¦ ________\__________| ._____ ________ _ _ \ ._ \ ._ /|____| / \ / // / ./ |/ / |/ _/_| \. \/ \. |________/_______\__| \_/____|_________| _|____| | ____(_| ________ ______| _______ ______ _____ ______. _ _ ___\_ | \ / ____\ |___\_ /_____.\ /__\_ \\ | \ \\ \ \ | \/ \.\ / | _/ /. |/ \ _/ | | /________|_________|__________| \_____|___|\______/__\_____|_____| | |____| ¦ | : : . ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] #52 [:=========================================:] 19 aug 1999 [:======= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - editorial demonews party on! weekly interview - demo - intro - music - quote - bazzdmeg question - commercial break homepages articles end subscribers 265 - ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] editorial [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Hallo!!!!! So demoj is 1 year old. which is nice! we can all rejoice heavily and stuff! And if you noticed its a couple days late too! (a couple?) Seems hungarian sceners dont have computers these days! Lamers! :P So anyways, what has happened in 1 year, shitloads of stuff... Like.. er... stuff.. and er.. we got a shitty assembly this year! Ack! Who gives a shit anyway? ps ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] demonews [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - assembly sucked!!! boozembly ruled!!! ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] party on! [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================ Jul 02 - Jul 04, 1999 Hungary Jumper 2000-1 http://jumper.scene-hu.com Jul 02 - Jul 04, 1999 France VIP '99 http://popsyteam.rtel.fr/VIP/ Jul 03 - Jul 04, 1999 Russia Chaos Const. 999 http://cc999.da.ru Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 http://www.analogica.com/inscene Jul 09 - Jul 10, 1999 UK Dejavu '99 http://www.dejavu.org.uk Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Swiss Buenzli#8 http://swiss.scene.org/buenzli Jul 16 - Jul 18, 1999 Finland Plutonium 2 http://www.sci.fi/~flo/plutonium/ Jul 21 - Jul 24, 1999 Denmark Summer Enc. '99 http://summer.encounter.dk Jul 22 - Jul 24, 1999 Spain Euskal 7 http://www.euskalparty.org Aug 06 - Aug 08, 1999 Finland Assembly '99 http://www.assembly.org Aug 08 1999 Romania Reunion '99 =========! present time !====================================================== Aug 20 - Aug 22, 1999 Hungary AntIQ'99 http://antiq.scene-hu.com Aug 20 - Aug 22, 1999 Germany Evoke '99 http://kaoz.org/evoke/99/ Aug 21 - Aug 22, 1999 Czech Rep Fiasko '99 http://vyhen.site.cz/fiasko99/ Aug 21 - Aug 24, 1999 France Slach 2 http://www.mygale.org/~myke666 Aug 27 - Aug 29, 1999 France LTP 3 http://ltp.planet-d.net Aug 27 - Aug 29, 1999 Poland Gravity#4 http://www.anadune.optimus.wroc.pl/gravity Sep 03 - Sep 05, 1999 France RTS Party 2000-1 http://RTS-PartY.imag.fr Sep 03 - Sep 05, 1999 Holland Bizzare '99 http://bizzare.nl Sep 05 - Sep 07, 1999 Sweden The Demoparty '99 http://www.demoparty.com Sep 16 - Sep 18, 1999 Hungary Rage-Scenest '99 http://scenest.scene-hu.com Sep 30 - Oct 03, 1999 Norway Distance '99 http://www.neutralzone.org/distance/ Sep ?? - Sep ??, 1999 France Central party '99 http://www.chez.com/centralparty/ Oct 01 - Oct 03, 1999 Germany Dialogos '99 http://www.dialogos.cc Nov 04 - Nov 07, 1999 Sweden Dreamhack '99 http://www.dreamhack.org Nov 05 - Nov 07, 1999 Hungary Conference 3000 Nov ?? - Nov ??, 1999 Germany Cologne Conf. '99 http://www.academicus.de/cc98 ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 YugoslaviaScene Strike 4 May 26 - May 28, 2000 Germany Radwar Party 2000 http://www.radwar.com ??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 USA Bang! 2000 www.scene.org/bang!/ ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] weekly [:============================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - This week! I have been mostly eating... papaya and water with bubbles =====! interview !