis were cool too. 2 player mode was also included, like side by side Dr. Mario. Be sure to get the .dll fixpak for this too. POINTS : 61 - After all, it's only 3 disks, especially if you like Tetris. /\. . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . SLIDERS FOR WIN '95 (c) MALACHITE [1/2] Heh.. a nifty little game for a 4 year old maybe. I dunno why Napalm released this, slippin?? At any rate, it's just like those little slider puzzle games you used to get at the doctor's office for not crying when he jams that 6" needle up your ass. The only thing that halfway didn't suck was that it uses 64k or 16 million color mode, and you can load your own bitmaps. Otherwise pretty useless junk. POINTS : 20 - If you have a brain. POINTS : 79 - If you're 4 years old. Deadlock (c) Accolade [01/29] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Another SimXXXX type of game, but I like this one for some reason. Maybe because there's combat stuff in it too? Maybe because there's a different type of strategy involved? Dunno. There's definitely a lot of stuff to do (and for me, to fuck up..heh). The main goal in this is to build up your technologies, while keeping your people fed and happy, not running out of resources, and not getting waxed by your competitors. I picked a crappy race when I started, and my competitors got a lot more colonists than I did. Ya gotta have a lot of colonists for a fast growing empire. I had a little trouble trying to do stuff, but a nice help system wasn't ripped in case you can't figure out how to do something. The music is pretty cool, the graphics are about like any other SimXXX game, and netplay wasn't ripped either. A little side note, Ionizer couldn't get this to work on his Win31 box, it says it will under Win32s in the nfo, so I dunno if the nfo is correct on that. No problems installing it in 95 tho, just run Razor's supah hax0red Setup.exe. WinG and the Adobe .pdf reader were included too. All in all, I can pretty much say that this game seems to be SimCity taken to a new and interesting level. Nice game, from someone who barfs at the word SimShitty. Ionizer's Note : NFO said it would run in Win3.1, but it didn't. POINTS : 25 - Not a missprint, see the next review. IRQ57 [01/04] Deadlock - Minimal-RIP %03 This is what IRQ57 had to say about this release : "Another Stripped down release from us, Deadlock was released by Razor on 29 disks. We give it to you on 4. We have ripped out the music (not the sfx) and the Mplayer/Ten Internet packs, so you can't play this version over Internet." Ok, same game, no music, no netplay. Minus 25 disks. What gives?! I played this for about 2.5 hours, no bugs, nothing wrong with it. Just 25 fucking disks smaller. No setup shit, just click on the exe and play. I'd like to give IRQ57 my Kick Fucking Ass Award for the MONTH on this one. Keep ripping the rips guys, dunno who the fuck you are, but just keep it up. Maybe some of these other groups could take lessons or something?? If it came down to a music track or a release that was 25 disks smaller, I (and I'm pretty sure I speak for almost everyone here) would pick the 4 disker hands down. POINTS : 83 - The score the original release got. 110% to the group IRQ57! To school with tha rest. o$ $o ..oo$$$ $$$oo.. $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ooo. $$$$%%$"$$$$%%$$$$$$oo. $$$$%%.$$$$$$$l $$$$$$ $%%%$%$oo%%%$%$o%%:$%:$ $$%$%$lp%$$%%$$ $$$$$$ o $%::%:$ $%::%:$'::.%.l:'$:%%:%$:.%:.:l: $%%%%$ $::%::$ $::%::$""`""'" $.::.:$""`""'" $%::%$$$$$..:. $ $ .:..$$$$$$$$$$$ . .$$$$ :: $:.%.$% $ . $ $ . $%%:::.oooo. oo $ :: $: . l: l" :l l: $.:.%. $o"$ .:.$ l$o. ` ..:. $$ $$..:.$l . l:$ .. $ `$$oo.o$o.%.ol: :lo. ` ..o$'l::.:.l `"" `$$$$" "$$$$$$$"" `"""" [Hoyle Internet Blackjack v1.1.0.4] [xx/xx] I tried this a week or 3 ago, and it wouldn't install. This one however does, looks to be exactly like the regular Hoyle blackjack. I couldn't get it to play non-inet, it would immediately look for the network presence and completely crap out if it didn't find it. Since I've got better things to than to load up the shitty ppp crap on my system and try this, I'll just give it a n/a. POINTS : n/a - Looks to be working this time, but no non-net play. Mission Force: CyberStorm (c) SSI [1/24] _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\:::::::::: Sure it's 24 disks... if you got a leet ass 2.88 floppy drive. So in order to install this and keep the zips, you'll need 373 megz. Yeah, yeah, so it's under the 50 disk limit, big deal. Doesn't mean that it doesn't suck. Actually, the game itself wasn't entirely too awful, but it was a really shitty rip and not worth the download time. You can't see any of the mission briefings (to tell you what kind of equipment you need), or any of the debriefings (where they tell you how god-like you are when you wax all the bad guys). This isn't one of those 1st person 3d mech games either, it's one of those 3rd person, hex style maps where you have to move a guy here, move a guy there, shoot here, shoot there, and end turn so the bad guy can move. Of course, would you expect anything different from SSI? The pre-mission command center was way cooler than all the in-mission graphics. When it first loaded up and I saw the command center stuff, I thought, "Hey wow, fuck, this is cool shit!" Until the actual mission started, when I thought, "I spent HOW MUCH time leeching this?" Kinda reminds me of any of the 1000 scrolly shootemups for the PSX. All the intro, config, and pre-game stuff rocks, but the game sucks. Oh well, this thing wasn't a very rewarding experience, due to the ripping of all the text. POINTS : 48 - Not worth the time/space. Hybrid, release the brief/debrief stuff and I might change that score. Better yet, fix that 148 mb file, and repackage it smaller with the text stuff. Special werd up goin out to RCN for the spot in the mag, Ionizer for the spot in TGR (among other things), The Libertarian Party (keep fighting for FREEDOM!), and the rest of you all trying to better the scene in some way. -<*><*> THE GAME OF THE WEEK <*><*>- This week's GOTW on this early release of TGR goes to RAZOR, for their great release of TRIPLE PLAY BASEBALL '97. A great baseball game, a must for all sports game loving fans, and even worth getting if you're not so diehard. Close second worth mentioning was Reflux's Time Commando <*>OTHER RELEASES<*> Timegate - Knight's Chase, Coredump DUPE. Hoyle Internet Blackjack - WTF dupe. Red Alert - Fake. Dark Forces Compact Edition - PSY, dupe, but smaller, 7 disks, it does work. Albion 100% Crack - Reflux fix for those who couldn't run it. Mumins Kurragomma - DFC, kiddie shit. F!Zone - MNT, just a commercial addon for that old game , Fury 3. Logical Journeys of the Zombinies - WWR dupe. <*>UPCOMING RELEASE DATES<*> All projected dates are as of August 2nd 1996, 8:15 AM (EST) and based on store release dates. The information in this section is updated when available. Key to system types: DCD = DOS CD WCD = Windows CD MCD = Mac. CD W95CD = Win 95 CD M3 = Mac. Disk W3 = Windows Disk W953 = Win 95 Disk D3 = DOS Disk HCD = Mac./Windows CD Date | Name of Game / OS | Company ----------------------------------------------------------- 96/08/02 TRS PK:GNB 3&4 DCD MINDSCAPE 96/08/05 RETURN FIRE DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/08/06 DEADLOCK DEMO DCD WEA VIDEO 96/08/06 OFFENSIVE DCD GTE INTERACTIVE MEDIA 96/08/07 COMMANCHE2.0 DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/08/12 TROPHY CASE DCD SIR TECH 96/08/12 FNL FURY 1-4 DCD MINDSCAPE 96/08/13 ASSASS DEMO DCD WEA VIDEO 96/08/13 MANIC KARTS DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/08/15 PELICAN HILL DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/08/15 DEADLOCK DCD WEA VIDEO 96/08/15 BTLCRSR 3000 DCD TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE 96/08/15 PINEHURST DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/08/19 MEGA RACE 2 DCD MINDSCAPE 96/08/20 QUAKE SHWR DCD ID SOFTWARE 96/08/26 AGE RIFLES DCD MINDSCAPE 96/08/26 SILNT HTR PATL DCD MINDSCAPE 96/08/27 Z DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/09/01 DEADLY SKIES DCD JVC COMPANY OF AMERICA 96/09/01 BULL FROG PK DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/09/01 GOLF NICK P DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 AD&DCORERULESDCD TSR 96/09/01 DUNGON KEEPR DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/09/01 HIST WORLD DCD AVALON HILL 96/09/01 POWERSLAVE DCD PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE ENT 96/09/05 ALIEN TRIL DCD DIGITAL PICTURES 96/09/09 HIND DCD INTERACTIVE MAGIC 96/09/15 MAST/ORION 2 DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/09/15 MAGIC GATHER DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/09/15 OVER REICH DCD AVALON HILL 96/09/24 BEDLAM DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/24 WARWIND W5C MINDSCAPE 96/09/30 WAR GMES COLL DCD MINDSCAPE 96/09/30 STL PANTHRS 2 WCD MINDSCAPE 96/09/30 BLOOD/MAGIC DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/10/01 BARB DESN REFL WCD MATTEL 96/10/01 BARBE STRY MKR WCD MATTEL 96/10/15 NCAA BASKETBLL DCD GTE INTERACTIVE MEDIA 96/10/29 TIMELAPSE DCD GTE INTERACTIVE MEDIA 96/11/01 JETFIGHTR III DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/11/01 VR BASEBALL DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/15 POLITICARDS HCD MASQUE 96/08/16 SIMCITY DLX HCD MAXIS 96/08/20 CHESSMATES TCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/27 DEVO:SMART HCD WEA VIDEO 96/10/01 MOTHER GSE LRN HCD MATTEL 96/10/01 FSHRPRCE PARNT HCD MATTEL 96/03/11 HOYLES CLASS MCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/08/15 PELICAN HILL MCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/08/15 PINEHURST MCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/08/15 WARCRAFT 2 MCD DAVIDSON 96/08/19 MUPPETS TRSR MCD ACTIVISION 96/08/23 DRAG LAIR 2 MCD READY SOFT 96/08/27 MUMMY MCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/09/01 MORT KMBT 3 MCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 LOST EDEN MCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/09/23 HERO MHT MGC MCD NEW WORLD COMPUTING INC. 96/09/30 BLOOD/MAGIC MCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/10/29 9 MCD GT SOFTWARE 96/03/05 DRUMBEAT M3 DEADLY GAMES 96/10/01 SIDWNDR GAMEPAD MICROSOFT 96/08/05 TOPSY TURVY WCD DISNEY SOFTWARE 96/08/05 TRIV PURSUIT WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/08/07 CIVIL WAR:LEE WCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/08/07 NECRODOME SHR W5CD MINDSCAPE 96/08/12 WOOD SHIP MEN WCD AVALON HILL 96/08/15 LIGHTHOUSE TCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/08/19 PSD DXIII WCD BRODERBUND 96/08/19 MUPPETS TRSR WCD ACTIVISION 96/08/20 DAGGERFALL DCD BETHESDA 96/08/24 AZRAEL TOUR WCD MINDSCAPE 96/08/27 MUMMY WCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/30 TRPMKR 97 WCD RAND McNALLY 96/08/30 STREETFND 97 WCD RAND McNALLY 96/09/01 HTWHL TOY CAR WCD MATTEL 96/09/15 ENCARTA97 DX WCD MICROSOFT 96/09/11 SIDWNDR GAMEPAD MICROSOFT 96/10/01 BARBIE DESIGN WCD MATTEL 96/10/01 OTHELLO WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/10/14 ULT YAHTZEE WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/10/14 CLUE WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/10/29 STAR GENERAL WCD MINDSCAPE 96/10/29 9 WCD GT SOFTWARE 96/11/01 HOT WHEELS MOUSE WCD MATTEL 96/08/20 DAGGERFALL DCD BETHESDA 96/08/24 AZRAEL TOUR WCD MINDSCAPE 96/08/27 MUMMY WCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/30 TRPMKR 97 WCD RAND McNALLY 96/08/30 STREETFND 97 WCD RAND McNALLY 96/09/01 HTWHL TOY CAR WCD MATTEL 96/09/15 ENCARTA97 DX WCD MICROSOFT 96/09/15 NOIR WCD CYBERDREAMS 96/09/16 SCRABBLE WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/10/01 BARBE PRN&PLY WCD MATTEL 96/09/01 REAL TROUBLE W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/09/01 TERRACIDE W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/09/09 NECRODOME W5CD MINDSCAPE 96/09/15 CINEMANIA 97 W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/15 GREET WKSHP W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/15 DIABLO W5C DAVIDSON 96/09/15 MS PICTURE IT W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/15 DEADLY TIDE W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/15 PUBLISHER 97 W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/15 DIE HARD TRL W5C FOX VIDEO 96/09/15 REVERENCE W5C CYBERDREAMS 96/09/16 DRK SUN:ONLINE W5C MINDSCAPE 96/09/20 ENCARTA 97 STD W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/24 STAR CONTR 3 W5C WEA VIDEO 96/09/27 WRLD ATLS 2.0W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/27 AUTOMP ST +5 W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/27 AUTOMP ST+DX W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/27 AUTOMP TRP5.0 W5C MICROSOFT 96/10/01 STR TRK GEN W5C SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/10/01 DOMINION W5C 7TH LEVEL 96/11/12 TITANIC W5C GTE INTERACTIVE MEDIA 96/11/18 BATTLESHIP W5C HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/11/18 RISK W5C HASBRO INTERACTIVE 97/01/01 MINDWARP W5C MAXIS <*>CORRECTIONS<*> - In Reflux's full version of Albion, I've been told that if you go on a lot further with the game, that some part of it is doom like and improves a lot. <*>LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO<*> THIS MAGAZINE IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER, CONDONES THE PIRATING, STEALING, OR ANY OTHER ILLEGAL MEANS OF OBTAINING SOFTWARE. I AM IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS AS A RESULT OF READING THIS MAGAZINE, NOR HAVE I DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL TO OBTAIN THE REVIEWED GAMES. IF YOU LIKE HOW THE REVIEW OF A GAME SOUNDS THEN BY ALL MEANS PURCHASE IT AND SUPPORT THE SOFTWARE COMPANY. ANY AND ALL MAGAZINE GROUPS HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS IN THEIR MAG AS LONG AS IT HAS NOT BEEN EDITED IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, AND YOU HAVE OBTAINED MY WRITTEN E-MAIL PERMISSION. <*>CLOSINGS<*> - That's it for this week, hope it was of help. -Ionizer (The Game Reviewer) Comments/Complaints send to ionizer@ns2.clever.net (NO GAME REQUESTS) .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ o $$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$ $$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$ $$' o '$$$ $ $$' s `$$ `$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ $o $$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ ~' o$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ sssss$$ %. ^$$$$$ $$ $ $$$s s$$ $ $$ $$ $$$$$ $$. $ ,$$$$@. .@$$$. $ ,$$ $$ $$$$$ `$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hd' Copyright 1996 Ionizer Inc. #167A939 r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Utils Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the 5 best utils release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The util didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The util was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Utils Reviewed : 06/06/96 -> 06/19/96 Filename : DOD-SE11.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-11-96 Filedate : -- SOFTSCAPE EXPLORER PLUS V1.0 [01/05] Previous Total : 0 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Release Score : 4 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / Running Total : 4 \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[m]\________/== (*) D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 (*) ===================== [ DOD * 11-Jun-96 ] == Filename : DODWSFTP.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-13-96 Filedate : -- WS FTP PROFESSIONAL FOR WINDOWS [1/1] Previous Total : 4 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 2 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 6 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 13-Jun-96 ] == Filename : DOD-M301.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-14-96 Filedate : -- MINUTEMAN V3.0 FOR WIN3.1/95 [01/02] Previous Total : 6 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 4 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 10 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 14-Jun-96 ] == Filename : DODCHSTB.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-16-96 Filedate : -- CHARACTER STUDIO MAX PLUGIN BETA [1/1] Previous Total : 10 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 2 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 12 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 16-JUN-96 ] == Filename : MTYJDKL1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-06-96 Filedate : -- Java Delopers Kit v1.0 for LNX Previous Total : 0 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 4 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 4 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/03]\_____\_______>[06/06/96]==) Filename : MTY-INT.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-09-96 Filedate : -- Internet ToolPak v2.0 Crescent Software Previous Total : 4 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 7 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[06/09/96]==) Filename : MTY-NET.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-09-96 Filedate : -- NetPak Professional Crescent Software Previous Total : 7 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 10 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[06/09/96]==) Filename : MTY-XREF.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-09-96 Filedate : -- XRef VB Add-On Crescent Software Previous Total : 10 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 13 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[06/09/96]==) Filename : MTYAPIV1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-09-96 Filedate : -- API Vision 1.5 Previous Total : 13 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 16 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/02]\_____\_______>[06/09/96]==) Filename : MTYEVB4.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-11-96 Filedate : -- Enquiry For Visual Basic v4.0 Previous Total : 16 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 19 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[06/11/96]==) Filename : MTYNET01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-11-96 Filedate : -- Net Commander '95/3.1 v1.0 (c) Luckman Previous Total : 19 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 4 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 23 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/18]\_____\_______>[06/11/96]==) Filename : MTYWCD01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-11-96 Filedate : -- Web Commander '95 v1.0 (c) Luckman Previous Total : 23 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 4 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 27 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/42]\_____\_______>[06/11/96]==) Filename : MTYCMPU1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-13-96 Filedate : -- COMPUVIEW NAVIGATOR FOR WINDOWS Previous Total : 27 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 2 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 29 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/02]\_____\_______>[06/13/96]==) Filename : MTYXING.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-13-96 Filedate : -- XING MPEG Player v3.0b For Win95 Previous Total : 29 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 1 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 30 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[06/13/96]==) Filename : MTYDISC1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-16-96 Filedate : -- Microtest DiscPort (c) Microtest Previous Total : 30 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 2 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 32 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/07]\_____\_______>[06/16/96]==) Filename : MTYSTS01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-16-96 Filedate : -- Symptoms (c) Healthsoft Previous Total : 32 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 35 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/21]\_____\_______>[06/16/96]==) Filename : PWAPOWB.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-07-96 Filedate : -- PowerBasic Compiler [01/01] Previous Total : 0 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 3 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWASDB01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-09-96 Filedate : -- MR. SCANNER - DATABASES [01/15] Previous Total : 3 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 6 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWAT351.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-11-96 Filedate : -- Telix 3.51 Dos [Registered] [1/1] Previous Total : 6 Release Score : 2 A Group Running Total : 8 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. DK -XeN Filename : ASLPWA01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-12-96 Filedate : -- Access Super Libray CD-Rip [01/49] Previous Total : 8 Release Score : 2 A Group Running Total : 10 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. DK -XeN Filename : PWA13321.