¦ ________\__________| ._____ ________ _ _ \ ._ \ ._ /|____| / \ / // / ./ |/ / |/ _/_| \. \/ \. |________/_______\__| \_/____|_________| _|____| | ____(_| ________ ______| _______ ______ _____ ______. _ _ ___\_ | \ / ____\ |___\_ /_____.\ /__\_ \\ | \ \\ \ \ | \/ \.\ / | _/ /. |/ \ _/ | | /________|_________|__________| \_____|___|\______/__\_____|_____| | |____| ¦ | : : . ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] #56 [:=========================================:] 07 sep 1999 [:======= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - editorial demonews party on! back weekly interview - back demo - intro - back music - quote - commercial break homepages articles Euskal 7 results - Evoke 99 results - Compusphere invite preliminary results - end subscribers 276 - ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] editorial [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Poof, this was hard work to type in that interview. I dunno what else to say, so wish you all a merry good xmas and cya all later! [ed: yeah i know we are in september] ps ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] demonews [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - For all zden fans out there and i know there are many, singularity was released and got a 4th/5th place at fiasko99 democompo. Featuring music from distance. Watch real demo art at: http://message.sk/zden/files/singular.zip ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] party on! [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================ Aug 06 - Aug 08, 1999 Finland Assembly '99 http://www.assembly.org Aug 08 1999 Romania Reunion '99 Aug 20 - Aug 22, 1999 Hungary AntIQ'99 http://antiq.scene-hu.com Aug 20 - Aug 22, 1999 Germany Evoke '99 http://kaoz.org/evoke/99/ Aug 21 - Aug 22, 1999 Czech Rep Fiasko '99 http://vyhen.site.cz/fiasko99/ Aug 21 - Aug 24, 1999 France Slach 2 http://www.mygale.org/~myke666 Aug 27 - Aug 29, 1999 France LTP 3 http://ltp.planet-d.net Sep 03 - Sep 05, 1999 Poland Gravity#4 http://www.anadune.optimus.wroc.pl/gravity Sep 03 - Sep 05, 1999 France RTS Party 2000-1 http://RTS-PartY.imag.fr Sep 03 - Sep 05, 1999 Holland Bizzare '99 http://bizzare.nl Sep 05 - Sep 07, 1999 Sweden The Demoparty '99 http://www.demoparty.com =========! present time !====================================================== Sep 16 - Sep 18, 1999 Hungary Rage-Scenest '99 http://scenest.scene-hu.com Sep 30 - Oct 03, 1999 Norway Distance '99 http://www.neutralzone.org/distance/ Sep ?? - Sep ??, 1999 France Central party '99 http://www.chez.com/centralparty/ Oct 01 - Oct 03, 1999 Germany Dialogos '99 http://www.dialogos.cc Oct 09 - Oct 11, 1999 Spain Arroutada Party 7 http://www.arroutada.ddns.org/ Nov 04 - Nov 07, 1999 Sweden Dreamhack '99 http://www.dreamhack.org Nov 05 - Nov 07, 1999 Hungary Conference 3000 Nov ?? - Nov ??, 1999 Germany Cologne Conf. '99 http://www.academicus.de/cc98 ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 YugoslaviaScene Strike 4 May 26 - May 28, 2000 Germany Radwar Party 2000 http://www.radwar.com ??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 USA Bang! 2000 www.scene.org/bang!/ ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] weekly [:============================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - This week! I have been mostly eating... keyboards =====! interview !============================================================= LTP3 Afterparty 4 (done in real life at 2:07am 2nd september) <|ps|> So i'm here interviewing 2 of the survivors of ltp3 leto and fred of calodox live at their parisien squat. Who the hell are you? I'm a gfxian coming from Switzerland. Age is not important, people may know me from PAiN diskmag (i was main editor) But i think that i'm more known from Calodox, a group: co-founded with Leto. And who is leto? ... I'm a coder, coming from Switzerland too, as old as fred... Because i don't know what to say here ps is gonna ask the next question.. <|ps|> PAiN, what happened with PAiN, why did you leave the main editor place? oh... i though it was a calodox interview :) I left PAiN because i hadn't enough time going on with it. But PAiN isn't dead you know, i even heard that it'll have some changes... But well, let's change subject, and don't try to get some useless scoop :)) [btw: demojournal readers should see ps dancing and singing in front of his beer and MTV... I think we are what we call "lucky sceners" :))] [editor: hei! i had already 3 beers, i can do whatever i please :D Even sing and dance to disco... "bring it back... sing it back..."] <|ps|> hehe, how did you guys started into this computer crap in the first place? [argl.. no more beers] humm... I always liked technical stuff.. and when i met fred, i had a little code knowledge and wanted to do something like a game.. But he proposed me to make a demo for Buenzli 5, a swiss party. Calodox was born. Yeah it's always the same.. you see your first demo, want to make the same kind of things, and meet another motivated person and a group is born. <|ps|> humm, since we are still on the hangover from ltp3, what did you think of the party comparing to others you have been to.. it's easy toa nswer, the ltp3 is really the best party i attended so far. the atmosphere was amazing, the people really cool and the compos of high level. What does a scener want more? Maybe no gamers? There weren't any! [editor: hehe, there was this one guy.. he was playing quake while the democompo was beeing held, yes shouted on the mic: "hei you! not interested on the demo? you