============================================================= Session Start: Wed Aug 04 00:36:02 1999 *** _frost_ has joined #demojournal <|ps|> hi! :) so who are you? :) <_frost_> I'm doing fine thanks. =) A little tired from work, but fine. =) and you? <|ps|> who not how! :D im between very sad and very happy though.. thx for asking :P <_frost_> erm yes, did I mention I was tired? =) hehe... <|ps|> ;) so why are you tired? where do you work? <_frost_> Well, my real name is Danny Oros, and I'm from Canada. I've been drawing on the computer for quite a while and stuff, and got interested in the scene a few years ago... I'm old, and getting fat. =) (and tired) =) I'm currently employed at Ubi Soft Entertainment (Canada), where I spend my days drawing textures, images, debugging 3D levels, etc. <|ps|> when was your first contact with computers and the artscene/demoscene <_frost_> I first started drawing on my cousin's C64 when I was about 14 or so, then on to AMSTRAD and the first Tandy computers. I really had lots of fun around 1990 when I got my first VGA card... I learned about the scene in 1994, a year after Second Reality's release... watching older demos from FC, Sonic PC, Renaissance and stuff. From that day I realized that I wasn't the only freak pixeling in the world and that there were people having fun and competing doing it too. I later found that the scene held many many great people who are real fun to talk and share with. <|ps|> so you've been around for quite some time. tell us how have things changed from those times to nowdays.. <_frost_> Well, I suppose I haven't been around as long as I would have wished. I really got in touch with the real international sceners in 1996, which is very late. So it's rather hard for me to tell a tale of something I wasn't too close to at that time. I just had a few demos on my hard-drive I got off some people I knew who had some BBS accounts at some odd places. =) <|ps|> so what can you tell us about 96 then? :) <_frost_> Being a North American isn't really cool for that... being so far away from the mainstream demo makers. 1996... I recall working for a startup web company as computer programmer in C under Linux & UNIX... urgh. Bad memories. =) And pixeling some stuff... competing in the last "real" North American demo party, NAID'96, where I lost to ANSI artists, hehe, gotta love public voting. =) <|ps|> how did you manage to tag along then? er, how did your pics get in the same compo as the ansi pics? <_frost_> Some local sceners here in Montreal were talking with people on this thing called IRC, which I knew nothing about. They kindly introduced me to the addictive disease that it is today. I first hung around #trax, then #coders, and eventually i learned about #pixel (6 months later!) =). The gfx compo was won by ANSI artists strutting their stuff with photoshop (something I had never seen in my life) in 24 bit, auto-antialiasing, etc... which kind of pissed me off cause I had spent 27+ hours on a hi-res pixeled pic with a buggy pixeling program called PICTOR (from GRASP), which I later continued with DPII. But now I can say I can kick their asses my eyes closed, so, I don't make a fuss over that anymore. (my pic sucked the bag btw.=)) <|ps|> so, how was your carrer scene-wise? what happened after 96? <_frost_> Well locally, I started off in a group called USED, then moved on to do stuff with Satire, then the almighty 'Da Cheez Brigade' wanted me in, so I joined without resistance. =) (they have all been inactive since pretty much) =) <|ps|> so what after the adventures with dcb on naid96? :) <_frost_> In 1996, I learned how to use 3DS4 and learned about 3D altogether, and the whole technical shebang behind all that stuff. Learned photoshop. Made a few demos for game companies like Epic Megagames, 3D Realms, etc... none of which came through for me, until Ubi Soft opened shop in Montreal, which made me a very happy man. =) I've been there since April 1998. <|ps|> uh, what games where you involved with? <_frost_> Well, after winning pretty much anything they competed in North America, DCB went off the active list, as members went to study and work, which is still the case today. DCB is not officially down, but, not the most active at the moment. At Ubi Soft, well, I've worked on Tonic Trouble (both the PC and N64 version), also did some 2D help work for a few other games like Monaco Grand Prix for PlayStation (also acted as a technical director for the artists who worked on it in China), and a few other odd things here and there. For Tonic Trouble, I had converted original hi-res 24bpp textures into 16-color shared-palette 64x64 textures (from 16 million colors to 16, erm.