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-12-96 Filedate : -- Previous Total : 10 A Group Release Score : 3 That Gives Running Total : 13 Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Windows NT Server build 1332 [01/30] Filename : NMBIPWA1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-13-96 Filedate : -- Network MCI Buisness InternetMCI Previous Total : 13 version 1.22 [1/3] Release Score : 2 Running Total : 15 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWAACL01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-14-96 Filedate : -- Autocad Lite R3 Win 95/NT [01/15] Previous Total : 15 Release Score : 4 A Group Running Total : 19 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWA-BR01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-15-96 Filedate : -- BRender v1.1.2 [01/07] Previous Total : 19 Release Score : 4 A Group Running Total : 23 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWA-VVBX.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-16-96 Filedate : -- VideoSoft VSView VBX [01/01] Previous Total : 23 Release Score : 2 A Group Running Total : 25 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : E16PWA01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-17-96 Filedate : -- Extra! Personal Client 16bit [01/41] Previous Total : 25 Version 6.1 full Release Release Score : 2 Running Total : 27 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : E32PWA01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-17-96 Filedate : -- EXTRA! Personal Client 6.1 [01/27] Previous Total : 27 32bit full release Release Score : 2 Running Total : 29 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : RBS-RECH.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-06-96 Filedate : -- ReachOut v5.05 for Win95/3.xx Previous Total : 0 _____________________________ __[01/01] Release Score : 4 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 4 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-FIT.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-07-96 Filedate : -- Frame-It v1.10 for Windows 95 Previous Total : 4 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 7 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-MIML.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-07-96 Filedate : -- Mi'Mail for Windows Previous Total : 7 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 10 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-MORF.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-07-96 Filedate : -- Morpher v1.2 for Windows 95 Previous Total : 10 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 4 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 14 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-WPC.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-07-96 Filedate : -- Web Page Creator v4.5 for Windows 95 Previous Total : 14 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 4 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 18 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS14-01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-15-96 Filedate : -- OS/2 Merlin build 14 aka OS/2 Warp v4.0 Previous Total : 18 _____________________________ __[01/43] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 21 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : FMSA1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-10-96* Filedate : -- MS ClipArt Office cd-rip (c) MS Previous Total : 0 [01/04] Release Score : 3 Running Total : 3 sikos Filename : XF-BO21.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-11-96 Filedate : -- MICROSOFT BACKOFFICE SDK V2.0 Previous Total : 3 Windows NT 3.51/4.0 Beta 2 and W95 Release Score : 3 [01/20] Running Total : 6 sikos Filename : XFLWVP01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-13-96 Filedate : -- VIEWPOINTS DARALAB MODELS Previous Total : 6 FOR LIGHTWAVE 5.0 Release Score : 3 [01/11] Running Total : 9 sikos Filename : XF-WB961.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-16-96 Filedate : -- WINBENCH 96 Previous Total : 9 (c) Ziff Davis Release Score : 1 [01/02] Running Total : 10 sikos Filename : XFALPH01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-19-96 Filedate : -- DEC Altavista Firewall Network ALPHA Previous Total : 10 - Beta1.1 - for Win NT (c) DEC Release Score : 3 [01/15] Running Total : 13 sikos Filename : XFTCP4-A.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-19-96 Filedate : -- TCP/IP v4.0 for OS/2 Warp and Merlin Previous Total : 13 Pre-Release (c) IBM Release Score : 2 [01/14] Running Total : 15 amachine Score Chart : Utils DOD 12 Points MTY 35 Points PWA 29 Points RBS 21 Points X-F 15 Points Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Rebels - [3.5] Drink or Die - [3.0] Mortality - [2.9] Pirates with Attitudes - [2.6] X-Force - [2.5] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Utils Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the 5 best utils release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The util didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The util was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Utils Reviewed : 06/20/96 -> 07/03/96 Filename : DODCAFE1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-20-96 Filedate : -- SYMANTEC CAFE 1.2 FOR WIN95/NT [1/9] Previous Total : 0 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 5 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 5 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 20-Jun-96 ] == Filename : DODDLD01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-21-96 Filedate : -- LANTASTIC DEDICATED SERVER 1.1 [01/14] Previous Total : 5 ENGLISH DOCS Release Score : 2 _______________ ____________ ____________ Running Total : 7 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 21-Jun-96 ] == Filename : DODDLT01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-21-96 Filedate : -- LANTASTIC DEDICATED SERVER 1.1 [01/44] Previous Total : 7 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 3 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 10 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 21-Jun-96 ] == Filename : MTYNC951.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-22-96 Filedate : -- _______________________________________ Previous Total : 0 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / Release Score : 5 / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / Running Total : 5 \_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/ - M O R T A L I T Y - ==[06/22/96]===============[1/2]======== [Norton Commander v1.01 for Win95 FINAL] Filename : MTYPART1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-23-96 Filedate : -- Print Artist 1500 (c) Sierra Previous Total : 5 _______________________________________ Release Score : 4 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / Running Total : 9 / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / \_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/ - M O R T A L I T Y - ==[06/23/96]===============[1/6]======== Filename : MTYKFM1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-24-96 Filedate : -- Keller Fleet Maintence (c) Keller Previous Total : 9 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 12 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/04]\_____\_______>[06/24/96]==) Filename : MTYPP212.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-25-96 Filedate : -- Wanderlink v2.12 with Proxy v1.6 Previous Total : 12 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 15 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[06/25/96]==) Filename : MTYZHPM1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-25-96 Filedate : -- Zip! Host Print Manager v1.01 Previous Total : 15 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 18 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/02]\_____\_______>[06/25/96]==) Filename : MTYHOT31.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-26-96 Filedate : -- HOTDOCS v3.0B (c) CAPSOFT INC. Previous Total : 18 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 4 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 22 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[02/02]\_____\_______>[06/26/96]==) Filename : MTYUNIN1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-26-96 Filedate : -- UNINet (c) Attachmate Previous Total : 22 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 25 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/05]\_____\_______>[06/26/96]==) Filename : MTYDSK01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-27-96 Filedate : -- Kid Desk /f Windows '95 Previous Total : 25 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 2 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 27 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/21]\_____\_______>[06/27/96]==) Filename : MTYWC421.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-30-96 Filedate : -- WILDCAT v4.20 FOR DOS (c) MUSTANG Previous Total : 27 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 1 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 28 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/04]\_____\_______>[06/30/96]==) -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- Filename : MTYCAD01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-01-96 Filedate : -- Drafix QuickCAD v4.0 Win'95/Win NT Previous Total : 28 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 4 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 32 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/14]\_____\_______>[07/01/96]==) Filename : MTYNCUP1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-01-96 Filedate : -- Norton Commander 95 Comm. Update Previous Total : 32 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 1 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 33 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/02]\_____\_______>[07/01/96]==) Filename : EX20MTY2.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-02-96 Filedate : -- Extra! X v2.0 F/Win95 (c) AttachMate Previous Total : 33 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 2 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 35 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/08]\_____\_______>[07/02/96]=) Filename : MTYDRG01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-02-96 Filedate : -- Drugs (c) Healthsoft /f Windows Previous Total : 35 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 2 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 37 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/12]\_____\_______>[07/02/96]==) Filename : MTYIDRV1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-02-96 Filedate : -- InterDrive v4.12 (c) FTP Software Inc. Previous Total : 37 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 40 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/02]\_____\_______>[07/02/96]==) Filename : MTYTN327.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-02-96 Filedate : -- FTP TN3270/TN5250 Build 2021 Previous Total : 40 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 2 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 42 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[07/02/96]==) Filename : PWA-TBP1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-20-96 Filedate : -- Turbo Publisher Build 3.03a Win [1/8] Previous Total : 0 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 3 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWANTBC1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-20-96 Filedate : -- BoundsChecker Professional Edition Previous Total : 3 for Windows-NT Version 4.00.193 Release Score : 3 S/N 3000-9147F5-77 Running Total : 6 Disk 5/5 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWACDX31.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-21-96 Filedate : -- DiskExtender 3.00 for Win/NT [1/7] Previous Total : 6 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 9 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWASINT.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-21-96 Filedate : -- SoftIce/NT from NuMega Previous Total : 9 Version 1.0 Release Score : 4 S/N 3000-9147F5-77 Running Total : 13 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWAVOX01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-21-96 Filedate : -- Voice for Windows95 [1/6] Previous Total : 13 Release Score : 4 A Group Running Total : 17 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWALCB21.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-22-96 Filedate : -- Lotus Components Beta2 [01/06] Previous Total : 17 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 20 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWALVN11.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-22-96 Filedate : -- Lotus VideoNotes v1.2 [01/03] Previous Total : 20 Release Score : 4 A Group Running Total : 24 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWAVW101.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-25-96 Filedate : -- ParcPlace VisualWave v1.0A [01/12] Previous Total : 24 The object-oriented development Release Score : 4 environment for creating live Running Total : 28 Web applications. A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWA-FTM1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-26-96 Filedate : -- FAMILY TREEMAKER 3.1 for WIN 95 [1/5] Previous Total : 28 Release Score : 4 A Group Running Total : 32 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWANTRC1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-27-96 Filedate : -- Win/NT 4.0 Release Candidate 1 [1/9] Previous Total : 32 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 35 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWALM601.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-29-96 Filedate : -- Lotus cc:Mail 6.0 Client RELEASE [01/57] Previous Total : 35 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 38 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWANTS01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-30-96 Filedate : -- Win/NT 4.0 Server - RC-1 [01/23] Previous Total : 38 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 41 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWAOPT01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-02-96 Filedate : -- Optima++ 1.0 Developer Ed. [01/25] Previous Total : 41 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 44 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWAPCNE1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-02-96 Filedate : -- pcAnywhere 7.5 32 bit [1/4] Previous Total : 44 Release Score : 5 A Group Running Total : 49 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWARC-01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-02-96 Filedate : -- Win/NT 4.0 Release Candidate 1 [01/19] Previous Total : 49 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 52 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : RBS-ICCD.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-20-96 Filedate : -- ICCD v3.2 for Windows 95 Previous Total : 0 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 3 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-WRAR.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-21-96 Filedate : -- RAR v2.00 for Windows 95/32s Previous Total : 3 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 6 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBSB1801.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-22-96 Filedate : -- OS/2 Warp v4.0 aka OS/2 Merlin Build 18 Previous Total : 6 ________________________________[01/49] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 9 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-METL.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-23-96 Filedate : -- Metz Lock v4.0 for Windows Previous Total : 9 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 12 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-HTNT.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-24-96 Filedate : -- HTML Notepad v2.0 for Windows 95 Previous Total : 12 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 15 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-MHZI.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-24-96 Filedate : -- MicroHouse Zip Previous Total : 15 _____________________________ __[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 18 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-QBR1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-25-96 Filedate : -- Quickbooks UPDATE: To Version 4.0r11 Previous Total : 18 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 1 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 19 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBSPB1A.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-27-96 Filedate : -- Packard Bell CBT April 96 Previous Total : 19 ________________________________[01/07] Release Score : 2 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 21 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ Filename : RBSPB2A.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-27-96 Filedate : -- Packard Bell CBT April 96 Part 2 Previous Total : 21 ________________________________[01/20] Release Score : 2 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 23 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ Filename : RBSSCA01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-29-96 Filedate : -- Scala 4.10 for Windows 95 +Clients Previous Total : 23 _____________________________ __[01/20] Release Score : 4 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 27 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBSCATP1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-03-96 Filedate : -- Catapult Server Beta 3 (c) Microsoft Previous Total : 27 ________________________________[01/07] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 30 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : XF-OBJ01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-20-96 Filedate : -- OBJECT STORE 4.0.1 FOR WINDOWS NT/95 Previous Total : 0 (c) OBJECT DESIGN Release Score : 4 [01/16] Running Total : 4 sikos Filename : XFFX32R1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-20-96 Filedate : -- INTEL 32-BIT to ALPHA 32-BIT Previous Total : 4 Release Candidate 1 (c) DEC Release Score : 3 [01/05] Running Total : 7 sikos Filename : XFLW5C01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-24-96 Filedate : -- LIGHTWAVE 5.0 -FINAL RELEASE- (REVISION C) Previous Total : 7 CD-RIP 100% CRACKED (c) NEWTEK Release Score : 4 [01/22] Running Total : 11 sikos Filename : XFICET95.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-25-96 Filedate : -- ICE TCP 95 TRIALWARE Previous Total : 11 -CRACKED- Release Score : 3 [01/01] Running Total : 14 sikos Filename : XFEXCD01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-26-96 Filedate : -- MICROSOFT EXCHANGE SERVER Previous Total : 14 FULL DOCUMENTATION Release Score : 2 [01/15] Running Total : 16 sikos Filename : XFSDK201.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-26-96 Filedate : -- MICROSOFT SDK FOR WINDOWS NT / 95 Previous Total : 16 CD-RIP Release Score : 5 [01/69] Running Total : 21 sikos Filename : XFALTMS1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 6-28-96 Filedate : -- DEC ALTAVISTA POP3 MAIL SERVER Previous Total : 21 FOR WINDOWS NT Release Score : 3 [01/02] Running Total : 24 sikos Score Chart : Utils DOD 10 Points MTY 42 Points PWA 52 Points RBS 30 Points X-F 24 Points Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Pirates with Attitudes - [3.5] X-Force - [3.4] Drink or Die - [3.3] Mortality - [2.8] Rebels - [2.7] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Utils Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the 5 best utils release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The util didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The util was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Utils Reviewed : 07/04/96 -> 07/17/96 Filename : DOD-GOO1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-11-96 Filedate : -- Kai`s Power GOO + Fusion [Final Standalone] Previous Total : 0 (c) MetaTools [01/03] Release Score : 5 _______________ ____________ ____________ Running Total : 5 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ==================== [ DOD * 11-July-96 ] == Filename : DODTUNE1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-15-96 Filedate : -- Financial Tune-up for Win95 [1/4] Previous Total : 5 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 4 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 9 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ==================== [ DOD * 15-July-96 ] == Filename : DODMML1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-17-96 Filedate : -- MEDIA MANIA LITE 1.2 for WINDOWS [01/04] Previous Total : 9 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 3 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 12 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ==================== [ DOD * 17-July-96 ] == Filename : MTYDET01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-04-96 Filedate : -- MicroSoft Detroit Build 1113 Previous Total : 0 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 3 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/35]\_____\_______>[07/04/96]=) Filename : MTYFV401.