rather play quake?" and pointed a big spotlight at him.. everyone booed and threw papers at him! "LAMER!!!"] LTP3 kicked the assembly99 this summer :) And the fact that 4 days after the party we are still here in Paris doing afters... Improves the perfectness of the LTP3 (hint for LTP4, if you can stay at the end of the party for the official "afterparty" do it!!! It's just amazing!] [editor: bahahah, traxfr live jam percussion with tables and macdonalds boxes. Zodiak must think all french people are crazy now.. hihihi] well, i can't compare LTP with any other party, it's just perfect! Why? I'll just add to fred's answer that the sound ambience was cool, meeting so many international sceners was great. And now idling with friends in Paris is very fun! <|ps|> It's nto idling with friends, it's idling with style with friends! (damn the beers, im misspelling some words) [editor: fixed on the typing into computer :)] Anyways, you got 3rd on an amazingly high quality intro compo, what do you think about that result? The intro compo was of a really cool level, i'm really happy to be on the podium after the compo, we were certain to end at the 3rd place, but we were surprised to see tpolm ranked 4th, as we were expecting them at 2nd rank, according to our own taste :) the 4 intros were cool, they all deserved to be on the podium, from 2nd to 4th, there aren't lot of points diference, would have been funny to all have the same amount of points :)), but well, chances for such a thing are as small as winning inn loto. I've been really happy to take part to this compo, even if our intro needed some more work to optimize it. As fred said, we were expecting to eb ranked 3rd and im happy about that result. <|ps|> ok, let's go back into swiss, first how come there are so little sceners on swiss and second, about calodox, who are in and what are the near future plans.. oh, switzerland has a lot of sceners, they just seem to have troubles to show up in the international scene, and why? i don't know. we were only 2 sceners from ch at the ltp3, we tried to bring more people, but well it seems useless to insist. Anyway, we are all living the scene with our own style, and if you really want to meet people you have to attend more parties possible. Members of calodox are (in no special order): fred, dake, me, rodex, krafton, workbench, timo, zpider, key-g, distance, radio24. For the enar future, we're going to attend the dialogos party in germany. I have no idea about the next production.. <|ps|> oh yeah, what happened to workbench? he disapeared! distance is on calodox? when did that happen? What is the diference between between your first productions and nowdays; i mean, how do you look at the project developing and how have you evolved yourselfs in coding and gfx... Workbench left for canada, where he is doing some studies. I think we'll see him again one day. Distance joined calodox during this summer, we like working with him, so it was normal to invite him joining the crew. You would laugh if you saw our first production, i'm happy to say we have evolved. For us, it's more in organization stuff that we see the evolution, well... my style changed with time, what is normal, no? yes, we evolved, and we go on evolving now. But i think the most important thing in the group evolution is that we are now good friends, and we know how to work together. It's very cool! About my personal evolution: i see i need to improve my english coding ;) [editor: now we go to bed couz its 3:30am and we are tired and we have stuff to do tommorow...] <|ps|> Where do you get the inspiration for your productions? Most of my ideas come when i don't expect them. I don't know if we call that inspiration, but all our productions are a kinf of melting pot of different ideas from different people. So, it's really difficult to say where inspiration comes from. From nowhere? Or better, from everywhere... <|ps|> ok, demojournal top quiz show contest: 1) what is the capital of madagascar? 2) what is your favorite color 3) what is your favorite sport 4) what was the most interesting movie/book you have ever seen/read 5) what is the matrix? 1) london... er... maybe not. Leto certainly knows it. 2) i need some blue 3) sp.. what? er... attending demoparties? 4) movie: brazil book: "cette nuit la liberte" 5) a real commercial success 1) it must be paris.. 2) orange^2 3) sailing. yep. 4) F.Herbert's Dune 5) a mathematical object <|ps|> I think it's getting cold in this square, why are we sitting here trembling with cold? because we are waiting for 20:30 to go eating with some french sceners... [for dj readers, we are now waiting for the LTP afterparty 5 after having spent a whole day with ps who keeps complaining!] <|ps|> Hei!!! I don't complain!!! What's this shit? you just did! which proves my theory to be correct! <|ps|> anyways, what are your favorite coder/gfx/musician? what an interesting question. I actually don't have any favorite coder/gfx/msx as i don't really care about who's the best or the worst. (ps is my all-in-one favorite scener :)) he has a disco-style voice and idles with style, without any japanese style!!) And don't complain!! :) My favorite gfxian is fred, because he gave me lotsa money to give this answer! Nobody else gave me money so i have no favorite coder os musician. [for a 0.5l beer you can be my favorite musician!] only 0.5? you are bought cheap! <|ps|> what about demo/intro then? can you say some of your favorites there? we like design and style, technic too, but technic without style isn't cool. So, our fav