% Black Maiden's Crescent % I. Crescent files CRESCENT.EXE 87.803 Crescent executable file CSC001.DAT 734.065 Data file CSC-CW.ANS 4.899 Puzzle ANSI file VOTE.NOW 3.336 Additional voting sheet README.TXT 1.355 This file FILE_ID.DIZ 753 Description (Please make sure the files have the correct size) II. Usage The magazine is entirely controllable with the cursor keys, Return and Escape. (I guess you all know this anyway :p) III. Secrets There are lots of secrets to discover. (Hidden pictures, texts, messages, and some more...) IV. Last notes This mag was coded in a hassle (no kidding). We (CoKe and VOiCE) did our best to get everything to work in the short time we had. I know some parts of this are not "state of the art" coding, but I guess Crescent 2 will be alot better. The reason for this is that ALL routines have been hand coded by myself. (I hate all those cheap ass LIB files that do the job for you.) If you find any bugs or have any suggestions to make, e-mail me at triny.wiscour@ci.educ.lu and all flames to billgates@microsoft.com :). CoKe and VOiCE [01:44am 23-08-1996]