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-04-96 Filedate : -- FOLIO VIEWS v4.0 (c) STIRLING Previous Total : 3 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 4 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 7 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/13]\_____\_______>[07/04/96]==) Filename : MTYQDB21.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-04-96 Filedate : -- QUICKDB v2.0 FOR WIN (c) ATTACHMATE Previous Total : 7 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 4 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 11 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/03]\_____\_______>[07/04/96]==) Filename : MTYOT32.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-11-96 Filedate : -- OneNet Telnet v2.0 For WIN95 [01/01] Previous Total : 11 _______________________________________ Release Score : 1 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / Running Total : 12 / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / =\_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/== ====- M O R T A L I T Y -====/ =[ * ]================= [07-11-96]=[ * ] -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- Filename : MTY-W97U.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-13-96 Filedate : -- Previous Total : 12 Release Score : 3 Running Total : 15 M O R T A L I T Y |RELEASE DATE: 07/13/96 roy MS Win 97 Beta Update- Inet Options Filename : MTYIWK01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-16-96 Filedate : -- INNER WORKS v1.1 *BETA* [01/02] Previous Total : 15 _______________________________________ Release Score : 3 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / Running Total : 18 / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / =\_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/== ====- M O R T A L I T Y -====/ =[ * ]================= [07-16-96]=[ * ] Filename : MTYRLN01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-16-96 Filedate : -- RLN CLIENT v4.14 FOR WIN95(c) ATTACHMATE Previous Total : 18 _______________________________________ Release Score : 2 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / Running Total : 20 / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / =\_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/== \===- M O R T A L I T Y -===/ =[ * ]========[01/01]= [07-16-96]=[ * ]= Filename : BC4MTY01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-17-96 Filedate : -- BOUNDS CHECKER v4.0 PROFESSIONAL EDITION Previous Total : 20 F/WIN 95 (c) NUMEGA [01/04] Release Score : 4 _______________________________________ Running Total : 24 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / =\_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/== \===- M O R T A L I T Y -====/ =[ * ]================ [07-17-96]=[ * ]= Filename : PWAIMAG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-07-96 Filedate : -- ImageMan 5.01 Suite [1/2] Previous Total : 0 Release Score : 5 A Group Running Total : 5 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWANTFX1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-13-96 Filedate : -- Rightfax 4.5 for Windows NT [01/07] Previous Total : 5 S/N: SNR057954 Release Score : 4 *Note: This software requires you have Running Total : 9 a GammaLink or Brooktrout fax card* A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : DT16PWA1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-15-96 Filedate : -- dtSearch 4.1 for Windows 3.1 [1/2] Previous Total : 9 Release Score : 2 A Group Running Total : 11 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWANTSH1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-17-96 Filedate : -- Night Shades v2.01 for Win95 [1/9] Previous Total : 11 Release Score : 4 A Group Running Total : 15 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : RBSB2001.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-09-96 Filedate : -- OS/2 Warp v4.0 aka OS/2 Merlin Build 20 Previous Total : 0 _____________________________ __[01/53] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 3 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-ALC1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-12-96 Filedate : -- Alchemy Gold for CD Recorders V3.13 Previous Total : 3 ________________________________[01/02] Release Score : 4 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 7 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBSLAN01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-13-96 Filedate : -- Lantastic 7.0 Previous Total : 7 ________________________________[01/05] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 10 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBSORC01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-14-96 Filedate : -- OrCad Capture v6.10 for Windows 3.1+ Previous Total : 10 ________________________________[01/07] Release Score : 4 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 14 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-COHO.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-15-96 Filedate : -- LANtastic 7.0 CoSession Host Addonn Previous Total : 14 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 2 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 16 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-TCP1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-15-96 Filedate : -- LANtastic 7.0 NTS TCP Pro for Windows Previous Total : 16 ________________________________[01/02] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 19 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-TCPD.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-15-96 Filedate : -- LANtastic 7.0 NTS TCP Pro for DOS Previous Total : 19 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 22 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBSSPR01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-15-96 Filedate : -- Lantastic 7.0 SPRYNET Addon Previous Total : 22 ________________________________[01/05] Release Score : 2 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 24 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : XFTPRO01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-07-96 Filedate : -- TriSpectives Pro -Full Cd- Previous Total : 0 [01/44] Release Score : 4 Running Total : 4 sikos Filename : XF-TPAD1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-08-96 Filedate : -- TriSpectives Pro -Images Add-On- Previous Total : 4 [01/04] Release Score : 2 Running Total : 6 sikos Filename : XFCLSF01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-10-96 Filedate : -- DEC CLUSTERS FOR WINDOWS NT Previous Total : 6 - FINAL VERSION - Release Score : 4 [01/24] Running Total : 10 sikos Filename : XFDS9VP1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-14-96 Filedate : -- Star Trek: DS9 Voice Print for WIN95 Previous Total : 10 [01/02] Release Score : -3 Running Total : 7 sikos -/- FIX ME -/- FIX ME -/- FIX ME -/- Filename : XFOS0201.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-16-96 Filedate : -- OBJECTSTORE V 4.0.2 -JUNE- Previous Total : 7 (c) OBJECT DESIGN Release Score : 3 [01/18] Running Total : 10 sikos Filename : XFVC42-1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-17-96 Filedate : -- Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2 Previous Total : 10 [01/18] Release Score : 5 Running Total : 15 amachine Score Chart : Utils DOD 12 Points MTY 24 Points PWA 15 Points RBS 24 Points X-F 15 Points Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Drink or Die - [4.0] Pirates with Attitudes - [3.8] Mortality - [3.0] Rebels - [3.0] X-Force - [2.5] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Utils Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the 5 best utils release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The util didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The util was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Utils Reviewed : 07/18/96 -> 07/31/96 Filename : DODEZR01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-18-96 Filedate : -- EASY READER 1.50 FOR WINDOWS [1/2] Previous Total : 0 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 4 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 4 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 18-JUL-96 ] == Filename : DODIS301.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-18-96 Filedate : -- InstallShield 3 For Windows Apps [01/12] Previous Total : 4 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 5 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 9 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 18-JUL-96 ] == Filename : DODHFX01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-21-96 Filedate : -- HOLLYWOOD FX WIN95/NT/ALPHA [01/05] Previous Total : 9 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 3 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 12 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 21-JUL-96 ] == Filename : DODFR101.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-23-96 Filedate : -- FRENCH YEAR 1 FOR WINDOWS [01/21] Previous Total : 12 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 5 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 17 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 23-JUL-96 ] == Filename : DODIJS01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-31-96 Filedate : -- INTRANET JAZZ SUITE FOR WINDOWS [1/5] Previous Total : 17 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 4 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 21 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 5 ===================== [ DOD * 31-Jul-96 ] == Filename : CU42MTY1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-26-96 Filedate : -- COMMUNIQUE! v4.2 F/95 (c) INSOFT [01/02] Previous Total : 0 _______________________________________ Release Score : 4 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / Running Total : 4 / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / =\_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/== \===- M O R T A L I T Y -====/ =[ * ]=================[07-26-96]=[ * ]= Filename : MTY-LVP1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-26-96 Filedate : -- WebReady LView Pro 1.0 (c) Little-men [1/4] Previous Total : 4 _______________________________________ Release Score : 3 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / Running Total : 7 / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / =\_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/== ====- M O R T A L I T Y -====/ =[ * ]================= [07-26-96]=[ * ] Filename : MTYMC501.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-26-96 Filedate : -- MasterCam ver 5.0 [01/07] Previous Total : 7 _______________________________________ Release Score : 3 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / Running Total : 10 / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / =\_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/== ====- M O R T A L I T Y -====/ =[ * ]================= [07-26-96]=[ * ] Filename : MTYMCTV.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-26-96 Filedate : -- MasterCam T.V. Add-on [01/01] Previous Total : 10 _______________________________________ Release Score : 2 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / Running Total : 12 / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / =\_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/== ====- M O R T A L I T Y -====/ =[ * ]================= [07-26-96]=[ * ] Filename : MTY-BPP1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-28-96 Filedate : -- BUSINESS PLAN PRO (c) PALO ALTO [1/2] Previous Total : 12 _______________________________________ Release Score : 3 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / Running Total : 15 / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / =\_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/== ====- M O R T A L I T Y -====/ =[ * ]================= [07-28-96]=[ * ] Filename : MTYNE01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-31-96 Filedate : -- Informix NewEra v2.00.WC1 [01/22] Previous Total : 15 \ \ \ \_ _/ \ \ \_ _/ / / Release Score : 3 / / / / / / `_/ / ` / /_ / /_\ / Running Total : 18 =\_/_/_/\__/_/_/__/__/__/___//__/____/== ====- M O R T A L I T Y -===== =[ * ]=================[07-31-96]=[ * ]= Filename : PWALWP01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-18-96 Filedate : -- Netscape LiveWirePRO Full CD [01/22] Previous Total : 0 Release Score : 4 A Group Running Total : 4 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWANNWS1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-18-96 Filedate : -- Netscape News Server 1.5 [1/5] Previous Total : 4 Release Score : 4 A Group Running Total : 8 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PRVPWA1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-21-96 Filedate : -- Procomm 3 Very Connected Ed. [1/11] Previous Total : 8 Release Score : 5 A Group Running Total : 13 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. DK -XeN Filename : PWAENT01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-22-96 Filedate : -- Netscape Enterprise Server Full CD [01/12] Previous Total : 13 Release Score : 4 A Group Running Total : 17 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWAEXPO1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-30-96 Filedate : -- Symantec Expose for 95/NT [01/03] Previous Total : 17 Release Score : 5 A Group Running Total : 22 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : RBS-VIG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-18-96 Filedate : -- Vigilant V7.02 Point of Sale Program Previous Total : 0 __________________________________[01/07] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 3 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBSMAGIC.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-30-96 Filedate : -- Dr Solomon's Magic Bullet v7.61 Previous Total : 3 _____________________________ __[01/01] Release Score : 4 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 7 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-WEBW.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-30-96 Filedate : -- SPIS WebWatch 1.01 Win95/NT Previous Total : 7 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 10 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-MAGL.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-31-96 Filedate : -- Microangelo v2.1 for Windows 95 Previous Total : 10 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 13 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-UED.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-31-96 Filedate : -- UltraEdit Pro Text/HEX Editor v4.10 Previous Total : 13 ________________________________[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 16 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBSB2201.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-31-96 Filedate : -- OS/2 Warp v4.0 OS/2 Merlin Build 22 Previous Total : 16 _____________________________ __[01/56] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 19 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBSSAT01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-31-96 Filedate : -- Score Builder for the SAT Previous Total : 19 _____________________________ __[01/35] Release Score : 4 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 23 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : XFXC3B01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-30-96 Filedate : -- EXCURSION V3.0 -BETA- Win/Win95/Nt [01/18] Previous Total : 0 Release Score : 3 Running Total : 3 sikos Filename : XFGALLER.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 7-31-96 Filedate : -- Galleria 2.3 -Cracked- for OS/2 Previous Total : 3 [01/01] Release Score : 3 Running Total : 6 sikos Score Chart : Utils DOD 21 Points MTY 18 Points PWA 22 Points RBS 23 Points X-F 6 Points Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Pirates with Attitudes - [4.4] Drink or Die - [4.2] Rebels - [3.3] Mortality - [3.0] X-Force - [3.0] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Utils The following is a chart combining the total points of the top 5 utils groups within the past 8 weeks : 8 Week Summary JUN JUN JUL JUL Total DOD 12/4 10/3 12/3 21/5 55/15 4.0 4.2 +0.2 MTY 35/12 42/15 24/8 18/6 119/41 3.0 3.0 0.0 PWA 29/11 52/15 15/4 22/5 118/35 3.8 4.4 +0.6 RBS 21/6 30/11 24/8 23/7 98/32 3.0 3.3 +0.3 X-F 15/6 24/7 15/6 6/2 60/21 2.5 3.0 +0.5 # of Releases Last Issue's Yield # of Points This Issue's Yield Change in Yield Yield = # of Points / # of Releases Change in Yield = Current Yield - Previous Yield r c n t o p 1 o This chart was compiled by adding the number of bytes uploaded to the 5 fastest BBSes in the WORLD. The following is a chart of the RCN top 10 couriers : Dates of Upload Count : 06/10/96 -> 06/23/96 User Handle/Alias Affiliation Upload Bytes #1 Nytemyst Amnesia 1,443,010,110 #2 Erupt Amnesia 1,064,382,278 #3 The Blue Adept Everlast 773,978,297 #4 Rom Racer Rapier 636,155,977 #5 Xwing Amnesia 600,071,339 #6 Stingray 6 RISC 555,680,736 #7 Maverick RISC 468,817,541 #8 Over Drive Stealth 400,700,745 #9 Tiger Claw Amnesia 354,428,381 #10 LoLo RISC 335,436,217 r c n t o p 1 o This chart was compiled by adding the number of bytes uploaded to the 5 fastest BBSes in the WORLD. The following is a chart of the RCN top 10 couriers : Dates of Upload Count : 06/24/96 -> 07/07/96 User Handle/Alias Affiliation Upload Bytes #1 Nytemyst Amnesia 1,109,762,855 #2 Phalycide Empire 812,547,792 #3 Maverick RISC 725,054,010 #4 Gremlin RISC 598,587,452 #5 Mogens Amnesia 522,079,414 #6 Suspicious Image RISC 506,277,278 #7 Asmodeus Everlast 502,699,289 #8 Lunatic Genius RISC 491,923,198 #9 Stingray 6 RISC 460,520,815 #10 Erupt Amnesia 402,972,465 r c n t o p 1 o This chart was compiled by adding the number of bytes uploaded to the 5 fastest BBSes in the WORLD. The following is a chart of the RCN top 10 couriers : Dates of Upload Count : 07/08/96 -> 07/21/96 User Handle/Alias Affiliation Upload Bytes #1 Maverick RISC 1,223,319,479 #2 Xwing RISC 777,953,472 #3 Nytemyst Amnesia 660,700,717 #4 Immortal Everlast 650,943,755 #5 Stingray 6 RISC 620,690,546 #6 Erupt Amnesia 491,415,676 #7 Luck Everlast 484,974,881 #8 Phalycide Empire 434,055,651 #9 Saberwolf Amnesia 371,305,843 #10 Mr. Skill Everlast 366,769,150 r c n t o p 1 o This chart was compiled by adding the number of bytes uploaded to the 5 fastest BBSes in the WORLD. The following is a chart of the RCN top 10 couriers : Dates of Upload Count : 07/22/96 -> 08/04/96 User Handle/Alias Affiliation Upload Bytes #1 Mogens Amnesia 1,321,320,846 #2 Syko Amnesia 958,061,466 #3 The Riddler n/a 856,995,933 #4 Nytemyst Everlast 830,055,062 #5 Immortal Everlast 741,827,984 #6 The Wicked One Darkmoon 715,704,684 #7 Soultaker Amnesia 690,730,174 #8 Stingray 6 RISC 645,496,594 #9 Erupt Everlast 600,080,124 #10 The Blue Adept Everlast 453,248,218 r c n t o p 1 o This chart was compiled by adding the number of bytes uploaded to dhe 3 fastest FTP sites in the WORLD. The following is a chart of the RCN top 10 couriers : Dates of Upload Count : 06/10/96 -> 06/23/96 User Handle/Alias Affiliation Upload Bytes #1 Arch-Vile RISC 1,158,488,660 #2 Razor Sharp RISC 1,140,816,990 #3 Bizzy FATE 756,082,890 #4 Darkside RISC 552,565,515 #5 Cyberjak n/a 520,033,268 #6 Midnight Grave Digger Amnesia 490,514,214 #7 Apollo Stealth 460,889,193 #8 Frost Amnesia 383,826,835 #9 Lunatic Genius RISC 375,117,628 #10 Shatter Star Everlast 280,284,048 r c n t o p 1 o This chart was compiled by adding the number of bytes uploaded to dhe 3 fastest FTP sites in the WORLD. The following is a chart of the RCN top 10 couriers : Dates of Upload Count : 06/24/96 -> 07/07/96 User Handle/Alias Affiliation Upload Bytes #1 Bizzy FATE 1,336,944,351 #2 Arch-Vile RISC 1,190,275,966 #3 Frost Damage 667,324,428 #4 Cryptic Pain Amnesia 618,086,020 #5 Cyberjak n/a 467,409,327 #6 Razor Sharp RISC 395,990,340 #7 Apollo Stealth 360,487,239 #8 Prophet RISC 271,250,293 #9 Darkside RISC 265,488,276 #10 Ivanhoe Rapier 161,713,868 r c n t o p 1 o This chart was compiled by adding the number of bytes uploaded to dhe 3 fastest FTP sites in the WORLD. The following is a chart of the RCN top 10 couriers : Dates of Upload Count : 07/08/96 -> 07/21/96 User Handle/Alias Affiliation Upload Bytes #1 Bizzy FATE 1,518,392,991 #2 Crazy Amnesia 1,148,424,445 #3 Razor Sharp RISC 764,440,379 #4 Digital Vampire RISC 654,653,814 #5 Cyberjak Stealth 641,549,537 #6 Arch-Vile RISC 389,751,002 #7 Apollo Stealth 380,913,646 #8 Bababooey RISC 354,689,181 #9 The Secret Agent Amnesia 210,643,499 #10 Stingray 6 RISC 197,136,337 r c n t o p 1 o This chart was compiled by adding the number of bytes uploaded to dhe 3 fastest FTP sites