prods are demos from blasphemy, purple, halcyon, tpolm, orange, pulse, bomb. In another category we like nomad, tbl, matrix.. <|ps|> So we visited the Louvre! What did you think of Mona Lisa and the rest? It's a nice painting. I even took a picture of a japanese in front of it, with his magic japanese camera :) (and it's a 100% true calodox story) About paintings, i liked the Dutch area, they really have great artists, who know what colour and natural light means. Well, Mona Lisa was not naked, and there was too much people around it, but it was ok :) I've been really impressed by this huge museum. Wow. <|ps|> So now what about calodox plans for the future? About the group, i don't know, i think we have to make a little break before releasing new stuff... Well, we always say that after a party :) I'll myself come back to real life, after this LTP endless week, work on some secret projects, and... well... wait and see. <|ps|> You've been on the scene for a while now, tell me what is the point in beeing a scener, why can't you unplug after you have checked how it's like to be a real scener.. Being a scener is sharing his passion. you do things you really enjoy, and in cooperation with other people. Friendship is certainly the major thing i see in the scene. I'm not a scener to fight against others, the fact of being a scener gave me new cool friends all around the world, and i think that once you know that, you can't live without it. Scene is artificial but friendship is a natural human reaction, how do you stop it? Yep, demoscene means meeting people, making new friends who like the same thing as you: creating art with computers. it's just great! <|ps|> Humm, are sceners common people? Normal joes? Normal people suck! Sceners are more interesting :) What are common people? I think everybody has a passion and does everything possible to enjoy it... We are just more weird because we don't hesitate to travel a lot for a demoparty. We rule, like everyone. We just have more style :) <|ps|> What was your first party? (buenzli 5 i bet) and what were the best and worst aspects of that first demoparty experience? My first party was buenzli 4, not 5 :) I really enjoyed it, amazed to find a demoscene in Switzerland, being happy and eevrything :) I was maybe too shy to make a lot of contacts and got last rank in the gfx compo :)) that are maybe the only negative aspects of it. Buenzli 5 was my first party, where i discovered the swiss demoscene, where calodox released it's first demo... I can't remember any bad points about this party, i just forgot them <|ps|> I dunno whatelse to ask. What is your favorite beer? What is your favorite icecream flavour? What train are you catching tomorrow? My favorite beer? Do you think we are alcoholical sceners?! :) Well.. er.. remember the 1 meter beer we drunk 2 days ago? The third one from the left was my favorite beer :) As i don't eat icecream let's talk about my train tomorrow... I have to catch the TGV at about 15:48 at Paris-Gare de Lyon for Lausanne... What means we'll have to get up early this time :) Getting up early?!! Yuck... I shouldn't think about that.. So: My favorite beer is the one you can drink, with abit of foam on it ("mouse") :) I like coffee icecream but it's cold and we don't have any here. Too bad.. <|ps|> Ok, maybe it's time to wrap things up, want to say hi to any friends or pets? first of all: dake (We miss you!!!) then a big hello to LTP organizers: Yes, Chandra, Skal, Lluvia and all the others. Greets to Nomad, Skytech, tpolm (cool intro!), Haujobb (congrats! you kick ass!) and all the others (we know :) we are too tired to put everybody :) And a big thank to ps for the interview, and for having shown us during some days what "style" meant, and that ABBA wasn't dead! Disco ps! Sing is back!... :)) [editor: you guys are crazy! :) "Bring it back! Sing it back!"] <|ps|> Thank you for your time, and for the place to stay at your cool parisien squat! "Bring it back to me..." ;) [editor: wow... This was mighty hard work to type and retype since i lost 2 whole pages due to a power failure and had to retype them! Hope someone likes this interview or i'm gonna get pissed!] =====! demo !================================================================== Cod Liver Oil by Damones (party-version) Found at www.scene.org 2nd place at the Assembly'99 non-accelerated democompo System requirements: 3MB HD, Midas-soundcard, Vesa2-videocard. My guess for the "real" requirements: 32 MB RAM, a heavy Pentium. Crashes with EMM, runs fine with XMS. The demo: According to Adoks comments on the Assembly, Damones is mostly known for the Boozembly. That explains why I haven't seen any production of them before :) The Boozembly is mentioned in one of the many, sometimes funny texts that are shown in the demo. On the code-side, effects are very standard: particles in different shapes & sizes, tunnels, a polar effect, and a plasma. Nothing really special, and there are a few bugs, like too big pixels in tunnels or the polar effect that doesn't "wrap around" nicely, resulting in a ugly scar from the center to the edge of the screen. A few 3D-scenes are also present, like the greetings-part and a flight inside a torus. The colors are fine and there is enough variation to prevent boredom, but there is just nothing new or original. The pictures are THE reason why the (95% male) audience voted this demo to the second place. You guess it: girls, girls, girls. All scanned or photoshopped jpgs, as the info-file doesn't even mention a graphician. Grmbl, I don't really