Note: Notepad will not work with this file, use EDIT or WordPad ===[StockServ v3.0 Beta Build 008 by nobody - Da Old Shit built 25-2-97 ]================ Da Old Shit. run by [NS] from EVERYWHERE. I was designed to bring back the best of old warez. keeping in mind the new groups today bring back the memories of yesterday. Groups like Dead Pirates Society and OldWarez, Inc. are what keep me going. Thanks to the #oldwarez crew for getting me going. I really appreciate it. The more files I get, the more I can offer. :) If there are any other OLDWAREZ groups that I am missing, please /MSG [NS] on EFnet IRC to see about getting them added. NOTE! OBS! NOTE! OBS! NOTE! OBS! BTW, Please try not to take more than 2 slots at a time, if you disregard this rule you may find yourself banned from using OldShit! +- get the index: **NEW!** /msg OldShit index (this bypasses the queue) +-- to search : /msg OldShit search: simpsons +--- to leech : /msg OldShit XDCC SEND #xxx +---- to add : dcc send a file to [NS], and tell him what it is. =============================================================================== N E W F I L E S # . Title .Size Description FTP Browser 1.55 |433k | InterStream MPEG Player|171k | CmdHere 1.01 |70k | Process Commander |1353k | WaveSynth Upgrade |7158k |For OEM Creative Labs cards only! Spy vs Spy |53k | Toobin' |176k | Space Quest I |350k | Super Jeopardy |443k | Outrun |253k | .-====================================================================-. | <--- -- - [ 8088 State ] - -- ---> | '-====================================================================-' # |:::: Title ::::::::::: |Size |:::: Description:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2 |2400 AD |126k | 3 |Ace of Aces |74k | 4 |All Points Bulliten |111k | 5 |Altered Beast |578k | 6 |Alternate Reality |240k | 7 |Arctic Fox |81k | 8 |Arkanoid 1 |85k | 9 |Armor Alley |287k | 10 |Autoduel |231k | 11 |Bard's Tale 1 |508k | 12 |Bard's Tale 2 |502k | 13 |Bard's Tale 3 |833k | 14 |Beetlejuice |159k | 15 |Capone |238k | 16 |Carrier Command |159k | 17 |Castle Adventure |42k | 18 |Castlevania |332k | 19 |Colonel's bequest |2550k | 20 |Command HQ |251k | 21 |Commando |44k | 22 |Creepers |854k | 23 |Crime and Punishment |21k | 24 |D/Generation |983k | 25 |Das Boot |421k | 26 |Defender of the Crown |187k | 27 |Deja Vu 2 |460k | 28 |Dungeon Master |874k | 29 |Elite Plus |244k | 30 |Elite |53k | 31 |Eye of the Beholder II |1924k | 32 |Flashback |1437k | 33 |Hard Hat Mack |21k | 34 |Hyperspeed |1767k | 35 |Ironman's Super Off-Roa|295k | 36 |Jordan vs Bird |280k | 37 |Jumpman Lives! |126k | 38 |Keef the Thief |850k | 39 |King'd Bounty |677k | 40 |LHX Attack Chopper |487k | 41 |Lamers |236k | 42 |Last Ninja 2 |319k | 43 |Leather Goddesses of Ph|135k | 44 |Loom |1202k | 45 |Low Blow |711k | 46 |MS Flight Simulator v2.|202k | 47 |Manhunter: New York |503k | 48 |Manhunter: San Francisc|1440k | 49 |Maniac Mansion |198k | 50 |Marble Madness |213k | 51 |Metal Gear |241k | 52 |Might & Magic 1 |247k | 53 |Might & Magic 2 |547k | 54 |Moebius |260k | 55 |Monty Pythons Flying Ci|198k | 56 |Neuromancer |629k | 57 |Nightmare on Elm Street|318k | 58 |Nuclear War |556k | 59 |Outrun |258k | 60 |Phantasie One |193k | 61 |Phantasie Three |175k | 62 |Pole Position I |75k | 63 |Populous |389k | 64 |Prince of Persia 1 |350k | 65 |Rampart |898k | 66 |Rastan |1227k | 67 |Realms |315k | 68 |Return of Medusa |614k | 69 |Rogue |57k | 70 |Shadowgate |398k | 71 |Shinobi |244k | 72 |Sinbad |622k | 73 |Soko-Ban |115k | 74 |Star Control II |4317k | 75 |Star Control |568k | 76 |Sub Battle Simulator |90k | 77 |Tass Times in Toontown |254k | 78 |Telenguard |85k | 79 |Test Drive III |809k | 80 |The Amazing Spiderman |114k | 81 |The Dark Heart of Uukru|437k | 82 |The Jetsons |108k | 83 |The Three Stooges |574k | 84 |Times of Lore |268k | 85 |Tongue of the Fatman |578k | 86 |Toobin' |145k | 87 |Tower Toppler |51k | 88 |Tunnels of Armageddon |278k | 89 |Ultima IV |342k | 90 |Ultima V |688k | 91 |Up Periscope! |96k | 92 |Vette! |437k | 93 |WWF Wrestling |570k | 94 |War of the Lance |191k | 95 |Wind Walker |529k | 96 |Wizard's Crown |140k | 97 |Wizball |84k | 98 |X-mas Lemmings |201k | 99 |Zany Golf |410k | .-====================================================================-. | <--- -- - [ Dead Pirates Society ] - -- ---> | '-====================================================================-' # |:::: Title ::::::::::: |Size |:::: Description:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 100 |3D Pitfall |104k | 101 |3D World Boxing |373k | 102 |4D Boxing |517k | 103 |Airborne Ranger |284k | 104 |Alteared Beast |555k | 105 |Arkanoid 1 |84k | 106 |Autoduel |242k | 107 |Bubble Bobble |351k | 108 |Circuit's Edge |602k | 109 |Coaster |912k | 110 |Dead Pirates Society Ap|32k | 111 |Deja Vu 2 |462k | 112 |Escape From Hell |374k | 113 |Lemmings 1 |644k | 114 |Railroad Tycoon |744k | 115 |Rampage |125k | 116 |Rockstar |207k | 117 |The Simpsons |1037k | .-====================================================================-. | <--- -- - [ Knife ] - -- ---> | '-====================================================================-' # |:::: Title ::::::::::: |Size |:::: Description:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 118 |Budokan |703k | 119 |The Simpsons |1052k | .-====================================================================-. | <--- -- - [ OS/2 Files ] - -- ---> | '-====================================================================-' # |:::: Title ::::::::::: |Size |:::: Description:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 120 |CmdHere 1.01 |70k | 121 |FTP Browser 1.55 |433k | 122 |InterStream MPEG Player|171k | 123 |Process Commander |1353k | .-====================================================================-. | <--- -- - [ Unknown Files ] - -- ---> | '-====================================================================-' # |:::: Title ::::::::::: |Size |:::: Description:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 124 |Commodore 64 Emu? |862k | 125 |Conflict? |127k | 126 |Gauntlet II |266k | 127 |Mission: Impossible |214k | 128 |Spy vs Spy |53k | 129 |WaveSynth Upgrade |7158k |For OEM Creative Labs cards only! .-====================================================================-. | <--- -- - [ OldWarez, Inc. ] - -- ---> | '-====================================================================-' # |:::: Title ::::::::::: |Size |:::: Description:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 130 |10th Frame Bowling 2 |31k | 131 |Blades of Steel |354k | 132 |Die Hard |532k | 133 |Ironman's Super Off-Roa|292k | 134 |Jetsons |139k | 135 |Mega Man |189k | 136 |Outrun |253k | 137 |Risk |448k | 138 |Space Quest I |350k | 139 |Super Jeopardy |443k | 140 |Toobin' |176k | . StockServ v3.0 by nobody . . Have a nice day! .