in the WORLD. The following is a chart of the RCN top 10 couriers : Dates of Upload Count : 07/22/96 -> 08/04/96 User Handle/Alias Affiliation Upload Bytes #1 Bizzy RISC 2,214,558,067 #2 Crazy Amnesia 1,015,046,326 #3 MGD Amnesia 929,716,880 #4 Cyberjak Stealth 526,352,878 #5 Fronthead RISC 525,626,792 #6 Rainbow Amnesia 423,876,174 #7 Apollo Stealth 340,576,108 #8 Caserd RISC 257,341,424 #9 Bababooey RISC 220,844,346 #10 Gamebit RISC 213,720,831 THURSDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4BOFC3.ZIP 3 W95 Microsoft's Business Office DDT-RA20.ZIP 1 W95 RealAudio v2.0 DNS-OE19.ZIP 19 DOS Offensive DOD-LEX2.ZIP 2 WIN TRA LexiCat GAMERUN3.ZIP 3 W95 GameRunner v3.0 LES-SMC4.ZIP 4 WIN Scooters Magic Castle MTYJDKL3.ZIP 3 WIN Java Delopers Kit v1.0 MTYOMNI5.ZIP 5 W95 Omni Page Pro v7.0 PNC-FEZ.ZIP 1 DOS FormEZ v9.6b PNCDAOB.ZIP 1 DOS Data Access Objects v3.1 PSGDIN13.ZIP 13 DOS Dinotopis RBS-RNSS.ZIP 1 WIN RANMA 1/2 SS RTN-GC09.ZIP 9 DOS Galaxy Commando S-XP5NT5.ZIP 9 WNT HCL Exceed v5.01 SCSRZ-27.ZIP 27 DOS Sync Speed RAZOR Mach 3 SDM-ARM5.ZIP 5 WIN Terminal Net Remote v6.0 SDMSTK02.ZIP 2 W95 Stock Market v1.1 SEA12CCK.ZIP 1 DOS SEA v1.2c SMR-ESAV.ZIP 1 W95 Euro 96 SS SMR-RVM3.ZIP 3 DOS RealView v3.7 STSVGAD.ZIP 1 DOS SciTech SVGA Developer Kit THCMAX11.ZIP 11 WIN Web Max VG-AC32.ZIP 32 DOS Alley Cats FRIDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION ACAD13EE.ZIP 25 W95 AutoCAD Release 13 ACSFCD01.ZIP 12 W95 Access v7.0 BB31UPE.ZIP 35 W95 Star Office v3.1 DNS-PCP2.ZIP 2 W95 PC PACK SS DNS-SURV.ZIP 1 DOS Survival HBD-KO10.ZIP 10 W95 Kick Off 96 MTSTWB06.ZIP 6 DOS Tim McCarver's : The Way Baseball Works MTYQEXA4.ZIP 4 W95 Quicken Expense v2.0 PNC-HGSS.ZIP 1 WIN Hawaii Girls SS v1.1 PNCVBPP2.ZIP 2 W95 VB4 Plus Pak v1.0 PST-ZPSW.ZIP 1 W95 ZD`S Password Pro R66-PA95.ZIP 1 W95 Microsoft Games RAMDUBLR.ZIP 1 W95 Ram Doubler v1.0.2 RBS-FIT.ZIP 1 W95 Frame-It v1.10 RBS-MIML.ZIP 1 WIN Mi'Mail RBS-MORF.ZIP 1 W95 Morpher v1.2 RBS-WPC.ZIP 1 W95 Web Page Creator v4.5 RTN-CP04.ZIP 4 W95 Pioneer v1.0 RTN-FL05.ZIP 5 DOS Front Lines S-SAPCDA.ZIP 11 WIN Smart Addresser Postal Code Database S-SS50W2.ZIP 2 WIN Smart Sort v5.0 S-SSSDD2.ZIP 2 DOS Smart Sort Sortation Database S-SSSDW2.ZIP 2 WIN Smart Sort Sortation Database SDM-EXMT.ZIP 1 WIN Microsoft Exchange Server Migration Tools SDMFXSDK.ZIP 1 WIN Microsoft Fax SDK SDMWDOC2.ZIP 2 WIN WorldDoc v1.0 SM-PWAR2.ZIP 2 DOS The Pickle Wars Trilgoy SMR-ACCS.ZIP 1 W95 Adobe Acrobat Plug-In SMR-ACR4.ZIP 4 W95 Adobe Acrobat SX501NTY.ZIP 35 WNT HCL Exceed v5.01 TBS!LT35.ZIP 1 WIN LevelText v3.5a TBS!MMSA.ZIP 2 WIN Magix Musik Studio TBS!SW11.ZIP 1 DOS ShellWizard v1.01 TRD-SP41.ZIP 41 WIN Euro 96 Music Addon UCFMIDIG.ZIP 1 WIN MidiGate WAR-SDS4.ZIP 4 DOS Scenario Decoder : System 3 SATURDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION BLHF1M15.ZIP 15 DOS F1 Manager 96 DGN-CP1.ZIP 1 WIN Cross Poker DSDX2F23.ZIP 24 DOS Direct 3D FBICS96A.ZIP 2 W95 CleanSweep 96 FBIE301A.ZIP 2 W95 Explorer v3.01b HBD-KO07.ZIP 10 DOS Kick Off 96 JELLY.ZIP 1 WIN Jelly Fish Backgammon Tutor LSK-NAVJ.ZIP 1 WIN Animated 3D SS NOVWHO13.ZIP 13 W95 Win95 MultyMedia Help Office NRG-F502.ZIP 10 WIN Frame Maker v5.0 NRG-SMG7.ZIP 7 DOS Secret Mission PSG-SS15.ZIP 15 DOS Shell Shock RTN-PSG5.ZIP 5 WIN Pro Student RTNWMAN2.ZIP 2 WIN Wman SDM-UE01.ZIP 1 DOS UltraEdit v4.0b TACMSNE3.ZIP 3 W95 MicroSoft NetMeeting UCF-SFTP.ZIP 1 DOS ACDSee 95 v1.0 XADII201.ZIP 1 DOS InstallIt v2.01 SUNDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION 3DNS32.ZIP 1 W95 Netscape 3D Live COPSACT.ZIP 1 W95 Certificates and Awards EXIT4WKS.ZIP 1 WIN Exitilus Backup FBIX11N.ZIP 10 WIN X11 SS v2.4 HCO3OS21.ZIP 21 OS2 HCO v3.0 Beta LGX-FCS2.ZIP 2 WIN Fast Track Office LGX-STS1.ZIP 2 W95 Stationary Sets LL-DK09.ZIP 9 DOS Deathkeep MDC-AW08.ZIP 8 WIN Autoware v3.0 MTY-INT.ZIP 1 WIN Internet ToolPak v2.0 MTY-NET.ZIP 1 WIN NetPak Professional MTY-XREF.ZIP 1 WIN XRef Visual Basic Addon MTYAPIV2.ZIP 1 WIN API Vision v1.5 NOR-SP06.ZIP 7 W95 Species PIE-HD32.ZIP 1 W95 HotDog32 Personal Edition PIE-RAC5.ZIP 5 W95 Network Q RAC Rally v1.1 PSGB2B23.ZIP 23 DOS Back to Baghdad PWAPOWB.ZIP 1 W95 PowerBasic Compiler RVX-RAS.ZIP 1 W95 RealAudio Personal Server TRD-TM30.ZIP 30 DOS T-Mek UCFCDQ95.ZIP 1 W95 CD-Quick MONDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION ARTMAN3.ZIP 3 W95 Art Manager BMAKER2.ZIP 1 WIN Button Maker Pro DGN-EG4.ZIP 8 DOS Evil Gate DOD-SE14.ZIP 5 WIN SoftScape Exploerr Plus v1.0 FBI-PS8.ZIP 8 WIN Microsim Pspice v6.2 MSQICU.ZIP 1 W95 Wildcat5! Internet Upgrade MSQWC5U.ZIP 1 W95 Wildcat5! BBS Upgrade MTYEVB4.ZIP 1 WIN Enquiry PCWMATH1.ZIP 5 W95 Math Blaster 2 PNCMNAV6.ZIP 6 W95 Metro Navigator Engine PST-FYFC.ZIP 1 OS2 FindYourFiles v1.2 PST-MAGN.ZIP 1 OS2 Magnum BBS v9.00d2 PST-SI4U.ZIP 1 WIN SiteMeter v4.0+ Update PWASDB15.ZIP 15 WIN Mr. Scanner RBSPMW61.ZIP 61 W95 Print Master Gold Interactive MultiMedia RTNG4EX8.ZIP 1 DOS Gin4Ex RVX-HPF.ZIP 1 W95 Hewlett Packard Family Font Pack SXN-S2SE.ZIP 1 DOS Settlers 2 Campaign Selector TCL_R115.ZIP 1 W95 Ras Plus Beta 4 Build 115 UCF-NOCL.ZIP 1 W95 NoClip v4.0 UCFIPW13.ZIP 1 WIN Image-Pro v1.3 UCFMST19.ZIP 1 WIN ModemSta v1.9 UCFTUN13.ZIP 1 WIN Tune!It v1.30 XFMSA4.ZIP 1 W95 MS ClipArt Office TUESDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4-APLY.ZIP 1 WIN Amaplay CB4-ARB4.ZIP 1 WIN Ariadna v1.0 Beta 4 CB4-AT04.ZIP 1 WIN Alis Tango v1.0c CB4-ATS2.ZIP 1 WIN Authenticate Server v1.4b CFIX20-2.ZIP 1 W95 Chameleon Host Connectivity DMNAMOR5.ZIP 5 W95 Amortizer96 MTYNET18.ZIP 1 W95 Net Commander 95 v3.1 MTYWCD42.ZIP 1 W95 Web Commander 95 v1.0 PNCMNL41.ZIP 41 W95 Metro Navigator Los Angeles Pack PSGBHB36.ZIP 36 DOS Frank Thomas' Big Hurt Baseball RBSMDB47.ZIP 47 W95 Micro House Tech Library v2.96 RFFDBLIB.ZIP 1 WIN SQL DB-Library RS-K951.ZIP 4 W95 Key View 95 RTN-DP11.ZIP 11 WIN All Dream RVXHP6C3.ZIP 1 W95 Hewlett Packard Deskjet 600C SDMWC04.ZIP 4 WIN Cakewalk v4.01 SMR-NP23.ZIP 23 WIN National Parks of America WEDNESDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4-CLP4.ZIP 4 WIN Caligari Pioner v1.0 LEG-CGS.ZIP 1 DOS Cover Girl Strip Poker NOVPSP24.ZIP 24 WIN Passport v2.12 PRMSIN20.ZIP 20 WIN Primus Interactive PST-PALM.ZIP 1 OS2 PalmScan/2 v2.02 f PWAT351.ZIP 1 DOS Telix v3.51 SACCT4-2.ZIP 4 WIN Simply Accounting v4.0 SCUMIJ31.ZIP 1 WIN Cisco Internet Junction v1.2.1 SCUMIJ95.ZIP 1 W95 Cisco Internet Junction v1.2.1 SCUMIJNT.ZIP 1 WNT Cisco Internet Junction v1.2.1 SCUMPB42.ZIP 42 W95 MS Publisher 97 Beta 1 Build 184 SMR-UE21.ZIP 21 WIN SoftKey UFO Explorer TR-LAI7.ZIP 7 W95 LAN Inventory v3.20 WATOUTW.ZIP 1 WIN Watch Out Willi THURSDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION ABI-MB.ZIP 1 DOS MetaBalls IPAS ABI-MGC.ZIP 1 DOS Magic IPAS BKZ-FPPW.ZIP 1 DOS Publishing Wizard v1.1 CB4-APOL.ZIP 1 DOS Apollo v1.0 CB4-DSCP.ZIP 1 DOS DiscPlay CB4-EC12.ZIP 1 WIN Easy CD v1.02 CB4-FAWP.ZIP 1 DOS Fusion Application Wizard v1.5 Pro CB4QMW2.ZIP 1 WIN Quality management Tool v6.01 MTYXING.ZIP 1 W95 Xing MPeg Player v3.0b PANZER21.ZIP 21 WIN Panzer General RBS-RECH.ZIP 1 W95 ReachOut v5.05 RTN-R415.ZIP 1 DOS Rance v4.1 RTNTSL33.ZIP 1 DOS Three Sisters S-M51NT8.ZIP 8 WNT Maestro v5.1 SVOICE2.ZIP 1 DOS Pacific Images Communications Super Voice XF-BO29.ZIP 1 WIN Microsoft BackOffice SDK v2.0 FRIDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION ABI-BNS.ZIP 1 DOS Bones IPAS ABI-DRP.ZIP 1 DOS Drape IPAS AX-VFR04.ZIP 4 W95 Virtua Fighter Remix Demo DOD-M302.ZIP 2 W95 MinuteMan v3.0 DODWSFTP.ZIP 1 WIN WS FTP Pro MTYCMPU2.ZIP 1 WIN CompuView Navigator PSGCAT08.ZIP 20 DOS CatFight SU27RZR4.ZIP 4 DOS SU-27 Flanker SATURDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION AUTOWN19.ZIP 1 WIN AutoWinNet Winsock Client Application FAGENT10.ZIP 1 DOS Forte Free Agent v1.0 HSOLPSG7.ZIP 7 DOS Hoyle Solitaire LGX-OS2.ZIP 1 OS2 Virus Scan v2.2.11 MTSFDX02.ZIP 1 W95 Flight Unlimited NX10B3.ZIP 1 DOS News Xpress v1.0 Beta 3 PWAACL15.ZIP 15 W95 Autocad Lite R3 RBS14-43.ZIP 1 OS2 OS/2 Merlin Build 14 ROR-NM21.ZIP 25 DOS Mechwarrior 2 : Netmech S-VFX419.ZIP 22 WIN Microsoft Visual FoxPro v4.0 Beta 1 WV169907.ZIP 1 WIN WinVN SUNDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION M8RRF-06.ZIP 6 DOS Rebel Runner MTYSTS21.ZIP 21 WIN Symptoms RFFMSIA.ZIP 1 WIN Internet Assistant v2.0 STORM-28.ZIP 31 WIN S.T.O.R.M. TRDPGV16.ZIP 16 WIN Panzer General Voice Addons UCFWSFIN.ZIP 1 WIN WSFinger VMAP20-4.ZIP 4 WIN Visual Map BCN v2.0 MONDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION CELAWB22.ZIP 1 W95 CelAnimator Beta 2 DOX-HPS4.ZIP 4 WIN HP SureStore Backup Software INTUC21A.ZIP 1 DOS VideoSoft VSView VBX KV41B310.ZIP 10 W95 Keyview 4.1 Beta 3 M8SBOK35.ZIP 35 DOS Spacebucks MTYDISC7.ZIP 7 WIN Microtest DiscPort PWA-BR07.ZIP 7 WIN BRender v1.1.2 TUESDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4-GWSP.ZIP 1 W95 Graphical Workshop Pro CREATIX7.ZIP 7 WIN Creatix Online 3.12 DMNCDESK.ZIP 1 WIN Mail Desktop E32PWA27.ZIP 27 WIN EXTRA! Personal Client v6.1 HIP-TCPA.ZIP 10 WIN PC/TCP v4.0 PSG-AC2.ZIP 26 WIN American CivilWar RFFC2I3.ZIP 3 W95 Connect 2 Internet S-TLKSW3.ZIP 3 WIN Talk Show v3.1 SDM-A357.ZIP 7 DOS AuthorWare v3.5 Beta 7 UCFOMNI7.ZIP 1 W95 OmniPage Pro v7.0 XF-WB962.ZIP 2 W95 WinBench 96 WEDNESDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION ABI-CATX.ZIP 33 DOS AlleyCats CB4-JWS3.ZIP 3 WIN Java Work Show CB4ENFRU.ZIP 1 WIN Windows Enforcer v2.1 CGNT20B1.ZIP 1 W95 CyberAgent Beta CSTONE9.ZIP 9 WIN CornerStone DMNC9B1A.ZIP 10 W95 cc:Mail Release 7 v2.1 DMNCCP15.ZIP 5 WIN cc:Mail PostOffice Release 6 v2.1 DMNDOC95.ZIP 1 W95 Smart Doctor 95 E16PWA12.ZIP 41 WIN Extra! Personal Client MSQ760D2.ZIP 2 DOS Dr. Solomon Anti-Virus v7.60 MSQW420D.ZIP 4 DOS Wildcat v4.20 PCWYEO03.ZIP 3 W95 Your Eyes Only Beta v5.0 PILSHP28.ZIP 28 DOS Pilots Shop for Flight Simulator v5.0 PNCCS2B3.ZIP 1 WIN CyberSearch v2.0 Beta 3 PWA-VVBX.ZIP 1 DOS VideoSoft VSView VBX SDM-PCN2.ZIP 2 WIN Point Cast Network Beta 4 WBDESIGN.ZIP 1 WIN Avenge Corel Web Designer XFLWVP11.ZIP 11 DOS ViewPoints DaraLab Models THURSDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION ALIFDOS1.ZIP 2 DOS Afterlife DOS Upgrade ALIFE-40.ZIP 40 W95 Afterlife DODCAFE9.ZIP 9 W95 Symantec Cafe v1.2 DODCHSTB.ZIP 1 W95 Character Studio Max Plugin Beta LGX-WBC5.ZIP 5 W95 Web Construction Kit v2.0 MSQ76W53.ZIP 3 W95 Dr. Solomon's Anti-virus v7.60 PCWBTLTS.ZIP 1 DOS Battle Tetris PST-SSED.ZIP 1 DOS Settlers II +61 Save Game Editor SCUMXRB3.ZIP 3 W95 NetXRay v1.2.94 Beta SVA-ET5.ZIP 5 WNT EarthTime SVA3DHD7.ZIP 7 WIN Planix 3D Home Architect TBFFPSG2.ZIP 2 DOS Terry Bradshaw Fantasy Football THCV9524.ZIP 1 W95 VirusScan v2.04 UCF-WS32.ZIP 1 WIN Eric's WSock v2.01 WCNAV508.ZIP 8 W95 WildCat v5.0 Navigator XFFX32R5.ZIP 5 W95 Intel 32-BIT to Alpha 32-BIT FRIDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION BZRCRAYA.ZIP 11 WIN Crayola Art v1.3 CB4-CCL8.ZIP 8 WIN Cyber Passage Conductor Libraries CGNT20B4.ZIP 20 W95 CyberAgent Beta COPSCAR.ZIP 1 WIN Carley's Car Care Guide HBD-COSC.ZIP 12 DOS Complete Onside Soccer LGX-TPP4.ZIP 1 WIN Teach Yourself Power Point 4 NRG-NF15.ZIP 15 OS2 NetFinity v3.05 PCC95DS1.ZIP 2 W95 PC-Cillin 95 PWA-TBP8.ZIP 8 W95 Turbo Publisher Build v3.03a PWANTBC5.ZIP 1 W95 BoundsChecker Professional PWASINT.ZIP 1 WNT SoftIce PWAVOX06.ZIP 1 W95 Voice SADO-CD6.ZIP 6 W95 CorelDRAW Program Dir SDMGN32B.ZIP 2 W95 GrabNet v2.1 TDDXCP13.ZIP 1 DOS X-Copy Professional v1.30 THCIE405.ZIP 5 WIN MS Internet Explorer v4.0 THCJAVA3.ZIP 21 WIN Web Site Programming Using Java VG-LREF2.ZIP 1 DOS AH-64D Longbow Keyboard Commands XFTCP4-N.ZIP 14 OS2 TCP/IP v4.0 SATURDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4-CW6B.ZIP 1 WIN Clear Web v0.6b DFR_PCT5.ZIP 6 W95 PC Tools DODDLD14.ZIP 14 WNT Lantastic Dedicated Server v1.1 Documents DODDLT44.ZIP 44 WNT Lantastic Dedicated Server v1.1 ICREAT_1.ZIP 4 WIN Internet Creative LGN-GRE2.ZIP 1 W95 Greetings v2.0 LGN-SP3.ZIP 1 W95 Schedule Plus v7.0 MSQVP32.ZIP 1 W95 VuePrint Pro v4.6 PCWNNAV3.ZIP 3 W95 Norton Navigator PWALCB25.ZIP 6 W95 Lotus Components Beta 2 RBS-ICCD.ZIP 1 W95 ICCD v3.2 RBSB1849.ZIP 1 OS2 OS/2 Warp v4.0 RQS_CD.ZIP 1 WIN Audio CD Player RTN-DRA2.ZIP 1 DOS Hidden Dragon THCNT20.ZIP 33 WNT MS NT Server Build 1345 THCRAM.ZIP 1 WIN RamExam UCFHEDIT.ZIP 1 DOS HEdit v2.0 XF-OBJ16.ZIP 16 W95 Object Store v4.0.1 XOLCATZ1.ZIP 5 WIN Catz, Your Computer Petz XPLFR100.ZIP 1 WIN Speed FileSreVerse v1.0 SUNDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION DMNINO22.ZIP 2 OS2 InterNotes WEB Publisher v4.0 INP!HM01.ZIP 16 DOS Heroes of Might and Magic LGN-FC3.ZIP 3 WIN FastCode 96 MIRAGB32.ZIP 32 WIN Mirage Beta 3 MTYNC951.ZIP 2 W95 Norton Commander v1.01 MTYPART6.ZIP 6 W95 Print Artist 1500 PIXAR4.ZIP 4 W95 Pixar Typestry v2.0 PWACDX37.ZIP 7 WNT DiskExtender v3.00 PWALCB26.ZIP 6 WIN Lotus Components Beta 2 RBS-METL.ZIP 1 WIN Metz Lock v4.0 RBS-WRAR.ZIP 1 W95 RAR v2.00 SDPAWIN2.ZIP 2 WIN S-Designor v5.0 Process Analyst STC-MANT.ZIP 1 WNT McAffee Anti-virus TDDPD3CR.ZIP 1 DOS Power Dolls v1.3 Crack UCFMAILA.ZIP 1 WIN Mail Alert v1.0.8 ULP2_221.ZIP 1 OS2 UpLoadProcessor/2 v2.21 ULPU_220.ZIP 1 OS2 UpLoadProcessor v2.20 Update ULP_221.ZIP 1 OS2 UpLoadProcessor v2.21 Update UNT-P117.ZIP 1 DOS Panthers in the Shadow v1.17 Update UNT-T201.ZIP 1 DOS Tigers on the Prowl v2.01 Update MONDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION ADVAN3D3.ZIP 3 W95 Smartcam Advanced 3D Machining v4.40 ADVFAB3.ZIP 3 W95 Advanced Fabrication v4.00 CAMCON.ZIP 3 WIN Smartcam Camera Connections CB4-MWC3.ZIP 3 WIN Mindwire Internet Client v2.01 COPNET4.ZIP 1 WNT Open Post-It v4.0 Network DA-S76-2.ZIP 2 WNT Dr. Solomon's Toolkit v7.60 DMNRS123.ZIP 1 W95 RAS Plus/32 Beta 4 Build 123 EPCC-14.ZIP 15 DOS Command and Conquer Expansion Pack ERA-AM16.ZIP 1 WIN AMEOL v3.0 ERA-AMNT.ZIP 1 WNT AMEOL v3.0 ERA-TXC2.ZIP 2 WIN TaxCalc 96 ERA4DMSA.ZIP 4 WIN Dr Schueler's Medical Advisor HSYTC322.ZIP 2 W95 Time & Chaos MPTS.ZIP 1 OS2 MPTN MTYKFM4.ZIP 1 WIN Keller Fleet Maintence NGT-MTG2.ZIP 1 WIN Movies to Go! v2.8 PWALVN13.ZIP 3 W95 Lotus VideoNotes v1.2 QEDE.ZIP 1 DOS Starwars v0.12 R2PVTL11.ZIP 1 WIN Virtus VRML Toolkit RBS-HTNT.ZIP 1 W95 HTML Notepad v2.0 RBS-MHZI.ZIP 1 WIN MicroHouse Zip THC-FL03.ZIP 3 WIN FotoLook v2.09 Beta THCHLP01.ZIP 2 WIN Windows Help File Maker THCMDG11.ZIP 11 W95 MS Game Developers Kit TRD-OS25.ZIP 25 DOS Onside Soccer Animation Addons TRD-OSF4.ZIP 4 DOS Onside Soccer French Addons UCF-CDQR.ZIP 1 W95 CD-Quick v1.10 UCFCDQKM.ZIP 1 DOS CD-Quick v1.30 TUESDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION DGN-IF23.ZIP 3 WIN Invitations from Fantastic Stories DMNCCP11.ZIP 5 W95 Mail PostOffice DMNDOMIN.ZIP 1 W95 Domino WWW Server GNX95FPE.ZIP 1 W95 Focal Point 95 Communication Suite v5.01a HPST16-A.ZIP 4 WIN HP SureStore Backup Software, MTYPP212.ZIP 1 WIN Wanderlink v2.12 with Proxy v1.6 MTYZHPM2.ZIP 1 WIN Zip! Host Print Manager v1.01 RBS-QBR1.ZIP 1 W95 Quickbooks v4.0 Update RTN-RCD4.ZIP 4 WIN Ribbon SDMNT302.ZIP 1 WIN NetTerm v3.0.2 SDMTEM04.ZIP 1 WIN Transcend Enterprise Manager v4.1 SDMTSVT5.ZIP 5 WIN Transcend Status Tools VTOOLSD5.ZIP 1 W95 VtoolsD v2.01 XFICET95.ZIP 1 W95 Ice TCP 95 XFLW5C22.ZIP 22 W95 LightWave v5.0 WEDNESDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION 23BR30.ZIP 30 WIN Blender v2.3 ATMOSFIX.ZIP 1 DOS Atmos Fear Fix BKZCOL14.ZIP 15 DOS Chaos Overlords BS-LDTA2.ZIP 3 DOS Aus Dem Leben Eines DNS-EMP6.ZIP 6 DOS UEFA Euro 96 German Addons MTYHOT32.ZIP 3 W95 HotDocs v3.0b MTYUNIN5.ZIP 5 W95 UNInet O7OS2B26.ZIP 26 OS2 Oracle 7 Server for OS/2 v7.2 Beta PCWHUW01.ZIP 32 DOS Hackers Under World PNC-FIC.ZIP 1 WIN FTP Icon Connection v2.2 PWAVW112.ZIP 12 WIN ParcPlace VisualWave v1.0a SDMTEM17.ZIP 17 WIN Transcend Enterprise Manager v4.1 THCDRPRO.ZIP 1 W95 Drive Pro XFEXCD04.ZIP 4 W95 MS Exchange Server XFSDK268.ZIP 69 W95 MS SDK THURSDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION COPSORG.ZIP 1 WIN Origami v4.0 Beta 3 DSWPW01.ZIP 1 W95 Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard ERA-MSR.ZIP 18 WIN Myst SS F!MSE704.ZIP 4 W95 MS Excel v7.0 German Addons F!MSW703.ZIP 9 W95 MS Word v7.0 German Addons FDOOM30.ZIP 30 DOS Final Doom HBDCCEVE.ZIP 1 WIN Command Companion : Eve of Domination HXNOWS11.ZIP 13 WIN Oracle Web Server for Solaris PWA-FTM5.ZIP 5 W95 Family TreeMaker v3.1 RBSPB1F.ZIP 7 WIN Packard Bell CBT April 96 RTN-MEI3.ZIP 3 DOS Lost in the City UCF-NPFX.ZIP 1 WIN Netscape Provider Maintenance v1.20 W4B18C20.ZIP 29 OS2 OS/2 Merlin Beta Build 18 WIN95-17.ZIP 17 W95 MS Windows 95 Spanish XFEXCD15.ZIP 15 W95 MS Exchange Server FRIDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION ABI-VIC4.ZIP 4 DOS Virtual Victor ERAMOK42.ZIP 42 WIN Mind of a Killer PSG-DW20.ZIP 22 W95 Doom 2 PSG-FD22.ZIP 29 W95 Final Doom RBSSCA20.ZIP 20 W95 Scala v4.10 RS-CIDK5.ZIP 5 WIN CheckIt Diagnostic Kit RZR-BP56.ZIP 56 DOS Front Page Sports BaseBall 96 SDM-ES11.ZIP 11 W95 Espresso v2.1.58 SDM-GWB2.ZIP 2 WNT Gweb VRML Editor THCNYEO2.ZIP 3 W95 Norton Your Eyes Only XFALTMS2.ZIP 2 WIN DEC AltaVista Pop3 Mail Server SATURDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION DC0696CD.ZIP 13 WIN Designer's Club GIFCON01.ZIP 1 WIN Gif Construction V2.0 NJC-UR8.ZIP 8 WIN Urban Runner Demo PAINT02.ZIP 2 WIN Paint Shop Pro v4.0 PRM-AE10.ZIP 10 WIN Accent Express v2.0 PSGFPB18.ZIP 31 DOS Front Page Sports BaseBall 96 PWAPCNE4.ZIP 4 W95 PCAnywhere v7.5 RGCLEN01.ZIP 1 W95 RegClean RGSRCH01.ZIP 1 W95 Registry Search & Replace v1.00 TGA-ACC7.ZIP 7 WIN AccentDuo with Translation TGA-DAD5.ZIP 5 WIN Davi-Address v5.1 SUNDAY JUNE FILENAME DESCRIPTION INDY2W01.ZIP 14 W95 Indy Car Racing 2 LL-LEN09.ZIP 9 WIN Lenny's Musictoons MTYDRG12.ZIP 12 WIN Drugs MTYDSK21.ZIP 21 W95 Kid Desk NOV5TH38.ZIP 38 WIN 5th Symphony Multimedia Experience v1.1 NOVSLW38.ZIP 38 WIN Saber Lan Workstation v6.0 PWALM656.ZIP 57 WIN Lotus Mail v6.0 Client Release PWANTRC9.ZIP 9 WNT Win NT v4.0 Release Candidate 1 RTLLW5PI.ZIP 1 WIN LightWave 5c PlugIn SIO155.ZIP 1 OS2 Ray Gwinn's Comm Drivers v1.55 MONDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION AC95PSG7.ZIP 7 W95 Williams Arcade Classics DA-T702D.ZIP 1 DOS Thunderbyte Antivirus v7.02 GNS-FMP6.ZIP 6 WIN FrameMaker Pro MMBET07.ZIP 7 WIN Manufacturing Manager v1.0 BETA MTYCAD14.ZIP 14 W95 Drafix QuickCAD v4.0 MTYWC424.ZIP 4 DOS WildCat v4.20 PPLUS5.ZIP 5 W95 Microsoft Plus! PWAOPT25.ZIP 25 WIN Optima+ v1.0 Developers Edition SEA10.ZIP 13 WIN Second Degree Murder SILVER-1.ZIP 5 W95 Silverrun TUESDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION BURGER10.ZIP 10 WIN Orion Burger GNDWAR14.ZIP 14 WIN Gender Wars MMBET07.ZIP 7 WIN Manufacturing Manager v1.0 BETA MTYCAD14.ZIP 14 W95 Drafix QuickCAD v4.0 MTYWC424.ZIP 4 DOS WildCat v4.20 NHLP23.ZIP 23 DOS NHL PowerPlay PSG-UD18.ZIP 21 W95 Ultimate Doom RBSCATP7.ZIP 7 WIN Catapult Server Beta 3 RSE-MAC1.ZIP 2 W95 MacOpener WEDNESDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4SAD24.ZIP 24 WIN SuperTCP Suit 96 v1.2 CB4WFR-9.ZIP 9 WIN WinFrame v1.6 Service Pack 4 COPSNDEF.ZIP 1 WIN Norton Antivirus July DBDWBW22.ZIP 22 DOS The Way Baseball Works Simulator v1.2 DKEEP03.ZIP 5 WIN Disk Keeper v1.07 EX20MTY8.ZIP 8 W95 Extra! X v2.0 MTYIDRV2.ZIP 2 WIN InterDrive v4.12 (c) FTP Software Inc. MTYNCUP2.ZIP 2 DOS Norton Commander 95 Update RBSCATP7.ZIP 7 WIN Catapult Server Beta 3 XFLW5C20.ZIP 20 WIN LightWave v5.0 XOLNM2-9.ZIP 11 WIN NetMech Eight Player Pack THURSDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4SAD24.ZIP 24 WIN SuperTCP Suit 96 v1.2 CB4WFR-9.ZIP 9 WIN WinFrame v1.6 Service Pack 4 DEADLN31.ZIP 31 DOS Deadline DKEEP05.ZIP 5 WIN Disk Keeper v1.07 EX20MTY8.ZIP 8 W95 Extra! X v2.0 INDY2FIX.ZIP 1 W95 Install Fix for Indy Car Racing 2 MNTTAS28.ZIP 28 DOS Tactical Operations MTYDET22.ZIP 22 W95 MicroSoft Detroit Build 1113 MTYIDRV2.ZIP 2 DOS InterDrive v4.12 MTYNCUP2.ZIP 2 W95 Norton Commander 95 Update MTYTN327.ZIP 1 W95 FTP TN3270/TN5250 Build 2021 P7W31-03.ZIP 27 WIN Paradox v7.0 PNC-ENQ3.ZIP 3 WIN Enquiry v2.0 PWANTS23.ZIP 23 WNT Win/NT v4.0 Server Release Candidate 1 RBSCATP7.ZIP 7 W95 Catapult Server Beta 3 TPGUNV11.ZIP 1 DOS Top Gun : Fire at Will v1.1 Upgrade FRIDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION ABC-ABX5.ZIP 5 WIN Aplphabox ABC-SHM2.ZIP 2 WIN SoftQuad Hotmeal v1.0 CB4-B38P.ZIP 1 W95 Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader DEADLN31.ZIP 31 DOS Deadline DKEEP05.ZIP 5 WIN Disk Keeper v1.07 JIM-CDB.ZIP 1 W95 Conner Daily Backup MNTCYD01.ZIP 1 W95 Cyber Dillo MTYFV413.ZIP 13 WIN Folio Views v4.0 MTYQDB23.ZIP 23 WIN QuickDB v2.0 NG3230B5.ZIP 1 W95 Netscape Gold v3.0 Beta 5 P7W31-27.ZIP 27 WIN Paradox v7.0 SVA-DSK5.ZIP 5 WNT Diskeeper v1.06 TBC2.ZIP 1 DOS Table Curve 2D THCPV252.ZIP 1 WIN Polyview v2.52 XOLNM2-9.ZIP 11 DOS NetMech Eight Player Pack SATURDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4-OTL4.ZIP 1 WIN Onlive Traveller v1.0b CB4-SC20.ZIP 1 WIN Snap Case v2.0 CB4-WTR1.ZIP 1 WIN Web Trak v1.0 CB4-ZWK2.ZIP 1 WIN ZooWorks v1.0 LL-KOPRO.ZIP 1 WNT Koan Pro 32 LL-TEOD4.ZIP 4 DOS The Eve Of Domination P7W31-24.ZIP 27 WIN Paradox v7.0 PSG-TFIX.ZIP 1 DOS Tracer Working Fix RORJEP39.ZIP 39 DOS Jeopardy SDM-AMS3.ZIP 3 W95 AudioMedia III Session v2.6 UCF-TR95.ZIP 1 W95 Transfer 