|08written by xqtr of another droid bbs ! andr01d.zapto.org:9999|07 have you heard of zipslip vulnerability? no? read the following paragraph from the company claiming to find this vulnerability. note the date! ;) https://snyk.io/research/zip-slip-vulnerability Zip Slip is a widespread arbitrary file overwrite critical vulnerability,  which typically results in remote command execution. It was discovered and  responsibly disclosed by the Snyk Security team ahead of a public disclosure on 5th June 2018, and affects thousands of projects, including ones from HP, Amazon, Apache, Pivotal and many more (CVEs and full list here) . Of course, this type of vulnerability has existed before, but recently it has manifested itself in a much larger number of projects and libraries. The vulnerability is exploited using a specially crafted archive that holds directory traversal filenames (e.g. ../../evil.sh). The Zip Slip vulnerability can affect numerous archive formats, including tar, jar, war, cpio, apk, rar and 7z. so... it seems that this slipzip vuln. is a big thing and we must thank snyk that saved as... :O but before thank them... go grab issue 34 of phrack magazine and read article #5, technique #3 http://phrack.org/issues/34/5.html#article do you find any resembles? :) actually its the same thing! an attack that dates from 1991 and was meant to hurt wwiv boards, is still open/active and can be used to attack modern systems like iphones, java apps and more! the tragic thing about, is that the above company thinks, that they found it first... hahahahaa :`````) the attack is very simple and you only need to create a zip archive and a hex editor. i tried it in a mystic bbs (mine), but thankfuly it didn't work. if you want to try it your self, follow the guide at phrack mag. if you read the tutorials about hex editing, from null magazine, you should be able to do it :) if you don't learn history, then history has a funny way to repeat its self. do you agree?