like that. A nice logo or two are the only other pics shown. The music: Hmm, my lack of musical knowledge strikes again... The tune is somewhere between rock and techno. It has very real-sounding percussion, but it's very repetitive, especially the first part. There is a slow part with just a lead and a very soft voice whispering "cod! liver! oil!", with the parts of the title fading in and out synced to the voice. That's the kind of nice detail that I'd like to see/hear more. No big flashes, no fat beats, keep it small. Then the drums come back slowly, and the lead from the begin-part start again. I'd like more variation, and the end is very abrupt. Still, it fits the demo. Worth the download? The effects and the music of Code Liver Oil are good enough to keep the watcher interested, but do not justify the high ranking. The main attraction are the texts and the pictures (and don't tell me that girls shown over 3/4 of the time do not influence the audience). The problem with texts is that they bore you after you've read them, so this is a one-shot demo: great when seeing it the first time, preferably on a bigscreen, but nothing to watch over and over again. Recommended for everyone with the "girls -> vote" reflex. Seven =====! intro !================================================================= Alien Sex Clone by Fudge Ever since i first seen it with sound at bam's place i wanted to write a review of this one. After that question of the week asking which one of this and hplus was better that i had felt this intro was highly discredited. The overall feeling is very stylish, the effects are all in highcolor and switch between shades of blue, purple and green. The 3d objects are very weird. Something between metaballs, spikes and metatoruses merged together... The 2d effects are equally strange and clean, the twirls and paralel planes are shaded with some sort of filters giving them colors, the textures seem surprisingly alive as the high quality music plays on. It's a very surreal intro. Another cool aspect, since it was released at tp8 intro compo and kkowboy was released at the democompo greets fly to kklasphemy and kkurple :) The 3rd of the kklones was made. It was good and people liked it. Only hplus was released too :P So people didn't noticed the 3rd clone so much. Fudge still kicks major rear. ps =====! music !================================================================= Hi, me again after the greatest show on earth - the sun eclipse. I've travelled more than 660km in less than six days on bike. But it was worth, nothing compares to it. Maybe the scene :) Sorry for any stupidities in the reviews, but I had to put them together fast. Any of the reviewed pieces isn't so good that you must have it, but when you'll have some free time, take a look on some of them. As numb As Screamager kosmic.org 1999 Screamager is one of my favourite musicians. Every track by him is in different style and all are good. This time he shows md's influence on him. His approach is more melodical, the samples are softer and the complete sound of the tune is more full. I liked this one. (2 react on one article of the hugi - imo is the music itself more important than how it's made. You don't even have a chance to know it when it's in mp3 format. So if you don't like reviews in some mag, write your own and send them to the editor - no one will be against) Still a snake Thang Kure/RNO http://www.saunalahti.fi/~flo/plutonium/ Plutonium 2 music competition place 2 1999 4channel mods dominate on first two place of the compo. I've heard both songs, but I liked this one more. This hiphop style tune starts with vocal sample and low piano. Than come quite a good drums and a bass line. The piano part is repeated (too long without variation in the part) together with the vocal sample. The tune softly breaks and the percussion almost dissapperars. Major sound is now made by the string instruments, the bass line stays. After a while, the tune returns to it's initial sound and ends. The tune sounds like written in hurry, the ideas are not much evolved and mostly piano part sounds too repetitive. Big plus are the samples, it's bad that MOD supports only 8 bit. Get this one only if you're interested in scene-young trackers. Saucers Radix www.tpolm.com/~radix After reading the interview in the dj49 I've visited his homepage and downloaded some his tunes which I didn't have. The first song is distinct with it's arabian sound, which is caused by many ethnical instruments like sitar. Dominating sound of this tune is instrument labelled bjarton which hides sampled sequence of someone playing on some oriental instr. very fast. This makes 2/3 of the tune, in the middle there is a break with strings and more emphatic drums. The tune is quite simple and short but doesn't miss anything. I also liked "True" which has been made in cooperation with scorpik, "Cascade" which is a mix of Radix's style and demomusic with a bit of ambience. For other interesting tunes check "Sunchild", "Yellow but kool" or "Yendi". Tokyo Dawn mix 2 towerx www.tdr.scene.org - #121 1999 I guess you are waiting all for this one. PS surely jumps to the ceiling and hits his head while hearing of this almost ten minutes long mix of the following 8 tdr tunes: Newborn / Deepflow On me / Mentz The Invitation / Kom'ah Inkredible Matriks / Mefis Mental Fracture / Krii Area51 / Mindblizzard ...and beyond / Twister Underwater sex ic / Falcon TowerX takes the most characteristic parts of the tracks and joins them mostly by the drum and bassline. But they don't sound exactly same, they are sometimes adapted to the running drumline, so the whole thing still sounds consistent and also mixing is more original than just copying the previous tracks. Recommend this one to all tdr/dnb/breakbeat and anything similar - lovers. Take two pills twice per day after the lunch. That's all! Nothing special, but maybe next week will be better. See you. tryhuk [editor: tdrmixes are so fucking cool, towerx grabs most of the best parts of each track and puts them on the same tune without you hardly noticing a change of beat.. I can hardly wait to see "my spirit so weak" remixed. Hope it comes out on the 3rd tdrmix] =====! quote !