95 v3.30 UCFWGATE.ZIP 1 WIN WinGate v1.3.11 UWCPD055.ZIP 55 WIN Photo Impact Tutorial SUNDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION 1STSTP11.ZIP 11 WIN First Steps CIAWC-17.ZIP 21 WIN Word City DEC-PSG9.ZIP 9 DOS Bruce Jenner's Decathlon DFTQLNK1.ZIP 1 WIN QuickLink Explorer v2.5 PITUT019.ZIP 19 WIN Photo Impact SC2NET11.ZIP 11 W95 Sim City 2000 Network THCADM44.ZIP 45 W95 MS Internet Admin Kit VIOCLIK2.ZIP 2 DOS Clikette VISUAB42.ZIP 54 WIN Visual Basic v4.2 Dev XADISU12.ZIP 1 WIN Sounder and Utilities v1.20g MONDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4JAMB5.ZIP 5 WIN Jamba v1.0 CB4WWP15.ZIP 15 WIN WebWorks Publisher v1.0 CLASSICJ.ZIP 8 W95 Classic Games for Windows 95 DPG-BB57.ZIP 57 W95 Battle Beast EDG-CW53.ZIP 53 W95 CakeWalk Pro Audio v5.0 ERAADD11.ZIP 11 DOS New-Era Light Addon INPWD26.ZIP 26 DOS Infinite Piracy LL70W954.ZIP 4 W95 LapLink 95 v7.0 NOVHPR29.ZIP 29 WIN Home Projects NPMCC-11.ZIP 11 W95 Close Combat SCUMNG95.ZIP 1 WNT NetGrip v3.06 THC-NET3.ZIP 3 WIN NetCraft Java Dev Kit WC!PCL-4.ZIP 4 WIN PC-Law Junior Accounting TUESDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION ASOLO2-7.ZIP 7 WIN Cheyenne ARCSolo v2.0 BZRIMGE3.ZIP 23 WIN Image Catalogs v2.03 CB4MWAV5.ZIP 5 OS2 MWave Multimedia v2.02 CLASSICJ.ZIP 8 W95 Classic Games for Windows 95 FTP-VWNG.ZIP 1 DOS VWing v1.4 GAVRILA4.ZIP 4 DOS Second Degree Murder INPWD26.ZIP 26 DOS Infinite Piracy MYT_C4S6.ZIP 6 W95 Claris Works v4.0 NECDSK13.ZIP 13 WIN NEC Technician's Reference PLABEL2.ZIP 2 W95 Perfect Labels POT-DS06.ZIP 6 W95 Delux Studio PRM-VDO3.ZIP 3 W95 VDOLive Pack PWAIMAG2.ZIP 2 W95 ImageMan v5.01 Suite RCNTP10.ZIP 10 W95 RCN Win 95 Theme Pack v1.0 SDMDP224.ZIP 26 W95 Delphi Desktop v2.01 SPSSW07.ZIP 7 WIN SPSS v6.1 WEDNESDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION BLHNMP.ZIP 1 DOS NetMech Update CIAIM-08.ZIP 8 W95 Imaginator! DSRCPIP4.ZIP 4 WIN Caligari Image Pro IRQTRA11.ZIP 11 W95 Tracer LGN-SM43.ZIP 43 WIN Smithsonian's America MBEPZZLE.ZIP 1 WIN Giant Encyclopedia of Puzzles MSRDMECK.ZIP 1 WIN Microsoft Roadmap to Education OGCPSH45.ZIP 45 WIN Publisher's House Interactive RBSB2053.ZIP 53 OS2 OS/2 Warp v4.0 SPSSW37.ZIP 37 WIN SPSS v6.1 TRDDLML2.ZIP 2 DOS Deadline Multilanguage Addon VIO-WLM2.ZIP 2 WIN Will Maker v6.0 WP7-18.ZIP 18 W95 Corel WordPerfect 7 XF-TPAD4.ZIP 4 W95 TriSpectives Pro Images Addon XFTPRO44.ZIP 44 W95 TriSpectives Pro THURSDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION ITGSA14.ZIP 14 W95 System Architect v3.1 LGN-DT52.ZIP 61 WIN Infobase Development Tools LGN-PO01.ZIP 23 WIN PowerBuilder Online Books LGN-WSPB.ZIP 11 WIN O'Reilly's Website Pro MAPBSIC3.ZIP 3 WIN MapInfo Mapbasicp v4.0.2 MAPNFO07.ZIP 7 WIN MapInfo Desktop NPMID4.ZIP 1 DOS Supreme Commander PAL-06.ZIP 6 DOS The Legend of the Sword Hero PNC-SURV.ZIP 1 WIN Survey PRM-CDP3.ZIP 3 WIN Color Desk Photo v1.10k RAGEOBJ3.ZIP 3 WIN Objective Grid RCNTP10.ZIP 1 W95 RCN Win95 Theme Pack v1.0 TRDDLML2.ZIP 2 DOS Deadline Multilanguage Addon VSFLEX_2.ZIP 2 W95 Videosoft VS-Flex WP71.ZIP 18 W95 Corel WordPerfect v7.0 XF-TPAD4.ZIP 4 W95 TriSpectives Pro Images Addon FRIDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION EK!CALP4.ZIP 4 W95 Caligair Pioneer Pro v1.0 Beta EPC-SPP7.ZIP 7 DOS Sports Pinball FI115MCC.ZIP 1 W95 Frame-IT v1.15 HP201MCC.ZIP 1 W95 HTMLpad v2.01 ICSNT41.ZIP 1 W95 Internet Connection Server v4.1 INST911.ZIP 1 W95 Program Installer v9.11 JF-LGD6.ZIP 6 DOS Legends LGN-AC26.ZIP 26 W95 AutoConference v2.9 LGN-DT61.ZIP 61 WIN Infobase Development Tools LGN-FL02.ZIP 19 WIN Flex v2.8.9 LSR12MCC.ZIP 1 WIN LaserCompare v1.20 MICSCO61.ZIP 1 WIN Microscope v6.01 MYLBL_15.ZIP 15 WIN My Label Designer Advanced Deluxe NOVHPR29.ZIP 29 WIN Home Projects NUKEPSG1.ZIP 4 DOS Nuke It! OTE-AX02.ZIP 63 WIN MS ActiveX Development Kit PNC-CW1.ZIP 1 WIN Code Wizard v1.0 PNCAP31B.ZIP 2 WIN AntiVirus Plus PRM-GW29.ZIP 53 W95 Graphics Works PST-AD24.ZIP 24 WIN Adam Multimedia QRD21MCC.ZIP 1 W95 QRead 95 v2.10 RLXMRI06.ZIP 6 DOS L'Affaire Morlov Intro Addon RLXMRL47.ZIP 47 DOS L'Affaire Morlov STKITMCC.ZIP 1 W95 StickIts 96 v6.22 SZP28MCC.ZIP 1 W95 SuperZip v2.8 TOPDRAW3.ZIP 1 WIN Top Draw v3.00 SATURDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION ABUSEMCC.ZIP 1 WIN The Abuser v0.8 Beta ACMEVF10.ZIP 10 W95 Sega Virtua Fighter PC CCHELP.ZIP 1 DOS Close Combat Help DNS-BR09.ZIP 40 DOS Battle Race FRC11MCC.ZIP 1 W95 Fractal Imager v1.1 LGN-TA14.ZIP 25 W95 Tooltalk : Snoop Addon LGN-TT35.ZIP 47 W95 Tooltalk : Snoop LNK11MCC.ZIP 1 W95 LINKSAVER v1.1 MECHENG2.ZIP 2 W95 Mech Engineer Professional v2.0 MNT-DE43.ZIP 43 W95 Shanghai II : Dragon's Eye NET2BMCC.ZIP 1 WIN NETNOTE v2.0b OTE-AX63.ZIP 63 W95 MS ActiveX Development Kit PWANTFX7.ZIP 7 WNT Rightfax v4.5 RLXMRS28.ZIP 28 DOS L'Affaire Morlov Sound Addon TS330.ZIP 1 DOS TSpeed v3.30 TSREG.ZIP 1 DOS TSreg v4.1 SUNDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION BJAKPSG4.ZIP 4 W95 Hoyle Blackjack DMNC7G05.ZIP 18 W95 CC : Mail v7.0 Gold L0DIPA01.ZIP 9 DOS 3D Studio IPAS Collection L0DPEN01.ZIP 1 DOS 3DS Library Pennello 3D PRM-PDX8.ZIP 8 W95 Publisher Deluxe PSGB4S18.ZIP 18 DOS Battleground 4 : Shiloh RBS-ALC2.ZIP 2 W95 Alchemy Gold for CD Recorders v3.13 RBSLAN05.ZIP 5 W95 Lantastic v7.0 THCLAN05.ZIP 5 WNT Intel LANDesk WorkGrooup Manager UCF-WB96.ZIP 1 W95 WinBatch v9.6e XFDS9VP2.ZIP 2 W95 Star Trek : DS9 Voice Print MONDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION DMNSMMT3.ZIP 3 OS2 SMTP MTA DNSTXT09.ZIP 10 DOS Battle Race English Text Update DOD-GOO3.ZIP 3 W95 Kai`s Power GOO DODTUNE4.ZIP 4 W95 Financial Tune-up DT16PWA2.ZIP 2 WIN DTSearch v4.1 DT32PWA2.ZIP 2 W95 DTSearch v4.1 HBD-AW02.ZIP 14 DOS Agile Warrior L0DIPA09.ZIP 9 DOS 3D Studio IPAS Collection MNTCYD09.ZIP 9 W95 Cyber Dillo PCWISH30.ZIP 30 DOS Ishar 3 : The Seven Gates of Infinity PC_ONL15.ZIP 1 W95 Online v1.52 PST-PARP.ZIP 1 W95 Pro Action Replay PSX Upgrade v1.5 RBS-COHO.ZIP 1 WIN LANtastic v7.0 CoSession Host Addon RBS-TCP2.ZIP 2 WIN LANtastic v7.0 NTS TCP Pro RBS-TCPD.ZIP 1 DOS LANtastic v7.0 NTS TCP Pro RBSSPR05.ZIP 5 WIN Lantastic v7.0 SpryNet Addon RF_FLIP9.ZIP 9 DOS Flip Out RL-JWM25.ZIP 25 W95 Java Wordmatch v1.0 TGA-TRI2.ZIP 2 W95 Microsoft Tripoli Search Server Beta TGA-ZE23.ZIP 1 WIN Zyxel Elite 2864ID Firmware v2.03 UCFNETC.ZIP 1 WIN NET Cetera II v2.502 UP960712.ZIP 1 WIN AntiViral Toolkit Pro TUESDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION ARCCRSW3.ZIP 3 WIN Crosswords CB4NTM32.ZIP 2 WIN NTMail v3.01 CB4SNMPC.ZIP WIN SNMP Collector DEADLN30.ZIP 31 DOS Deadline DLSW95.ZIP 1 W95 Windows 95 Client for Lan Server v4.0 DNS-BR40.ZIP 43 W95 Shanghai II : Dragon's Eye DNSBRMP9.ZIP 14 DOS Battle Race Multiplayer Addon HSY-AO12.ZIP 12 WIN RF Digital Video Samples Addon HSY-RFV6.ZIP 6 WIN RF Digital Video ICSOS2PD.ZIP 1 WIN Platform for Internet Content Selection LGN-PO23.ZIP 23 WIN PowerBuilder Online Books LL-BST15.ZIP 15 W95 Bitstream Collection MTY-W97U.ZIP 1 W95 MS Win 97 Beta Update Internet Options MTYIWK02.ZIP 2 WIN Inner Works v1.1 Beta PNC-QPB3.ZIP 1 W95 QuickPak Pro v4.2b3 RL-MNS26.ZIP 26 W95 McNealy Security SDMAVB43.ZIP 3 W95 IBM Antivirus v2.5 Beta 4 WEDNESDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION ACCGENI9.ZIP 9 WIN Geni Map v2.1 CB4FP1F6.ZIP 6 W95 FrontPage v1.1 DODMML4.ZIP 4 WIN Media Mania Lite v1.2 DR-DRED3.ZIP 5 DOS Judge Dredd GRANP208.ZIP 24 DOS F1 Grand Prix 2 Racing LGN-AJBA.ZIP 10 WIN Adams Job Bank LL-TT95.ZIP 1 W95 Tips And Tricks for Windows 95 MTYRLN01.ZIP 1 W95 RLN Client v4.14 NRG-Q51I.ZIP 20 WIN QuestWare v5.1 OGCDON38.ZIP 38 WIN Destination Ocean Imagination Express PINOPSG9.ZIP 9 W95 Bicycle Pinochle PWANTSH9.ZIP 9 W95 Night Shades v2.01 RL-JWA21.ZIP 49 WIN Java Wordmatch Script Addon RLXS9549.ZIP 49 W95 Sim Isle SBPLAN33.ZIP 53 W95 Small Blue Planet SDMWE2P2.ZIP 2 WIN WebEdit Pro v2.0 Prerelease TAL-VC19.ZIP 18 W95 MS Visual C++ v4.1 TGA-MBKS.ZIP 1 W95 MacroMedia BackStage v1.0 XFOS0211.ZIP 18 WIN ObjectStore v4.0.2 THURSDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION ACCGENI9.ZIP 9 WIN Geni Map v2.1 AMF_E151.ZIP 1 WIN Excalibur Client/Server v1.5 CB4FP1F1.ZIP 6 W95 FrontPage v1.1 DODMML4.ZIP 4 WIN Media Mania Lite v1.2 DR-DRED3.ZIP 5 DOS Judge Dredd GRANP224.ZIP 24 DOS F1 Grand Prix 2 Racing NRG-Q51I.ZIP 20 WIN QuestWare v5.1 OGCDON12.ZIP 38 WIN Destination Ocean PCWTLB96.ZIP 1 DOS Tommy Larussa Baseball III 96 v1.10 Patch PINOPSG9.ZIP 9 W95 Bicycle Pinochle PWANTSH9.ZIP 9 W95 Night Shades v2.01 RLXS9549.ZIP 49 W95 Sim Isle SBPLAN33.ZIP 53 WIN Small Blue Planet TGA-MBKS.ZIP 1 W95 MacroMedia Backstage v1.0 XFOS0218.ZIP 18 WIN ObjectStore v4.0.2 FRIDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION DODEZR02.ZIP 2 WIN Easy Reader v1.5 DR-DRED1.ZIP 5 DOS Judge Dredd HBD-SR20.ZIP 20 DOS Speed Rage HBD-TSM2.ZIP 1 DOS Tracksuit Manager 2 L0DWC27.ZIP 7 DOS Warcraft 2 : Azeroth's Revenge LGN-HAB.ZIP 1 WIN Web Ready OGCMTH14.ZIP 56 WIN Math House OGCPDY56.ZIP 56 WIN Poldy OGCPYA19.ZIP 30 WIN Poldy Addon PNCAXB2B.ZIP 2 W95 ActiveX Control Pad Beta 2 PWALWP22.ZIP 22 W95 Netscape LiveWirePRO TRD-SR02.ZIP 30 DOS Speed Rage Animations Addon XTR-BOX.ZIP 1 DOS Boxes II v2.2 SATURDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION BC4MTY01.ZIP 4 WIN Bounds Checker v4.0 Pro CVPHONE7.ZIP 7 WIN Connectix Video Phone v1.12 DEADLN22.ZIP 31 W95 Deadline DNS-VF6.ZIP 6 W95 Virtua Fighter EPIC-WZ1.ZIP 1 DOS W!ZONE WarCraft2 Addon LGN-IO42.ZIP 2 W95 Image Stream 4 LGN-TWP.ZIP 1 W95 Tumbleweed Publisher LLSPSG45.ZIP 45 DOS Links : LS 1997 MTYFIX2.ZIP 2 W95 Fix It v1.00 PC_HWSOL.ZIP 1 WIN Hardwood Solitaire v1.4 PNC-GOM2.ZIP 2 WIN Gomer v2.0a PRM-ET38.ZIP 8 WIN Euro-Translator Pro v3.1b PSGHTSP7.ZIP 7 W95 Bicycle Hearts and Spades PST-NSC4.ZIP 4 W95 NovaBackup for SCSI Devices SUNDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION BLHSTES6.ZIP 6 DOS Silent Thunder Speech Addon DODIS309.ZIP 12 W95 InstallShield 3 EDG-R237.ZIP 50 WNT Windows NT v4.0 NPMMGR14.ZIP 44 W95 Mind Grind OGCMTH30.ZIP 56 WIN Math House PWANNWS5.ZIP 5 W95 Netscape News Server v1.5 RBS-VIG7.ZIP 7 WIN Vigilant v7.02 RSH-PDO3.ZIP 5 W95 PhilDoc v1.5 Update SDMFILT.ZIP 1 W95 Series 1 Filters UCFSCAN4.ZIP 1 W95 ScanFile v4.0s UNTGP209.ZIP 10 DOS Grand Prix II Animations Addon USPSS7-A.ZIP 10 DOS SPSS v7.0 VBSTR05.ZIP 5 W95 Treds VIO-FREN.ZIP 1 WIN Pro One Windows French v1.0 WEBALIVE.ZIP 1 WIN WebAlive v1.0 XFVC42-I.ZIP 18 W95 MS Visual C++ v4.2 MONDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION AIDS19.ZIP 19 WIN America Is Dying Slowly CM5K-16.ZIP 16 W95 Chessmaster 5000 DODHFX05.ZIP 5 W95 Hollywood FX EDG-R237.ZIP 50 WNT Windows NT v4.0 LHNAV953.ZIP 3 W95 Norton Anti Virus v2.0 NETDRI23.ZIP 23 WNT Windows NT Network Drivers Pack v3.2 OGCMTH31.ZIP 56 WIN Math House PANTPSG3.ZIP 3 DOS Steel Panthers Campaing Disk PIE-WP10.ZIP 1 WIN WPrinter v1.0 PRVPWA1.ZIP 11 W95 Procomm 3 : Very Connected PSG-GB38.ZIP 38 W95 MW2 : Ghost Bear's Legacy PWAENT12.ZIP 12 W95 Netscape Enterprise Server TRDGBV43.ZIP 43 W95 MW2 : Ghost Bear's Legacy Animations Addon UCFH133B.ZIP 1 DOS HackStop v1.13b WTFID49.ZIP 11 DOS ID4 : The Game TUESDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION AMF_E153.ZIP 3 WIN Excalibur Client/Server v1.5 Upgrade CB4GUARD.ZIP 1 WNT Guardian Firewall CB4TFP22.ZIP 2 WNT TransferPro v2.0 CB4WLAB2.ZIP 2 WNT WaveLab v1.0 DAD-QF28.ZIP 28 DOS Quest For Glory Anthology DODIS312.ZIP 12 W95 InstallShield 3 GWINTPAT.ZIP 1 DOS Gender Wars Install Patch L0DMTM04.ZIP 21 W95 Monster Truck Madness Beta 2 NPMMGR45.ZIP 44 W95 Mind Grind PSP4B.ZIP 5 W95 Paint Shop Pro v4.02b PWAPSP4E.ZIP 5 W95 Paint Shop Pro 4.0 QUAKE-01.ZIP 17 DOS Quake RS-BDVEW.ZIP 1 WIN Biffview and Dumpview RS-FDS9.ZIP 51 W95 MS Electronic Form Designer SBPLAN53.ZIP 53 WIN Small Blue Planet SDM-WT37.ZIP 37 WIN Artbeats Webtiles UCFNPOP2.ZIP 1 WIN NetPopup v2.22 XTR-3X3.ZIP 1 WIN 3x3 Labeler v1.3 WEDNESDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION ANGPATCH.ZIP 1 W95 AfterLife Patch for v1.0 DODFR121.ZIP 21 WIN French Year 1 IRLNKA12.ZIP 34 DOS Links LS 1997 Animation Pack L0DMTM21.ZIP 21 W95 Monster Truck Madness Beta 2 NPMMGR44.ZIP 44 W95 Mind Grind OGCMTH32.ZIP 56 WIN Math House PNCD2DB.ZIP 2 WIN Disc 2 Disc PNCLSS27.ZIP 59 W95 Smart Suite PSGSFT18.ZIP 18 W95 Sci-Fi Channel Trivia Game TCD32MCC.ZIP 1 DOS TC Director 32 UCFWFKY2.ZIP 1 WIN WinFossil/32 v1.12 UNV52CRK.ZIP 1 DOS UniVBE v5.2 WALARMCC.ZIP 1 W95 Win Alarm v1.20 WWIIEPSG.ZIP 1 DOS World War II : War in Europe THURSDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4-EZ80.ZIP 1 W95 EZ-Drive v8.01w CB4LF4-1.ZIP 2 WNT Alcom LanFax CB4NFS-7.ZIP 7 W95 Chameleon v5.01 DR-DRED1.ZIP 5 DOS Judge Dredd DRGTXT12.ZIP 1 OS2 DragText v1.2 L0DECGP.ZIP 1 DOS LOD Emulator NMECHV11.ZIP 1 W95 NetMech Patch to Version 1.1 NMSSTOCK.ZIP 1 W95 Stock Track 32 v1.2 PMCD2WAV.ZIP 1 OS2 PMCD2WAV v1.0 PNCHOPE3.ZIP 3 WIN Hope v.057 Beta RLX-AL42.ZIP 42 DOS Albion RLX-SL07.ZIP 7 DOS Slavs SDMDRWEB.ZIP 1 W95 Dr. Web AntiVirus v3.12 TGA-DN3.ZIP 3 DOS Super Dead FRIDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION BNR11OS2.ZIP 1 OS2 Binary News Reader v1.1 CB4-AP36.ZIP 1 WIN Analyst Probe v3.6 CB4XRESA.ZIP 10 W95 Macromedia Xres v2.01 DMNNN608.ZIP 8 W95 Lotus Notes Server HBD-BAK3.ZIP 3 W95 Baku Baku Animal L0DMTM09.ZIP 21 W95 Monster Truck Madness Beta 2 PNCFADN5.ZIP 5 W95 First Aid 95 Deluxe v3.0 POSTIT32.ZIP 1 W95 3M Post It Notes 32 Bit POWLOS2.ZIP 1 OS2 Professor Owl PWANETX1.ZIP 3 W95 NetXRay v1.2.94 Beta RS-YAK95.ZIP 1 W95 Yak SCUMCW2I.ZIP 10 W95 CiscoWorks v2.0 SDM-WI22.ZIP 22 WIN Artbeats Webicons SDMEGO11.ZIP 11 WIN Egor Animator v2.0 SNG3231R.ZIP 1 W95 SnagIt 32 TGA-W106.ZIP 1 W95 Elsa Utils v1.06 SATURDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4PSA27.ZIP 1 W95 PSA Cards v2.7 COLORIF.ZIP 1 W95 Colorific v95.2 DMNLFA14.ZIP 14 WIN Lotus Fax Server Addon DMNLFS33.ZIP 3 WIN Lotus Fax Server IDP-VA02.ZIP 5 DOS Action Fighting Game MTYMC507.ZIP 7 WIN MasterCam v5.0 NMS-MTW.ZIP 1 WIN More Than Words-Express Cards NMSBIB13.ZIP 13 WIN The Bible Reference Library NMSHEL~1.ZIP 1 W95 Robohelp 32 NMSHJAV3.ZIP 3 W95 HotJava Alpha 3 NMSHVS.ZIP 1 WIN Digital Frontiers HVS NMSJAVA2.ZIP 2 W95 Java Development Kit NMSPOSTI.ZIP 1 WIN 3M Post It Notes 16 Bit PRM-V433.ZIP 33 WIN Visio Technical v4.0 SDMWH22.ZIP 2 W95 WebWhacker v2.0 TGA-R22.ZIP 1 WIN Ripterm v2.2 SUNDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION AWETUB10.ZIP 1 WIN Awe Tube v1.0 CIVILW7.ZIP 7 DOS The Civil War LGN-AT01.ZIP 15 W95 AccuTrade v1.02 MTY-BPP2.ZIP 2 WIN Business Plan Pro MTYMCTV.ZIP 1 WIN MasterCam TV Addon PNX-CL04.ZIP 4 W95 Caligari TrueSpace2 SDMCHM16.ZIP 1 WIN Cache Master v2.19 SDMPWRR2.ZIP 2 WIN PowerRep v1.60 SDMTP322.ZIP 2 W95 Thumb Print v1.02 SDMVWEB4.ZIP 4 WIN VycorWeb v3.10 SSTEEL6.ZIP 6 DOS Shattered Steel DEMO TPLAY-39.ZIP 45 W95 Triple Play Baseball 97 UCF-TWAR.ZIP 1 DOS Twar v2.00b UCFMTZLK.ZIP 1 DOS METZ Lock v4.0 UWCVCADA.ZIP 10 W95 Visual CAD v2.0 WA-PKZ32.ZIP 1 W95 Pkzip 32 MONDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION CB4-SM7.ZIP 7 W95 SupportMagic v3.0 CB4RP322.ZIP 2 W95 Remotely Possible 32 v1.09 CU42MTY2.ZIP 2 W95 Communique! CWR4BP05.ZIP 5 WIN CodeWright 4.0b Pro C_C_M7V7.ZIP 7 DOS Command & Conquer Missons DLOCK-29.ZIP 29 DOS Deadlock DODFR108.ZIP 21 WIN French Year 1 GREED-28.ZIP 28 DOS In Pursuit Of Greed INETFF3.ZIP 2 WIN Internet File Finder Disk LTCTWDC6.ZIP 6 DOS TeamWare Docs MTY-LVP4.ZIP 4 WIN WebReady LView Pro v1.0 NJC-SC7.ZIP 7 WIN Spin Control Interactive Dance NMS-TLK.ZIP 1 WIN TaskTool v2.1 NMS-WSCK.ZIP 1 W95 Trumpet WinSock v3.0a NMSNT409.ZIP 40 WNT WinNT Worksation NPMSLID2.ZIP 2 W95 Sliders PIE-HDSQ.ZIP 1 WIN Hard Disk Sleep v1.41 PNCQCLC5.ZIP 5 W95 Quicken Complete Legal Collection v2.0 QKMULTI.ZIP 1 W95 Quake NetPlay Guide v1.0 RS-BFCCM.ZIP 1 W95 Barrier CC : Mail TGA-PC01.ZIP 10 WIN PC/TCP Network Software v4.1 TUESDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION MSQWC5U2.ZIP 2 W95 Wildcat v5.0 July Upgrade PNCQBLP1.ZIP 2 W95 Quicken Bussiness Law Partner v3.0 PWAEXPO3.ZIP 3 W95 Symantec Expose RBSACR06.ZIP 25 W95 Adobe Acrobat v3.0 RS-MACCM.ZIP 1 W95 Mail Agent CC : Mail SDM-WB20.ZIP 20 WIN Artbeats Webbars SDMCMNET.ZIP 1 WIN CommNet v2.2 SDMDMHP3.ZIP 3 WIN DocuMagix Hotpage v1.0 SDMEIT95.ZIP 1 W95 Encrypt-It 95 v3.20 SDMNT32A.ZIP 1 WIN NetTerm v3.2 16 SDMNT32B.ZIP 1 W95 NetTerm v3.2 32 TGA-NDS2.ZIP 2 WIN NDS Troubleshooting Kit TGA-VRM2.ZIP 2 WIN Microsoft VRML Add-In WC-ANY-9.ZIP 9 WIN InterNet Anyware v2.23 XADIAF14.ZIP 1 DOS ADF v1.41 WEDNESDAY JULY FILENAME DESCRIPTION ATMV402.ZIP 2 W95 Adobe Type Manager Deluxe v4.0 DMNOR971.ZIP 10 W95 Lotus Organizer 97 HBD-CS07.ZIP 24 DOS Mission Force : CyberStorm IRQ-DL4.ZIP 4 DOS Deadlock NCG-AIN.ZIP 1 DOS AIN archiver v2.23 NCG-IFTP.ZIP 1 WIN IFTP v3.0 PNC-TP10.ZIP 1 WIN Teleport Pro v1.0 PNCKCP12.ZIP 12 WIN KeyCad Pro PNCLONG.ZIP 1 WIN Longware v1.5 PNCPOLD.ZIP 1 DOS Polygon v7.3 PSGMLT48.ZIP 48 DOS Total Meltdown RBS-MAGL.ZIP 1 W95 Microangelo v2.1 RBS-UED.ZIP 1 DOS UltraEdit Pro v4.10 RBSB2210.ZIP 56 OS2 OS/2 Warp v4.0 Build 22 SDMPPRO2.ZIP 2 WIN Page Pro HTML Assistant v1.0 TTG_CS3.ZIP 3 DOS CyberStorm WINSH-01.ZIP 2 DOS WinShield for DOS XFXC3B01.ZIP 18 W95 Excursion v3.0 Beta XTR-MP5.ZIP 5 OS2 Mptn Service Pack Z09.ZIP 9 W95 Z r c n v o t i n g ! If you didn't vote, don't complain! The following is a chart summarizing reader votes regarding release groups : Votes Sent From : 07/22/96 -> 08/04/96 Voting Results : Games EPIC 27 Votes HBD 54 Votes PSG 55 Votes RZR 70 Votes RLX 28 Votes Total Votes : 234 Voting Results : Utils DMN 21 Votes DOD 25 Votes LGN 15 Votes MTY 38 Votes PNC 14 Votes PWA 46 Votes RBS 31 Votes SCUM 13 Votes SDM 12 Votes X-F 11 Votes Total Votes : 226 r c n v o t i n g ! If you didn't vote, don't complain! The following is a chart summarizing reader votes regarding courier groups : Votes Sent From : 07/22/96 -> 08/04/96 Voting Results : BBS AMN 70 Votes CORE 6 Votes EMP 10 Votes EVR 44 Votes FATE 20 Votes MAL 8 Votes M8 7 Votes RTS 9 Votes RISC 54 Votes SIN n/a Total Votes : 228 Voting Results : Net AMN 45 Votes CORE 11 Votes EMP 30 Votes EVR 28 Votes FATE 43 Votes MAL 9 Votes M8 8 Votes RTS 10 Votes RISC 50 Votes SIN n/a Total Votes : 234 r c n v o t i n g ! The following is a short survey on the popularity of the major scene groups. Please take the time to fill it out and return it to the following address : Which GAMES group is #1? [ ] Epic [ ] Hybrid [ ] Prestige [ ] Razor 1911 [ ] Reflux Which UTILS group is #1? [ ] Demolition [ ] Drink or Die [ ] Legion [ ] Mortality [ ] Pinnacle [ ] Pirates with Attitudes [ ] Rebels [ ] Scum [ ] Sodom [ ] X-Force Which TRADE group is #1 in the field of NET couriering? [ ] Amnesia [ ] Core [ ] Empire [ ] Everlast [ ] Fast Action Trading Exchange [ ] Malice [ ] Motiv8 [ ] Request to Send [ ] Rise in Superior Couriering [ ] Sinful Traders Which TRADE group is #1 in the field of BBS couriering? [ ] Amnesia [ ] Core [ ] Empire [ ] Everlast [ ] Fast Action Trading Exchange [ ] Malice [ ] Motiv8 [ ] Request to Send [ ] Rise in Superior Couriering [ ] Sinful Traders Please email all responses to an385786@anon.penet.fi. r c n h a c k e r z c o r n e r ! Author : Pawn Subject : Explosives : Muric Acid Bomb Well, this is my first of hopefuly many articles that I will be writing for RCN! So if this kinda starts to suck just stay with me because I will try to do my best explaning how to make many explosives of destruction. Anyway, let's get on to the good stuff! This bomb was orignated by me, Pawn, so I should be able to explain this pretty well. Materials --------- 2-Liter Bottle (Like a Coke Bottle) Aluminum Foil Squirt Bottle (Not Required) Muric Acid (Muric or Hydrocloric Acid) 1.) After you have all the materials, take the a 1 foot by 1 foot piece of foil and start ripping it into 1/2 to 3/4 by 2 or 3 inch peices. ____ | | | | | | <-- 2 to 3 inches | | |____| ^ \ 1/2 to 3/4 inch 2.) Then, making sure that all the pieces are done, slide them all into the the 2-liter bottle, try not to crumple them up. 3.) Pour about 1/2 of a cup of the muric acid into the squirt bottle. Get one of the squirt bottles that have one of those squirt caps so you can get squirt the acid out fast. 4.) Lastly, take the squirt bottle and the 2-liter bottle with the aluminum foil in it to the place where you want to let it off and squirt all the acid into the 2-liter bottle as fast as you can and then put the cap on and throw it! You might want to watch it from a distance because when this thing goes off, it is big and load! r c n h a c k e r z c o r n e r ! Author : Coolzie Subject : 4240-419-001-340 (Invalid) Most of the following information came from a lot of sources, so they may look redundant to some of the more knowledgable individuals, but I felt that a few people may be interested in reading this. Obtaining a Credit Card Number ------------------------------ There are many ways to obtain the information needed to card something. The most important things needed are the card number and the expiration date. Having the card-holder's name doesn't hurt, but it is not essential. One way to obtain all the information needed is by trashing. The way this is done is simple. You walk around