=) ... I spent over 4 months doing that day in and day out for over 800 textures. But I loved it. =) <|ps|> what about scene-wise, are you still trying to be active or given up into work? <_frost_> Well, I joined ACME early in 1998 I believe it was, and now they have also gone inactive. I'm still drawing some things on the side, mostly for personal purposes. I never compete in GFX compos anywhere, cause basically I can't attend the Parties, which is a really big drag. =( I sometimes wonder if I'm not TOO occupied with work to be active at all. =) <|ps|> do you have a 8hour/day work in the office? or do you do things at your own pace? <_frost_> I have an 8-hour a day job, and I spend an additional 2 and a half hours travelling to and back from it. I definitely don't work at my own pace. There are deadlines, and such to meet. <|ps|> sounds like hard work to me <_frost_> ******* btw, I started pixeling some 12 years ago.. well, it's a job, and it's definitely not as fun as drawing whatever you feel like drawing for the scene and competing with friends and getting prizes. =) hehe, but I still love it. As it turns out, I've never been active in the scene per se, but I have made so many great friends that I just can't leave and not come back, too many people I care about and love talking and sharing with. <|ps|> ok, what was your first party? :) <_frost_> Naid96 was my first and last party. =) (I'm not even going to count COMA'99 as a demo party) <|ps|> hehe, so what are the best and worst memories of naid? :) <_frost_> But demos I have done work for are Explosive/SATIRE who got 2nd at CRASH'97 (the party that crashed), and Splendid/EXCUSED who got 14th at ASM97. Of course I did not attend these. I have no awesome memory from NAID, as I basically didn't sleep for over 60 hours straight. =) I think my brain just stopped responding at that time. =) <|ps|> hehe :) so, are you ready for demojournal's top quizshow contest? :) <_frost_> Erm... is there stuff to win? =)) If not, screw it. =) (joke) Go ahead. =) <|ps|> 1. whats your favorite color? <_frost_> I would have to say Green.. relaxed, dark, and nicely but not oversaturated green. =) <|ps|> 2. what is the capital of madagascar? <_frost_> Helsinki? =) <|ps|> 3. if you could only take 3 things to a deserted island what would you take? <_frost_> A blonde, a brunette, and of course a red-head. =)) (and if there were any extra space, lots of beer) <|ps|> 4. what is the biggest reptile on earth? <_frost_> Either Godzilla or Bill Clinton. =) <|ps|> 5. coke or pepsi? <_frost_> None of the above. (beer) =) <|ps|> whats your favorite demo? <_frost_> Hmm, good one. I have strange tastes in demos... but I definitely like the older demos like Panic/FC, Stuff/(xtacy?), Dope/Complex... but I must also mention Mensverk/Tpolm, which really amused me. Hmm, most Bomb demos, and of course anything NOOON made... etc. I just like things made for the fun of it... I can almost feel it when I watch them. =) <|ps|> do you still take the time to get some occasional stuff from the net or not really anymore? <_frost_> Well, since I have a P2 and running Win98 with a SB-Live, I don't do as many demo leeching, cause 60% of them just won't work, either no sound, no support for some low-res hicolor video mode, memory problems, etc. Anything made with Turbo-Pascal doesn't work, so scratch a few good ones there. I mainly download windows demos now, the few that come out that is, like Nomad's stuff, Bomb's, etc. I'm going to build myself a demo machine soon, with some 486 with GUS, running DOS 5.0 =)) <|ps|> bahahaha, ever tried getting scitech doctor and starting under dos? :P <_frost_> well, I quit using display doctor some 2 years ago... I never like VESA, but anyways, I also heard my specific card is not supported by sci-tech so... =( <|ps|> tough luck.. :/ <_frost_> yes =)) but I'm used to that. =) <|ps|> what are your favorite coder/tracker/gfxians? <_frost_> favorite coders would have to be Unreal, Statix and Camel. trackers, hmm, that's tough since I don't listen to tracked trax anymore, but Vic, Scorpik, Radix, Carebear among the best in my oppinion. gfxers, Made, Danny, Niko (who also works at ubi!