================================================================= "Nothing special" dlee ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] commercial break! [:=================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - =====! homepages !============================================================= Groups: 3g Design..............................http://3gdesign.cjb.net Anakata..............................http://www.anakata.art.pl Astral..............................http://astral.scene-hu.com Astroidea........................http://astroidea.scene-hu.com AtomiK..............................http://www.extra.hu/atomik Bomb..................................http://bomb.planet-d.net BlaBla..............................http://blabla.planet-d.net Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Byterapers.....................http://www.byterapers.scene.org Calodox............................http://calodox.planet-d.net Chrome..............................http://chrome.scene-hu.com Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed GODS...................................http://www.idf.net/gods Green.....................................http://green.dyns.cx Grif........................http://arrabonet.gyor.hu/~rattgrif Haujobb......................................http://haujobb.de Hellcore............................http://www.hellcore.art.pl Immortals..............................http://imrt.home.ml.org Infuse...................................http://www.infuse.org Just For Fun.........................http://www.avaric.com/jff Kilobite...............................http://kilobite.cjb.net Koma...............................http://www.hut.fi/~vrantane Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com Mandula.........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula Monar................ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/distro/monar Noice.....................................http://www.noice.org Orion..............................http://orion.arfstudios.org Quad........................................http://www.quad.nl Rage........................................http://www.rage.nu Replay.......................http://www.shine.scene.org/replay Rhyme................................http://rhyme.scene-hu.com Skytech team............................http://www.skytech.org Suspend......................http://www.optimus.wroc.pl/rappid Tesko..........................http://www.scentral.demon.co.uk The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org The Digital Artists Wired Nation.http://digitalartists.cjb.net The Lost Souls...............................http://www.tls.no TPOLM.....................................http://www.tpolm.com Trauma.................................http://sauna.net/trauma <*> T-Rex.....................................http://www.t-rex.org U3da........................http://users.cybercity.dk/~bcc5877 Universe..........................http://universe.planet-d.net Music labels: Aisth.....................................http://www.aisth.com Blacktron Music Production...........http://www.d-zign.com/bmp <*> Jecoute................................http://jecoute.cjb.net Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi MAZ's Sound homepage.............http://www.th-zwickau.de/~maz Mo'playaz..........................http://ssmedion.de/moplayaz Mono211.................................http://www.mono211.com Noise................................http://www.noisemusic.org One Touch Records......................http://otr.planet-d.net Radical Rhythms.....http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/merrelli/rr Ruff Engine................http://members.xoom.com/ruff_engine Sound Devotion................http://sugarbomb.x2o.net/soundev Theralite...........................http://theralite.avalon.hr Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org UltraBeat.........................http://www.innerverse.com/ub People: Carlos..............................http://www.nexus.hu/carlos Dave.............................http://www.come.to/davecorner DaVinci.................................http://davinci.ice.org Echo................................http://www.kki.net.pl/echo Exocet........................http://www.avaric.com/jff/exocet Flan.............................http://www.error-404.com/flan Gardner................................http://www.gardner.z.pl Grabule........................http://members.xoom.com/grabule HP........................................http://hp.pardey.org Jimsendu............................http://home.sol.no/ojakobs Jupiter....................http://members.xoom.com/JupiterCode Leviathan....................http://www.ews.uiuc.edu/~ajcarlso Los........................http://www.angelfire.com/in/miku305 Mephisto.............................http://www.chez.com/shiva Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico Nogsf..............................http://www.saers.com/~nogsf Pow.................................http://home.sol.no/~tskara <*> Rents................................http://newdigital.tsx.org Rez.................................http://reeeeez.citeweb.net Rod.................................