your area or any other area and find a store, mall, supermarket, etc., that throws their garbage outside on the sidewalk or dumpster. Rip the bag open and see if you can find any carbons at all. If you find little shreds of credit card carbons, then it is most likely not worth your time to tape together. Find a store that does not rip their carbons at all or only in half. General rule when trashing is to dress like a bum. If you are a bum, dress normally. Another way is to bullshit the number out of someone. That is call them up and say "Hello, this is Visa security and we have a report that your card was stolen." They will deny it and you will try to get it out of them from that point on. You could say, "It wasn't stolen? Well what is the expiration date and maybe we can fix the problem. Ok... and what is the number on your card, sir? Thank you very much and have a nice day." Or think of something to that degree. Another way to get card numbers is through systems such as TRW and CBI, this is the hard way, and probably not worth the trouble unless you are an expert on the system. Using credit card numbers posted on BBSes is risky. The only advantage is that there is a good chance that other people will use it, thus decreasing the chances of being the sole-offender. The last method of getting numbers is very good also. In most video rental stores, they take down your credit card number when you join to back-up your rentals. So if you could manage to steal the list or make a copy of it, then you are set for a LONG time. More modern methods include taking advantage of online services and Internet shopping malls. I will not go into details about this, you'll have to figure this out yourself. To give you an idea how easy this could be, take for example America Online. They have 6 million subscribers. A rather large percentage of that number consist of idiots, morons or dumbasses and I personally have "fished" at least 100k on some nights and acquired at least 5,000 full info CCs. Don't ask how, that's my style. Basically, all you have to do is pull some very skillful hi-tech bullshitting. You pretend to be staff/sysop and tell the victim that there are problems or whatever you can think of. Outside the scope of carding, you can also use this method to obtain passwords to accounts. Needless to say, card a fake account first. By the way, do not look for me in the private chatroom CARDING. I don't go there. All I saw were whimps who couldn't do the carding themselves, and a few smart people who took advantage of this. I think I saw this published in the last issue of RCN, and unfortunately, I have met some who fell prey to this trick. What can I say? You deserve it. Blah... Sometimes, some establishments will accept any card number as long as it is valid. The algorithms for computing credit card numbers are public information. Hey, I've coded my own program to do this in my spare time, it's not difficult. You can read it from the alt.2600 FAQ and probably find it implemented on several programs, most notable is Credit Master. Generally, generated numbers don't work, but sometimes you can find certain bank index numbers which do. For example, using a generated number of the prefix 4921-85 can get you access to most online services. Yeah, you porn lovers can subscribe or call stuff. You can even use some of these to card phone calls (i.e. 1-800-CALL-ATT). Use a payphone. I love their advertisement, "Know the code," Muhahhahaha. Go recharge some prepaid phone cards. Get them everywhere. Choosing a Victim ----------------- Once you have the card number, it is time to make the order. The type of places that are easiest to victimize are small businesses that do mail order or even local stores that deliver. If you have an ad for a place with something you want and the order number is NOT a 1-800 number, then chances are better that you will succeed. When you call the place up to make the order, you must have several things readily at hand. These are the things you will need, a name, telephone number, business phone, card number (4 digit bank code if the card is MasterCard), expiration date, and a complete shipping and billing address. I will talk about all of these in detail. A personal tip, when I call to make an order, it usually goes much smoother if the person I am talking to is a woman. In many cases they are more gullible than men. A name, you could use the name on the card or the name of the person who you are going to send the merchandise to. Or you could use the name on the card and have it shipped to the person who lives at the drop (say it is a gift or something). The name is really not that important because when the company verifies the card, the person's name is never mentioned, EXCEPT when you have a Preffered Visa card. Then the name is mentioned. You can tell if you have a Preffered Visa card by the PV to the right of the expiration date on the carbon. Now, phone all day long waiting for the company to call (which they will), then the phone number to give them as your home-phone could be one of the following, a number that is ALWAYS busy, a number that ALWAYS rings, a payphone number, low end of a loop (and you will wait on the other end), or a popular BBS. NEVER give them your home phone because they will find out as soon as their investigations start and they check who the phone belongs to. The best thing would be to have a payphone call forward your house. If you can beige-box a neighbor's and connect to it remotely, that would be even better. The card number, the cards you will use will be Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. The best is by far Visa. It is the most straight-forward. MasterCard is pretty cool except for the bank code. When they ask for the bank code, they sometimes also ask for the bank that issued it. When they ask that, just say the biggest bank you know of in your area. Try to avoid American Express. They tend to lead full scale investigations. Unfortunately, American Express is the most popular card out. When telling the person who is taking your call the card number, say it slowly, clearly, and with confidence. For example, if the card number is 5396-1234-5678-9012, pause after each set of fours so you don't have to repeat yourself. The date of the expiration date must be at LEAST in that month. It is best with more than three months to go. The address is more commonly referred to as the 'drop.' Well, the drop can range from an abandoned building to your next door neighbor's apartment. If you plan to send it to an apartment building, then be sure NOT to include an apartment number. This will confuse UPS or the postage men a little and they will leave the package in the lobby. Here is a list of various drops - the house next door whose family is on vacation, the apartment that was just moved out of, the old church that will be knocked down in six months, your friend's house who has absolutely nothing to do with the type of merchandise you will buy and who will also not crack under heat from Feds, etc. There are also services that hold merchandise for you, but personally, I would not trust them. And forget about P.O. Boxes because you need ID to get one and most places don't ship to them anyway. If you work for a company or have a large group that has an account on something like Mailboxes Etc, that might work. Other aspects of carding include verifying cards, seeing if they were reported stolen. Stores need to verify credit cards when someone purchases something with one. They call up a service that checks to see if the customer has the money in the bank. The merchant identifies himself with a merchant number. The service then holds the money that the merchant verified on reserve. When the merchant sends in the credit card form, the service sends the merchant the money. The service holds the money for three days and if no form appears then it is put back into the bank. The point is that if you want to verify something then you should verify it for a little amount and odds are that there will be more in the bank. The good thing about verification is that if the card doesn't exist or if it is stolen, then the service will tell you. To verify MasterCard and Visa, try the following number. It is voice : 1-800-327-1111, the merchant code is 596719. Whoa, this information is old, you may need to get a more recent one. Stolen cards, MasterCard and Visa come out with a small catalog every week where they publish EVERY stolen or fraudulantly used card. I get this every week by trashing the same place on the same day. If you ever find it trashing, then try to get it every week. If you got connections in a store, they usually have this. Identifying cards, Visa card numbers begin with a 4 and have either 13 or 16 digits. MasterCard card numbers begin with a 5 and have 16 digits. Discover card numbers begin with a 6 and have 16 digits. American Express begins with a 3 and has 15 digits. They all have the following formats : 3xxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx American Express / Diner's Club 4xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx Visa 4xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx Visa 5xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx MasterCard 6xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx Discover A gold card simply means that credit is good for $5000. Without a gold card, credit would normally be $2000 or less. To recognize a gold card on a carbon, there are several techniques : American Express- None. Visa - PV instead of CV. Note, you must have the cardholder's name to verify a PV. MasterCard - An asterix can signify a gold card, but this changes depending when the card was issued. THe following is a dialog between a carder and the phone operator to help you get the idea : American Computer Goods, may I help you? Hi, I would like to place an order please. Sure, what would you like to order? 20 zip disks and a 1 gigabyte drive. Ok, is there anything else? No thank you, that's all for today. Ok, how would you like to pay for this? MasterCard or Visa? Visa. And your name is? Justin M. Kalina. (Name on card) And your Visa card number is? 4240-419-001-340 (Invalid card) Expiration date? 08-96. And where would you like the package shipped to? 49 Shongum Road, Randolph, NJ 07869. And what is your home telephone number? 201/328-8405 (This number is actually usually busy) I will also need your business phone number in case we have to reach you. You can reach me at the same number. 201/328-8405 Ok, thank you very much and have nice day. Excuse me, when will the package arrive? In 6 to 7 days via UPS. Thanks a lot, and have a pleasant day. Now, you wait 6-7 days when the package will arrive at the address which is really an abandoned house. There will be a note on the door saying - Hello UPS, please leave all packages for Justin Kalina in the lobby or porch. Thanks a lot, Justin Kalina. There are a lot of things to card. Almost every establishment I know accepts credit cards. Although, if you study this carefully, we can understand why 2600 or RCN probably believes in the motto : In God we trust, all others pay in cash. What do you do with the goods? Use them, sell them, whatever. If you get caught, tough, that's your problem. I personally have my boys do the job for me. I run my own little ring of carders. Recognizing Credit Cards ------------------------ [Sample: American Express] XXXX XXXXXX XXXXX MM/Y1 THRU MM/Y2 Y1 John Doe AX The first date is the date the person got the card, the second date is the expriation date, after the expiration date is the same digits in the first year. The American Express Gold has many more numbers (I think 6 8 then 8). If you do find a Gold card keep it for it has a $5000.00 backup even when the guy has no money! [Sample: MasterCard] 5XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX AAA DD-MM-YY MM/YY John Doe The format varies, I have never seen a card that did not start with a 5XXX. There are another 4 digits on the next line that is sometimes asked for when ordering stuff, (and rarely a 3 digit letter combo. The first date is the date the person got the card and the second date is the expiration date. Master ard is almost always accepted at stores. [Sample: Visa] XXXX XXX(X) XXX(X) XXX(X) MM/YY MM/YY*Visa John Doe Visa is the most straight forward of the cards, for it has the name right on the card itself, again the first date is the date he got the card and the second is the expiration date. Sometimes the first date is left out. The numbers can either be 4 3 3 3 or 4 4 4 4. Visa is also almost always accepted at stores, therefore, the best of cards to use. My personal experience includes carding modems, books, flowers, Internet accounts, protein skimmers (aquarium stuff), ink cartridges, software (hey you suppliers check this out, card your warez), t-shirts, international phone calls, music CDs, VHS tapes (UFC and Beavis and Butthead), mice, keyboards, speakers, sound systems. Blah.. I forget what else I've gotten. Most of the time now, I just have someone else do it. They are usually loyal, and sometimes I just do a special arrangement for the more experienced ones. I don't do stuff over $2,000 worth, so I can honestly tell you that I've never tried carding a laptop. If you have to sign for a package, use your own pen, and sign a fake name or whoever. Sometimes, leaving a $1 tip on the door stuck to your note helps. Sometimes, knowing the delivery mailman can be beneficial. Sometimes, it's not what you know, or what you can do, but who you know. Having politicians in your pocket, connections with gangs, tie-ups with store establishments, or friends in the Mafia (or Yakuza) can do wonders. I'd say hacking, phreaking, carding, warez and general anarchy are woven in the same web. Some may say carding is a bit on the darker side of things. Then again, that's only my opinion. Here I am typing away, but after this, I am going to go out and play in my sports country club field with my carded soccer ball, wearing my carded socks, go skating on my carded in-line skates, and look cool in my carded shades. Too bad my car had to be stolen, you can't have everything. I'm just kidding about the car. :) A note to a dude who calls himself Sonic Bypass - heya, I felt tempted to put your info as the example in the carding conversation. I could have, but then, well, just chill dude. I hope we make peace next time we meet. I would like to make a public apology to you for whatever I did. And I would like you to do the same, although you need not have to, it's really my fault. Peace. To everyone who wondered why my email address changed, the expiration date on the credit card which my account was on was 06-96. Bummer. Hey Misery, I don't know what else to say about... you know. Make something up. To a certain Nicole, I've never been anything but nice to you. I hope we can at least still be friends. Greets go to my personal friends and members of Fluid Motion, WAY, SIC, REG, UPS, OMNI, and the FWA. I'd like to extend a hand to GODZ, Misery, Gmoney, Nantra, Folk, Maven, Quagmire, Cherie, Maple, Peach, Terror, Tekno, Tred, Cozmoe and Bitz. I know I am going to miss MANY more names, you know who you are. So zugz! to EVERYONE else, that should cover ya all. Don't get mad. :) r c n h a c k e r z c o r n e r ! Author : Anonymous Subject : Fake Account Generators Fake accounts have been made by warez pups throughout the history of AOL. I started making fakes during the AOL v2.5 times. It was an easy way of getting warez without paying that much money. I had to pay for the phone line, that was about it. At about May/June 1996, AOL started catching AOL faake accounts, they verified to see if the credit card numbers were real. This disappointed a lot of people, which led more people to make fake account creators that would trick AOL. Da Chronic made a fake account creator included with his AOHell. His fake account creator was the only one to use a checking account. It never worked. Radiator's AOLSD would have probably worked, but there was one problem. They didn't include a credit card number, so you had to get a real one. The rest of the people probably took AOHell and AOLSD, decompiled and made another version of their own. They never modified the code, so the fake account creators still never worked. By the way, if somone does get a VB Decompiler (not DOdis), send it over for trade. These fake account creators did work. The UGK fake account creator, this was one of the best fake account creators. It was the first working one I got, so I made about 20 fakes. It was not password protected, so the certificate # and passwords were drained quickly. The Magik FAC written by Snoop also worked. This was a fairly new FAC made between the time UGK's died and the AOL crackdown of fake accounts. This was password protected so the certificate stuff lasted a while. It wasn't anything like Skitzo's. You could easily hex Magik, but Skitzo's was a password that wasn't even near the question area. This made it a lot harder to crack. Skitzo's FAC was supposed to work, that was what everyone said, but when I tried, it never worked. It must have been the build number which was probably out of date. Since the AOL crackdown on fake accounts. Only a few FACs still work, one of these was the new Skitzo's FAC. I heard it's supposed to work, but I've never gotten hold of it. A number of other FACs were supposed to work, but I've never tried them nor have I gotten them. Since fake accounts are a lot harder to make without using a real credit card number, getting Level 8 OverHead accounts was the solution. Here is a piece of mail that was forwarded back and forth : Forwarded message: Subj: Your OverHead Account Date: 96-06-18 04:50:39 EDT From: Steve Case To: TOSAdvisor Good afternoon, John. Here is your OverHead account generator. This is just the basic Level 8 OverHead generator. Once you download this file, simply unzip it, then run the program, and within 2-3 days, AOL will update your account with all the listed abilities : 1.) FREE unlimited time online. 2.) The ability to kick an annoying user from a chat room. 3.) Log a user offline, if he/she has rightfully so violated our Terms of Service. 4.) Terminate a user's account if he/she has rightfully so violated our Terms of Service. 