welcome to the first ever classic magazine awards.. the 'classies! here is tonight's host, long time member of the scene, founder and editor of classic magazine, member of 7ynivf and acid productions.. mr. sohdee uhm. "hi folks. and welcome to the first classic awards cermony. this isnt oscars so im not going to tell any lame jokes.. lets get started...!" category one.. "the school bomb threatner" award.. for best idle threat. ..the winner is... sUlphUr! ----- [sUlphUr:sulphur@main16.main.com] fuck you bitch, you dont know who you are fucking with [sUlphUr:sulphur@main16.main.com] your ISP and your computer life just died. ----- "actually ive kinda gotten along with sulphur now but i just had to post that." category two.. "the arabian terrorist bomb threatner" award.. for best real threat. ..the winner is... point blank! ----- [MrSnowman:Sphive@viking.cris.com] ahah, point blank tells me he is going to kick your ass ----- "point blank is pissed at me because i told him to shut the fuck up over the phone or something.. some stupid reason. he tries anything and i'm putting his fourteen year old ass on the ground." category three.. "the bitchin bandwagon" award.. for best reason to join a group. ..the winner is... bedlam! ----- arm: only way to get chicks is to join mOp. ----- "the truth is, mop is actually an underground whore house. you can find as more porn on #mop than #sexpics. category four.. "the biggest fucking dupe" award.. for must the most gulliable. ..the winner is... all of #ansi! "i recently posed as suicidal snowman/lordjazz and said i rejoined acid.." ----- i am back and i took over #ACID <_9l> s5: jew back in acid? s5! <_9l> oh.. hehe tguardians. what community is that...? *** Mode change "+o pHLOMe" on channel #ansi by seige *** Sabby (al@ts13-08.ott.iSTAR.ca) has joined channel #ansi or is it lord jazzz now? stupid question: what is the best ansi drawing program avail? cyber; PALO VERDE lordjazz is back in acid? jesus. ----- "then came back as sodium..." ----- <_sodium> woah.. i just got off the fone with s5.. hes ld now and hes joining acid! she would've said omicron just wined dined and 69ed me :P sodium - Who? yeah. =) sodium; what made him decide to go back? sodium; eww. sodium : i'm gonna kick his ass! <_sodium> i dunno <_sodium> but the funny thing is <_sodium> the jokes on youing is <_sodium> i needed this for an article for my mag oh ha ha ha <_sodium> the gullibility of #ansi <_sodium> thank you omi. well she is singing about me when she says Swallow it Down, a jagged little pill, feel it swimming in yer stomach.. shes talking about my jizz after she gave me a BJ. *** _sodium is now known as ld^acid *** n0sferatu (nosferatu@din0012.provide.net) has joined channel #ansi what a funny thing sodium see your welcome ----- "also. someone started a rumor that toxic merged with acid and all of the channel believed it so thats more proof for ya." category five.. "the doctor jekyll and mister hyde" award.. for biggest personality and style change. ..the winner is... lord jazz and suicidal snowman "yes i know they are the same guy jackass. but this has been the biggest change of a character i've viewed on the scene. lordjazz to technicolor to lordjazz 2 the pumpkin king to lordjazz to suicidal snowman. even his board changed many times! from huma to route666 to defective elecolyte soup to photosynthetic sht to huma. the artist himself has gone from elite style acid artist to a crazy psychopathic child molestor. but he can draw dammit. ill give him that."