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~rod Scorpik............................http://scorpik.planet-d.net Shodan...............................http://shodan.skytech.org Skal..................................http://skal.planet-d.net Spell.........................http://www.ThePentagon.com/Spell Splif..............................http://splif.aegis-corp.org Tehdas...................................http://come.to/tehdas TheREW..............................http://home.wxs.nl/~therew Traven..............................http://traven.planet-d.net TS................................http://www2.hawaii.edu/~myee Tuo.....................................http://tuo.skytech.org Vivid..................................http://vivid.kosmic.org Wain.............http://zevs.ifi.ntnu.no/~frankwer/gfx/gfx.htm Willbe...................................http://willbe.cjb.net Others: Amnesia...............http://amnesia-dist.future.easyspace.com Arf!Studios..........................http://www.arfstudios.org Calodox demoscene education....http://calodox.planet-d.net/cde Chiptune...............................http://www.chiptune.com #coders..................................http://coderz.cjb.net Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com Demo fanclub........................http://jerware.org/fanclub Digital Undergrounds.....................http://dug.iscool.net Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2 Freax...................http://freax.scene-hu.com/mainmenu.htm GfxZone.................................http://www.gfxzone.org Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo Orange Juice.........................http://ojuice.citeweb.net PC-demos explained.....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained Pixel...................................http://pixel.scene.org Scenet.........................http://www.hackerland.de/scenet Soundstate..............http://pigforce.warande.net/soundstate TakeOver................................http://www.takeover.nl Textmode Demo Archive.................http://tmda.planet-d.net Hungarian scene page...................http://www.scene-hu.com Trebel...................................http://www.trebel.org Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm Diskmags: Amber...............................http://amber.bti.pl/di_mag Demojournal....................http://demojournal.planet-d.net Fleur................................http://fleur.scene-hu.com Heroin...................................http://www.heroin.net Hugi........................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload PAiN............................http://www.space.ch/scene/pain Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl TUHB.......................................http://www.tuhb.org Ftps: Amber.......................................ftp://amber.bti.pl Cyberbox.....................................ftp://cyberbox.de Flerp...................ftp://flerp.scene.hu Pigforce...........ftp://pigforce.warande.net Scene.org................ftp://ftp.scene.org Skynet archive.................ftp://acid2.stack.nl/pub/skynet ACiD2 Archive.............................ftp://acid2.stack.nl ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] articles [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Euskal Party 7 Final Results 23-25 July 1999. San Sebastian (Spain) ======================================= = AMIGA DEMO = ======================================= 1. New World Child / MindKind 70p. 2. Under Pressure / Darkage 35p. ======================================= = AMIGA 64kb INTRO = ======================================= 1. Crossing / Network 70p. 2. Mecanica / Software Failure 45p. 3. Shinjuku / Darkage 35p. ======================================= = AMIGA 4kb INTRO = ======================================= 1. Dust4k / Extreme 70p. 2. Aga-ta / Ozone 35p. ======================================= = PC DEMO = ======================================= 1. Myth of Orion / Anaconda 34p. 2. Webber / Wild Bits 33p. 3. Men Machine / Savage 32p. 4. Storm 1999 / Genesis 23p. 5. Fear Rice 13p. 6. Radio Activity / Pragma Studios 5p. 7. Inshalus / Null 4p. 8. Another Chance / Obtuse 0p. -. One Little Samurai/Robotechnics 0p. -. Kron / Hansa 0p. ======================================= = PC 64kb INTRO = ======================================= 1. Rare / Genesis 21p. 2. Robot Island / Savage 19p. 3. Cocain / Phymosys 19p. 4. Euskal Wars / Elerium Core 16p. 5. WWW / Cuc Makers 13p. 6. zapping / Senco 9p. 7. koloka / Jivio 8p. ======================================= = PC 4kb INTRO = ======================================= 1. Garbled / Phymosys 15p. 2. Little Bit / dSK & Savage 14p. 3. Garage / Savage 13p. 4. Outside Signal / Infinite Darkness 11p. 5. No More Donuts / Napalm & SGBCN 10p. ======================================= = GFX 2D = ======================================= 1. Ojos / Yakare^Wild Bits 24p. 2. Werdrew / Judas^Endzeit 23p. 3. Precausiooo / Lentium^Network 17p. 4. Lujuria / Phornee^Network 17p. 5. Tiepolo / Zaac^Ramses 15p. 6. Margaret / Leunam^Network 13p. 7. Iris 498 / Dvd^dSK 11p. 8. Tolkien / Caro 9p. 9. Predator / Acidbeat^dSK 6p. 10. Metal Eagle / Burner 1p. 11. Dragon / Daitron 0p. -. La Gran Conchuda / Oabermian^Cuc Makers 0p. -. 