=), RA (who HAS worked at Ubi=)), and so many many more... too many good people and great friends here... =) oh, TMK of course... and Haplo, and Zeb, and Acryl, and... =)) <|ps|> let us talk pixel techniques! <_frost_> Hmm, ok. =) <|ps|> how do you jump from beeing a pixeler to mastering it <_frost_> Mastering a pixel is only a mouse click away. =) But seriously, I would say that being a "master of the pixel" is purely a technical issue, where you can draw or reproduce any image using pixels efficiently, using a limited color set and resolution. Someone who fully understands and masters such things as antialiasing, dithering, color selection, etc. I don't consider myself as having mastered pixeling, even though I have over 11 years or so "experience". I don't think too many people have either. <|ps|> well.. you can do it once and it looks crap.. you try again and it still looks crap.. how do you learn the proper technics? <_frost_> A pixeler is just someone who uses these techniques to project their visions, ideas, etc. <|ps|> dont get technical on me! talk technical! :P <_frost_> You can only learn by looking at others work, and figuring out WHY he did it like that and WHY it looks good that way and not your experimental way. =) It's a long study, when and when not to use dithering, reduce and augment antialising... etc... I'm still learning. =) <|ps|> humm.. i see :) <_frost_> The same for color selection, and less technical things such as image design, shapes, contrast, shading. Basically, there's only one way to the recipe in my oppinion, and you can improvise along the way. <|ps|> so what are the best tools for 8bit and 24bit these days? <_frost_> Well, I don't know about that many tools, but tools we use at work for palette stuff (well, since I'm the only one doing that kind of stuff in Canada) I use GFX2 (yeah!) and photoshop for smaller and quick touch-ups. Anything in RGB 16/24 is photoshop for me. I'd like to get to work with Painter, but, it's too artsy for me I think, I'm too used to the confines of the pixel and their manipulation. <|ps|> ok, i think this is it.. :) you have an homepage and email? :) <_frost_> I have a homepage in the works at http://www.dsuper.net/~frost, and an email addy at frost@dsuper.net or megafrost@hotmail.com. =)) Well, now that the torture is over for you, guess you can go to bed =))))) <|ps|> wanna say hi to anyone (any pet? :P) before i chop yor head?:) <_frost_> and sorry for being such a lame-ass person =) oh yes!! I'd like to send my love and greets to Wojtek (Unreal), Adam (Scorpik), Carlos (Made), Chris (Dr.Yes), and Lluvia of course!=), Danny (Danny/Tbl), Jakob (Radix), Tommy!=) (TMK), and the rest of the people that I talk to ever so often, especially the ones I have met during my stay in Paris! Cheers people! (hope to have not forgotten anyone here! I'm sure I did!!!) <|ps|> you have a pet? <_frost_> My computer is my pet. =) <|ps|> whats her name? :P <_frost_> Actually, it's just got this lame name: frost. =) maybe I should write something about endorsing Wacom in there... =))) <|ps|> :) is wacom better or worse then using a rodent? :) <_frost_> depends what you use it for. hehe =) <|ps|> for pixelling :D <_frost_> My Wacom tablet does wonders for scrubbing my clothes.. =) erm, pixeling is for mice. =) hehe <|ps|> :P <_frost_> pixeling: gfx2+mouse 24bit_artwork: photoshop+tablet that's how it is for me. =) <|ps|> thank you for that helpfull hint the fact that wacom doesnt work on gfx2 doesnt mean anything does it? :P <_frost_> you don't have the same kind of pin-point precision with the pen, but you have better curves. pixeling being more tedious precise work requires a mouse. drawing freehand requires a good curve tool that is more like a pen... which it is. guess not. =)) <|ps|> ;) ok.. thank you for your time! got any last words of wisdom for us mear mortals? :) <_frost_> np. =) Wisdom is not in the hands of those who think they have it. <|ps|> :P Session Close: Wed Aug 04 02:24:51 1999 =====! demo !================================================================== Magma/Mentasm Winner of Saturne 96 Ola. so, after some hours of demowatching, (ps and me) i showed him one of my favourites in 1996. they showed up 3d's like you today see in demos like shad or nomad productions. the "lame" thing that there isn't nothing new since then, just camera moving around on the scene, that's all; no interresting morphings, shadow's lights, and sometimes bilinear is missing too. the demo has some traditional effects like whirpool a la doomsday, just not that colorfull. the overall quality of the demo is really good, that's why i liked it those days... btw, where are the mentasm guys today? or they have just one demo and ended up carreer? dlee [editor: HAHA! mentasm organize volcanic! :) research rules! :P] =====! intro !