; l. ,$$. yyyyy .d$$$$b. ÄÄ $$$$l Ä _.,¿\$$$$$$$$$/Ú^V,._ ÄÄ . ÄÄÄÄ $$$$: ```^^^^^""""²²²ÙÙÙ/ :$$$$ `:$$$$$$$ l$$$l l$$SSS$$ _.,^V¿j ' $$$$: $$$$$SS$Y^VÚ*jX³$\À²"^ , :$$$$Q/Ú^V,._ _.,¿\³$$$$l$SS$7²"^` _.,^V¿\³Y. _.,^V¿j $$$³\Ù²"^^"²À/³$$$$$$$$:$$SS. `Ù/³$$$SS$$$l^VÚ*jX³$\À²"^_. $7` `4$$$$$S Y$$Sk. `7$$SS$$$$7²` _.,^V¿\³$l Y L I T T # 2 Y$$$$l Y$$$l ;$$$$SS$$Y `4$$$$$$$$: quotes!! l$$$$: Y$$$. ,¿Ä$7`4$SS$l l$$$$$$Y ÄÄÄÄ ` *Ù²"` l$$$³\³*²` Y$S$: ;Y$$$7` ÄÄÄ À . _ · ` ;l³\Ù` l$$$ ,Ä$³7` . ²` :$$$,¿S*²` ³\Ù` Lost in the Translation, Issue #2 quotes file (If you have some for #3, submit them!) -- you guys wont believe this. first ZGV locks up my machine and reboots it now my girlfriend wont put out cause i farted in bed. -- insomn1a_: i never fart in front of my gf.. and she never does in front of me.. it's a pact we have we agreed on it actually, i do.. but i make sure they're quiet and the windows are open -- w3ell, since im not gonna get any.. i should just go hop in bed and jackoff and fart for a few hours -- i hate christians.. (no offence to christians) -- hahahaha as if i'm that fumb. dumb. shit. -- (drax): one word, grow up, you can't do anything about that face of yours, but do something to that childish mentality of yours He did it again! -- (:) ff@dollar.picadoll.net good morning asciinam -- (:) +b *!*@*.il (:) We need some new channel masters. Ones that don't set country perms. ð blk_jack glares at sinned blk_jack: we were regulating some morons from .il who came in hear screaming about how they were jewish :P we told them we were playing SimNazi, and that I just needed 10 more bans before I made SS -- i just used gilette cool water body wash while taking a shower today. i think not getting this girl i want is turning me gay. -- great mids think alike. er. minds. -- (on the topic of mankind pics...) How come he cuts them off at the exact same point each time? That's wack. yeah, he needs more logos...good logos. probably on the basis of how much time he spends. blk_jack; he must have an unreg'd version of vga -> ascii .. it only does half .. -- 01/09/99 10:29a 111,278,172 Star Trek - Insurrection[1of2].rm hahaahahahah sinned81: haha can we say... DELETE. :) can we say .. dcc to serial toon -- i have to go call soem girl, now. call some girl? You *could* Or you could go back to #ascii & have a BLAAAAAAST uh...hmm. let me think about it. (:) hAji\\ has quit irc (irc.N for mIRC) -- go call your little kristen friend. i'm sure she gives good head. KRISTIN, GET IT RIGHT, BASTARD. oh, whatever little slut girl She's not a slut, hobag. hahaha so, did you ever get any from her? My finger got some. If yah know what I mean. *wink* (:) sinned81 is not impressed -- holy shit ABC is using Korn's "Got The Life" for it's football theme music -- i'm so racist. i bought a CD for $1 today only because the band was called The Japs i havn't even heard the cd yet its probably shit with song names like "She's got a fund", "Hurly curly Girl" and "Let's Dance Around".. i'm sure its shit .mp3 it. -- teskos is the BIGGEST dicksuck to Disco i have EVER seen! oh my god it sickens me. why would astro kiss discos ass? He might be doing it inadverantly, seeing as disco does have quite a huge ass. -- you ever tried to type with wax on your fingers? its weird. zstar`81: Dude, keep that shit on your legs.. it'll fuck up the keyboard. --