9.iff / Joshua 0p. -. Killer Pava / NewAlpha^RGB 0p. -. Meryol / Nascar 0p. ======================================= = GFX 3D = ======================================= 1. La Dama del Lago / Jes£s Pedroza 25p. 2. Castillo / DarkG^SOGA 17p. 3. Iglesia / Isidro Espinazo G¢mez 15p. 4. Cyborg / Che^Perro Muerto 14p. 5. La mat‚ porque era m¡a / Icevan^Purple's Studios 11p. 6. Bar / Trace^MCD 10p. 7. Necesito Ni¤os / Tracy 9p. 8. Walkman AIWA & Cinta FUJI / Ades^Gorospe Tim 9p. 9. La seu vella / Mamomo^SOGA 3p. 10. Dark Rituals / Atapuerca^Orbital Dreams 2p. -. Futura2ep / Hess^Sharku Team 2p. -. Taj Mahal / Shivan^Gorospe Tim 2p. 13. HyperCube / Talsit^CoD 1p. 14. Logo Euskal / Daiatron 0p. -. Last Cell / Iolo^Gargon Soft 0p. -. The Frontola / MattinADA^Beltzalde 0p. -. F-40 / Noah Azpiri 0p. -. Laboratorio / Xkywalker^Bioxphere 0p. -. Stars / Zup 0p. ======================================= = MODS 4ch. = ======================================= 1. One More Time / Estrayk^Capsule 33p. 2. Teviacometolonegro / Wonder^Savage 28p. 3. Center Me / Wally^Tlotb 21p. 4. 2001 Oldskool Odyssey / Nork^Network 13p. 5. The Edge of Beyond / Dave^Phymosys 8p. 6. Paprika / Jaco^AGAS 8p. 7. War Survivor / Smash^Savage 7p. 8. Fantastico / Chip^Software Failure 6p. 9. Intro / Hyunkel^Cuc Makers 2p. 10. Extremo / Ham^Software Failure 1p. 11. Chip Sound / Zup 0p. ======================================= = MULTICHANNEL = ======================================= 1. For a New World / Awesome^Wild Bits 47p. 2. Haunted Forest II / Wonder^Savage 42p. 3. Time Gate / Smash!^Savage 42p. 4. London South East 4 / Finn Renard^Digital Sound Proj 34p. 5. Imperium / Nork^Network 33p. 6. Iberika / Neno^Wavemasters 28p. 7. Paradise / Fx!^Purple's Studios 27p. 8. Walking in the Sky / Sml^Dsk 24p. 9. Castles on the Ground 99 / Overflow^Wavemaster 19p. 10. No Life / Fireboy^Ozone 10p. 11. Star Fight / Sonar^The DarkRising 8p. 12. Radical Tendencies / Chip^Software Failure 6p. 13. The eyes of the Wind / Maverick^Unreality Dreams 4p. 14. Distance / Jamque^dSK 3p. (Not Classified) -. Free Your Mind / AcidBeat^Dsk -. Love Till Eternity / Ades^Gorospe Tim -. Esto va de Puta Madre / Coco^Euskal Linux -. Move! / Ramon Miranda^Crome -. Destino / Aitor Gomez^Motsukora -. Energy / Reaver -. Jkn_Jazz / Jokin^Jkn&Xbi -. Zumo de Perdiz / JonSatan^Euskal Linux -. Last Hour / Don Vito^Senco -. Love / Unai Samaniego -. N2 Euskal Version / Maikel^Lleans Studios -. Corazones Triturados / Piolin^Euskal Linux -. Sea of Dreams / Baktery^3D Chanka -. Gothic Dreams / DJ Shivan^Gorospe Tim -. Voices of Sound / Xkywalker^Bioxphere -. Joes / Israel Luengo^Trainspotting Team -. Xperience / Wizard^Crome -. Xbi_1b / Xabi^Jkn&Xbi -. Tic-Tac / Zup ======================================= = HIGH QUALITY = ======================================= 1. Return of the Warrior / Evelred^Capsule 32p. 2. The Forcer of Steel / Smash^Savage 29p. 3. Inside a Dream / Awesome^Wild Bits 21p. 4. Too Late for my eyes / Deep Noise^Genesis 15p. 5. 303 Hi-Fi Power Bassdrum / Wonder^Savage 14p. 6. Weather Forecast is jazzy / Neno^Wavemasters 13p. 7. Nobody wants to hear me / Maverick^Unreality Dreams 12p. 8. Black Mistery / Fx!^Purple's Studios 5p. 9. Crazy Clipping / Aleix Torres^Movedata 5p. 10. Something is wrong / Sml^Dsk 4p. ======================================= = WILD COMPO = ======================================= 1. Futura 2300 / Isidro Espinazo Gomez 27p. 2. Break the Frontiers / Purple's Studios 26p. 3. Shake my Life / NightShift Studios 25p. 4. Meho me kayo / Drink Team & Orbital Dreams 19p. 5. Impact / Gorospe Tim 18p. 6. SOGA / DarkG^SOGA 9p. 7. Jiuman Demo / Praetorians & Genesis 8p. 8. Virus / Heyupimod 7p. 9. Choose Life / Trace^MCD 6p. 10. Trangenick / Solar Productions 6p. 11. Virtual Rockers / Unreality Dreams & Wild Bits 5p. 12. Alicante Jiuman / Alicante Zone 4p. 13. Krutrex / Belader 3p. (Not Classified) -. It's Been a Jardaisnight / Jardaisnight -. Revenge / MadGoblin -. Dark Destiny / Bioxphere -. Real Critter / Reality 3D -. Achus / Jmn & Xbi -. Java Spot / Bost & Co. -. De ultimate Jiuman Demo / Perro Muerto -. Backstreet Scener / Dejoto Arts -. Evolution / Kernel Panik ======================================= = FAST 2D = ======================================= 1. Zaac / Ramses 29p. 2. Yakare / Wild Bits 28p. 3. Dvd / Dsk! 24p. 4. Daiatron / Hard Coders 19p. 5. Participante N.609 17p. 6. Jamque^dSK 13p. 7. Talsit^CoD 12p. 8. Participante N.710 11p. 9. Participante N.844 9p. 10. Rosa / Participante N.822 3p. 11. Icevan / Purple's Studios 0p. ======================================= = FAST MUSIC = ======================================= 1. Symphony in E Minor / Smash & Wonder^Inside 29p. 2. E&E / Estrayk & Evelred^Capsule 27p. 3. Klopr va a la mi-li / Naif & Wally^Inside 20p. 4. Euskal / Chip^Software Failure 15p. 5. Msx Rules! / Fireboy^Ozone 13p. 6. Ultraway / Overflow 10p. 7. Euskal / Participante N.441 8p. 8. Euskal / Fx!^Purple's Studios 8p. 9. Yijaaa!! / Dj Shivan 4p. 10. Sml Fast / Sml^Dsk! 3p. (Not Classified) -. Los Pitufos / Participante N.440 -. Ab_Ftr / Acidbeat^dSK -. Euskal / DjKaos -. Euskal / Freddy^SOGA -. Fast EP7 / Frizhard -. Euskall / Gorka -. Maikel / Maikel^Lleans Studios -. Neno Fast Mod / Neno -. Euskal / Xkywalker textized by DC-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ______________ ___ \ / evokeï99 ______ ___ ___( _/____\___ __ /__________ ___/ /____( _/___________ _ \ ) _/ \ / // _/ /_\ ) _// .