================================================================= gamma/mfx 3rd place at Abduction 97 Those days and before MFX never could won. this one placed only 3rd too, but think it's still one of the best raytracing intros. well in 256 color, but who cares. there is a scene when 32 (!) lights are shown if i remember correctly. and the whole system is shadowed, the metaballs too. the music is just the usual hardcore. that time dnb like things weren't flooded us. mfx/(mewlers) still rock, and they are the last "big" groups left from Finland. dlee =====! music !================================================================= "On me" by Hunz Ack, hungarians are all techno and mp3 junkies! no good music this week so i review the on me series beeing remixed all the time. good vocals from hunz, originally for the "80s decade" or something like that music disk went a soft dosk-pop version of the song. Some time later wayfinder remixed it into an underworld feeling song, quite catchy and er.. "groovy". And now as a tdr release we get another remix, this time by paniq, not a heavy dnb remix like we would be lead to believe but a rather "fun and stupid summer mix" so we now have 3 "on me" 's. When is the musicdisk coming out? ;) ps =====! quote !================================================================= "ffffffffooooooooodddddddddddaaaaaaaa-ssssseeeeeee" ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] commercial break! [:=================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - =====! homepages !============================================================= 3g Design..............................http://3gdesign.cjb.net Aisth.....................................http://www.aisth.com Amber diskmag.......................http://amber.bti.pl/di_mag Amnesia...............http://amnesia-dist.future.easyspace.com Anakata..............................http://www.anakata.art.pl Arf!Studios..........................http://www.arfstudios.org Astral..............................http://astral.scene-hu.com Astroidea........................http://astroidea.scene-hu.com AtomiK..............................http://www.extra.hu/atomik Bomb..................................http://bomb.planet-d.net BlaBla..............................http://blabla.planet-d.net Blacktron Music Production...........http://www.d-zign.com/bmp Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Byterapers.....................http://www.byterapers.scene.org Carlos..............................http://www.nexus.hu/carlos Calodox............................http://calodox.planet-d.net Calodox demoscene education....http://calodox.planet-d.net/cde Chiptune...............................http://www.chiptune.com Chrome..............................http://chrome.scene-hu.com #coders..................................http://coderz.cjb.net Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com Dave.............................http://www.come.to/davecorner DaVinci.................................http://davinci.ice.org Digital Undergrounds.....................http://dug.iscool.net Demo fanclub........................http://jerware.org/fanclub Demojournal....................http://demojournal.planet-d.net Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2 Echo................................http://www.kki.net.pl/echo Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed Exocet........................http://www.avaric.com/jff/exocet Flan.............................http://www.error-404.com/flan Fleur diskmag........................http://fleur.scene-hu.com Freax...................http://freax.scene-hu.com/mainmenu.htm Gardner................................http://www.gardner.z.pl GfxZone.................................http://www.gfxzone.org GODS...................................http://www.idf.net/gods Grabule........................http://members.xoom.com/grabule Green.....................................http://green.dyns.cx Grif........................http://arrabonet.gyor.hu/~rattgrif <*> Haujobb......................................http://haujobb.de Hellcore............................http://www.hellcore.art.pl Heroin...................................http://www.heroin.net HP........................................http://hp.pardey.org Hugi diskmag................