5.) The ability to remain invisible in a chat room to where no one can see you're in the room. Now remember, these are just a few of much more capabilities allowed by Level 8 OverHead account status. So download, unzip, run the COW-OH.EXE while signed on and you'll be set. Also, distribute this as you see fit. Goodbye for now, John. Signed, Steve Case COW-OH.EXE does not work, do not use it. It steals your password. It writes your password to a file and sends it. Why do think they don't let you watch the real part? Because they're just a bunch of pussies that want to steal passwords. I got a CowBoyz version of Descent2 and it didn't work. I'm sure that this does not work either. If you want a real OverHead account generator, use the official AOL one, it doesn't matter. If you do become a part of the AOL staff, use a screen name of yours to do the legal stuff, and use the other one to pirate software. r c n d e a r r o a d r e b e l ! Welcome to Dear Road Rebel! This is going to be YOUR column that is a cross between Dear Abby and Dave Berry. The most important part of this is YOUR participation. If you have ever had a question about the scene or just a comment, here's the place! Have you ever wanted to know why some people do this or that? ASK! I would love to take it to the extreme for you and we will be happy to research it! I hope you have as much fun with this as I will! Remember, this is YOUR column! Dear Road Rebel, First, I'd like to commend you and your fellow RCN members on the creation of the RCN emag and the RCN web page which are awesome and very inspiring to other groups and wannabe groups. Now, to the main topic, DALNet vs. EFNet (I personally don't think UnderNet actually fits into the picture here!). I have been an EFNet regular ever since I introduced myself to the IRC world, which was about 3 to 4 months ago. I knew about the warez scene because of my 2 years BBSing, and then finally running up a $1400 phone bill in two months (a very big FUCK you to AT&T), forcing me to terminate long distance connections for an extensive period of time. I had one or two friends that I knew who were on IRC all the time but I had no idea about the different EFNet, DALNet, etc., server groups. Only in the past month have I traveled these new domains on DALNet, UnderNet and now NewNet, and I quite agree with you that DALNet is one of the best places out there to go for warez (which have now been banned on DALNet I'm sorry to say). But, I have to disagree with some things you said about DALNet last issue (but I'll have to start a new paragraph first). I traveled DALNet's extensive and friendly warez channels as soon as I found it, and tried to make as many friends as possible, and possibly succeeded making friends with 85% of all the people that I chatted with. Until last week when I decided to create my own Fserve/Warez/Trade channel, disaster! I went about the right way to set the channel up, got a decent Bot in there, registered the channel, and registered my bot's nick and my own nick to be auto-opped in that channel. "Cool, no problems there, now to go and find warez lovers to join my channel and trade their little shorts off!" I went into multiple warez channels on DALNet and started to subtly invite people and their fserves to trade in my channel too, some came, some simply said no, or fuck off. After a while watching other peoples' attempts at starting IRC channels, I saw that mass invites would bring an equal amount of traders and lamers (lamers being the ones that try to flood the channel or take it over). I tried this mass invite thingy making sure that I had proper flood protection against these attempts. People joined, then left, more people joined then left, channel ops banned me, then tried desperately to takeover and flood me and my channel, people /msg'd me obscene comments and remarks, but on the other hand, some people said, "Ok, I have an fserve, what do I need to do to have it on your channel?" Or they joined the channel, said hi, when others joined, they all chatted together and it went on to be like a normal warez channel. Then my BIG mistake, I joined the warez channels with 25+ people in them, and started to mass invite people. The same things happened as when I invited smaller channels, only on a MUCH larger scale! Anyways, I eventually got three fserves in my channel and 5 normal people before it was time for me to hang up my modem for another time. I do not think that I will re-create this channel until I have a moderate group of people willing to support the channel. And if anyone else plans to do the same as I did, take this letter as a lesson. As for what you said about no lag, well... I have found that most people try to get on servers that have an IP that is not far from one-another, if you get on a far away server, it sucks, big time. My final word is, DALNet and EFNet are both equally great, for chatting and leeching, but if you want to start a warez channel, make sure you have a very good reason to, like starting a new group is probably the best reason. I wouldn't bother starting a trade channel on EFNet because, quite frankly, they really are not in short supply of them! Signed, Taiji Hide Dear Taiji Hide, Well quite a letter.... I haven't spent enough time on DALNet to really know it inside out, but from the time I did spend it was great. I saw a few splits, but they were right back in like 10 secs. As for warez, I think DALNet banning warez is a mistake and it will kill their servers. BUT.... we will wait and see, all I know right now is that DALNet has been around for quite awhile. BUT it isn't growing up, if they let warez people do their thing they would probably explode to life. Signed, Road Rebel Dear Road Rebel, I would have to say that I favor EFNet over DALNet. It is true that DALNet has little or no lag, and that it has Chanserv and Nickserv to completely protect channels from takeovers, but what's the fun of that? I think that protecting/taking over channels and colliding nicks is where the fun is! DALNet is a more concern-free network, but in my opinion EFNet is more exhilerating. :) Signed, NIN Dear NIN, Yeah, there can be a lot of fun on EFNet, BUT... when you have a channel like ours and you have to do a bussiness out of it and then some jerkoff wants to take the channel because they don't like what you said about them or their group, those are the times I wish I was on DALNet. Signed, Road Rebel Dear Road Rebel, I like DALNet much better than the three even though it's smaller. It's cooler, with Chanserv and Nickserv there, it has a lot less takeovers by little 12 year old fucking pricks who think they are god because they have a fucking mirc war script. I'd love it if a lot people went from channel #RCN on EFNet and to channel #Dipshit on DALNet. I love it, plus I don't have to fight for my nick all the goddamned time. There are also a lot less splits so there is less of a chance for colliers get a hard on from colliding you. Signed, The Fucking Nerd, Dear The Fucking Nerd, EXACTLY!! Preach on brother!!! Signed, Road Rebel Dear Road Rebel, One thing is you CAN'T even compare EFNet with DALNet and Undernet for one thing, last time I went to DALNet, the server I logged on to said NO WAREZ or child porns. I agree with the child porns but WAREZ? I went to a warez channel and GUESS what happened I got k-lined. Warez is meant to be traded. DALNet sucks because you can't takeover channels and harrass people! That would suck if every server was like DALNet because we would have no warez and no channel takeovers. The only thing I could say that I liked about DALNet is that there is no lag and splits very little because nobody goes on them! Signed, Bytes Dear Bytes, I do like the part of what you said is why I like DALNet. NO CHANNEL TAKEOVERS! These lamers that have to take channels becuase they are asked to leave need to grow up. As for warez, well, that does suck. But the overall system is nice I think. Signed, Road Rebel Next Issue's Topic : Takeover Groups I have had a bit of dealings with these people. I want your opinion on these takeover groups, past and present. What groups do you find MEGA LAME and all that shit. Please email all responses to RoadRebl@ix.netcom.com. r c n a s t r o l o g y ! The following details your forecasts depending on your astrological sign. Each sign designates your personal lucky numbers of the week. The following specific areas of focus include those of love and warez : Visiting a few different IRC channels is stimulating. Your mind is working fast and you are ready to join some big groups. Being with a variety of people is exhilarating. You may be going over your budget on computer software to determine whether or not you are extravagant. Pirate more. You might be trying to save your money for a major purchase such as a new ISDN modem. It could be difficult week to stay focused. If you are a courier on short errands, make a list to keep you've couriered and fortune will be nearby. You will find a partner of the same sex on IRC that will entertain you sexually. Each of you is in a mood for lively IRC chat. Your art of conversation will a strategic plus in attracting a lot of faggots. You feel like a LION, your nerves are jumping out of your skin. This is not a good time to quit groups. Too much thinking will give you a big headache. Uploading without downloading is going to exhaust you. Go get some rest. You might be excited about going out on a date with someone you recently met. Don't be, this person is not interested in talking to you. You could be hoping to get a raise in position within a warez group. When you don't get good news, it may be time to join another group. Your mind is imagining a wonder escape to a faraway place. Prolonged periods of time on channel #Gaysex could be a valuable learning experience and a fun-filled adventure. You can enjoy going to a group channel that is usually +i. Have fun creating a romantic atmosphere in that channel, and you might pass along some of your good feeling energy. Lucky news can come at a time when you need it most. Don't act undeserving, or ask too many questions why god things should be happening to you. Enjoy it! Don't be defensive if you make a mistake on IRC. Nobody cares. Stay focused on getting it done right. Nobody is perfect, not even guys from Napalm. Well, Napalm is a little more less perfect than most, but if Napalm can learn, so can you! Getting into better physical shape is a possible desire. Finding discipline is the challenge. Get off your computer and go excercise (masturbation is not considered exercise), go jog a mile! r c n w a r e i q t e s t Test your knowledge of the WAREZ SCENE! The following are TEN mind boggling "YOU DON'T KNOW NOTHIN'" questions! Enter all your answers in, and when you feel you're happy with them, press F10 and the computer will tally up your score and spit it out at you. For every question you missed, the computer will indicate the correct answer. Oh, and if you feel like "You Don't Know Nothin'" midway through the quiz and don't want to embarrass yourself with an incredibly low score, press ESC and you'll be back on the bright side of RCN, the awesome music will calm you down, and all will be well again.. enjoy! *PS* All answers are found in issues of RCN! Beyond Akira was once the Courier HQ for this games group : [ ] A. Prestige [ ] B. Razor 1911 [ ] C. Reflux [ ] D. None of the Above This person is well known for deleting warez on anonymous sites : [ ] A. Pussy [ ] B. Scorpion [ ] C. Squizzy [ ] D. None of the Above Cyberjack is a member of Rise in Superior Couriering, and Cyberjak is a member of this other courier group : [ ] A. Central Crime Association [ ] B. Fast Action Trade Exchange [ ] C. Stealth [ ] D. None of the Above Channel #Phatfiles is owned by this ONE courier group : [ ] A. Core [ ] B. Next Generation Traders [ ] C. Power Trading Arsenal [ ] D. None of the Above Edge and Stank-e are Presidents of this courier group : [ ] A. Core [ ] B. Next Generation Traders [ ] C. Power Trading Arsenal [ ] D. None of the Above Atma Weapon was once known as : [ ] A. Alfalfa [ ] B. Darkwing [ ] C. Mr. Zog [ ] D. None of the Above This utils group is named after a comic book by Marvel : [ ] A. Demolition [ ] B. Generation-X [ ] C. X-Force [ ] D. Two of the Above Mr. Skill is a leader of this underground courier group : [ ] A. Everlast [ ] B. Fast Action Trade Exchange [ ] C. Rise in Superior Couriering [ ] D. None of the Above Egoistic Fate is the sysop of this world famous BBS : [ ] A. Malevolence [ ] B. Park Central [ ] C. Street Spyders [ ] D. None of the Above This startup utils group is run by a female : [ ] A. Cellblock 4 [ ] B. Coredump [ ] C. Legion [ ] D. None of the Above r c n s u r v e y ! The following is a short readership survey. All information obtained from the survey will be used to help improve RCN in future issues. Please take the time to fill it out and return it to the following address : Age : [ ] 13-18 Years Old [ ] 19-21 Years Old [ ] 22-35 Years Old [ ] 36+65 Years Old [ ] 66+ Years Old Highest level of education completed : [ ] High School [ ] College [ ] Masters Degree [ ] Doctoral Degree Are you a SysOp? [ ] Yes [ ] No Are you affiliated with any scene groups? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you download RCN regularly? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you save back issues of RCN? [ ] Yes [ ] No Magazine coding influences me to download one magazine over another __% of the time : [ ] 100 [ ] 80 [ ] 50 [ ] 30 [ ] 0 Amount of time spent reading RCN each week? [ ] 15-30 Minutes [ ] 31-45 Minutes [ ] 46-60 Minutes [ ] 60+ Minutes Please E-Mail all responses to an385786@anon.penet.fi. r c n m a d r c n ! Author : Data Subject : Women on the Internet Let us take the opposite sex, the female, and why she goes on the Internet. I think this is best told through an experience I had a few weeks ago. As I see it, there are certain aspects to look out for when talking to a girl online with any provider, be it IRC, or America Online. Let me tell you a story... One day, I was kinda bored, so I decided to call a BBS down in Fremont, California. I usually try to stay away from that board, but sometimes I just go on to be a pain in the ass, or to play some BRE, Barren Realms Elite, a BBS door game. Anyway, I found a girl chatting with this guy in a private room. Now, Fubar is known for its sexual connotation. I thought these two were doing the cyber thing because they were both at that age of discovery, and amazement. The room was also private. I went into the main chatroom, and I started to bug the man in the private room. He never acknowledged me until later. This was getting me bored, so I decided to start to flirt with the girl in the private chatroom. I was doing all of this through private messaging. The girl, right away, got really defensive, and was wondering why I was flirting with her. I really had no reason, and I told her that. She didn't understand that and she continued to put up this fat defense. Now, the guy in the chatroom finally let me in, and as soon as I went in, this girl was still questioning me. I told her again that there was no reason. She still denied what I was saying. Now, being kinda humored by all this, I decided to shoot the shit with her for a while. I was sweet talking her, then the bomb shell hit... The girl said, "I bet you are the kinda guy that likes girls for the outside, rather than their inside! Aren't you?!" I then said to myself, "Uh oh... I bet she's fat." It all added up. First, she got EXTREMELY defensive about me flirting with her. I think the reason for this is that she does not know how to handle being flirted with, and likewise does not know how to flirt back. She thinks she is fat, therefore, she has no self-esteme. Second, she started to question my ethics toward dating other females, giving comments like, "You only look at the outside beauty rather that the inside," or "ALL men are like this!" I am not sure if it is because girls have a wanting need to be loved, or because they have nothing else to do, but it is, as I see it, very sad. I have learned through my all my girlfriends, and acquaintances that girls are very self-conscious about their image, and need to feel special. They need to hear from other people that they are 'not fat' and that they are 'special.' It would be fine if girls complained like this once in a while, because it is just human nature, but they do it CONSTANTLY over the Internet. I have had experience meeting people over the Internet, and in every instance, the girl was not to amusing to me. I usually get bored or pissed because she was bitching. If people want a relationship, the Internet is NOT the way to get baked up. In my opinion, it would be better to just meet people at a local coffee shop, or at a McDonald's. That way, you can see the person that you are meeting, and get to know them while you know what they look like. That way, there are no surprises. Girls can have the most wonderful personality and wit over the Internet, but then if you find out that she is fat... ...BOMBS AWAY!!! If any of you are trying to pursue a relationship over the Internet, I'd urge you to take my friend's advice. Either that, or get full body photos from the person you're talking to or you just won yourself a new platonic friend. There is a reason why Cindy Crawfords don't hang on the Internet. As for women in the scene, I personally have not gotten my ass seriously kicked by a girl while shooting the line on the top sites. I still think that if you're a girl, it shouldn't matter, if you can keep up with the elites then you gotta be good. Signed, Frost r c n m a d r c n ! Author : Digitex Subject : I Turned Chicken?! I'm now fully convinced that I've become a chicken! Maybe an elf, but I'm not going to bother with the details on that. But I did go ALL the way this time, guys, so fear not, and don't get too excited either. It all started one day when I was with Mr. Bitching at the Lancaster Mall here in Salem, Oregon. I met his cousin there at the main office of Lancaster Mall. We were about to go to a movie, I think it was Twister. Of course, I hadn't seen it, that's why I decided to go along since it's my personal goal to see every high-rated movie that exists on this planet. Well, his cousin struck my attention when I met her, she closely resembles Pamela Anderson. VERY closely resembles her. Hell, if she got some implants, she would BE Pamela Anderson. Anyway, it wasn't until later that anything happened between us. Where it all started was at her temporary location (more on this later) at her grandmother's house. We were in the old van just talking about whatever it is we were talking about, that of which completely escapes me at this point. But I decided then and there that I had a certain affection for her, so I had to find some way to get her. The next day, that happened. We were at Mr. Bitching's house and Mr. Bitching was assailing us with many rubber bands. He was armed with a handy-dandy 9mm-like rubber-band pistol. I think it was a Smith & Wesson, I could be wrong. I had my trusty 6 shooter with 1 band left. Tara (the "girl") was sitting on the bed next to me, and I was more or less protecting her from Mr. Bitching's savage onslaught. Later on, about 30 minutes after the beginning of the assault, I looked over to see what exactly she was doing, and noticed (finally) that her head was on my shoulder and that she had her hand on my leg. Well, this led me to a few interesting thoughts, especially as another rubber band slammed into the side of my head. I decided, "Well, shit, this isn't so bad," and let her continue. So, another 15 or so minutes pass and we're holding hands, under the blanket of infinite protection, with rubber bands sailing all around and shit like that. In general, a very interesting scene, if you can depict it. Well, finally we broke up the battle and her and I just stayed in our current positions as Mr. Bitching went off to do something more productive. I think he was in the bathroom, I could be wrong though. Old Lefty likes being in the strangest of places, I've heard. Well, all this junk went on for a while, we were mostly just talking and I was trying to finger out what exactly this was leading up to. The thoughts in my mind were, needless to say, very nice. The next day, I went to Tara's grandmother's house to continue working on a sprinkler-system we were installing for them. A bit after everybody else was concentrating on the work and everything, I went into talk to her. After the work was finished, we went and got Braveheart, and Tara was officially dubbed "my pillow" for the entire movie. Well, that was all fun but not fun enough. Unfortunately, now that you're getting all riled up and ready for some action, nothing more happens here. I hope this pisses you off, because it pissed me off too. So there. The statement of hers and Mr. Bitching's finally sunk in. Tara lives in Bakersfield, California. Well, that's just a happy ending to my story, ain't it? So I broke up with her, not wanting to hurt her or anything, and I guess I pissed her off more than I had wanted to, because now she won't talk to me at all. Well, to hell with her. Ok, finally I've at least cooled down enough to continue living, that's my adventure for the day. And the moral of this story is - don't start a relationship with somebody who lives 1000 miles away. The End. Note : This story is 100% true. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent, help your lawn grow, and especially not to further the health of the human race. I hope more people turn into chickens or elves in the near future. Please submit your stories. r c n m a d r c n ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Prestige's Total Meltdown ________________________/ |__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ /aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ TOTAL MELTDOWN (c) Sierra [01/48] roy< P R O U D L Y P R E S E N T S Total Meltdown (c) Sierra Cracked By: N/A Release Date: July 30, 1996 Supplied By: The Comet Protection Type: None Stripped By: The Comet Game Type: Duke Nukem Tools Packaged By: Shadow Master Game Rating: 60% Requirements: Pentium, 16 MEGS RAM, DOS/WIN95, 163 MEGS HD This is Sierra's first entry into the world of expansions. This is a complete set of tools for Duke Nukem 3D. Includes features such as alien and level design, sound and animation creators, etc. All new single and multi player missions included as well. Make use of Sierra art to do your world designing. This certainly looks up to typical Sierra standards. We ripped out some included sounds, but it lets you make your own. The content of the above release are available without charge over the Internet as well as over other online services. Sierra On-Line has no affiliation with the authors of Duke Nukem 3D, their licensees, or the authors of these freely available levels. Sierra On-Line was merely the packager of these free products. Furthermore, this budget CD sells for $9.99 at your local computer software store such as Egghead. How do I know? I work at one. Basically, Sierra released a lameass freeware CD to make a quick buck, and Prestige decided to release the same lameass freeware CD in 48 disks so that all the dumbasses out there who decide to waste 48 disks worth of download time can get really pissed off at Prestige for pulling off this crap. What I don't understand is that Prestige even goes so far as to rate their release a low 60%? As far as I'm concerned, getting a 60% is pretty bad. When I get 60% on a test, that usually means that I fucking flunked. If Prestige knew that this release was a fucking flunk, then why the hell release this crap? I also found it interesting that the nfo states, "This certainly looks up to typical Sierra standards." Wow, if that were true, then Sierra must have real low standards huh? Well, let's look at it on the bright side, at least this freeware release is uh... fully cracked. Keep up the good work. r c n m a d r c n ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Reflux's Time Commando TIME COMMANDO ADELINE/EA/ACTIVISION [01/16] r e f l u x ! -- - - warhammer - r e f l u x 9 6 ! - ...::[ TIME COMMANDO (c) ADELINE/EA/ACTIVISION ]::... Supplier....: JdA OS..........: DOS Cracker.....: JdA Released....: 08/01/1996 Packager....: JdA Game.Type...: action adventure Stripper....: JdA [one man factory] Rating......: [xxxxxxxxxx] Requirements: 486/SVGA/any sound card/150 MB of HDD free space ...::[ Release Notes ]::... Another megahit from Reflux, this time it's 3D scroller beat'em-up with georgeous gfx and state of the art sfx. It's made by Adeline, creators of Little Big Adventure, and it's distributed by EA in Europe and Activision in USA. If you want to know more, and see things you only dreamt of, go WWW.ACTIVISION.COM and check Time Commando page. It will blow your mind. What was ripped? Levels 02-07 (00, 01, 08 and 09 are 100% full) are just a short fights instead of long ones. Sorry, there is no way to fix it. If the public demands it, we will release levels add-on. Just let us know. Meanwhile, remember to leech ANIMATIONS add-on, if you need a fancy stuff... JdA/RLX What was ripped from yet another megahit Reflux release? Oh, just 6 out of the possible 10 levels of this awesome game. Why don't you guys try to release at least HALF of the game? You know, there are things called demos that companies give out for free. A demo of Time Commando can be found on WWW.ACTIVISION.COM., neato hey? Demos usually include a few levels of the complete game, but you already knew that right? Anyway, if the FBI caught me pirating this game, they probably wouldn't be able to charge me with much more than pirating a demo, and last time I checked, pirating demos are legal. Hey, why don't you guys release the first level of Myst? I heard that Myst is a real good game. The first level should be oh... about 40 disks, but heck, it's a release, and it'll live up to Reflux's reputation for quality. Good job Reflux! Keep up the good work! r c n m a d r c n ! Author : Undinism Subject : Things I Learned from Video Games TOP 10 LIST! ------------ 10.) There is no problem that cannot be overcome by violence. 