::: ::::::::: :::::::::::: :::.::::. ...::: :::: ....._:::: ::: ::: ::::::: .------------------------------- ::::: ::::::::'`:::::. ::: .:::: ::: -| | ::: :::::::: ::::: ::: ::::.. .. | ______ ::::::: `::::..::::: ..::: ..:::: |_ \ /_____ _____ `::::: `:::::' ,:::::' ::::: _/-- · --// _ /_\ _/_____ -- ___ ----------------------::::::::..::::: | /_____/_____ ) /____\_ )__ __ ``ý::::::::: | /___________ _ /______\/______beam#3 votesheet `::: |_avebm /____ /____\ \/ / | |--------------------------------------- /____\__/____\ ------------------| |_ _| _/ \_ | ok, here is the votesheet for beam #3. please fill it out and spread it | | to others, so we get the most representative overview over today's | | artscene. | | | | please don't vote for yourself or for your group (you can of course | | vote for other members) and fill out just one sheet. thanks. | | | | send the filled out votesheets back to: beam.mag@gmx.net | | · . (( beam staff -,____ | | ' | `>-- top 3 ansi artists ----------------------------------------------- · -) | | | h a n d l e g r o u p | | · 1. | | · 2. | | · 3. | | | +--- top 3 ascii artists ---------------------------------------------- · -: | | | h a n d l e g r o u p | | · 1. | | · 2. | | · 3. | | _| \--- top 3 vga artists ------------------------------------------------ · \- | | | h a n d l e g r o u p | | · 1. | | · 2. | | · 3. | | ! .)-- top 3 artgroups -------------------------------------------------- u -. | | | h a n d l e g r o u p | | · 1. | | · 2. | | · 3. | |_ _| -/-- general comments, suggestions about beam ----------------------------\- | | | · | | | | | | | | | | | |_ | /------------------------------------------------------------------------'