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo Immortals..............................http://imrt.home.ml.org Infuse...................................http://www.infuse.org Jimsendu............................http://home.sol.no/ojakobs Jupiter....................http://members.xoom.com/JupiterCode Just For Fun.........................http://www.avaric.com/jff Kilobite...............................http://kilobite.cjb.net Koma...............................http://www.hut.fi/~vrantane Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com Leviathan....................http://www.ews.uiuc.edu/~ajcarlso Los........................http://www.angelfire.com/in/miku305 Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi MAZ's Sound homepage.............http://www.th-zwickau.de/~maz Mandula.........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula Melcom.....................http://www.center-nebula.com/melcom Melcom (mirror)......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net Mephisto.............................http://www.chez.com/shiva Mono211.................................http://www.mono211.com Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico Noise................................http://www.noisemusic.org Nogsf..............................http://www.saers.com/~nogsf Oranje Juice.........................http://ojuice.citeweb.net Pain............................http://www.space.ch/scene/pain PC-demos explained.....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained Pixel...................................http://pixel.scene.org Pixel (mirror)..........................http://fsk.home.ml.org Pow.................................http://home.sol.no/~tskara Quad........................................http://www.quad.nl Radical Rhythms.....http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/merrelli/rr Rage........................................http://www.rage.nu Replay.......................http://www.shine.scene.org/replay Rez.................................http://reeeeez.citeweb.net Rhyme................................http://rhyme.scene-hu.com Rod.................................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~rod Ruff Engine................http://members.xoom.com/ruff_engine Scenet.........................http://www.hackerland.de/scenet Scorpik............................http://scorpik.planet-d.net Shodan...............................http://shodan.skytech.org Skal..................................http://skal.planet-d.net Skytech team............................http://www.skytech.org <*> Sound Devotion................http://sugarbomb.x2o.net/soundev Spell.........................http://www.ThePentagon.com/Spell Splif..............................http://splif.aegis-corp.org Suspend......................http://www.optimus.wroc.pl/rappid TakeOver................................http://www.takeover.nl Tehdas...................................http://come.to/tehdas Tesko..........................http://www.scentral.demon.co.uk The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org The Digital Artists Wired Nation.http://digitalartists.cjb.net Theralite...........................http://theralite.avalon.hr TheREW..............................http://home.wxs.nl/~therew The Lost Souls...............................http://www.tls.no Textmode Demo Archive.................http://tmda.planet-d.net Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl TPOLM.....................................http://www.tpolm.com Trajic (Hungarian scene)...............http://www.scene-hu.com Trauma.................................http://sauna.net/trauma Traven..............................http://traven.planet-d.net Trebel...................................http://www.trebel.org T-Rex..................................http://www.t-rex.org.ru TS................................http://www2.hawaii.edu/~myee TUHB.......................................http://www.tuhb.org Tuo.....................................http://tuo.skytech.org U3da........................http://users.cybercity.dk/~bcc5877 UltraBeat.........................http://www.innerverse.com/ub Universe..........................http://universe.planet-d.net Vivid.........................http://www.klangstabil.com/vivid