\___________\ \__________//__\________\\_______________\---------- aveïbm \ / \ / official party results- \/ Demo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Herbst ï77" Kolor 140 pts 2. "Black" Smash Designs 93 pts 3. "CopyCat" Nice Dezigns 41 pts 4. "Second Reality" Future Crew 33 pts 5. "R02" Elitegroup 15 pts 6. "604" toxic avenger (ainc.) 15 pts 64k-Intro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Precloned" Haujobb 147 pts 2. "OT Remix" Arap 83 pts 3. "monostep" kolor 59 pts 4. "Prolltro" Hans-Juergen (Prollfixers) 35 pts 4k-Intro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Natriumlampen" Reverend Red & Inquisitor 148 pts Multichannel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Voyager" Amove & Velvet 60 pts 2. "The Jovians Dance" Skyrunner 48 pts 3. "Lebe meine Welt" Kritix 44 pts 4. "Forsaken" Decibel Overload 32 pts 5. "RA" Netpoet 24 pts 6. "Full of emptiness" Eha 22 pts 7. "Radi's gone to eat" Magnetic 20 pts 8. "Dub Shock" Paniq 16 pts 9. "Summerside" Kenny Bettrey 8 pts 10. "Fronted" Mentz (Tdr) 8 pts 11. "Jet Rider" Wayfinder^KFMF^Vacuum 7 pts 12. "529" Raytrayza 7 pts 13. "Friction" Kaneda 4 pts 4Channel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Krach und Frieden" Skyrunner (Apocalypse) 62 pts 2. "Y2K" Andy (Anarchy & Nuance) 55 pts 3. "Pools of Poison - Remix" Netpoet 42 pts 4. "Beatgefrikkel" The Kool Community 38 pts 5. "Soleo!!" Decibel Overload (Guilty of Design 33 pts 6. "Fabeltjeskrant 3DfX" mA$s^Ravende Bijen Imkers 14 pts 7. "My style - my beat" Eha 14 pts 8. "Hyper Zero" Gizzo 13 pts 9. "Du schallst leise" Dud 11 pts 10. "Dirty Cats" Dipswitch (Arcade & Aeroholics) 8 pts 11. "Kochs secret wishes" DMK 1 pts 12. "Voll die Drehung" DJ Sputnik 0 pts Open Music ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Supermodel" Sierra (Destiny) 118 pts 2. "Heroic Dreams" Xtralarge 73 pts 3. "Tunnelende" Skyrunner (Apocalypse) 69 pts 4. "untitled" anonymous 45 pts 5. "Poti in the fridge" Storm 32 pts 6. "Turkish Reincarnation" Twister & Mentz (BMP/TDR) 26 pts 7. "Tomorrow" Wayfinder 25 pts 8. "Eyes of a Spy" Kaneda 19 pts 9. "Flex" Kenny Beltrey 18 pts 10. "Sequences of Pain" Morph 10 pts 11. "Rock it tonight" Cocane & Wayfinder 0 pts 12. "The Light" EOS 0 pts Wild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Das Poti und 'ne Marc" Plschmuschi (Superpornos) 81 pts 2. "The Sphere" XrascalX (Noir) 70 pts 3. "Flatwild" DCP (Smash) 35 pts 4. "S11" Seminar 28 pts 5. "Was nun?" AEG (Smash) 23 pts 6. "untitled" Orbitoz 11 pts Surprise Handdrawn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Da muss aber..." Wayfinder (KFMF) 31 pts 2. "Atomic Jizz" Decibel Overload (Guilty of Design 30 pts 3. "Local Haenger" Laizy (Fridge) 25 pts 4. "Hardcore" Junk (Black Maiden) 19 pts 5. "Kekse" Zoppo, der R„cher mit dem roten.. 15 pts 6. "keine Ahnung" Orbitoz 14 pts 7. "Cookie monster ist ein gang l God among lice & Cthulu 10 pts 8. "Kraftwerk B0NG" jar (guilty of design) 6 pts 9. "Capt'n Munchos" unknown 5 pts 10. "untitled" anonymous 3 pts 11. "du gehst mir auf den keks" anonymous 1 pts Ansi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "ja" pandur 47 pts 2. "Butter" Jey & Netpoet 32 pts 3. "der rote schniedel" zippy 30 pts 4. "Little Devil" Orbitoz (Neithernor.org) 27 pts 5. "Streets of Solitude" Kyp, Cthulu, Avenger, Scope, DV8 25 pts 6. "Evoke 99" Dipswitch 18 pts Pixeled Graphics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Mondo Fantastico" Acryl 49 pts 2. "Lick It" Dragan & Alder (Haujobb) 47 pts 3. "Lustige spring-hoodlums" Cyclone (Abyss) 42 pts 4. "Vampireïs heartache" Python 41 pts 5. "Urmel Deluxe" Ambient Move (Amable) 36 pts 6. "Raving BeeZZz" mA$s^Ravende Bijen Imkers 21 pts 7. "Die Stimmen" Noize (Kolor) 21 pts 8. "Rafting" Cp (Teklords) 21 pts 9. "Sunset" Shadow^Digital Overflow 13 pts 10. "Dog on dope" Snotrag 7 pts 11. "pilzk”pfchen" Deepblur (Anarchy) 6 pts 12. "Shere Khan" God among Lice (HRG) 3 pts 13. "General Tïka" Wayfinder (KFMF) 0 pts Raytraced Graphics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Haschdealer macht Urlaub" Nomad (Scoopex) 66 pts 2. "Full Moon" Knightshift^Digital Overflow 48 pts 3. "Amiga Rulez" Hellfire (Haujobb) 28 pts 4. "Old Rayway Station" Zokk (Deltaspace) 26 pts 5. "End of the tunnel" Snejer (Deltaspace) 22 pts 6. "Neulich Nachts" D.Fox^Digital Overflow 18 pts 7. "Komm in Bett, ich hab hort" Ultimo (Paranoia) 15 pts 8. "Artshock" Kaneda 12 pts 9. "no use for a rocket" Logix (Anarchy) 3 pts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Compusphere invite preliminary results. PC Demo: 1. Laser Tazadum 2. Superseks Replay PC Intro: 1. Peach Pepino Dallas Inf+Blocc 2. ? Extreme Command 8bpp Graphics: 1. Lunix? 2. Baloo/Replay 24bpp Graphics: 1. Baloo/Replay 4chn Music: 1. Poison/Blocc Multichannel Music: 1. Dragonfly / Starlight ? ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] end [:================================================================= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Download site#1.ftp://flerp.scene.hu/scene/DiskMag/DemoJournal Download site#2.........ftp://ftp.foxfiber.net/pub/demojournal Download site#3.ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/mags/demo_journal Download site#4.......ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/demojournal Homepage.......................http://demojournal.planet-d.net Mirror.............................http://demojournal.scene.hu Webmaster......Receptor..................<_receptor@yahoo.com> Demo-reviewer..Seven....... Intro-reviewer.D-lee........................ Music-reviewer.Tryhuk............. Subscribe......Topic: subscribe............. Unsubscribe....Topic: unsubscribe........... Editor.........Psychic Symphony.............