9.) If you see food lying on the ground, eat it. 8.) Smashing things is good. Many nice things are hidden inside other things. 7.) If someone dies, they disappear. 6.) Money is frequently found lying on the streets. 5.) All shopkeepers carry high-tech weaponry. 4.) Ninjas are common, and fight in public frequently. 3.) All martial arts women wear revealing clothes and have great bodies. 2.) Gang members frequently all look the same, and often have the same names. And the number 1 fact learned is : 1.) 200 to 1 odds against you? NOT a problem. r c n m a d r c n ! Author : Genocide Subject : You Might Be a Lamer If TOP 10 LIST! ------------ 10.) You trade porn in warez channels. 9.) You can't get on 2 node public domain boards. 8.) The fastest board you are on is a post for credits board. 7.) You camp out in channel #TRSI waiting for the group to get back from "vacation." 6.) Your ISP = compuserve.com, gnn.com, aol.com, msn.com, or prodigy.com. 5.) You pay $20 a month to a sysop to leech from his board. 4.) You still own an Apple ][Gs, in fact, it's your fastest machine. 3.) You hang out in channel #FATEfiles. Ummm... i'ts dead, get over it. 2.) You hang out at Walmart waiting for new releases. And the number 1 reason is : 1.) You buy hardware to get setup disks to release. r c n m a d r c n ! For those of you who are physically unable to beat the RCN game found in past issues of RCN, you can have the passwords here for FREE. There's no need to go out of your way to crack RCN, here are the passwords for issues 14 to 23. Enjoy. RCN Issue #14 : TKRP RCN Issue #15 : HITAX RCN Issue #16 : DEFACTOE RCN Issue #17 : DEXTROMETHORPHAN RCN Issue #18 : EMILY RCN Issue #19 : 504-3066 RCN Issue #20 : COREFART RCN Issue #21 : ENTROPHY RCN Issue #22 : HEATHER RCN Issue #23 : MK3 *PS* Learn to take a joke... r c n c l a s s i f i e d s ! Experienced SVGA/VGA artist looking to join releasing group. Currently in NvC, msg oDogg^17 on IRC for samples. Sample of my work is this issue's RCN Closing Logo. Email me at : odogg@c-zone.net. New and great offer channel #XNet run by SIN/NVC/CCA/SYD. Put your free advertisement here! Limited time offer! Put your free advertisement here! Limited time offer! Put your free advertisement here! Limited time offer! Put your free advertisement here! Limited time offer! Put your free advertisement here! Limited time offer! Put your free advertisement here! Limited time offer! r c n r e a l i t y c h e c k n e t w o r k RELEASE INFORMATION Supplied By : RCN Staff Packaged By : RCN Staff Release Type : PC E-mag Release Date : August 4, 1996 Requirements : IBM 386, 2MB RAM, VGA, DOS 3.3+ REALITY Presents : REALITY CHECK NETWORK #24 (C) RCN!!! This is the 24th issue of Reality Check Network. Our goal is to bring the most interesting news to the public in a way revolutionizing the scene each and every week!!! Look to us for the latest in scene news, articles, interviews, and loads of fun, every other Sunday!!! GROUP NEWS/QUOTES NEW MEMBERS We thank the new members for showing interest and faith in our group. We celebrate at being given the chance to work with our new friends as we help each other improve the reputation and news coverage of our group. Please extend cheerful welcomes to the following : Denial, Digitex, Helix, and Midnight Grave Digger. " QUOTES! " We do not love free speech and free movement until we see them threatened. We will not die for them until they are taken away. With considerable horror, we watch men of other nations allow themselves to be robbed of their right to their opinions. But, more insidiously, we now accept dictated predications which we are told to use in coming to conclusions. Those who know the LEAST... obey the BEST. - Anonymous The results of our hard work, often loss and pain, are certainly outweighed by the greatness experienced along the way. Certainly, the chance to be great, is worth fighting for and worth the pain that so often accompanies it. - Anonymous On behalf of the moon, I shall sing to Right wrongs and triumph over evil With my friends Sailor Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury We'll make the world A better place for all people! - Sailor Moon GROUP INFORMATION Editors ......... Hitex, Rebel Chicken, Coordinators .... Darkwing, Road Rebel, Senior Members .. Celestian, Krypto, RATM, Xenon, Members ......... Alfalfa, Ante, Atma Weapon, Crystaline, Dark-Elf, Denial, Digitex, Fairchild, Frost, Glock, HBKid, Helix, Killer, Krimson Wrane, The Insane Sicilian, Law & Order, Midnight Avian, Mike & Dave, Nightcrawler, Pandemonium, Sam Vision, Stealth, Trip, Tuxedo Mask, Underground King, Undinism, Universal Soldier, Velocity, Waynekerr, Zima Man, Traders ......... Arch-Vile, and Midnight Grave Digger. MEMBER BOARDS < BULLETIN BOARD > < AREA CODE/SYSOP > < NODES/POSITION > Malevolence .......... n/a Egoistic Fate .... 8 WORLD HQ .. ...................... n/a .................. .. CANADIAN HQ The Lower Level ...... n/a Underground King . 10 USA HQ .... DropZone ............. n/a Mike & Dave ...... 5 DUTCH HQ .. The Devil's Advocate . 215 HBKid ............ 3 MEMBER .... Warhammer 2000 ....... 718 Law & Order ...... 3 MEMBER .... Area 51 .............. 514 Red Demon ........ 2 AFFILIATE . Black Sabbath ........ +44 The Unknown ...... 4 AFFILIATE . Bozack ............... 847 Oriole ........... 1 AFFILIATE . The Burial Grounds ... 804 Graverobber ...... 4 AFFILIATE . Devil's Rage ......... 713 Ninja Spirt ...... 4 AFFILIATE . Illegal Injections ... 613 Pagan ............ 1 AFFILIATE . Insider .............. 514 Killerboy ........ 1 AFFILIATE . Nokturnal Emissions .. 619 Maniac ........... 2 AFFILIATE . Pain Cave ............ 214 LamahCop ......... 1 AFFILIATE . Phreak Zone .......... 305 The Joker ........ 3 AFFILIATE . The Pissing Crow ..... 610 Estranger ........ 1 AFFILIATE . Rio de Janeiro ....... +55 Pele ............. 3 AFFILIATE . Sadboard ............. +65 Sadface .......... 4 AFFILIATE . World Trade Center ... 358 Darkven .......... 1 AFFILIATE . Zero Tolerance ....... 905 Glycerine ........ 2 AFFILIATE . KISSES DISSES [*] KISSES : Hi mom! [*] DISSES : Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide Michael Jackson APPLICATION NOTES REALITY is made up of loyal members who are dedicated to the growth of a quality e-mag group. If you would like to join REALITY, please feel free to fill out an application and send it attached, via email to an385786@anon.penet.fi. We welcome all applicants and encourage the the best of the best to participate! [*] For the BEST in Scene News : Expect Team REALITY! [*] r c n t - s h i r t s ! RCN is proud to present to the scene the official RCN t-shirt. We tried to keep the price as low as we could so that everyone can enjoy these goodies. Keeping with RCN's volunteerish spirit to help the scene, Road Rebel has decided to take it upon himself to make the RCN t-shirts available to the masses. This is a non-profit venture and we hope that in many ways, RCN continues to benefit the scene.. even when we are not near our computers. The RCN logo is approximately 8"x6" printed on the back of a HEAVY-duty Fruit of the Loom white t-shirt, the front is plain. A preview of the shirt can viewed upon pressing escape. Special orders take up to 4 weeks for shipping. Yes, I want my official RCN t-shirt! [ ] Enclosed is $12 for my official LARGE RCN t-shirt. [ ] Enclosed is $12 for my official X-LARGE RCN t-shirt. [ ] Enclosed is $3 for shipping and handling. [ ] Enclosed is an additional $2 for delivery outside the U.S. Total Enclosed : $______ My Mailing Address : ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Please send payments in cash (U.S. funds only), or money orders made out to cash (NO CHECKS will be accepted) to : RCN P.O. Box 3914 Centerline, MI 48015-0914 Personal Data Names (Alias, First Name) Location (State, Email Address) [ ] Male [ ] Female ( ) Age ( ) Area Code Occupational Data [ ] Artist [ ] Ansi [ ] Ascii [ ] VGA [ ] Coder [ ] ASM [ ] C++ [ ] PAS [ ] Courier [ ] Local [ ] LD [ ] FTP/IRC [ ] SiteOp [ ] T1 [ ] ISDN [ ] Other [ ] Writer [ ] Articles [ ] Columns [ ] Other [ ] SysOp ( ) Gigs ( ) Nodes ( ) Callers Experience Data Current Affiliations (Name, Position, Since Date - ) Past Affiliations (Name, Position, From Date - To Date) Character Data How will your admission further the goals of RCN? (Please include submissions along with your application) r c n b b s ! If you would like your bulletin board to be an official RCN affiliate board, simply view the following log of Hitex logging onto Rebel Chicken's bulletin board, and modify your bulletin board accordingly. CONNECT 38400 / 07-07-96 (22:00:37) (Error Correcting Modem Detected) Crystal Tokyo BBS PCBoard (R) v15.30/M 20 - Node 16 Do you want graphics (Enter)=Yes? Welcome Crystal Tokyo ,A=Up ,Z=Down =Choice LOGON APPLY CHECK FEEDBACK PAGE SYSOP LOGOFF Username : Hitex Password : ........ Scan Message Base Since `Last Read' [ENTER]=Yes? [Ctrl-K] or [Ctrl-X] Aborts, [Ctrl-S] Suspends. Conference To Total # Name You Found ===== ====================================================== ===== ===== 0 Main Board 0 2891 Press [ENTER] to Continue? Sysop : Rebel Chicken, 16 Nodes, 18 Gigs [J] Join Conference [R] Read Message [B] View Bulletins [A] Leave Conference [Q] Quick Msg Scan [V] View Settings [C] Leave Feedback [Y] View Your Mail [W] Write Settings [O] Page SysOp [E] Enter a Message [M] Toggle Graphics [L] Locate Files [F] List Files [P] Page Length [N] Newscan Files [U] Upload Files [X] Expert Toggle [Z] Zippy Search [D] Download Files [G] Goodbye (Logoff) [ Crystal Tokyo BBS ] [ Command? c CONFERENCES Num Name/Description Bltn Files Msgs HiMsg Read 0 Main Board Yes Yes Yes 341 330 1 IBM/PC Warez Yes Yes Yes 1272 1272 Reality Check Network 3 Requests Yes Yes Yes 23 23 [A/ ] Up [ /Z] Down [PGUP/PGDWN] Page [ENTER] Select [M] Manual [Q] Quit Conference # to join [ENTER]=None? 2 Reality Check Network (2) Conference Joined r c n r c n a f f i l i a t e b o a r d Scan Message Base Since `Last Read' [ENTER]=Yes? [Ctrl-K] or [Ctrl-X] Aborts, [Ctrl-S] Suspends. Conference To Total # Name You Found ===== ====================================================== ===== ===== 2 Reality Check Network 0 271 Press [ENTER] to Continue? Sysop : Rebel Chicken, 16 Nodes, 18 Gigs [J] Join Conference [R] Read Message [B] View Bulletins [A] Leave Conference [Q] Quick Msg Scan [V] View Settings [C] Leave Feedback [Y] View Your Mail [W] Write Settings [O] Page SysOp [E] Enter a Message [M] Toggle Graphics [L] Locate Files [F] List Files [P] Page Length [N] Newscan Files [U] Upload Files [X] Expert Toggle [Z] Zippy Search [D] Download Files [G] Goodbye (Logoff) [ Crystal Tokyo BBS ] [ Command? f ### Description Files Bytes 001 Current Issue 1 670,161 002 Back Issues 23 9,560,049 Miscellaneous 1,768,038 004 Uploads 0 0 Totals for Reality Check Network 26 11,998,248 [A/ ] Up [ /Z] Down [PGUP/PGDWN] Page [ENTER] Select [M] Manual [Q] Quit [H]elp, [1-4], File List Command? 3 =========== ========= ======== ======================================= Filename Size Date Description of File Contents =========== ========= ======== ======================================= RCN-TYRN.ZIP 193338 07-14-96 | | | | | | | | | | REALITY CHECK NETWORK! | | Tyrian, the Game! | (C) RCN - [1/1] | | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCNTP10.ZIP 1574700 07-07-96 | | | | | | | | | | REALITY CHECK NETWORK! | | RCN Win 95 Theme Pack v1.0 | (C) RCN - [1/1] | | Uploaded By : RCN Staff [120] Minutes Left, [F]lag, [V]iew, [NS]=Nonstop, [SPACE]=Mark? [H]elp, [1-4], File List Command? ### Description Files Bytes 001 Current Issue 1 670,161 Back Issues 9,560,049 003 Miscellaneous 2 1,768,038 004 Uploads 0 0 Totals for Reality Check Network 26 11,998,248 [A/ ] Up [ /Z] Down [PGUP/PGDWN] Page [ENTER] Select [M] Manual [Q] Quit [H]elp, [1-4], File List Command? 2 =========== ========= ======== ======================================= Filename Size Date Description of File Contents =========== ========= ======== ======================================= RCN-23.ZIP 668449 07-21-96 RCN Issue #23, 07-21-96 | COVER : Amnesia's Catch 22?? | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-22.ZIP 896215 07-14-96 RCN Issue #22, 07-14-96 | COVER : United Cracking Force! | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-21.ZIP 677192 07-07-96 RCN Issue #21, 07-07-96 | COVER : ROR Dead? I wish. | PLUS! : Legion vs. Pinnacle! | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-20.ZIP 837710 06-30-96 RCN Issue #20, 06-30-96 | COVER : Amnesia Falls! | PLUS! : Blizzard on Pirates! | Uploaded By : RCN Staff [120] Minutes Left, [F]lag, [V]iew, [NS]=Nonstop, [SPACE]=Mark? ns RCN-19.ZIP 666126 06-23-96 RCN Issue #19, 06-23-96 | COVER : Chris Carter Revealed! | PLUS! : iD Software Interview! | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-18.ZIP 624589 06-16-96 RCN Issue #18, 06-16-96 | COVER : GODS Meeting Log | PLUS! : RCN BUSTED! | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-17.ZIP 626333 06-09-96 RCN Issue #17, 06-09-96 | COVER : DR. JEKYLL BUSTED | PLUS! : DEMAXXUS BUSTED | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-16.ZIP 599493 06-02-96 RCN Issue #16, 06-02-96 | COVER : PASSING OF ZIEG | PLUS! : THE RENEGADE CHEMIST | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-15.ZIP 493410 05-26-96 RCN Issue #15, 05-26-96 | COVER : MALICE DOWNFALL | PLUS! : DRAPPER *BUSTED* | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-14.ZIP 444746 05-19-96 RCN Issue #14, 05-19-96 | COVER : JAMES MAKES HIS VISIT | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-13.ZIP 252896 02-11-96 RCN Issue #13, 02-11-96 | COVER : FAREWELL | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-12.ZIP 367432 02-04-96 RCN Issue #12, 02-04-96 | COVER : APOGEE/DISTINCT | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-11.ZIP 460550 01-28-96 RCN Issue #11, 01-28-96 | COVER : ANARCHIST BUST | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-10.ZIP 410697 01-21-96 RCN Issue #10, 01-21-96 | COVER : PASSING OF SPYDER-X | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-09.ZIP 428257 01-14-96 RCN Issue #09, 01-14-96 | COVER : GAHN LOG FILE | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-08.ZIP 300782 01-07-96 RCN Issue #08, 01-07-96 | COVER : EXCLUSIVE FBI Interview! | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-07.ZIP 244801 12-31-95 RCN Issue #07, 12-31-95 | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-06.ZIP 205681 12-22-95 RCN Issue #06, 12-22-95 | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-05.ZIP 212702 12-15-95 RCN Issue #05, 12-15-95 | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-04.ZIP 40634 12-09-95 RCN Issue #04, 12-09-95 | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-03.ZIP 41076 12-02-95 RCN Issue #03, 12-02-95 | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-02.ZIP 32331 11-25-95 RCN Issue #02, 11-25-95 | Uploaded By : RCN Staff RCN-01.ZIP 27947 11-18-95 RCN Issue #01, 11-18-95 | Uploaded By : RCN Staff [H]elp, [1-4], File List Command? ### Description Files Bytes Current Issue 670,161 002 Back Issues 23 9,560,049 003 Miscellaneous 2 1,768,038 004 Uploads 0 0 Totals for Reality Check Network 26 11,998,248 [A/ ] Up [ /Z] Down [PGUP/PGDWN] Page [ENTER] Select [M] Manual [Q] Quit [H]elp, [1-3], File List Command? 1 =========== ========= ======== ======================================= Filename Size Date Description of File Contents =========== ========= ======== ======================================= RCN-24.ZIP 670671 08-04-96 | | | | | | | | | | REALITY CHECK NETWORK [24] | | 4 AUGUST 1996 | COVER : AMN vs. RISC | | Uploaded By : RCN Staff [120] Minutes Left, [F]lag, [V]iew, [NS]=Nonstop, [SPACE]=Mark? f Enter the Filename to Flag for Download [ENTER]=None? rcn-24.zip Your Current Download:Upload File Ratio is : 2:0 Your Download:Upload Ratio Must Remain Below: 2:1 Downloading RCN-24.ZIP is FREE!!! [A]bort, [E]dit, [G]oodbye, [L]ist, [P]rotocol, [ENTER]=Continue? g Sending File(s) - Start your download... Batch Transfer Ended Automatic logoff countdown been activated. Press [ESC] return Main Menu, [ENTER] hangup now. Automatic Logoff Seconds Automatic Logoff Countdown Complete \ /\ NO CARRIER Summary : --------- 1.) All RCN issues must be online and available for FREE download. The current issue and back issues must be located in separate file directories. The FULL file_id.diz for the current issue must be shown. 2.) A "Reality Check Network" conference must be set up. The "rcn affiliate board" ansi must be shown somewhere in the login process or somewhere in the conference join. 3.) Sysops must notify all bulletin board users, via nonconference specific mass email, of the new issues available for free download. r c n w w w ! The new update to the Reality Check Network World Wide Web Site, http://www.rcn.org/, adds many new features : Speed Optimization : RCN.org is now speed optimized, which means you spend less time waiting and more time browsing. Better Back Issue Access : It's now quick and easy to scan through RCN's back issues, each one has its full description online, to make searching for the desired issue that much easier. Better Interface : v2.0 brings an end to the confusing conglomeration of pages that previously had existed. Now speed through the icon driven interface to scan back issues of RCN and other emags, send comments, read credits, and check out merchandise and free files. Text or JAVA Version : Whatever browser you use can now access the RCN.org pages. Before only Netscape was allowed, but now LYNX and other text base users can now access the pages. New Look Graphics : The new graphics style are a nice change of pace from the hard-edged style of before. To become a file mirror, contact us in #RCN on IRC, you must be able to store all back issues in a publically accessible directory from the WWW. A link will be created from RCN.org to your site, so users can acquire issues from there if the main site becomes overloaded. RCN WWW Site : http://www.rcn.org/ RCN Mirror Site #1 : http://www.halcyon.com/sbecker r c n c r e d i t s ! Hitex : Editor Rebel Chicken : Editor *Xenon : Coder *Celestian : ANSI Edge : VGA Helix : VGA Odogg 17 : VGA Darkwing : IRC Security Undinism : IRC Maintenance RATM : Webmaster Ionizer : The Game Review Airwalker : Writer Celestian : Writer Coolzie : Writer Conway : Writer Coupbird : Writer Data : Writer Da Phreak : Writer Digitex : Writer Fairchild : Writer Frost : Writer Genocide : Writer Killer : Writer Ravan : Writer Revolver : Writer Round Man : Writer Road Rebel : Writer Pandemonium : Writer Pawn : Writer Pele : Writer Storm Hacker : Writer Tical : Writer Undinism : Writer Web Site : http://www.rcn.org/ Email : an385786@anon.penet.fi * = No longer taking requests outside RCN.