Wain.............http://zevs.ifi.ntnu.no/~frankwer/gfx/gfx.htm Willbe...................................http://willbe.cjb.net Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amber.......................................ftp://amber.bti.pl Cyberbox.....................................ftp://cyberbox.de Flerp...................ftp://flerp.scene.hu Pigforce...................ftp://pigforce.ml.org Scene.org................ftp://ftp.scene.org Skynet archive.................ftp://acid2.stack.nl/pub/skynet ACiD2 Archive.............................ftp://acid2.stack.nl ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] articles [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Ramblings on what happened in 1 year of demojournal 1. What happened to the scene in general.. the coders started going to hicolor hires windows and linux coding. (well linux only mostly in france but...) the graphicians got extinct since the few that exist are good but are also busy like hell. visualize made a cool comeback. we bow to his feet heavily and stuff.. :D musicians go around like hell.. they tend to go more for mp3 stuff which is not bad if they can track it, save it to wav and convert, not bad for demoscene that is.. the typical demoscene style music seems to be going away, psychedelic trance, trip hop, drum and bass, dub and other "new-age" sounds seem to be picking up. 2. What is happening in european scene countries.. portugal- groups: dawn3 parties: none spain- groups: network, incognita, phymosys.. parties: euskal france- groups: nomad, bomb, skytech, blabla, cocoon, syndrome, gods parties: volcanic, ltp.. uk- groups: tesko.. parties: dejavu.. benelux states- groups: ex-quad, ex-acme, green, fuel.. parties: ambience, bizzare, takeover.. germany- groups: smash designs, suburban, matrix, haujobb, elite group (We are very good.) parties: mekka symposium, evoke, dialogos.. italy- groups: ramjam, spinning kids, japotek.. parties: trip switzerland- groups: calodox parties: buenzli hungary- groups: exceed, astroidea, mandula, dilemma, chrome.. parties: antiq, scenest-rage slovekia- groups: zden & friends, mist (voomie,samael & friends) parties: demobit.. israel- groups: immortals, wij, civax & friends.. parties: movement.. poland- groups: ex-pulse, ex-mortis, fuse, procreation, omnicolor, hellcore.. parties: gravity, rush hours.. denmark- groups: blasphemy, purple, alien prophets, prone, fudge.. parties: summer encounter, the party norway- groups: inf, sublogic, nocturnal, tls.. parties: bush party, the gathering.. sweden- groups: replay, cryonics, woorlic, blocc.. parties: compushere, remedy.. finland- groups: ex-dsd, ex-orange, kooma, mfx/mewlers, halcyon, recreation, trauma, re-future kr3w parties: commercial assembly, elevator, plutonium.. russia- groups: universe.. parties: chaos conference.. 3. The ultimate guide to good productions on the last year -Demos: Hyperventilation/Byterapers Dis/Mandula Plastik/Purple RipRap/Exceed 73ms/Pulse Tao/zden+loonie Yume2/Inf Kkowboy/Blasphemy+Purple State of mind/Bomb Dose/mfx iii/TLS Inthemix/Replay Moral hard candy/Blasphemy R series/elitegroup (We are very good.) -Intros: hplus/halcyon alien sex clone/fudge bring it back/calodox catch22/replay clinique/replay bakkslide7/hellcore+omnicolor viagra/mewlers ro-bott/kooma kvp/kooma gcube/matrix dusk/suburban rubicon/suburban the winner intro from ltp3/haujobb (we dont have a name yet) -Diskmags: fleur#2, fleur#3 hugi#12 ... #15 shine#3 amber#1 total disaster #black ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] end [:================================================================= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Download site#1.ftp://flerp.scene.hu/scene/DiskMag/DemoJournal Download site#2.........ftp://ftp.foxfiber.net/pub/demojournal Download site#3.ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/mags/demo_journal Download site#4.......ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/demojournal Homepage.......................http://demojournal.planet-d.net Mirror.............................http://demojournal.scene.hu Webmaster......Receptor..................<_receptor@yahoo.com> Demo-reviewer..Seven....... Intro-reviewer.D-lee........................ Music-reviewer.Tryhuk............. Subscribe......Topic: subscribe............. Unsubscribe....Topic: unsubscribe........... Editor.........Psychic Symphony.............